3D Geo

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M * % Angle 3D Geomelwy. t Stwoga et Lane t 1, Bauakon of a shoaig' fel Aine, passin Ahvoeph a er pot ay po cahel to « ean vector! a i be tA AQ oe Noclor form ¢ weaeee ia ° [e = porancter’] < e Camlesiaw form: 4 Az (%4 5%, 71) Rey yey, 2H -ias Low OR ae b= Ate my tk r= ateyj +2 eGo paramehe Vaelor Bqu”! (#-4) xb =8 De Cqvackory wh w etoai ght ns. Lo Ahooughy so gfive pores = mS 8 eVactor Jorn: = G+t (b-%) Pe * Comtesian form? = (% z R= Y= Yt z= 2 A= (591%) RH Ja Fh B= as Yos 22). n r eS eS zk ° Non- paramere Nector &u- a P= KY) (#- &) x (b- @) = ®elwoon Two Lines! @ Vector fom? @e R440 [BF B = Cosy jaar Is) al Cayoshich Seka © Comlestan, jee + BEET, IN BEE a bi 4 meh Bay bribe Orn NaP4 Bt oy? Two Wines which hatther wrlersee hry now collect Skew Itnas B= Cos! ove. ¥ Ghow Lines? ove chao thek between wo # Shortest distance 1, Shorles+ distance — be-twaen Janos ff Zero, 2. Pawallef Linne? a2 by Jeanne | LES Ainast +wo Wercecting- R= d+ tb ~ oo a, a [(%- 4). CB, 8.) | 7 }b,* %| : eA Sey z-zZ Cardesia OTM 6 i = 3 =. 1 Carterton forme ay: 2ZS. Soe. 2 K-% _ MY. 2 Fa ae a ae i ee e by oo aA = b2 cy 2 Le T tagmbacy™ (ear S29 Cb 4) 4 Cayoshich Seba % Condi-lton for -lwo Aines to Farlessect? ar bi, _ Re a+b, Comlesion: e Bs - -y Yo 7 a a + 4b, mem any pote a bi % feo, Oy b. eo | Ca, —4,) (by x®,) = 0. ellis See £ Coline any Ce Thaee Points: These pews Ac with post Hfery vectors ayo au cotUnear iff Go, b,c aye A, b+ A,e=0 RB apt dae 43 =O. Tar Aas ds nek ath zeroes | | % Plano: prone passing. through a 1. Bquacttow, of geen dpamt & fevpenclicunter to a vector! © Vector form: (#-3).n =0 6 ig Ans 4 > MA RAR S a © Cardestan form: ‘ Veutry,f tuk oe St Ee a (HM) + OY) *cG-4) = 6 = at teh ek > ovigin , Tn = 0 Sf posstyy. -lhrough Cayoshich Seba aaa ~ —— Dy Equection of the dane = when ctislance fwonv the origere and unl normak ts qren: *Voclr orm? Wek = Pp ré > unit normal Pp 7 dtelance J * © Carlesiaw form! he ae At my + 2% An+t i) +nz=b. 3. bqul® 6, the plane parsing through, @ ayn porn RY powatheL to -lwo Vectore 2 » 2 => + Nectr forms m = G+tVeu? C ae aiven potent parallet to B AE] e Carlestaw form: a- atey,j 42Z,F my YY 2- o rs & 4 m hy | = 0 be hiemy + hy® ze a Ast amjene “ @ Non porametere erm: [ora B Zj=o ali ey -caved 4. Squattow > the plane —_paseng- Unouyy tno five” ponds & porattel to ow gives vactor? ° Vector form? 2,0 — povttow P= Rr 9 (P-T)+ ev [ vectoos of potatr, port to vw). o Non - poranuctste F - [er- 8) B-%) PF] =e. Cayoshich Seka 38D ary 3 © Comlesiaw Lormi = tay? 4 Q= %'79,J 44" my “y 7-7, o 3 a “ wee ! P= xmi+y,t+ a* Ry ey Ywew -%) = 0 4 : ; a B= Aba my + ek x m w 5. Equasttow a, the plane — baceany through Wren geen hon— cotlinewy aqvints | => > oa Vector fom: = T+ e(b-a) +t(e-a) i [ 0, 6,6 — priors vectors of pais |, ° Non poramertrice ‘ [cw-2) (E-%) é-3)] eG Gocletos erm? De atayd eat MM IT, « ER p= %,t tyaf4 zk -% m= ¥,-2 =0 = * y Sa ‘ TH ait yTt se a er 6. Equattow of plane pascing. Anrough -the = Aine ab. wrlessacttow ah Awo ger planes + + Vector formt an af plane — fassing- Iheoug ke the Ale Of anlersecttow of planes ihe gq & BRA, ws ee hit da (Fa - 42) = 0. © Carleciaw ferw On biy +4 a+d,=0 an + bry 46,24 4270. Techy fl Wh (eet bape teen le eee AD 1 Go prt se OO ae Fe Gye" of the plone Which cuctetns Bio even lenes $ ot *Vocor fovmnt Rimes We a t+ + ~~ > > rot mwra*su [(#-3) TF] eo AL (#-A) WV] =o * Comleciow form: a, = utoy jak a= att yj +e. R= 4iamyank De Bismy tk Ms IIe EH U2. Ye BH Ae mp PRO ty n | =o. ay m, he 2 i na toThe dsetance between 0 pot BR a pane! Jf (Yr 21) be a pomt Rana b aczta=0 be the oypattory of “the plone) then Ae Oxy -+ by +r, 4d {a +b+c* eo Ditence belweenw 4wo qoretteL planes bras, O%y + yy + 2g + oly =o Ax, tby,+ Cz, +d, = 0, vw d, - do jeeps Cayoshich Seba i) Geometry P ¥ Jirlercef-+ Lorn of the equ" of o plans $ wy + i= o. bo 9 %1,% a b . gee inlercapt t Coblonanty ay two Wrest = => i Lames. = Opt ft b Re a, + Ab, Concli-tow — a > oo (42-4, ). (b,xb,) = 0. fs. eke Ye BaF a, b, Q =o, a, b, e + faye betaaen swe planes: | Ren, = ty ee cost [ Buh | oo mong = Vy hy ne * Angle between & Jane. and a panei m= @+ev es Tine @= gin | wwe 4. be KR Equorton al, btsectors of the angte betwee wo planes! Ox+ by + ez+ad=0 [44 Dol Axt by +Gz44,=0. onthe 2 2+ by +C,2+h Noes ot nfazt ert > a, + bb, +e, Acute angle Dbtuse angle ' ' b8sector besector 70 - + =o 7 Cayoshich Saha y Smage af & point wth reashect to phones maven: Simage of A (KY 1%) nrl axt by-l cz+aA=0d be B(x, rSur@s) man Ma Par LT 2 (Oxy t by, tez,4 arth. Meh. Beh = 5 2 Cant teat D a7 46". 4 Poet of perpencticatar: Re-% Sa I a Pr (ax, +by, tez, +A) a b a Q24 br+e* HRal Leettow d, a 4 Lane ow Qnethide cblanes The wal tecttor of the = Lane ax+ by 4 cz+XA =90 owe the flaue ant bry + Cz+ a, =O Ts. 2(aa, +b) + a) (a,r+ by+ Q2ztAy) - Capsera ar) (aatby teed) # An aquatton af — seconcl cag roa. Chemo genzour) wepeeots +a0 planes passing. “through origin, ah 4 q & Concittow — © 0, x of ® of the acwle anyte between two planes any by ez + 2Pye+ 24 2m + Dhay > 0 then = cc! {iii eray dh be Kanab) Q+h+e. Sf Blomes ote “perpen ckicutor, then Qrbte = 0 Cnyoshich Seba M 3D Gromer d + Sechow _ horn Lao, + il) Divistow atconally 7m + M9 MK yh M KI | AMY ot MAF! | M2 4 omits Rahal , Mg aA an) M9 an 70, F aia By Dreassow soxlarnally mi my 1%2— MX amyya- Ima Jy My Za — MMT OES, g Ht )- Any =o ear ™ —"a bk ee 4 Cowlovicd af a toforg he! (2, Yanty , mee, 4 Gontesid A eteahetoord (Beats, PAVAA 4, zzer6 te) AGsy,) # | Suche 2 Merk bea 40my ay tbyg + 63 GE of eset aN, on ya) Q4+bt+@, > aabte Ry wolermat sto ange wieectony (cubes dy ney, oy 4 Excose ty) a-see —~pe-e +t, bag - any - Cx, a % Tye (MSD, bon oni 79) a Be, bane Can Eas) r,2 (232% ~bx, » oye bys -ay, \ 7 cranb Q-b-a “ty aie A yyy, 4 Ciwoum cantoe: ee > eexctinetes ane! PA of Utewsectow * (anaheim, ob parpardicutor a! Se sim2A + SM2B 4 Sin2c bisector 2 3 (rash), sin) ASIMIA 4¥_S1M2B +5 sinIe SinaA st xaSint a 4s Side stokes. "Sen Sm244 SH2Q 4 sind] + Onthocentre: Pt ak Grlevsectow oh abttucles! BilanAt Xtand +2atane yan Act %+an 1% 4anc _ ean RL aan St gon AOnA + Fen +tanc tanh + Hamp + j + Birechon costwes! (ym, n’) (cove, oas/), cos9). Mivecton TAtfor Cayb,6) — Wheme bye ae, three. nam bers proportt oval to divectfey costs, Cnyoshich Saha * Useput evesulls: Dat lel sy mle]. ee PIAL (Projechsns ow axes) ls iv dhs ttampaak = Fi Fo? — = i) DarPantes, | ginas svn’ 4 S070? = 2] Sicosat =-1 tw) SF Re ats i rck shen @ybse) Ove the 3 Nireckew vedic: a 7. Direction covvnes at e@ » ve Jo*r bre? tine “joining too points: f)\Divectiow watios a PCesryss 28) sQC%27¥a9 7a) ~ | Dweckeon comes of Leos) arm) 9 a2] | H (1,90) } Ores " H (oy1,0) | Divectiow covines + @ ES axes (02> (00,1) [ o-™ Yarh | Za-% tn in a, 227 1Par Pal” PAI Hee er eas a Lmftnite on number, * ay between -tno vectors i4f 8 ts the org ‘4 i between tye vectors whsse disecttew cosines Lore C255, sy)» Cosma Mads Cos8 = Lalo + mmz+ nyN2 - ; ft “| me sine [ Chims~ amy 4 Cmn.mimangy + (ny tg — M224) I ovngg onal vectoys nhen f,d,+ mM thine = O Cporotet Neches when A. Tee ™ We orthgg snot QyQa4 dy xe = Poravel Om terme ab Arectiow ratios , aya, + byba + Gee {0,7 b24c*- Jastb,24e,2| O mae BO" | a "by * Ca # XE PUA) a CH) one tro ftir, then the length Oe boajectiow PB By & fine whsse dtracHow comes ore Ctymyn) > (%2~%) Le Gary) mt (22-2) Y- Oose = Sayoshish Seka * * BD_ Geometry : 9 SH vaigt Vino. Poromelrre form: passing Ahwoush 0 ee wrth denticw veer & Q callel +0 @ aren vector e Gr arbi) Ss Guys 4). 2 HX fs scalar, Me Seab , Nav-porametste form! Genttoens form? aoa pte a eee Stent CR-B)xB=0 of Wxb= ax Passing Abrough lwo ps haong position vactrs FR bv BaeTeace-d) or W-V+ACR-8). = D O (#-8) xCE~)= 9 oF “now prromehte i x (8-3) = axb Comtestian Lorne Bisectar of angle? betwean ihe st, Ines Paee+aw R we as ye Sl z c weat ek str] re tek ebetween two Nec-tors Chon-coltinear) a2 ob we A(a+h). Perpendicular distance of gf a Ain yer a Hines from a pt P(e) om ons b+ pe 1a. - {¢o~B) ey on | (b-B) x2. 1el Sayoshish Seka $ Angle between “hoo _Wmes! betsy ———~-Z,, Pao, + Ab, a Fe ay ape cose = 1 ba Thyl- 1byt scarutasion form? birhosen KM yeM . 2-2 pp “a %y Poy 2-22 a yy q oD By @ y%q + by by +CyCy ca cet aah Si at b+ ¢? A G2 6,74 Cr K Condition ah aaptanarity aL soo nas? = | We Baird Q ae C+ pd ore. coplanar F (-8). (xa) = 0. > [eta] -(tt3] 4 Shogdest distance, bertweory skaw tres? bet . Sheetesy Oe user Qose = we atrr we C+ pt (@-a)- Cbxd) Distance = aoa | cBxa)| K Eq" a Plano! Generat- Ant bytcz+a=0, Noctorfcots passing tre ugh 7m) Q nH do an the Mormal -to the ‘Vecchor o di gon geneata ate > Gr -7) =O | moymat + plane (a,b,c) = wn than equ alze=%e) 4 bly-yo) + © (2 20 =o R.A oa [A sth diviance a plane from wigin: Sayoshish Saha 4 3D _Germery. © Srloreopt germ: Srlarcefts one, asbye KR yIyHe= qtpte 7: © Passing through “Hee pointe: PCH), Zz Newloal: [-% Ba, FAY = 0 Carctesians |= m4 yoy) 2% X- 2 YY, F-*% 0: K- Ky YY, B-% © Fassing dirk aft @ chorea ts lwo fetes _Nectars ‘ PE) veeler Fines Ba a ie Oe AB ape (poromebie) . (#-0)-CB8% 2) = OQ: Com pacamelyte) > [eve] - caval. PCR) pant amt plone mene a Ange betwen a line anc o plane? 7 => Nactoyal: w> Wrap & Rea ak gm 8 = bet i elt Porpercticutarly: Bxn=0 or B=AR Poorly lien psd Sayoshish Seka 4 Angle_belwen lwo _plones? Pina a QR Wo = de —a 2 ys Nat, = ly] Wr parendea taney t Wy. R= ovalleism R, xn =O. 4 Ey! Os plane epe-ssing a too planes: Vector! ( Wn = 4, QR Wem = As’) (HRA) +A (R ~ob ) o > me (Haan) = dit Oe ? ( , 3) Tyemsly aL planes], # Planes bisecting he angles betwen -too planes: Corton: (4 xt bya cz td =o QR Asx t+byy +e, Z+Ar = 9). Cose = ‘rey? ondavsechov " (arthytat1d) . (omteart aati) _y [rothry dhe agus of plone. ae tule damm positive, ,) thea cemstant means Ajay tbyhat C2 > w gd sigh my the ey” Q) gras sitive che — basector a the bts or qewle ang ke 8D Qsomelry k Gyr ak © Sphere. + a wacius a | k ~ Canrbre. PCa). |ar-@] = a, Comledians } cevtre (4b, ¢) Q wacktus K (roy gC! “de equ’ ah sphere pee tee ad ag? . adey?s 2742 (cove -U,-v,-W, x GVW gay through 4 dts aoay 74 2 x y # L ny tat Kya ABs xy yr 2% tal pty te x2 Ye Be L =0, Kerby ees hy Vy MQ ot Ut +e xy yg Bq oF 2 PCs 7192) QA (mrryor?g). as w aL Homeler , re oy (= %4) (renra gym) y- y2) +@-2) (2-B)= 0. exdremmics 4 9 Condition of the obheve to “touch adlane. Weg ; [F-] =a [erat _ eR -al ff = ml Sayoshish Seka Exlwos: KD ple ore coltincor aa’ Biz%2. Yrs. Ma HD %-%3 Bozs * Planes an cortestaw form? paint -normal form 0 (x0) +bly-ye) +¢ (2-2 )= 0 | \ teporeltel to two tras wrth directow cratinferdines Cay ,4250,) Q (Coy 140253) A cpossy fhroush (%or Yo» Zo) |" yy ve 25 a, 5 , by baby + cowtaming two P's (Ry sys Bi)» Kar yarFad ge tine ~to plane meth ar fae (a,b.c)- a porattet HK YK BAA atte MirYe 2r- By =. b e & Potion vk a -povrrit Two #l’s | ame sw He some , (axyt by, +6244) CO%2+ ky at c24d) +e “Bppetle Mole (Org by, C2 tat) Cars+by it CP, +d)

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