I. Objectives A. Content Standard

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A. Content Standard:
The learner recognizes that communicative competence requires
understanding of speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative

B. Performance Standard:
The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety
of speech situations.

C. Learning Competencies:
EN11/12OC-IIab-21: Engages in a communicative situation using acceptable,
polite and meaningful communicative strategies.

D. Learning Objectives
At the end of the 60 minutes teaching-learning process, all students with 80%
efficiency will be able to:
1. Distinguish various types of communicative strategies;
2. Determine the different communicative strategies use in speech situations; and
3. Engage in a communicative situation.

II. Topic: Communicative Strategies


A. Introduction
The teacher will greet the students and ask one student to lead a prayer. The
teacher will check for attendance before presenting the lesson objectives.

B. Motivation
The teacher will present a game called “Put a Finger Down”. It is a popular
game on Tiktok which is done by putting the hands in a hold-up position. If the
students have done what is stated, they must put a finger down. It is like a way of
measuring how many things you have done in your life. Afterward, the teacher will
continue with the game and ask the students what they noticed while playing.

C. Lesson Proper
The teacher will process the activity emphasizing on the different statements
that are mentioned in the game, and gradually introducing the concepts of the
different types of communicative strategies.
The teacher will further discuss the meaning and examples of communicative
strategies through interactive discussion.

D. Developmental Activities
The teachers will ask the student what is the importance of communicative
strategies in their life.
E. Abstraction
The teacher will test the students on what they have understood on the
communicative strategies discussed.

F. Application
The teacher will give the students an activity in which they will analyze the
context of the situations. Students will also be provided guide questions by the

G. Assessment
The teacher will assess the students by identifying the communicative strategy
used in the following statements.

H. Assignment
The teacher will give the students a situation in which they will analyze.
Afterward, the students will present the output of their own choice from the activity
packages (comic strip, printed dialogue, video presentation).
The teacher will also give the rubrics for scoring the comic strip, printed
script, and video presentation.

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