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13 THREE DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY inthe theoe-alimensional space any point evans Huy] 20} 2X plane © yan Oy ZN 2 OF 8 rani HY ALN- yO} © \yeplane fy 2) 2-04 plane. 20] 0} © axphine tay }y ~ 04 Notes: * Distance between the points Pixs, yi, 24) and Q(X3, ys 29) is 1) #(2,-23) Visas Hy, © The point dividing the line joming P(x;, yi, 2;) and Q¢ +2) nm: mys emyy omy : 22.) where neo men m+n" men * The coordinates of centroid of a triangle having vertices A (x), yi. 21), BUXae Yn 22) and C (Xie NASH yet atin) 5 oP em 1, where I, m, n are the direction cosines. ¢ The unit vector along the line can be written asli + mj-+ nk ¢ If direction cosine of line AB is (1, m,n), then direction cosine of line BA will be (1, -m, n), DIRECTION RATIOS Ifa, b, © are direction rati Similarly, m= + where the same sign either positive or negative is to be chosen throughout Notes: © Direction cosines of a line are unique but direction ratios of a line in no wa # Any vector along the given direction a, b, eis ai +bj +k unique but can be infinite ee ____—_——_. TTC a AS rH | iven Points Direction Cosines of a Line joining two 9 vse vie eb aned QU Ye 27 : a The direction ratios afte fine PQ jormmny PY! 3 APES = Ay eagsay), ys yy = Basan) and a #21 e(say) Then the direction cosines ate lee : enn 4 1-H eon ee EQ: =u) Fes: i v V | Angle between two Lines + whose direetion cosines are I c Let 0 be the angle between two stranght lines AB and AC whose direct + mm; nn mony and mys respetiveysis nen by sen Mb aims 6 If direction ratios of two lines are ay, by. cy and ay. bs, cy ate gIVER, ! : 0 between two lines is given by aya +byb, Hee) r, cos 6 +b +e; Yar +b +e Particular Results em} +n})— (hh + mm, + nny * We have, sin’@ = 1 - cos’@ = (1? +m) + (ams — Lamy)? + (rng — many)? + (yl ~a3h)? => sind = + (my = 15m, )* If the given lines are perpendicular, then 0 ~ 90° i.e. cos 0-0 = Ib + mum, + nyny =O or ajay + bibs + ce = 0 * Condition of parallelism: If the given lines are parallel, then > (Tymy ~ Lm)? + (many ~ myn.) + (aly ~n, him, ~ 1m, = 0, mn; myn, = O and nyby—nshy ~ 0 = 0° ie. sin = 0 O which is true, only when hm on. b, = ta SLA. Simitarly, 2h =P may nee Projection of a Line segment ona given Line bx, 2.20) Projection of the line joining two points P(x), yy, 2,) and Poa. ys, 20) lx, Yo. 72) om another line whose direction cosines ate f, m,n is AB= Ix; x1) + m(yr~ y,) + n(2y ~ 24) Here PQ and AB need not be coplanar. ICMP -MATHEMATICS-THREE DIMENSIONAL GEOMETR' Be AREA OF A TRIANGLE in 4 I ' 1 acti # 4 \ : 2 So, area of AABC 1s given by the relation w= atea Boxe Ye 22) Clas, ys, 23) Equation of Plane in Different Forms * General equation of a plane 1s ax * by + cz + d= 0. (where a,b, ¢ gives the direction ratios of the normal to the plane), * Equation of the plane in normal form is Ix + my + nz = p where p is the length of the normal from the origin to the plane and (1, m, n) be the direction cosines of the normal * The equation to the plane passing through P(x,, yi, 2) and 1s perpendicular to the given line having direction ratios (a, b, ¢) isafx —x,) + ly ~ yi) + e224) = 0. The equation of the plane passing through three non-collinear points (x1, Yi. 2)) (Xo Yo. 2) and |(x-x) (y-y) (2-2) (099 625018 fixp =) yi) (2-2) =0 yi) (25-2) © The equation of the plane whose intercepts are a, b, c on the x, y, z axes respectively, is + a be #0). © Equation of YZ plane is x = 0, equation of the plane parallel to YZ-plane is x = d Equation of ZX plane is y = 0, equation of the plane parallel to ZX-plane ts y = d. Equation of XY plane is 2 = 0, equation of the plane parallel to XY-p © Four points namely A (X;, Yi, 21), B (X2, Y2. 22), € ( 5) and Dx lies on the plane passing through the other three point. lane is 2= 24) will be coplanar if one point Angle between the Planes Angle between the planes is defined as the angle between normals to the planes drawn from any point. Angle between the planes ax + byy + ¢,2 +d) = 0 and a:x + bay + cx2~ d= Ois MP-MATHEMATICS- THREE DIMENSIONAL GEOMETR’ c= Perpendicular Distance th byt cz+d- 01 “-;)to the plane ax : , The length of the perpendicular from the posnt POX! 31-7” Note: ie planes is the lysine dferenee of Perendcar tng : © The distance between two parallel pla ; planes from the origin Family of Planes cl so planes u~ Oand v= Oisui 2y—g Equation of the plane passing through the line of mtersection of 10 P! ector Planes of Angle between two Planes en two given planes ax + by + ¢7 +4, The equation of the planes bisecting the angles between two given P ax + by +02 + 0 ang x+by+eiz+d, X + bay x2 tds = Dis (loi tind) (al +63 + Note: * Ifthe angle between bisector plane and one of the plane is less than 45° then it is an acute angle bys, otherwise itis an obtuse angle bisector ; + Iajas + bib, + ee is negative, then the origin les in the acute angle between the ziven planes provi and d> are of same sign and if'aja; + bibs + ee» is positive, then the origin lies in the obtuse angle the given planes, et EQUATION OF STRAIGHT LINE IN DIFFERENT FORMS Symmetrical Form * Equation of straight line passing through point P (xi, yi, 21) and whose direction cosines ate Lm,» y * Equation of straight ine passing through two points P (xj. yn 24) and Q od 2) © The general coordinates of a point on a line is given by (x; + Ir, yy + mr, 2 + ne) where ris diane between point (x,, ys, 2:) and the point whose coordinates is to be written, Angle between a Line and Plane I'the equation of a plane is ax + by + cx + d = 0, then direction ratios of normal to this plane are a, b. ¢ The : x=) aah age ee then the angle between normal to the plane and straight lines al+bm + given by cos @ RR CTO) at -_ Thus angle between the plan ind the straight line is = — + Plane and straight line willbe parallel sfal + bm + en <0. © Plane and straight Line Will be perpendicular if - © _ © lomo * Theline may hein the plane fa + bm + en =O and ax to Equation of the Plane through a given Line w Ifthe equation of line is given in general for of plane passing through this line is (axt byez + dy) + Mas ax + by + e124 di=0=asx + yy + ez + dy the equation Marx + by + e32 + dh) = 0. (1m) equation of the line is given in symmetrical form as then the equation of plane a(x ~x1) + Bly — 1) + e(2 23) =0, where a, b, care given by al + bm + en = 0. Notes: The shortest distance between two lines can be given by i a-¥) Ya- My %~2; VEthm,-hmy*| | Hany straight line is given in general form then it can be transformed into symmetrical form and we can further proceed. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 1. Prove thatthe three points A @,—2,4),B (1,1) and 1, 4,~2) are collinear, Sol, The general coordinates of « point R which divides the line joining A (3, —2, 4) and B (1,1, 1) in the ratio wi: Tare (ut3 p-2 pe +4) * (I) (ueT wat’ ust TEC C1, 4, -2) lies on the line AB, then for some values of y the coordinates of the point R will be the same as those of C. Let the x-coordinate of point R ~ x-coordinate of point C Then, 223 nel 2 Putting js = ~2 in (1) the coordinates of R are (~1, 4, -2) which are also the coordinates of C. =H Hence the points A, B, C are collinear. —_— SIRES Oa ete direction cosine of (WO EONCUEFED! Hines, show 4, sn them are proportional t0 1st 1, yy ii "Mt the +m, e AFL, m,, my amd Aas mma, Ms cosine of two lines bisecting the angles benwee' OA and OB parallel to the given +, Then the coordinate of Sol, Let O be the origin. Draw concurrent lines, Cut of OA = 1 nr) respectivel A and B are (hr. myr, myn) and (Let, m : point C on BO proxluced such that OB ~ OC OB Agam take Thus the coo (hr. mr. -10) Mand N are the middle nates of C are joints of AB and CA. Then ordinates of Mand N are ar) beens } respectively. Clearly OM and ON ate the internal and external bisectors of the angle AOB. Hence the direct SHON Fath OM and ON are (ny +n) 1 he tyr, am, + min 1 1 and = (1, ~ Lr. 5 (my ~ ma)r, 1 (m, —n:)r respectively Le. the de’s of OM and ON are proportional to I; + Ip. my + ms, m+ ny and I; ~ Is, my ~ m,n ~ ny 3. Find the equation of tie plane which contains the two parallel lines x-3_yt4_z-1 atl y-2 2 3 2 1 sid 3 2 1 Sol. The equations of the two parallel lines are xt] y- z-0 a) 2 1 ” ang 33 224 2 on Q) the equation of any plane through the line (1) is a(x + 1) +hty- 2) +ez=0 () where 3a+ 2b+e=0 (4) 4, 1) lies on the plane (3), and for this we hae the line (2) will also lie on the plane (3) if the point (3, a(3 + 1) + b(-4-2) +e =O orda-6b+e=0 Solving (4) and (5), we get 2-2. BT 26 Putting the values of a, b, ¢ in (3), the required equation of the plane is 8x + y ~ 26z + 6 °. IGMP-MATHEMATICS-THREE Di i = (5) MEGACOSM = Ts) 4 & Hine with direction cosines proportional to (2, 7, -§) is drawn to Intersect the lines x-5_y-7_ 242 s ll rb eg 2 4 Find the coordinate of the points of intersection and the length intercepted on it Also find the equation of intersecting straight line. Sol. The given equations (2) any point Pon (1) i8 Bry + 5, =r +7, (ry 3,202 +3,4r5 + 6) the direction ratios of PQ are ~ 2)and any point Q on (2) is Gr) 348, = = 2t) 4 dry = dry 8) (3) Suppose the line with drs 27.5 will be proportional to the d's given by (3) Mtn +8 —4-2n +4 ii 4) Solving (4), we get y= So the point of intersection are P(2, 8, -3) and Q{0, 1, 2) and intercepted length PQ Y(2-0)' +(8-1)' +(-3-2) = re X=2_y-8_ 243 and equation of PQ is. 5S. Find the shortest distance between the lines: ‘equation of line of the shortest distance, X-3_y-8 2-3 Sol. Given lines are y+7_2-6 panty) Q) Any point on line (1) is P 3ry + 3, 8—n,,r) +3) and on line (2) is, Q(-3 31s, 2m ~ 7, dro + 6). IFPQ is line of shortest distance, then Direction ratios of PQ = (3ri + 3) = (-3 ~3r3), (8~ 1) - 2h 7) (r+ 3) (43 + 6) i.e. 3r, + 31) + 6,—1)~3ny + 15,1) — 4 —3. ‘As PQ is perpendicular to lines (1) and (2) 3(3ty + 3rp +6) — U(r ~ 2p + 15) + (ry ~ Ar ~ 3) = 0 3 Mr, +71: =0 ) and ~3(3ry + 312 + 6) + 2(-4) ~ 2rp + 15) + 4(ry ~ 4p ~ 3)= 0 Le. Tr) + 1, =0 (4) On solving equations (3) and (4), we get r; So, point P (3, 8,3) and Q(-3. -7, 6) Length of shortest distance PQ = y/{(~ Direction ratios of the shortest distance line is 2, 5,—1 3) y 6 +, Equation of the shortest distance tine : 30 ee 1 MeO at SOLVED PROBLEMS 0 ye ean ' The shortest distance between the limes 28.1 Y ; 1) J iy ay J . + «4 wy v. Sol (4). Any plane passing through first ine 2x Fy 17 ETAT 22 AO partieny, line QE QL ma Bek | Plane sy 241-0 1 Distance from (0,0,0) 4 v2 aoa mt oytt # and 2) 2 Al0) 2 The distance of point of intersection of lines 7 7 7 fm (= 4,7) (Ayo (By S24 (C26 (D) none of these Sol (C).4 4) = 1+ hy => dy 2h =-3 rn) 2 (Q) 3 diy =~ 13g 424 3d From (1) and (2), 2--10 2a=l 2 point of intersection (4 + 1, i.e. (5, ~7,6) B 3-4,-147) 3. If lines Jigs in the same plane then for equation x +¢y si ana (A) 2x; (B) sum of roots of above equation ~ - 2 (C) 2x; +2 >= (D) sum of root 15.0 Hora 2 x x B45] =0 | Sol. (B). Lines are coplanar if | = 2x1) =2 ~(x) +2) . -2 42) 2m) x Also sum of roots = 0, measured parallel to the line The distance of the point (2, ~1, 3) from the plane x ~ 2y + 32 — Zz is equal to I 2 (A) Luni (B) 3 unit ¢C) 2 unit (D) none of these MP-MATHEMATICS-THREE DIMENSIONAL GEOMETR' sol. Sol, (D), Equation of tne through (2, 1,3) and parallel to given line 1s Any point on it can be taken as (¢ 4 2, 261, 3¢ +3) Putting this m equation of plane, we get r+ 2-243 r rane. we get r+ 2 Qe 1) 4 3Gr 4 3)- 3-0 ri ladre 2699-329 : pele BOY . Required distance (3-2 + SH] (2-39 ‘\ mirror and a source of light are situated from the source along the x the plane of mirror are at the origin O and at a point on OX respectively. A ray of light “ants strikes the mirror and is reflected. Ifthe direction ratios of the normal to 1.= 1. I. the direction cosines of the reflected ray are t tA) 3 (ay 4, 3 (C)- (D) none of these (B). Direction ratios of OA = a, 0,0 > direction cosine’s of OA = 1,0,.0 Ala, 0.0) ae Direction cosines of ON = —, -—, —L EES \ / | NO4.1) 2 8 _ // (012 Let |, m, a be the direction cosines of the reflected ray OB. & m+0 1 n+0 1 Then = and z+ = — 0 2es= 3 eos? 43 ‘The equation of the line passing through the point (1, ~ 2, 3) and parallel tothe line X-y+le-S=Ixty+z-6=0is (B) <= (D) (A), (B) If 1, m,n be the direction cosines of the line, then as it lies in both the given planes it is perpendicular to their normals, SURE a TS sethe cure ny = ©, 2 = 01Feis cal fo intersects the ¢ 1 (By el ; : (D) none of these ays ve, we have z= 0. Therefor (C). For the points where the line intersects the cUry+ we have Z erefore xX-2_yel_O-1 1 x=Sandy=1 2 pput these values in xy 8 The equation of a plane through the line of intersection of 2x + 3y + 2-1 = Oand x + sya, a paral tothe oe =zis (B) Ty~ 52+ 15=0 ) 7x ~ Sy + 15 = (D) By- 32+ 13=0 (C)4x + Ty- S24 15=0 through the point of intersection ofthe given planes iy Sol. (B). The equation of the plane passin; Ox + By +2- 1) tk xt Sy-2247)=0 => x (2 +k) ty + 5k) +2 (1 ~ 2k) +(7k- 1)=0 This plane is parallel to x-axis Therefore 1 (2 + k) +0 (3-4 Sk)+ 0(1 ~ 2k) =0 k=-2 Hence the required equation is - Ty + 5z ~ 15 = 0. % The lines x = ay +b, z= ey + dand x =ayy + by 2= cy + dh are perpendicular if (A) aa; + 0¢, = 1 (B) aay + ec) (C) bby + dd = 1 (D) bby + day Sol. (B). The lines are x= ay +b, z=cy +d x ay + by; > cy +d) => the given equations can be written as x-b_y_z-d () 2) ao G The line (1) and (2) will be perpendicular if aa; +1 + ec; = 0 => aa + ec) =~ 1 ‘A line with direction cosines proportional to 2, 1, 2 meets each of the lines given by the equim 10. x =y+2=z;x +2=2y=2z. The coordinates of the points of intersection are (A) (6,4, 6), (2.4, 2) (B) (6, 6,6), (2, 6, 2) (D) none of these (C)(6. 4, 6), (2. 2, 0) (D). Let P(r, r~ 2,1) and Q(2k ~2, k, k) are the general coordinates of points on the two given lines. Sol. .. Dr’s of PQ are (r - 2k + 2,r-k-2,1—k) -2k+2 rek-2_ rok =>r=6,k=2 2 1 2 ‘. Points of intersection are (6, 4, 6) and (2, 2, 2). 1. The line z=} mn makes an isosceles triangle with the planes 2x + y + 32-1 = 0m x-+2y~3z~1=0, then the value of k is (A) I (B)-2 (C)3 (D)4 GUA Lanse aisS <> Sol (B)_ The given ine wil be parallel to one ofthe bisetor planes ofthe given planes hence equations of bisector planes = 2X4¥432-1 _ | (x4 2y vis oe 9 3x4 3y-2=Oand x—y+62=9 =>k=-2. . 12, Direction cosine of narmal to the plane Containing lines x = yezandx~1=y-1= 2 (whered ¢ R- {1}), are meal (D) none of these (A), Let, m, n be the direction ratios ofthe normal lem+n lem +nd=0 =n ~d)=0 =n=0 13. Ifthe line z intersect the line sin A x + sin By + sin C2 = 2c, sin 2A x + sin 2B yt sin 2C z= d?, then sin sin Bsin is equal to (where A+B+C=n) wt ml is wr 1 Os yt 32 OD Sol. (A). Let (4, , 2) be the point of intersection of two lines. = Asin A + sin B+ sin C) = 2d? and Asin 2A + sin 2B + sin 2C) ae sin2A+sin2B+sin2C 1 sinA+sinB+sinC 2 I ‘A B.C => sin the centre is (- nf and hence the radius =. (3) > ( 18. The centre of the sphere (x4) (x +4) + (Y~ 3) OF Ge 8 9 G30), (D) none of these ©) (0,0, 0) ©) So. (C) Equation of the circle can be written as x16 +y-9+7=0 orx? + +277 =25 => the centre is at 0, 0, 0). 16. Equation of the sphere having centre at (3, 6, ~ 4) and touching the plane¥-(2i—2}_{ i (x-3) + (y- 6)? + (2 +4)? =k, where k is equal to (A)3 (B)4 6 ©) V7 Sol. (B) Distance of the point (3, 6, - 4) from the given plane is equal to the radius of the sphere i+ 6}~a (21~2}—é)-10 => the radius of the sphere = Viet (ey 3 Assertion Reason Statement I: If point (a, B, y) lies above the plane (a° + I)x + (b+ I)y + (c2 +¢+ 1)z+d=0, then (@+ Nat b+ WP+(C+e+ ly td>0. because Statement 2: Ifthe point (a, B, 7) lies above the plane ax + by + cz +d=0 then 20+bB+e1+d,, 9. c 17. (A) Statement -I is True, Statement -2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-I (B) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-| (C) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is False (D) Statement -I is False, Statement -2 is True CUNT NTO a Sol, Let the feet of perpendicular fre doa mM (4, fh. 7) to the xy plane intersects ax + by + oz * a (a Bq) then aa Ob cody a aus bB +r sd a aL t € 2 The point (4, fh) lies above the plane if he plane ify 7, -9 aur bp rey sd ie zs ¢ ncee’ ses 120 statement | is true and 2 also explains | 18, Match the following: Column 1 | Cotumn — 11 (A) tthe tine 2 SO ties in the plane fe hhes in the plane 3x 2y + $2 = 0, (sn! Ie then 7. is equal to (8) 166.3, 4) isa point on the fine 2x + y 63» dyrz-1 d then 2+ jis equal to as (©) The angle between the line x = y and the plane 4x 3y+$2=2 (ry 3 is (P) The angle between the planes x + y +2 Qand 3x 4y «sy fis (3) cos Sol. (A) > (GB) > (7); (C) > (p); (D) + (5) (A) 3.1 ~2(-2)+ 50) =0 = 3,=-2 L4+1l3)e15 6 (C) sino ~ = —— Wet +t Ji6s9=25 V3N50 3+1(-4)+ D) cos = ESHA 4 | VsJiew925 Tiv0 coe! [& Answer Q.19, Q.20 and Q.21 by appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following table, Column-t: given two lines, Column-If: angle between lines and Column-III: shortest distance between lines [ Column—1 = Column—I1 ‘Column—i1t lo Lines # =(4i-j)+A(i+2j-3k) ql | ee ‘oe et L i+2k)+4(2i+4}-5k) ve (Lines =! 2 ¥=2 2-3 ang i) cos @ fo , 3 13 TIAA Sa Sa ) and UM) Lames = (142) k) 1 AQ2E HR eee ERIE) | > yl 4 2 R-2 LY e (IV) Lines “ =» and 2 Minto 3 | | | | SORRECT? Which ofthe flowing combination CORRECT" 1 14) (Ry (AGAR) (pyc (ai)(S) (CLV) Civ) (PY 19, Sol. (Dy 20, Which of the following combination is CORRECT? (py (Ht) iv) (PD oavne ee Sol. (B) 21. Which of the following combination is INCORRECT i al (A) (1) G9 (8) myc (P (CV AH) (1) (Q) (py ayy) (P) Sol. (D) 19.21. 248415 25_ iedsovarior2s viavas | 370 cos") = SD.= in) 8 34 3x44 4: 20 38 8 (Ny cox = 223434445 __ 84124 Jarovaslorie+2s 3850 SV38V2 S76 1 0=cos (Ze). D- Fe (it cos 0= 0, sv. = At 3 DxBH3x-S41x2_641S+2__ 23. (IV) cos = eee Viav38 532 1 }=sp- 3 22, Let Pa, b, c) be any point on the plane 3x + 2y +z = 7, then the least value of 2(a° + b* + c°)is_ Sol. (7.00) Minimum value of a? + 6? + c? means line OP will be perpendicular to the plane 3x + 2y + z~7= abe is origin [3042x040 71 hee | Wa MP-MATHEMATICS THREE DIMENSIONAL GE 24. Sol. 2 Ky? Then YOR is P (2.00) Let the equati 4 Cam tn =1>¢ of plane is éx + my +nz= p Pp 0), ofa.2.0), eo 0, 5) centroid of OABC (22 = n 40° 4m’ 4n P 2, ,7) as, we know that 16 ("B+ BY? +7702) = o2p%y? $y! k= 16 (2k)! =(32)! =2 So, locus is x2y? 4 yz? 4 22,2 Iethe line x= y =z intersect the line (sin. A)x + (sin B)y + (sin C)z = 2G; (sin 2A)x + (sin 2B)y + (sin 2C)z = d?; (A+ B+ C =n), then cil 27a Where ki A.B sin> sin—sin (4.00) Let (A, 2, 2) be the point of intersection of two lines sin C) = 2d Let A(+1, -1, 1) and Bi-i, 1, =1) be vertices of ABC such that ZA = 2B. ‘Then, locus of C is ox + By+2+5=Owhere,a+B+y+3is_—— (1.00) Let Cla, be) AC=BC = 1P + (+1 + =I = at 1) + (- IP + (e+ 1 cx-y+2=0 $o,a+B+y+8=1 SSS SUR asd QUADRATIC EQUATIONS ——l4 ‘An equation of the form ax? + bx + ¢ = 0, where a# Oand a, b,c ae rea numbers sealed & Gusdrn -b+vb? —4ac Nag, 2a ‘The roots of the quadratic equation are given by x ~ ‘The quantity D (D= b? — dae) is known as the discriminant of the equation BASIC RESULTS Let a and i be two roots of the given quadratic equation. Then a+ 7 and op =£ a a * A quadratic equation, whose roots are «and B can be written as (x ~ 0)(x ~ B) = 0 inc. ax? + bx +e a(x =a) (x - ). If the quadratic ‘equation is satisfied by more than two distinct numbers (real or complex), then it becom, i = Oi.e. b? — 4ac = 0, an identity, i.e.a=b=¢ ‘The quadratic equation has real and equal roots if and only if ; ‘The quadratic equation has real and distinct roots if and only if D > 0 i.e. b? — 4ac >0 equation has complex roots with non-zero imaginary parts if and only ip p The quadratic ie. bP 4ac <0, © Ifp + iq (p and q being real) is a root of the quadratic equation where i= /1, then p - iq is ASO a root op the quadratic equation. Provided a, b. c are real. ~ 4 is also a root of the quadratic, equatig Ifp + Vq is an irrational root of the quadratic equation, then p Provided that all the coefficients are rational. The quadratic equation has rational roots if D is a perfect square and a, b, ¢ are rational. © are integers and the roots of the quadratic equation are rational, then the roots mus y ° Ifa=landb, integers, Condition for Common Root(s) Let ax? + bx to=0 and dx? + ex + f= have a common root a(say). Then ac? + ba +¢ = 0 and da? + ea +f=0, Solving for a? and a, we get oe a Ta bf-ce de-af ae—bd ae— 2a BESS o => (de - af)? = (bF- ce) (ae - bd) ae—bd which is the required condition for the two equations to have a common root. Note: abe Condition for both the roots to be common. ist 7 e The Method of Intervals (Wavy Curve Method) The Method of intervals (or wavy curve) is used for solving inequalities of the form fix) = (x-aJ (so a)" (ers) > 0 (<0, $0, or > 0) where m, ny. (x-b))™ (x=b2)™... (x=bp) numbers and the numbers a1, a, .... i bj, bs,..-bp are any real numbers such that a, + b, , where i + By, M), M3,...,Mp are nat and j= 1, 2, 3,...,P. GEL lery Delicr Kees] It consists of the following stat nents © AML zeros! of the function 4 number tine with inked (bla © All points of discontinuities’ of the function 1x) contained on the left hand side of the inequality should be marked on the number line with un-inked (white) circles ¢ Check the value of x) for any real number greater than the right most marked number on the number line ¢ from right to left, beginning above the number line {in case of value of f(x) 15 positive in step (11) otherwise from below the number line), a w Vy curve should be drawn which passes through all the marked eg eet Ae tects ner ee through a double pomnt’, the curve remains loc led on one side of the num * The appropriate intervals are choven in accordance with the sign of mequality (the function flx) ts post whenever the curve ts situated above the number line, itis ‘gative if the curve is found below the number tine). Their union just represents the solution of inequality Remarks: # Points of discontinuity will nev (x) contained on the left hand side of the inequality should be marked on the Wh) circles. line. ver be included in the answer If you are asked to find the intervals wher closed corresponding to the denominator 1x) 18 non-negative or non-positive then make the intervals Toots of the numerator and let it remain open corresponding to the roots of QUADRATIC EXPRESSION The expression ax? + bx + is said to be a real quadratic expression in x where a, b, © are real and a ¢ 0. Let Aix) = ax! + bx +e where a. bye, © R (az 0) l(b fix) can be rewritten as fx) al{ xs } D.]. where Db? — dac is the 1 aa) discriminant of the quadratic expression, Then y ~ fx) represents a parabola whose axis is parallel to the y-axis, with vertex at A(—2.=2). Now depending upon the values of 3° and D the parabola will ave following 2a aa different shapes / i Bie we x a>0,D<0 a>0,D=0 fx) 2-Difa Vx eR fix)20 VeeR Petts) <0 vx (0.8) fa Rxy>0 V xen, a) AB, 2) ——te ta r 7 i - fo ™ if th a<0,D<0 a<0,D=0 a<0,D>0 fix) $-Di4a Vx ER fix) s0 VxeR ota >0 Vx ea.) 4a fx}-0V xe ( : is ros 8 of the function eg. x= a, The point for which fx) vanishes (becomes zerjis called ero of | 2 The pointsx~ by are the points ofthe discontinuity ofthe function fs) Uf the exponents of «factor is odd then the point is called simple point “ifthe exponent of «factor is even then the point is called double point CAE nse wo TE * dads € Rand 21 © 2s. Then the follow, Mg Interval in which the Roots Lie a.bice Randa ¢ 0. Suppose * bx +6, where Let fir aw ip 2 0,afth) > Oand 7.< - b’2a. sater than hold good! © Both roots of fix) = 0 will be Oand -b/2a O aftiy> O and -b’2a <2 Both roots of fx) 2) <0 omen 22) if D> 0, afl)» 0, attr,y If J. fies between the roots of fx) : © will belong to the interval 4» © Both roots of fx) 0. O ifafla) <0, afta) <0. ££) fle the roots of fx) Exactly one root of fx) = 0 will he in Csr © Interval (2), 22) will be con ained between 3 “25 will be the repeated root of fix) = 0if 12) = 0 and £(2.) = 0. Quadratic Inequations tions of the type f(x) $0 OF AX) > 0 aFe kno Let fx) = ax? + bx + ¢ be a quadratic expression. Then ineq! 1 be easily done by taking the corresponding quadratic expression ang ‘quadratic inequations. The study of these the basic results of quadratic expression. ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS by apply can not be rational, Ifa, b and c are odd integers, then prove that the roots of ax’ + bx += Sol. Discriminant D = b’ ~ 4ac. ‘Suppose the roots are rational. Then D will be a perfect square. Let b* - dac = d’. Since a, b and ¢ are odd integers, d will be odd. Now, b’-d° = 4ac, & will be a multiple of 8 (note), But 4ac is only a multiple of Since b and d are odd integers, b* 4 (not of 8), which is a contradiction. Hence the roots of ax’+bx + ¢ = 0 can not be rational. za Let f (x) is continuous function and attains only rational values If f (0) = 3, then find the root of equation (1) x7 + 2f(2)x + (3) = 0. f (x) is continuous function and attain only rational values => f (x) = constant ~ 3. Hence given equation is 3 (x” + 2x + 1)=0 = x= = 1 is the only solution . x? 4+34x-71 3. Find out the range in which the value of the function ***4*—7" ties for al real values of x. V42x-7 2 434x-71 So, Let Get Sae=7 y~ 1) - 2x17 ~y) + 71 Ty=0 x? +2x-7 (y- 171-7920 For real values of x, (17 ~ y)° 0 = (y—9)(y~5)20. Either y < 5 or y 29. = 8y’~ 112y + 36020 => y'- I4y +45 Thus for real values of x, range is ( ~2, 5] V [9, 2). a IGMP-MATHEMATICS-QUADRATIC EQUATIONS BO Wee, BFBL757, 0 are the roots of ax? + bx + Find the value of ‘a’ for which ax? (a-3)x + 1<0 for at least one positive real x. Let fix) = an? + (a-3)x 1 Case (i) Ha 0, then ft) wall be positive only for those values of x which lie between the roots, As the interval between the roots can not cover all the postive real numbers implies f(x) <0 For at Teast ‘one positive real x Case( it) Ia > 0 «then fx) willbe: negative only for those values of x which lie between the roots. From the graphs we can see that fx) will be less than zero for at least one positive real x, when f(x) =0 has distinet roots and at least one of these roots is positive real root J Fig. 1 - * Fig. 2 a Fig. 3 »\ . x % Fig. 4 For this D>0, i.e. (a-3)'- 4a>0 = aslor ad a) Both the roots are non-positive => sum < 0 and product > 0 =>a 23and (1) is satisfied (2) => at least one roots is positive if'a < 3, and (1) is satisfied Combining (1) and (2), we get a< 1 so that, 0 0) if 2 Le Zevonr-(fes) +k then kis S ¢ + P= —» and ap = Lat Dap+apy ( k= TATA ee Ose eNO fie2t en SOLVED PROBLEMS Sol. Sol. Sol. Sol. Sol. 0, then (B)p-a<9 (D) none of these runuty is double repeated root of px’ #408 4) °F (Aip.r0 (Crp.q.r>0 begat ttre 0 (Since x= 11s double root ofpx? + qe HF Tet Rx) px? gtx! #9) FF then f(1)= fU)= 0 aw pene 2) vely from (1) and (2) we get conclu: pe-qre, ; =x?4ax +b + 1 = Ohas roots which are positive integers, then (a + b') can be equal The quadratic x’ + ax +b +L = Ohas (B) 37 “vs (ays ‘oar (p19 (A). x2 Fax +b + 1 = Ohas possible roots a and =atP--aandap=b+1 => (a +B) tap 17 =a + (+ Np + Daa eB => a" + b® can be equal to 50. The equation 2°* + (a ~ 1)2*'' + a= 0 has roots of opposite signs then exhaustive set of values of ‘a’ is (ayaso (Bya ec (-1,0) (C)a e(-, 13) (D)a € (0, 1/3) (©. Let 2 >t +2fa~1)t+a=0. Now t = I should lie between the roots of this equation 21+ 2@-Ita and 0Oand k> (A). For the equation to have four real roots the line y— k must intersect |x? + bx ~ ¢| at four points > D>Oandk €/ 0 2) a — ANT rots Tel 6 Hm s 17x) 6 yy (ME SAD (Ot V7.7] 2 sin! x + Gos 9, then x lies an (By 4.4) (Dy none of these Sol (BY SN 17 92 Yi+ bl sin’ 41 (when all x ¥, zare > 0, 0r <0) 1 The Bae cos’ x + bcos! x +1 = 0 wall have a solution ifb belongs to eee (B) 2.0) (en 2) ' (D) none of these Sol, (C)- Grven equation can be written as 4 1 S-2VxER Sbet-»,-2 Ix, m satisty the inequations log; » x° > logy (x + 2) and 49x? — dm*< 0, then (A) me (- a] (B)m © (-»,a) (C)m e(-», - v7 (D) none of these (D). logy: x? 2 Hog,» (x +2) DN -¥-250 nef 12J- 10} and 49x? < 4m" 9. If 3°? ~9°'">0 then the interval of x can be (A)x € (0,0) (B) x € (0, 250) (C)xeR (D) x € (-250, 250) 42x42, x x Sol (A,B). 37> 9! x4 2>~ 0 Ge st ooxmo. x 10. fax” ~ bx + ¢ = 0 has two distinct roots lying in the interval (0, 1) ,a, b, ¢ € N, then (A) logsabe = 1 {(B) logsabe ~ 2 (C) logaabe = 3 (D) logsabe = 4 Sol, (BLC,D). a+ P=—, a B= + 00<(1-a),(1-B)<1 a Bin 206 a(l-a min. (abe) 2 >a bee=Iaa?> Weardaoa=S2b 528 e a common non-real root, then : a,b,c © R)have a.com 1 fax? + bx += Oandex’ + bx t= O(8 ny aK Bl (A)-2al Both roots will be common. abe 2uf-) sane cba . Now, b?- fac <0) = b? ~ 4a? (or de") < 0 => [b| < 2 laj (or ef » - dac < 0, as the root 1s non-t ral roots then 12. Consider the equation x’ + x -a = 0, a € N. If equation has int (Aja> 2 (B) a=6 (a 2 (D) a= 20 Sol. (A), (B), (C) and (D) Discriminant, D= veda => I +4a should be a perfect square. AS 1+4a is always odd = Ida = (2041), el => a= ROA), The equation ayx* + arn” + ayn’ +... +ap = O has all its roots positive and real (where ay =I, ay ~ 4g 1/2"), then (Aja, (Cay Sol, (B,C). Let the roots be 01, a3, «.., cy ay tant... ag=4 1 e Gy. >. Oy Ce CREO Comprehension Ifa By be the roots of a cubic equation ax? + bx 4 + d=0 then wehavea + B+ =) aps Brera= © and je a 4 @ By =~“. Suppose a and a And b are two positive real numbers such that the roots of the cubic equation ? ax +b=0are all real, is x eal. Let a: is a root of this cubic equation with minimal absolute value Answer the following questions 14. The rots ofthe given cubic equation must be (A) all positive io two positive id (B) all negative postive and one negative (D) two negative and one positive ‘Sol. «© 15, amustbe (A) positive (B) negative (C) positive only if b magnitude of y must be larger of o and B. In particular y<0 = a 2b — 3a0.= ~ 2aBy + 3(aB + By + ya)a. By + 302 (B+) b. 3b — 2aa = ~ 3ay + 2(af + By + yaa =~ afy+20°(B +y) apy - 20° [2c B+ 7) - By] [26 +yy - Bil [28° + 58y +27] [2B +y) (B+ 20) (8 - a) (y- 0) 20. 3b . as—. 2a Assertion Reason pad 17. STATEMENT - I: The equation 2sin®0 x’ ~ 2sin@ x + 4°2 '8 iN the ig 2) . {0,39 tho caber roa ying inte interval (2) ad Se) ae f opposic sign, where < bn . STATEMENT - Il: If f(x) is a eee = Ohas exactly one root in the interval (a, b). 4 explanation for St : 1-2 isa correct explanation for Statemen. (A) Statement-1 is True, Statement -2 is True: Statement orrect i () Staomentl is Tru, Satement.2is Troe, Statement 2 NOT 2 explanation for Statement. fy (C) Statement-1 is True, Statement -2 is False (D) Statement-I is False, Statement -2 is True So. (C) Clearly statement 11 is false because fla) f{b) <0 = fix) = O has at least one root in (a, b) Also, if g(x) =2 sin’9 x? ~ 3 sind x +1 Then g(0)=1>0 8(1) = sind 1) (sind 1) <0 of Be (2.3) (2) = (4sin@ ~ 1) (2sin0~ 1)>0 of Be (z. 2) “ g(x) =O has a root in (0, 1) and other in (1, 2). , match the following: 18, For the equation z° + 62 + 2 (A) The number ofthe roots inthe first quadrant can be (B) The number of the roots in the second quadrant canbe | (q) 2 (C) The number of the roots in the Third quadrant can be | (r) 3 (D) The number ofthe roots in the Fourth quadrant can be | (s) 4 oO © Sol. (A) > @,.9; B)> &.9s (> 0,4); Oe, There are no real roots of the equation z+ 6z+20=0, If x + iy is a root then x — iy is also a root Let the roots be XZ Uy), Xo t iy, x3 + iys ‘Sum of the roots = 2x, +x2 +5) =0 Sx) tm+my=0 = one of x1, Xs % i8 negative and other two are positive ot vice-versa => The number of roots in each of the quadrant is either 1 or 2. DATS ene NETO Answer Q.19, Q.20 and Q.21 by a {following table. PPropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the Column-F contains some qua between roots of p(x) = 0 and Column tion with variable *k', Column-It; contains value of *k” for which “1° lies HI: contains value of *k” for which exactly one root of p(x) ~ 0 ies on (0, 1) Column-1 Column-I1 ~ Column-iL WD p)= x? kx 1 aD pov) (ill) pe) } uv) peo 19, Which of the followin 1 combination is CORRECT? (A). Gi) (Q) . 1B) (11) (4) (S) (©) CN) (ii) (RR) ) Wane) Sol, (D) 20. Which of the following combination is CORRECI (A) (IID Gi) (Q) (B) (Il) (ii) (S) (C) AD Gi) (R) (D) 1) Gi) (Q Sol. (B) 21. Which of the following combination is CORRECT? (A) CIID (iv) (P) (B)V)(i) P) (C) (IV) (i) (RY (D) (11) (iv) (Q) Sol, (A) 19-21. For 2” column p(1) <0 will get the answer and for 3" column p(0)-p(1) <0 => p(l>0 22. Leta, b, ¢ be three real numbers such that a +b +c = O and a? +b? + = 2, then the at + bY + cis equal to Sol. (2.00) Letc=0,a=1,b=-I=pat+bt+ct=2 23. ‘The number of positive integral values of *k” for which kx? + (k ~ 3)x + 1 <0 for atleast one Positive ‘x’ is equal to Sol. (0.00) k>0al0, D>0m -2 50 2a SE 10k +909 KF c0 Ske (-», 1) 9,0), 3) =ke (0,1) 2x0 SRE ETS Mee TON sam af which is3 andthe sum of en. the sm ot Consider, two numbers ab, 2 distinct values of % is equal 10 —— Sol. (1.50) ath = a'+G-a)=7 = 9a ~ 27a+20=0 => Sum of distinct values of = is 1-50 2 4axta+1=Ohas 25. Number of integral values of ‘a" such thatthe quadratic equation "7 & as integral rg, Sat DBr1 Ix 222x1=(-1)x(-2)=(-2) "CD acanbe 1,5 CTS Eres earen 15 PROGRESSION & SERIES — nl ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION (A.P.) nth Term and Sum of n Terms Ia isthe first term and d the common difference, the A,P- can be written as a, + d,a+ 2d, The nth term ay 1s a given bya, a (n= 1d. The sum §, of the 2a+(n-Nd 2 2 firstn terms of such an A.P. 1s given by Sy = J) where / ts the last term (ie. the nth term of the A.P.) + Mthree terms are in A.P., then the middle term is called the arithmetic mean (A.M.) between the other two te-tfab,carein AP. then b=" isthe AM. ofa and © tao, 1 N=—( $a tay tint) a 4g are n numbers, then the arithmetic mean (A) of these numbers is The n numbers Ay, Asso. Ay ate said 10 be A.M,"s between the numbers a and b if'a, Ay, n(b-a) _aynb nel nel GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION (G.P.) nth Term and Sum of n Terms Agog are inAP. >A, =a+ {fais the first term and r the common ratio, then the G.P. can be written as a, ar, bya, = ar". The sum S, of the first n terms of the G.P. is a(r" -1) rol * = om, rel The nth term, a,, is given rel If -1.<1<1, then the sum of the infinite G.P. is a + ar + ar’ + it © If three terms are in G.P., then the middle term is called the geometric mean (G.M.) between the two. So if a, b, care in G.P., then b= Vac is the geometric mean of a and c © Ifa), ay...4p are non-zero positive numbers, then their G.M (G) is given by G = (aaza}....a9)!" ° 1G, -+-oGy are n geometric means, between a and b, then a, G;, Gs, ...., G,, b will be a G.P. mele HARMONIC PROGRESSION (H.P.) ‘The sequence a), 83, &5..0.fu.(8) # 0) is said to be an H.P. if the sequence — where a=-, and d a, The nth term, a,, of the H.P. is a, = att TRATES Harmonic Means Hand harctwe mon aeromamiors hen he aman ean oH 6AM Hay © Maand bare Te . humbers a Hh, bare m LLP, Wehave = 3{ 2 + erms of an HP * There 1s no formula forthe sum of'n terms of an te rn on-ztonuers,then he hamenke mean HOF AES Mb oe Loaft a 1 Hola ay” a * Menmanber 1, Hoth arsaidwe mfamonic means been and. ifa.th ty biboond L nfa-b) _btna Me Pie at aren AP. ; ar A et te Ha’ (netab~ ab(n+ty oH, Hy ARITHMETICO-GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION n of first n terms ofan A.G. P. is obtained in the following, way The sum S, (a (n= 2)dybr"? + (a + (n- L)d)br" Sam ab + (a + d)br + (a+ 2d)br* Multiply both sides by r, so that FS, = abr + (a+ db +..efa + (a = 3)br Subtracting, we get, (1 -1)S, = ab + dbr + dbr’ + * (as (n= 2hdybr"! + (a + (n= Ldybe edbe' "+ dbr’'= (a+ (n= 1)dybr" (a+(n-Ipd)br" ab RAY fa a (n=tjabe" > S,= (mn H-IH.M, Leta, aie» bem positive real numbers, then we define their arithmatic mean (A), geometric mean (G) and harmonic mean (H) as A=SL 7827+ 8g G= (aaj. a)" and H= Weighted Means Let thy yd be n positive real numbers and m;, my, ...., My be n positive rational numbers, Then we define weighted Arithmetic mean (A*), weighted Geometric mean (G*) and weighted harmonic mean (H*) as 1 Ma, +... Mya aoe nbs + Gt= (2% a:" +My Fay ie my jm, a a) It can be shown that A* 2 G* 2 H* . Moreover equality holds at either place if and only if) = Arithmetic Mean of mth Power Let ay, a2, .., dy be n positive real numbers (not all equal) and let mbe a real number, then aB+a;"+ >(tee st) eet 2 2 However ifme (0, 1) . then ae | a) (ADA, HHH, | Is.-T] | Panes min? +6045) a (Qn-1)Qn+1) 48 16(2n +1)” Sol. Then term T, of the given series is 2 I 1 1 a . nel The sum S,of the given series is 1 ly ae (an t+ssD g, - 1b duns bin + 16 6 2n+ Aor I 1 no oe In-t) ee Tee eee asi Find the sum of Ist n terms of the series 5, 75 11.1 c Sok LerS= 547411 + 17+ 254 = S- Se794 17+ Heath Subtracting, we get O=5 424416484 ...0¢ Mh term ~t n(n (n+1) + Sn 2 — fin + Qn + 1) 3(n + 1) + 30} fan +14). 7 : 3 + 7. Mla, by € are the sides ofa triangle and s=2*2° . Prove that 85~a) (5b) (5 €)< abe, Sol Letx=s-ayy=s-b,2-s-cthena=y4zb=xt2c=xty then the inequality reduces to Bayz 50x + YI H 2X + 2) x72 0 which follows easily from A.M. > G.M. inequality Rtyz2Qyry, y+z222, x+222Vxz x97, Hence proved (Fy OK Fay tzy IGMP-MAT SST Sol. 2. Sol. — a WSs SOLVED PROBLEMS abe then =.",= arein. (a,b, ¢. de ) at abedefeR (var (B) GP (QvHP (D) none of these (C), Leta be the real root then (au* + 2bu+e)+i(da? +2ca+f)=0 => aa? + 2ba +e =O oda’ +2ea+f=0 345 a Va HEAL Ha he. Hey sare im HEP, then 5° ¢-1)| HM js equal to HH, (A)2n-1 (B)2n*1 (C)2n (D)2n+2 Ifa, b care in A.P., b,c, din G.P, and, d, ein H.P. then a, ¢, € are in (ADAP. (B) GP. (CHP. (D) none of these (B). We have 2b = a+ ¢ ce =bd 2ee d =p ele + c)= ela te) r are in G.P. (x, y,2> 1) then ; ; are in Wxcyea arein GP (x 27 Dihen 5 aeainy’ Gx lng (Ay AP, (B) GP, (C)HP, (D) none of these (C). Asx, y,z are in G.P., => ex, ey, ez are in G.P. = In(e"*x), Infe"y), In(e""z) are in A.P. l 4x+iny 6x+Inz are in HP. Sare positive numbers in G.P. and the equation (a + diyx’ + 2¢b + ery + 4 ¢ tH) O have one real root pe mGPata 4 5 Let bem A Pan ga . (Abas not an integer caches : (Chagas © Pand r isthe common ratio of the GP then Sol (C). Hts the common difference of the A.Pand rs the cow 294s Sand 2P=3 d= Sante 5 6192 Is19) 20 ayo 4.24 ts not an integer 6. I's, 20 py 20 ws Oa 439 440 — pb) = Os Oa Sol es, = YE 10 Be (rst) eee 440 - Fa 441 7 Number of ordered tnplets (p. q. 1), where 1 < p,q. 7S 10, such that 2° + 3° + S' asa multiple of 4, (peqreN) A (A) 1000 (B) 500 : (€) 250 (D) 125 24a, t(-1)" +443 #1 (Ay, do-are integers) Sol, (B). 2+ 384 S'= 2-DAY Ifp = 1.q should be even and r can be any number. On the other hand ifp # 1, q should be odd and canbe any number. => total number of ordered triplets ~ $< 10 + 9x 5 x 10 = 500. 8 Ifa, b, ¢ are positive numbers in A.P. then roots of the equation ax? ~ 4bx + ¢ = O are (A) always real (B) always rational (C) unreal (D) data insufficient Sol. (A). D= 16b* - 4ac = 4 (4b° = ac) >0 ate asb > Vac 20 >ac> 4 = roots are always real Nee a WEIN eee ees Sol. 10, Sol. Numbers which are in A.P then Wa, b. 6. dare four unequal positive (C.D). Letb=at pe : Mari) ayy boc a+p at+2p P Ly (at a+ 3p) a4 2p) +3ap + 2p ‘The sum to ‘n’ terms of the series tan a n terms (A) tan3 (1 (©) tan (3) (D) none of these ptt2-r I+r(r¥2) tan ‘(r+ 2)—tan"'r Sq =tanYin + 2) + tan"Yn + 1) ~tan!2— tan" = tan { atti | \ (1) =1an"'3)= eo'(5} If three positive unequal numbers a, b, ¢ are in H. P., then (Ayate> 2b (B)a’ +0? > 2b? (C)a? +0? > ac (D) none of these. atb+ (A), (B),(C) >b (HM) =ate>2b spa’ +e? >Qac> 2b? (G.M.> HM) i HEP then 12, tha. bye be threw unequal posive quannmes mE HI |, tava cl 2h (Dya oe -2b WCya’ +6» 2b Sol (49. (B). (OAD) fr b isthe HM. ofa and and ther GM. ~ V GM>HM => Jac >b . And AM ofa" and c' » GM. ofa" and € a +e" > 2( Vac)’ > 2b" Purn ~ 100,3.5,2 Comprehension We know that, fay. as. ca, are in HLP., then, yuo are in ALP. and vice versa Waieas, 4 yp with common difference d, then for any b (>0), the numbers bb" .b").....b" are in G.P. with common yy If a, a; ay are positive and in GP. with common ratio f, then for any base b-4 logy a), 1ogy, as... logy ay are in A.P. with common difference logs Answer the following questions. 13, IFS, y. z are respectively the pth, qth and the rth terms of an A.P., as well as of a G.P., then wy *2* Vis equal to (Ayp (Bq (Cyr (DI Sol (D). Let the base be taken as e. Since x, y, z are terms of a G.P.(say with common ratio t), Inx, In, ln in AP. with common difference Int. Also, x, y. zare in A.P. (say with common difference d), Hence y (p-qidetc and Inx ~ Iny = (p ~ q)int ete Let B= x" "y" S2*°Y so that InE = (y = z)lnx + (2 =x) Iny + (x = y)lnz = (q—1)d Inx + (r~ p)d Iny + (p ~ q)d Inz dfp(inz — Iny) + g (Inx ~ Inz) + r(Iny ~ Inx)] d Intiptr~ q) + 4(p =r) +1(q~ pl = 0 B=1 14, If a,b,c. dare in G.P. and a = ef =d', then x, y, 2 vare in (AV AP. (B) GP. (C) HP (D) None of these, Sol, (C), Sinoea, b, ¢, d are in G.P. (say with common ratio r), Ina, Inb, Inc, Ind are in A.P. with comm difference In. Also a’ = bY =e" = d => xIna = ylnb = zine ~ vind => xlna = y(Ina + Inr)= z(Ina + 2Inr) = v(Ina + 3inr) =x. y. zy are HP x- eee eas ena) Muluply (1), 2) and (3) by (q =). r= p)and (p= q) and add Yiu-n=0 2 ; (B) Let common ratio be taken as k and a be the first term. R ak’ R ak 7 Similarly, sal k T ak Multiplying the above three and knowing that WAAR ame RUST = ah? I (C) xa + (m= Id = AR™ yar in= tid > AR™ 2 (p- Id = ARP y-2-(n~pldz-x (p~myd.x-y=(m-n)d woe pa Xd 7 yma (ary carey (are ty A’R’= | (D) a= ART b= ART! e= ART for GP. a-—__ Ay +(p- HD. b for HP. Ay +(r-1)D I - (q-n)D a fs q ) log a= log A + (p ~ I) log R = (log A= log R) + (log RIP... (2) D(log A -logR) (q~1)+Diog RY p(q-r)=0 c-b 2 YP loga =0 LS multiplying by ~ abe Da(b-chloga =0 sean on ea Answer Q.18, Q.19 and Q.20 by appropriately matching the information given in the three col following table, anol contarms sum of sequence, Column. contains sun of n fermy: (8) and Column-tIE contains sum of terms Colume-t Column At b Ses we terms ee tel wns,-2 or 6 - N ; 1 <-y 7 wy s,- 2 ws! 4 nl ' 3 20 1 ms - Ap omterms | (an 5, : mS 22 : an 2 iv Ws, 2 ip so? - aan) 18. (By Nl) an) PY (DP) So (©) 19, Which of the following combination ty CORRECT? tAyaty ais) (B)) OQ) CHAVIQ) (Dy any iP) Sol (C) 20, Which of the following combination is CORRECT? (avd aR) (B) (HI (i) (S) HIV) DQ) (DAG PY (B) 18-20. Sol Sol. ayy r nol \ 00 = 10”. the Let a; be the n® term ofan AP. If 10" and >” 10 then the common di I ere, APs (9.00) Let d be the common difference of the A.P. then as, itd = Ya, Yay sd Say, = ity #10" ante d => 10" 10 10"d gl =10" 10" 00-1) 0 10 Let Sin) denotes the sum of first ‘n* terms of an A.P. Then the value of $ tim) wher ned Where fin) Sin)= *[2a+(n-1)d] Si2n) ~ Sin) Sf2(2a +2n-I)d-2a~(n-1)d] CSE sol, mM. Let a, band ¢ form a G.p (0.33) be ares ar 2b, Seare in AP 2db-at3e dar = a+ 3ar oir tr+1=0 1 ore tt (wherer 1) It So.r The minimum value of the quantity 1s equal to (6.25) of common r, ratio with 0 abe V Ifa, 2b and 3¢ form an A.P. then r equals +he4l k Ne seri) where a,b,c € R'is, then = TCE eS P.

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