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BINOMIAL THEOREM _ BASIC RESULTS Ca" Gant Sey ae "Galen Heat Seu tex Pasced oa eo (atate (ans Dea { tel yf] 20Ga Ga . x "ox" = 20°C atx + "Coal ) rat tant SeGa[H-Cr] Properties of Binomial Coefficient For the sake of convenience the coefficients "Cy, "Cie m'Cy "Ca are usually denoted by C.,¢,. respectively © G4 © G-G+ © Gre oa 2 GHC jomial Expansion of (a + x)" Basic Properties of © There are (n+ ) terms in expansion. Binomial coefficients of terms equidistant from beginning and end are equal . i The general term of the expansion is"C, a"'x’, this is infact the (r+ 1)th term from the beginns In is even, there is only one middle term namely (F+) |th and is equal to"C,a2 n+3) |th and are equal to °C,..2 n+ "eh and If m is odd, there are two middle terms namely | nt al and "C,.)2 2 x > respectively. Binomial coefficient of middle term is the greatest binomial coefficient occurring in the expansion . i EN ee eID y a Multinomial Expansion Inthe expansion OF (X1/%2 1. 4 x4)" where m,n € N andj.) Seare independent variables, we have 4 Total number of terms inthe expansion = "°C, ceflicent of x, 4," yf ‘ mt © Coefficient of PONS cogs (where rity +. 4 rp = mer, EN U [0] is Hin! oh © Sum of all the e “Hictent as obtained by putting all the variables x,equal to | and isn” ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS {Min the expansion of 2x +5)", the greatest erm is equal tothe middle tern, then find the value of + sok {nthe expansion of (2x + 5)", the middle term = T, <35xe33), 2, Show that there will be no term containing x in the expansion of (x + x°)" if m —2r is positive but ‘wot a multiple of 3. Sol, Ifpossible suppose that the k" term contains xin the expansion of (x + x2)? ,k"™ term is given by ett (PIT ate (abd sake? Y= Cay aye 3 Gala = CO)" Since the k term contains x" 2r=n-3k “ or k=0-2 2 K-te a 2 ' Now if'n -2r is positive and not divisible by 3 then itis obvious from eqn, (2) that k will not be a positive integer. Hence if (n -2r) is not divisible by 3 there will be no term containing x"' in the given expansion. a where m,n, r are positive integers andr r=7, Coefficient is "°C,b”, is WEEN LYS) a Sol. a Sol. Sol, SOLVED PROBLEMS, ae LLY pis hows owe Ayah @) : mi (C)—> asl (D) none of these } 1 1 (A). a-la-la-l Ifthe sum of the coefficients in the expansion of Fe 2 2k + 1)" vanishes then is equal to ly BI ol a (©. [= TS b= Ags A A? putx=1 un ‘Therefore f= 1 + At A The coefficient of a°b‘c’d? in (abe + abd + acd + bred)!” is (ayia ey 0 wai (C) 2820 (D) None of these 10! 26H 09 «8: 2 2520 WOR + WY (04 2) oo. OEM) Ag At act Aan then Ay + 2Ap + wane ry (t + Ay is equal to (lay | (Bynh | 4 pe 3° saa (me pi{ietete.t| (D) none of these 2 ntl) (A). (x + 1) 00+ 2)... (Em) = Ag+ AUX to. + AQX™ a) Put x= 1, (5 1) Ag+ AL ae + Ay Q) Take log, log (x + 1) log (x +1) = log (Ay + Aix +... + Ak") Ditferentiate with respect to *x’, Ay +2A, BAW + tA tAGX! Ay + 2A) 44m ot ti] BS wh, the 208 The interval in which x must lie so that the numerically greatest term in the expansion of (1 areatest coefficient is, (x > 0) [2.$] w/ Sol. (B), Numerically greatest coefficient in the expansion of (1 = x)"is"Cy.4 OF "Coot (Dy | Numerically greatest coefficient is Cw or “Cy P'Ciox!| > F "Cux'| => x> 516 Similarly, x < & 5 wxe(3, © 6. The number of real negative terms in the binomial expansion of (1 + ix)"*?,n € N,x>0is (Ayn (Byn +1 (Qn-1 (D) 2n Sol. (A). Tray = C(x), (Since x > 0) Tra is negative, ifi' 1s negative and real == 1 =r=2,6,10,...... which forms an AP. Osrs4n-2 4n-2=2+(r- Id Required number of terms isn. )"" (3+ v3)" = 745VZ,, number of pairs (a, b) for which the equation is true is, (a, b are z 1f(3+ay2 rational numbers) (A) (B)6 (0 (D) infinite (©). (3-aV3)"" +(3-bv2)” But LHS. >0. So there are no such pairs (a, b). & = Let, Gy 3 then nis equal to "C+"Cy (aya (Bs 6 (D)7 Sol. (D). n=7 i#l u-ttt al On solving n =7, The coefficient of x° in the expansion of (x’ (A) -83 (C) -86 SUE ee) Sel. 2s = PCa — Cx! x Coefficient of x* 1 FD PCoH CE F25:2+10-10-4~10.19.845.5. 16-30 10. Tete of\alues ofr satisfying the equation Cy, ~C, = Cp. wi 2 3 7 Sol. (CD) PC, + E= OCH 1 HC, > y= WC, Thus t= 31 of 70 -3r= 7? so thatr=0, 3 or 7, ~ 10, ence = 3 and 7 (as the given isnot defined for = 0 and ~ 10) {tHE g¢ > ‘then the sum of the coeficiens in the expansion of (age? + 2bux +o)"; (a b, €, GER neN)is (A) positive if a> 0 (B) positive if ¢> 0 (C)negative if a<0, nis odd (D) positive if ¢<0,n is even. Sol. (A), (B), ©), (D) {mn the expansion of (ao’x? + 2bax +c)" the sum of the coefficients = (aa? + 2ba. +)" Let fla) = ac? + 2ba +e Its discriminant = 4b* —4ac = 4(b? -ac) <0 Hence, a) <0 or fa)>0 for all ae R Ifa >0 then fla) > 0 => (ao? + 2ba +e)" > 0 Ife>Oie. f(0)>0 > la)>0= (aa? + 2ba +0)">0 Ifa <0 then fla) <0 = (ao* + 2ba +c)" <0 if nis odd Ife< Die. (0)<0 = fla) <0 = (aa’ + 2ba + 0)"> Oifnis even. 1 TEL +x) = ay tae tag? +... tang, then (A) ay +83 + ag +... {@o+ ata tas+....) (BY ay a (©) a3 =aqe3 (D) ay-3> aos Sol. (A), (B). (C) O= a— a) ta -aytay-ast nn. ata; tact. =a tay tast . Ae) = Capp and ay = "Cy 80 ger Ay Clearly *Cy.3 = "Cy. Comprehension Let n be a positive integer, such that (1 +x+x°)"= ay tax tax? tan"... agg, then Answer the following question: 13. The value of a, when (0- (8); (B) > (P); (C) > (9); (D) > (q) (n+ v/s! ul 3x] “ 3 il ie <4 Ha} ff The required values of x are -2,-3, 2.3. ms 14 Bx 2 2 fie] '*Hi6 (8) (241) =14F0 p ee TS eee Ee) ab ALL POSSIBLE SELECTIONS Selection from Distinct Objects The number of selections from n different objects, taken atleast one C1 4°C HC Caz Dd Selection from Identical Objects (a) The number of selections of r objects out of n identical objects is | (b) Total number of selections of zero or more objects from n identical objects is n + 1 (©) The total numberof selections of atleast one out of a +4;¥4:%... ay objets, where a ae alike of yp, Kind ), ay are alike (of second kind ) and so on .... ay are alike (Of nth Kind ), 1s [(a)*1Mas4 1Yays4) a] Selection when both Identical and Distinct Objects are Present The numberof selections taking at least one out of aytay‘ayt...tay+k objeets, where ay are alike (of one kind, a are alike (of second kind) and so on... ay are alike (of nth kind), and k are distinet = [(ay+1)(a:* Tyas) (a, MN Pe Division and Distribution of Objects (with fixed number of. objects in each group) Into groups of unequal size (different number of objects in each group) * The number of ways in which n distinct objects can be divided into r unequal groups containing a objects inthe 1" group, ‘objects im the second group and so on = °C OG me nt Here a, +aytayt = * The number of ways in which n distinct objects can be distributed! among r persons such that first person nir! gets ay objects, 2 person gets a; objects ... .r person Bets a, objects aay tay ba, EXPLANATION Let us divide the task into two parts. In the firs part, we divide the objects into groups. Inthe second part, these r roups can be assigned to r persons in r! ways, Into groups of equal '@ (each group containing same number of objects) + Themumber of ways in which msn distinct objects can be divided equally into n groups (unmarked) (mn)! (mtn! * Thenumber of ways in which mx n differen objets canbe distributed equally among persons (or numbered groups) = (numberof ways of dividing into groups) x (numberof groups)! = {2™8)!n! _ (mm) (my"n! (mt? For example if out of 50 players, Steams of 10 players each have to be formed this becomes a question on grouping so)! and thus the required number of ways to form such teams is 52) (101)°(51) TRE ee Te) Cr MULTINOMIAL THEOREM Let x1. Xam be integers, Then the numberof solutions tothe equation Xt tat Xe subject to the condition a, n then (mn)! is divisible by (B) (nty" (D) (=m (.B,c,p, (mw (mn) | Hence ——— isan integer = (mn!) (ran)! . Similarly (nt) | (my! (mt) 's the number of ways of distributing mn dstinet objects in n persons equally Further m + n<2m- 1, Then (A) Pog =x 43 (C) Poy =x-2 * nt and P(x), Qcx) be polynomials in x such that (B) Qs) == x= 2 (D) Quay =x43 (A,B). fin) = 1+ +n! flint l) = 1424384... (nt fin+ 2) = 1424314. +(n+ 2) fin + 2)~ fim + 1) (n+ 2) = (+ 24 HE = (n+ Qf n+ 1) Any] => flns2) = (n+ 3)flm + 1) (m+ 2pfin) => P(x) © x + 3, Qix) = —x-2 SIS ELEN choose 2 distin integers from 1 t0 100 such that the diferey, The number of ways in which we between them is at most 101s, a tay c, -c (B) "Cm Cas (CG "Ca (D) None of these Sol (A,B,C). Let the chosen inte + between x; and x; and ¢ integer afler x Let there be a iteger before x b ante a1 b+ c= 98 Wherea >0.b2 10,620 Now if we consider the chorces where difference is at least 11, then the number of solution is *Cy 2% The number of ways in which b is less than 101s." which is equal 10 (A), (B) and (c, option 10, on" locks and °n’ corresponding keys are available, But the actual combination is not known. The maximum numbers of trials that are needed to assign the keys to their corresponding locks are (A) By Yuk (yn! Sol, (A), (B). First key will be tried for at the most (n-1) locks. Second key will be tried for at the most (1 = 2) locks and so on, Thus the maximum number of trials needed n(n (men -2) aaa cG Comprehension Let A be the set ofall 2 2 matrices whose entries are binomial coefficients inthe expansion of (1 + x)". (nis prime 2) HL. Number of matrices in A are (avin bt (ey) SY 16 (Dyin HE (n-0F Sol (B) Binomial coefficients are "Cy, -oefficients are distinet starting fa b] A | le dj For every linear arrangement there is a matrix. 4 n+l number of matrices in A -( Number of symmetric matrices in A are m (ayn! (p Sas (n? = in- +r oO. n 2 3) (py (n+ WIA eee ONO) Cm ls ab Sol. oracle cl (symmetric matrix) < (a b b ¢) or (ab c) Number of symmetric matrix = number of linear arrangements of type (a b c) = 13. (n+) 16 B) (D)("- 1 Sol (A) Note that °C, is divisible by n if is prime forall r except r= 0. = tl 2 24 ( 620 mbar of ch maces -(2=1)( 222) (3) fatal le 4] VaNa)t2) 16 Assertion Reason 14, Statement ~I: Number of rectangle in a chess board is *C. x "C:. because Statement -2: To form a rectangle we have to select any two of the horizontal line and any two vertical line (A) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2is True; Statement-2is a correct explanation for Statement-1 (B) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1 (C) Statement -1 is Truc, Statement -2 is False (D) Statement -1 is False, Statement -2is True Sol @) 15. Match the following (A) The number of permutations of the letters of the word HINDUSTAN such that neither the pattem ‘HIN’ nor ‘DUS’ nor | (p) 169194 “TAN? appears, are (B) ‘Taking all the letters of word “MATHEMATICS” how many @ got ‘words can be formed in which either M or T are together? 7 2 (C) The number of ways of distributing 15 identical toys among some or all of the students in a classroom consisting of 15 | (r) Cys—15 students such that no student ges all the toys (D) The total number of eight-digit numbers, the sum of whose digits is odd, is 6) o 0 45 x 10° Sol. (A). Total number of permutations = 34 Naber of those containing “HIN Number of those containing ‘DUS’ = —-; Number of those containing ‘TAN’ = 7! Number of those containing ‘HIN’ and ‘DUS’ = 5! ee CESS EEN) Number of those containing "HIN’ and “TAN” = 5! Natber of those containing “TAN’ and “DUS Number of those containing "HIN", ‘DUS’ and ‘TAN 31 = 169194 Required number = = B)M-2.7-2.A-2H-1E-L1-C-1S-1 Sumber of words in which both M are together + Number of words in which both T are jog ther ~ required number of words Number of words in which both T and both M are togell red ou wo! 10! 9! _ S959 94 _ 99! Required number of words = 5555 * yp) OE 2 (C) Letthe ops be stnbted to students where 2 <4 613 wea xo IS (C, 1s the requited number of ways of distributing selecting r students 1s GC, x tc DPC.» 86, . > coefficient of xin (19) «Co coefficient of xin (1 + xy" 15 = "C.s~ 15 (D) The numbers will vary fren 10900000 to 99999999. IF sum of digits. of @ particular unt even, then the sum of digits of its next consecutive number will be odd and the sum of digi, next consecutive number will be even and so on As sum of digits of first number is odd and sum of digits of last number is even, So number of numbers with sum of digits as odd total_number of S-digit numbers _ 90000000 _ 45, 19° nin the three columns of thy Answer Q.16, Q.17 and Q.18 by appropriately matching the information following table. A # Xs Xp Nc Xe =m Where n 2 X41, Xo. Xo 2 0. Column-I: lists conditions on x. Columnell hss For the equation x conditions on n and Column-IIk: lists integral solutions for the equation Column | Column-iit 20 Pas (Q) 651 LR) 320 TiS) 512 Which of the following combination is CORRECT? 16. (A) (11) (Q) (B) (11) (it) (S) (Cy) Gil) (PY (D) (1) Giv) (R) Sok (OQ) 17. Which of the following combination is CORRECT? (A) IH) (i) (Q) (B) (III) (ii) (R) (C) (1) Gi) (P) (D) (1) (iS) Sol. (A) TEE ea A) OC] 1% Sul Lo I8. 19. Sot, 20, Sol. a4. Sol. Which of the following combination is INC (AND any a (OVD Wy (P) ¢B) (IY) (ii) (R) (D) (LV) (iv) (S) (By Wee sox doa by ban Number of solution =*"9C5, Ixy = 2, x5= xy 1 29x Fx) + 28) = 2 Number of solution "GIG, 4. 44¢,= +2). a iseven) Wy xs Fay Doo ay bx yon Number ofsolution 46,087 G, 4. garig, « @ebGn# 2) 2 Tex, xv On -24 ® Number of solution *,'Cy (1, 320 A$ «square grid allows movement only along the left-right or up-down direction with no back tracking. WA 1s the total number of paths ftom lower let corner to upper right corner and B is the number of paths "rom lower left corner to upper right eomer which do not eut the diagonal joining the two end points, then A is Bo (9.00) A "Cy (16 steps need to choose 8 up steps) Lise. B= "Cy. [any path from the let bottom corner (0, 0) to right upper comer (8, 8) cuts the diagonal joining the end points we reflect the part ofthis path beyond the first point of intersection in the diagonal joining (0, 1) and (7, 8). This path then ends at (7, 9) and has 9 upward steps one can see that this is a 1-1 Lie Cy mapping so B= "*C, ~ Cc a Ufthe number of integral solutions tothe system of equation x1 + x2-+ x5 + Xe +5 = 20 and Xy FX #Xy~ 5, when x, 2 0, is M and M can be written as p’q, (p,q € N), then the largest possible value ofpis_ (4.00) Here, M= "Cy x "°C, = 336= 4221 pea Eight boxes are arranged in a row. In how many ways can five distine balls be put into them such that each box contains at most one ball and no two enopty boxes are adjacent? (2400.00) Consider 5 boxes with 1 ball each, now there are 6 spaces in which to put 3 empty boxes N= "C5! =5 x4 x 51 = 2400 If minimum number of points of intersection of 8 straight lines and 8 circles be ‘a’ and maximum mumber of points of intersection be‘, then a+ b equals (212.00) a=0 b= *Cy + Cy + 2°C%C) = 212 TSN ] PROBABILITY NB RANDOM EXPERIMENT An experiment, whose al possible outcomes are known in advance but the outcome of any sPeCtFie Performance not predicted before the completion of the experiment. is known as random experiment Sample-space and sample point A set whose elements represent all possible outcomes ofa random experiment 1s called the sample ~ ace ang usually represented by ‘S’ An element of'a sample ~ space 1s called a sample point Event An event is.a subset of sample ~ space Simple Event and Compound Event: If.an event is a set containing only one element of the sample-space, then st is called a simple event. A compound event is one that can be represented as a union of sample points Definition ed to sample points in A. This sum is cal To find the probability of any event “A? we sum all weights ass measure or probability of A and 1s denoted by P(A), ts of sample points in A. Therefore, 0 < PLA) < 1. Ploy= an The probability of any event A is the sum of the w PS) = 1 If a random experiment can result in any one of N different equally likely outcomes, and if exactly n of thee outcomes correspond to A. then the probability of event A, P(A) PROBABILITY LAWS Mutually Exclusive Events A set of events is said to be mutually exclusive if the occurrence of one of them precludes the occurrence of any o A, be the set of mutually exclusive events th the other events. Using set theoretic notation, if Ay, As. AO A,=6fori#) and 1 siysn Also, P(A, UA,)= P(A) + PLAY) Exhaustive Event A set of events is said to be exhaustive if the performance of random experiment always result in the occurrence ¢ atleast one of them. In other words all sample points put together (ie. simple space itself) would give us 2° exhaustive event If “E” be an exhaustive event then P(E) = | TATA eee OS _—_———— Set Theoretic Principles Let us introduce a few notations, whi , ‘would be frequently used if-A" and “BY be any two events ofthe sample space then A A B would stand for occurrence of atleast one of them. B stands for simultaneous occurrence of A and B + Alor A’) stands for non-occurrence of A * ASB (or A’ > BY) stands for non-occurrence of both A and B. * ASB stands for ‘the occurrence of A implies the occurrence of BY HEA and B are any to events, then P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B) ~ APB) IfA and Bare mutually exclusive, P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B). © PIA) = 1 PLAY © ASB) PIA) PAB) © PLAUBY)= 1 - PYASB) * Plexactly one of A, B occurs) = P(A) + P(B) -2P(ANB) # PAUBUC) = PLA) + PIB) + PIC) ~ PLA 9 BY = PAN) ~ PIBOC) + P(ANBOC) © P (Exactly one of A, B, C occurs) PEA) + POB) + PC) = 2P(AMB) ~ 2°(AMC) - 2P(BOC) + 3PLAMBNC) © P(Exactly two of A, B, C occur) = P(A OB) + P(BAC) + (ANC) - 3P(AMBOC) + Pat least wo of A, B, C occur) = PEANB) + PBC) + PIANC) ~ 2(AMBOC) © TPA, Ayes Agare ‘nt events, them P(A, U Ay = Uy) Yay Ya, oa, + TPA, 0m, 08, do (HPAL OAy) P(A B)2 max (P(A), PUB), PLA) + PLB) ~ 1) © out ofm n equally likely, mutually exclusive and exhaustive cases, m cases are favourable to an A e not favourable tothe an event A, m:n is called odds in favour of A, n : m is called odds against the event A. ‘event and na Conditional Probability The probability of occurrence of an event B when it is known that some cevent A has occurred is called a condition probability and is denoted by P(BIA). The symbol P(BYA) is usually read "the probability that B occurs given that A has occurred” or “simply probability of B, given A, (ANB) (ANB) nS) _ PIADB) PYBIA) = = ANE oe era nay nS) where 0 PA) <1 PiAc PLB) [PCA)-P(B/A), P(A) >0 PB): P(A/B), P(B)> 0 B) Similarly, PravB) = ASS) 9 POASB) = PLA) P(B) the events are not independent, they are sand to be dependent. Remarks: TEP(A) = 0 => for event *B’, 0 < P(AMB) < P(A) = PIANB) = 0, thus P(AMB) = P(A}P(B) = 0. Hence an impossible event would be independent yp. other event Distinction between independent and mutually exclusive events must be carefully made. Independence ia Property of probability whereas the mutual exclusion isa set-theoretic concept. IFA and B ate two miu exclusive and posible events of sample space °S" then P(A) > 0, P(B) > Oand P(AMB) ~ 0 Piajpip that A and B can’t be independent. Infact P(A/B) = 0, similarly P(B/A) = 9. Consequently. may exclusive events are strongly dependent. * Two events A and B are independent ifand only f and Bate independent oF A’ and B are independ or A’ and BY are independent We have P(AMB) = P(A)-P(B). Now P(AMB') = P(A)-P(B") ‘Thus A and BY are independent. Similarly P(A’9B) = P(B) - P(ANB) = P(B)- P(A) Finally P(A’ 9 B’) = P(A’)-P(B) Thus A’ and B’ are also independent. Mutual Independence and Pairwise Independence Three events A, B, C are said to be mutually independent if, P(AMB) = P(A)-P(B), P(A OC) = P(A}P(C), PLB. C) = P(B):P(C) and P(AMBNC) = P(A}P(B)P(C) These events would be said to be pairwise independent if, PANB) = P(A) P(B), P(BOC) = P(B)-P(C) and P(AAC) = P(A)-PIC), ‘Thus mutually independent events are pairwise independent but the converse may not be true Binomial Trials and Binomial Distribution Consider a random experiment whose outcomes can be classified as success or failure, It means that experime results in only two outcomes E,(success) or E, (failure). Further assume that experiment can be repeated seven times, probability of success or failure in any tral are p and q (p + q = 1) and don't ‘ary from trial to trial and final called Binomial experiment and trials are said to be binoms! different trials are independent. Such a experiment trials, P(AJA) ‘This result is known as Bayes’ theorem. SPA)-PA AY) oo Ci ~ Value of Testimony he theory of probability can be uses fo estate the vale Gf testimony af witnenses Suet an apphcatia (90 este sumptions (2) That ty cael witness tote pettanny a constant Bibs credibuity), which measures the averaee treyuen svelte speaks the truth (1) thatthe statements of witness ate mpendent of one anetr anthe sense Fequited inthe Hheory oF probity ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 1 Fiud the probability that an ye @HOMGHIar random hay 5: aya. Sal, Let PUL) be the probability that an year ghosen at randoms leap year Mr PL) = v4 {Lot PES) > be the probability shat an year chosen a random hus 53 Sunday MS) PLD PSL) MEPS Ly Now P{S/L) prob. that a leap year has $3 Sunulays A leap year has 366 days, $2 weeks + the remaming 2 days may be Sunday-Monday, M-T,T-W, W-Th, Th-F, FeSat or Sat_'S Out of the 7 possibilities 2 ate favourable PIS. Simitarty POST) ~ 4 12.34 5 PS) + 47°47 28 2 A person draws 4 card from a puck of $2, replaces it and shuffles it. He continues doing it until he make (i) atleast 3 trials (ii) exactly 3 trials : draws a spade, What is the chance that he Sol, (1) For atleast 3 trials, he has to fail attempts and then after that it doesn’t make a difference i he fails or wins at the Std or the subsequent attempts. Chance of success at any attempt 1/4 2. chance of failure = 3/4 9 (3 in first 2atempt = [5] =< chance of | (11) For exactly 3 attempts, he has to fai in the first wo attempts and succced in the 3rd attempt J probabitity-(2) 1-2 cequired probability -{ 1 eee wG 64 are grouped in pairs at random and observed 3. Iva game of tickets, 8 tekets numbered 1, 2,3, Kept and others are thrown and this process is -wise, the lower tickets of pairs are aalidaaiteee the probability that out of remaining two tickets, one is numbered 4, 8 umber of ways in first process ayray Sol. Total sia! gt 4 so total number of ways - 84-8 24) QV 4) QY For favourable ways lets divide tickets into two groups and in second process = Cs Ticket of number 4 has to be igher number and there also a ed so that is grouping must be with a hi should be an hizher number of 4 ‘ atthe end of first process so favourable numbers are “¢ 43 4 So required probability - (27 2 e 6 ey 4 There a four plavers Ay, Aa, Ay and A, in pool A and four players B,, B;, By and B, in pool B. They are arbitrarily paired im their respective pools to play against each ather and one winner is decided fa cach pair to play in semifinal. 1 is known that whenever A, plays with A, A wins the game and whenever By plays with B,, B, wins. Find the Probability that () Ay amd Ay reach tn the semifinal (i) Aven Bs and By each semifinal, {In pool a pairing may be done in following ways Way no 1 A\Apand AyAy Way no2~ AvAyand AvAg Way no 3:~ A\Ayand AyAy ‘outcomes of different ways are Sol, w-1 AA, | Ava ae ara _ Pe reipectvely, One hal i i ite. The probability that A and B speak truth are Py and from the bay and A and B both assert that it is white. Find the white. Sol, Let Ay(Ap) be the event that drawn ball is white (non-white) and °E be the event that A and B claim that drawn ball is white. Clearly, 1 al P(A: =—, P(A) ==—, a a P(E/A,)= P, P2, POE/A2) = (1 ~ P)) (1 ~ Ps) => POE) PLA, PUEYA)) + PCAS}PUE/Ag) P, ( yey (PP) : P(Ay)-P(E/ DP, seat PADME/AY)_ (0-0 Py PIE) PL PS +tl-P) PS) ee ___ SESE SOLVED PROBLEMS iE Team A plays with 5 other teams exactly once, Assuming that for each match the probabilities wf 4 ,, dea and fows are equal then o 34 (A) the probability that A wins and losses equal number of matches 1s > 7 he probability that A wins and losses equall number of matches is = (B) the probability that A nd qual numbe o 7 h han it it (C) the probabil that A ssans more number of matches than i Tosses 16 16 (D) the probability that A losses more number of matches than if wins 18 Sol. (B). Probability of same number of wins and losses ~ no wins no losses + 1 win, H loys § 2 win, 2 loss @) ere(t) (Suen! 2 64 players play in a knock out tournament assuming all the players are of equal strength the probability that losses to Py and P: becomes the even om, 63.2" Sol. (B). ‘The probability that P, is champion sk P, plays against 6 other players which can be selected m Cy ways. If P; losses to P, then Py i "oid C, 4 672 included in 6 players in ™C, ways. Hence probability = - 3. If the probability of choosing an integer k out of *2m’ integers 1, 2, 3, .... 2m is inversely proportional tok! (1 1/2 (C)= 12 (D)< 13 So, (B). Let the probability of choosing imezer ks p(k) = % cs constant of proportionality Sow =15 2-54] a= (choosing an odd number), k a (ot ESN) 7 << Sol. 40 teams play « touimament E ame results m a win for ach team plays : : hat at the end of the has a 50" ry other team just once Bach 23 ‘ chance of winning each game, the probability 1 T-CNeT) Kam has won a different number o fone team. each lean, tournamer ; games is we = a we «a 7 (Ons {D) none of these (B). Team totals must be 0, 1,2, 039 Let the teams be Ty, Ts... Tax so that T, losses to T, for i B) = 0.2 then PCA/B) is equal to 2 a u 5 Bi “4 © a 6 mi (0), Ai) : Untries of « 2. 2 dotermmant are chosen from the set {1.1}. The probability that determinant has zero vale is aia (By 3 «c) 12 {D) none of these [a >| JEG) Mabe nO wbsierad Lbe Varad thet which occur in ight ways. Total number of 2 + 2 determinants trom {-1, 1} is 16. Thus required l probabulity i A and 1 are two indepen vents. The probability that and B happen simultaneously is Land eu (B) P(A) | pp) iu 4 2 6 | ! 1 1 \ (CVA) “=, PB) == (D)PEAI 7B) > WO PLA) B) = P(A). P(B) = V/12 a) PAB) PAY. PPB) = 1/2 => (1- P(A)) (1 = P(B) = 122 => [-P(A)- P(B) + P(A) P(B) = 1/2 => L-PA)- PCB) + V2 = 12 P(A) + P(B) = 7/12 ea). Solving (1) and (2) wives PCA)~ 1/3 or 14 Accordingly, P(B) = 1/4 or 134 AEE ER Comprehension same against an electronie machine, At each t e gel he rupee he yead comes, he gets back # a 10 one rupee com. Assy May plays unde deposits ome rupee a SIO and the ip, deposited and one mye MEY as, which has probability p of sowing a h from the machine I tail shows he loses his coin, Suppose he started with probable event of getting a tail Answer the following questions th round oF earlier 1s 1S, The probability that Ajay 1s left with no money by the ten a" 1B) oC p'g (pq? (Dy -p") Sol, (A). Ajay will Left with no money at the end of the tenth round or earlier tf and only if he wets a tai oq on) ofthem. Hence required probability — q 16. ‘The probability that his money will end up exactly in the twelfth round 1s (Aq! (B) 1 - p” (C)"Cypq"" (D) "C,p’q” Sol, (C). In order to finish up atthe twelflh chance he must have exactly one head in first ten chances andy), the eleventh and twelfth round then apparently we have required probability = '°C,pq" Hence (C)is correct option 17, The probability that he 1s left with no money by the 14 round or earlier is (A) QC + 10pq + 45p'q°) (B) q'“ip"q + 36pq + 7) (Cr q"" + 3pq!? + 3p'g + p! (D) 1 - "Cypq'" = "Cap"! Sol. (A), Apparently he cannot be drained at the 13 round if Ajay gets at least 2 heads in the first 10 rounds 1, ictly 2 heads in the first 10 rounds and a tail on all the ound finish at the 14 round. Ajay must get e from 11 to 14" rounds, which have probability "Cp'q”. 'd probability = q!" + "Cipq'' + "Csp'q!? = q'”(1 + 10pq + 45p'q"”) Therefore req} Hence (A) is correct option Assertion Reason 18, Statement ~1: PA/B) > P(A). then P(BIA) > PLB) because P(A) PB) (A) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True; Statement-2 isa correct explanation for Statement-1 (B) Statement -1 1s True, Statement -2 is True; Statemtent-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement (C) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 1s False (D) Statement -1 is False, Statement -2 is True Statemem 2: P(AVB) Eee Cm le HAT)» Pays HARB) p sol (ARPA = PAY BD Pray or ACB py) => BA) 2 PB Pua) PIA) 19, In a toumament there are twelve players 8. Sy, Siz and divided into six pairs at random. From oh Mansa Sinner is decided on the basis afa game played between the two players of the pair. Assum the uy are of equal strength, the match he following, Column — 1 ail (4) Peobatulty that $:1yamong the losers ) (1h) Prout that exactly one, and Sq is among the losers 1s | Qe n (©) Probability that both 8; and S. are among the winners is ! m5 {D) Probability ofS and S. not playing against each other is & oT w 0 Sok. (A948): (B) > (9K (C) > ():(D) >.) Me 4 (ay tet (B) Lot F be the event that Sand Sy aren same group 10 Let Es be the event that Sy and S, are in different group PCE) ASPs Let E be the event that exactly one of $3 and is among the losers, then PCE) ~ P(E, )P(E/E,)+ P(E )P(E/E,) Answer Q.20, Q.21 and Q.22 by appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following table. Cards are drawn from a pack of $2 well-shuflled cards ~~ Column “Column ~— Column i _ _(ofthe two cards drawn) | (probability belor | () Two cards are drawn without (i) atleast onekingis |. {9 1.) | (P) {0,—) i ent drawn | B) | . . atmost one ofthem is | je {1 1) a (M1) Two cards are drawn with replacement |"? te ofthem is | (@) (Ill) Three cards are drawn and kept aside. Now. two cards are drawn without replacement | (1V)One red card is added from another deck of cards. Now. two cards are drawn — TRE - a (B) (11) ad (Q) 20. Which of the following are correct?” (A Lan (Rd (Cy aM) WP) (Dy) (Q) So (©) *c Be, 21. Which of the following are NOT correct” AAR (By db 0) (P) (Dy AV) VR) (CVAD (ay «Sd «) 2. Which of the following are correct? (Ay Davy P (Bab a) R) (CH) Gi) (Q) (DAV) UN) (Q) Sol, 23, Number 1, 2,35... 9 ane put into 3 x 3 matrix such that all elements of matny are distinct. Ir probabiy that sum of numbers in atleast one row is greater than 21 can be expressed in ™ (where m,n are coprime, n then n ~ mis equal to _ Sol. (6.00) Bx4x3tx6! Probability = 2%4%3!6! n-m=7-1=6 24. A bag contains red and black balls, at most 17 in total, when two balls are randomly selected witho replacement, probability that both are black or both are red is +. If largest possible number of red balls tt can be present in the bag bem’ then sum of digits of'm iy Sol. (1.00) Let r be red balls bare black balls nOs Gs 2 = (bof -b+rsi7 = r-bsvi =r-bs4 andr + b<17 21 a rsSur=10 — GU ee f MEGACOSM mA 2 are drawn out of the set {1, 2, 3, ... 9} with replacement and the equation, x +2 }n, ~mahx-+n, = 0 is formed, then the probability that the equation has real roots is __ 4 (y= 7 B) 2 : eT OF 2 5 D2 15 om: Sol. x Total 1 3,4,3,6,7,8,9 7 2 4,5, 6,7,8,9 6 3 67,89 4 4 1,7,8,9 4 5 19 2 Gi > 7 1,2,3 3 8 1,234 4 942,34 4 P 4 3 26. A isa set containing ‘n’ elements. A subset P of A is chosen at random. The set A is reconstructed by replacing the clements ofthe subsctP, A subset Q of A is again chosen at random the probability such that 8c. Pr Qeontains 2 elements “S23 then (2+) 5. Sol. (1.33) LetA= fa), a3, 84} For each a; ¢ A(I $i 248 purely real number = 2-7 # Margie) 92,-n2 = a Wargi2) 212, -2 => z1sa purely imagiary number => 2 ~ ~ Note that aryum 'gument function behaves lke the log function, De Moivre's Theorem In in any anteger, then (cos 0 +1 sin 0)" = cosn Q + isin n ational number, then one ofthe values of (eos 6 + I sin 0)" is cosn 6+ 1 sin nO. Hin = pig, where p and qare S14 and p. have no common factor, then (cos 8 +1 sinDj" has q distinct values, one of which is cosn ( 1 sin n0 Hz~F(cos 0 + 15m 0), andin asa positive integer, then vn glalcog2hR#0. 2kn40] BN coy sn Yk SOQ n The nth Root of Unity Let x be the nth root of unity, Then ‘0s 2kn+isin2km (where k is an integer) n=l Then the nth roots of unity are a’ (1 = 0,1,2,...,n—1), ie. the nth roots of unity are 1,0,00 0 Sum of the Roots Teata’+.. tal Thus the sum of the roots of unity is zero, Product of the Roots Lad’ a= (1D = 61)" Remarks ‘The points represented by the n nth roots of unit vertices of a regular polygon of n sides inscribed in a unit circle having centre at the origin, one vertex being on the positive real axis (Geometrically represented as shown), + Cube roots of unity For n = 3, we get the cube roots of unity and they are 1, 4x cos 75 + isin 2% and cos + isn 3 3 7 “ei j-1-Vi and. v ‘They are generally denoted by 1, « and «” and geometrically represented by the vertices of an equilateral triangle ‘whose circumcentte isthe origin and circumradius is unity TRESS © 0! = Land} tat! =0 2 Teatto™=3 (15 multiple of 3) 0 (n isan integer, not a multiple of 3) 8 beat re Concept of Rotation 121,202, are the three vertices of a triangle ABC deseribed in the couner-lck wie sense, they cia) A400, CA on 10 Piha ies] 7 229 a) Note that arg (23 ~ 2;) ~ arg(z; ~ z;) = ais the angle through which pee OP must be rotated in the anti-clock-wise direction so that i becomes Kees parallel 10 OQ GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS Section Formula I zand 7 be any two complex numbers representing the points A and B respectively in the argand plane, then the point C(z) dividing the line segment AB internally in the ratio m : n, ies x ™ is given by M+ Me a mn Similarly if C(2) divides the segment AB externally in the ration of mn, then 7 = R21—™22_ nm In the specific case if C(z) is the mid-point of AB then z = 2122 Condition for Collinearity If there are three real numbers (other than 0) I,m and n such that Iz; + mz + nz; = 0 and + m+n-=Othen complex numbers 2), 2) and 2; will be collinear. Equation of a Straight Line Equation of a straight line with the help of rot ct A(z;) and B(z;) be any two points lying on any line and we have to obtain the equation of this line. For this purpose let us take any point C(z) on this line since ar © General equation of the line: From equation(1) we get a+ Za + i(2-Z,) and ib= Zz, -2,2;, be R where This is the general equation ofa line in the complex plane. © Slope of a given line: Re(a) If 2+ Za+a =Ois the given line then its slope = Im(a) Equation of a line parallel to the line 23+ a+b=0 is 23 +%a+2, ( where 2. is a real number). Equation of a line perpendicular to the line 27+ 7a +b=0 is 27-Za+in =0 ( where 2, is a real number), ee TE esa CR + Equation of Perpendicular Biseetor: Consider line segment joing A(z)) and B23). Let the hne *L’ be t's Pespendicular bisector IfP{2) be any point on the *L’, we have PA = PB 22-2) = 2-2 9 ~7)+7(25-2))42%,-25%; <0 Distance ofa given point from a given line: ae Let the eiven ine be 2a + Za+b=0, and the given point be Z +b then distance of 2. from this tine Ze za+za+b-0 © 8B (2-20) ~ Orepresentsa line passing through 2, with slope tan8, (making angle @ with the positive dhrection of x-axis). Equation of a Circle Equation of a cirele of radius rand having its centre at 2y is 2-24) =t Syl =P (2-2) (Z-R)=1 327 ead +z +b=0, where a= 2% and b= Itrepresents the general equation of a circle nthe complex plane © Zaz + Te+b=Orepresents.a circle whose centre is ~ aand radius 1s Jaa~b. Thus 77 +az b20 + (b © R) represents areal circle ifand only if a * Equation of a circle described ona line segment AB, (A(2:), Bl2s)) as diameter is * Let 2 and 2: be two given complex numbers and z be a any complex number such that, arg| = 21) aa, wherea ¢ (0m) Then ‘2° will lie on the arc of a circle fi VV 1 en. 7 * Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral such that A (z;). B23), C(zs) and a Diz.) lig on a circle af \\ 7 (24-22, aN Then —$ 2 ig purely real. Veu=2) a ‘+ Equation of tangent to a given circle at a given point : Let i7|= r be the given circle then equation of tangent at the point 2; is: fo~\ 72, = 2I2,|° (2 or Rel \ GER’, 2.# 1), then *2’ will lie on a circle, TS Ta mC ‘Some Important Result to Remember Sol. Sol. ge Sol. The triangle whose vertices are the points represented by complex numbers 2), 23, 2 18 equilateral if O ie. ite? sad tab =e +2324 9h having the points 2; and 22s Hs fot. And if, le -2)| * e-2a]= 2, represents an ellipse if fz, ~2 2) = 3, then z lies on a line segment connecting 2; and 23 ~ [2-23] > 2, represents a hyperbola if2, ~2:| > 2, having the points z) and 7; as its oct. Ang 2 excluding the points between 7 and 2, 121 ~%:|~ b, the z es on the line passing through 2; and 2; ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS ‘Solve for zi.e. find all complex numbers z which satisty [= 2iz + 2e(I+ 1) =O where cis real, Putz =a + ib then a’ +b? - 2ai + 2b + 2c + 2ci = 0 = (a+b 2b + 2c) + Ze~2ayi=O=> al +b’ +2b + 2e= Oand 2e-2a=O=> ae. © Now b+ 26 +(e 4 2e)= 0-9 b= -I tVinde~ 20-ce[-1- v2, Since bis real, I- szeeticiivi- 2 does not exist fore @ [- N2 } Consider an ‘n’ sided regular polygon with origin as its centre. If z, be the complex number Tepresenting a vertex A,, of the polygon, find the complex number associated with the vertex that is adjacent to Ay. Vertex adjacent to A, is either Az or Ay. Let 2 and 2 represent the vertices Ay and A, respectively. Considering the rotation about the origin, we get =0_ [eal ioe 2,70 [22] anim 0 Fal Similarly, 22 “4 i RRS If kj = 1, soon pee caren ‘represented by perpendicular straight ines. bis Since |z|= 1, z lies on a unit circle having centre atthe o tz) «3M or 3h 2. 2 ave mo 142. pe? or ke'™?, where iga eal parameter and its value depends upon the position of z, 1 Let a= f*# >a= vk e* or Kk e®** > a lies on one or other of the two perpendicular lines [GMP-MATHEMATIC: sa {Show that, when zlies above the real axis, will fe within the unit circle which has ‘he origin. Find the locus ofc as ztraves on the real axis from - <0 (0 +=, Sol From figure, it is clear that axis). le-i]<[z +ij(asz lies above the real > a lies within the unit circle which has centre atthe origin Now if is travelling on the real axis Im(2)-0 and Ref2) varies from = to +. staj= Bail =o) xi frail Letz=x+i0>a= Tas h-il=ixti] ¥xeR = amoves on the unit circle which has centre at the origin a Scare (Ht) in the argand plane. (z+! Sol. Let us take (24) 2n]3, Clearly 2 lies on the minor arc of zs circle passing through (1, 0) and (-1, 0) Similarly, Are 2) =n 2-1 Means that °2’ is Iying on the major are ofthe circle passing through (1, 0) and (1, 0) Now ifwe take any point in the region included between the two ares, say Py), We get an 21) <7, 241 ® ZI a: 10+ Gi and 2, = 4 +2. Itarg Sol. Let O(25) be the centre of the circle. : saad tent! represents the shaded region (excluding the points (1.0) and (-1. 0)) We have ZAOB AB=[y-23) = [644i Let OA= OB=r=> AB=rv2 == 4-20 _ yi Also 21=20. — gil? Z,-% 1 12) - Bit oe l(a, +iz, zh) =547i Ve 2 SOLVED PROBLEMS 1 Efi) dandaret2)~ 0, where z# @ and @ is acute, then 17 1 eal 10 (Artand «ny and 0 o (C)tan «yuan Sol (Bh. 2-1) 1 represents a circle wath contre at Fan radius y equal to | We have ZOPA ~ = Piz) = arp(2=4}- | ° A o-2!) Now im AOAP tang ~ AP op Thus 22 - stan 2 If 2 be a complex number satisfying 7' + 22 +7) + 32-7) +4 = 0, then complex number 7 + 3 + ys lie on : (A) circle with centre | - St radius 4 (B) circle with centre 1+ St radius 4 (C) circle with centre 1 + St radius 3 (Dp cirele with centre 1 ~ 51 radius 3 Sol, (C). Given equation of circle ZF + AD +3) + F(2~ 344-0 centre - (2-31), rads = Jaa~b = 3 => [2+ 2-3iJ=3. Leto 243+ 2 2t2-5 d+ Si fo- 1 = 5if>[2+2-3i=3 so, © lies on circle whose centre 1s | + Si, radius = 3. A a eae a Infz-2-i] = [2] jsn| 2 argz } . then locus of 2 is | (A) a pair of straight lines (B) circle (C) parabola (D) ellipse Sol. (Ch Weave x - 2) +ily 1] ~/2l|-Fe€050-—Fesind}, where O arg v2 = Vix-2y Hy |, which 1s a parabola . 4 The maximum area of the triangle formed by the complex co-ordinates z, 2), 22 which satisfy the relation 1 (B) Sha — zit 1 : (D) Sia ~ 2 1 2 CT eka slat Sol. (B), By the given conditions, the area ofthe tangle ABC 1s i: tas aa Locus of zifarg [2~(1 + iyj= | 4 a (A) straight lines passing through (2, 0) (C) aline segment (D). The given equation i written as an = when x <1 asine| * arg (2 when x >1 a => the locus is a set of two rays, when |z|}7~2| when |z)>|7-2 (B) straight lines passing through (2,0), (1. 1) {D) a set of two rays (02) Ne Relat | ' Let ze Candif A | are) 5) and {eare—3-») 22} ‘Then n(A/.B) is equal to al (B)2 (3 (D)0 (D), We can observe that 3 +3 € A but ¢ B £4. 0B) =O. 21, 23525 are complex numbers such that [2 exceed (a6 12 (B). Let y = fey ~ 2x0 + lee —2sh? + = (2-2)(4-%) + @- WW Yeol= sl = Athen jy ~ 2 asf + [ay ~2yF can not (9 (D) none of these SS OEE ee ONE A Ee ey eA) Now we know ay hs 67) 2B VARA AA LAD a te )e0 2) From Hand 2) Devising tay by 24, we obtam the remamder ‘and dividing it by 74, we get the remainder 1 5, 4) Femuanider upon the diussion of fay by 2" Vis 1 ony hie (By (ety 1 1 Wot 1 (Dy s(z4apet Sok. Hy eae ne yar by abe ( Mi) tabs a Nv Trica b dei Q) From (1) and (2) wtb tay Hence required remainder ~ az + b= Lis 1s 9 We V21- 201 then the principal value of arg z can be a «B) (C)-— (oy 4 4 Sol, (A,B,C, D). J201 21 = f(-25)+ 45 2(5)(21) +(2+51) 4(5+21) iby are complex numbers such that (21) = 1, {2a| = 2 and Re(2,22) = 0. then the 10. fz, ay + ib, and zy ia pair of complex numbers @, =a; + and «9; ~ 2b, + iby satisfy (B)Jo:|~ 2 (Al jon = 1 (D) Im(ojos) (C) ReCoors) - 0 D). ap eb} =1 Sol. (A, B,C, a} +b; = 4and aja; = byb, a3 +b} = dap +4b; (ay + 2iayy’ = (2b, + ibs) ay = + 2b, tb: TI ee eas ie Sol. 2 2lolet and jo" = 4b) +b} = 4 lo) Re(ioyens) = 2ayb, Im(oy03) = yh: + gb, =2a3 +263 = 2 angents are drawn tothe If ftom a point P representing the complex number 2, onthe curve [2|~ 2s pair of tangents ar dra curve |z| = 1, meeting at point Q(z;) and R(zs), then (A) complex number 22°23. wit ie on the curve [|= 1 (D) orthocentre and circumeentre of APQR will coincide (A,B,C, D). A, Dis true as PQR is equilateral triangle so orthocentre, citcumeentre and centroid will coincide. py #251 3 Saitatap=9 (ata t2y(% 24%) -9 (©) ZQOR = 120°. One vertex of the triangle of maximum area that can be inscribed in the curve fz ~ 2 i] =2, is 2 #2, remaining vertices is / are (ay -ri2+v3) (B)-1 243) ()-1+iQ2-V5) (Dy -1-i(2-W3) nO Clearly the inscribed triangle is equilateral 2 +i2-v3) 2 2,(2 #21) SESE gaz +a? =0, then “a” be areal paramieter such that 13. Let 2" bea complex number and ‘a’ be areal pal eee (A) locus of 2 18a pair of straight Innes (D) (a= (Chargtay Sol. (A (OC), (D) Draraod - => Z> aa, aw’ (where *o" isnon real root of cube unity ) = locus of zis.a pair of straight lines and arg (2) = ag (a) + argio) ao") (or arg(a) + = arg(z) also, (2 = faljo| or fal fo’ Comprehension Fepresen the disin, tn argand plane (| represent the distance of a point z from the origin. In general |2, 8. then 2 = 2" ah between two points z; and 2. Also for a general moving point z in argand plane, if arg(2; & = cos + i sind Answer the following questions 14. The equation jz - 21] + 2~zs]= 10 itz, = 3+ 41 and z= - 3 ~ 4i represents (A) point circle (B) ordered pair (0, 0) (C) ellipse (D) none of these Sol. (D) 15. 2 ~ 24|~ [2 ~ zal} = t, where Cis a real parameter always represents (A) ellipse (B) hyperbola (C) circle (D) none of these Sol. (D). Given equation can represent a hyperbola if 2; ~z3)> 16. Ifiz-(3 + 2) argz ||, then locus of z is (A) circle (B) parabola (C) ellipse (D) hyperbola Sol, (B). (x ~3)+ ity - 2)) cos (+ ind]. where @ = TTA ST Cm Assertion Reason 1. atement -1: The point nis 2 ~ \ © ay om the complex plane satsiving eon the same Side of ihe orig or ayn Youth complex plane satsying +o < 2 0, b> 0 (given) Since, Re (z) + Im (2) = 3 (given) =atb-3 (a) Now, fet E = (Re (2})' Im (2) Se CS Sol. 25, Sol. a (3~a) Q) Now, Eis maximum or minimum if 2. 9 da => 6a-3=0 => 3a(2~a)=Occithera=0ora=2 Again, <0, when a=2, da Hence, E will attain its maximum if'a = 2 maximum value = (2)' (3 = 2) = 4, . s By ay 5, qg ate al the 100" roots of unity. The numerical value of SY (aya4)* is ferjsvo (0.00) 2) Yaka’ =(af +05 +05 +08 +05 +... (al? +a? +a! 4al? +a +..)=0-0=0 faa . f100 if = 100k because (a +a +..+afy9)={ : lo. ifr # 100k fz, satisfies fz, + 1 ~2i] + 2) ~2i] = 9 and zy satisfies fea and z3is__ = |, then the minimum distance between 2) (3.00) 2, lies on ellipse with foci -1 + 2i and 2i while 2, lies on circle now find common normal 2 2 2. M Let M = max{(Re(z))? + 5(im(2))" } and m = min{2(Re(z)) + (Im(z))’: |2|= 1}, then a 8 (25.00) M-=Sandm=1 SAIS

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