A Research Paper Presented From The Electrical Installation and Maintenance of Passionist Technological Institute Inc

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A Research Paper Presented From The Electrical Installation and Maintenance of

Passionist Technological Institute Inc.

The Interest of Electrical Skills of Grade 11 Electrical Installation and Maintenance

Students in Passionist Technological Institute

Gabril O. Padillo
Johnlloyd P. Modina
Romolo E. Mahinay
Kent Joevern B. Miramontes
Kier Partrick L. Limosnero

March 2023

The ultimate goal of vocational technical education training is for the acquisition of
knowledge, attitude and practical skills for sustainable development. The training of vocational
technical education students is based on the production of goods and services that are not only
relevant to themselves but to the society. Stated that the acquisition of life-long practical skills
calls for effective and efficient teaching strategies, appropriate evaluation methods and
utilization of standard teaching materials, tools, machines, and equipment to ensure the
production of desired graduates with practical skills. Other requirements include training
manuals and availability of qualified teachers with experiences.
The students who undergo training in Electrical Installation understanding in diverse
skills in thetrades as expected to posses’ skills for design, development,production, excellence in
installation of electrical management and utilization of trending machines and equipment,
maintain nerve electrical/electronic devices and circuits.
The acquisition of skills especially in Electrical Installation and Maintenance trades
would undoubtedly leaded to job creation and self-reliance as lack of employment is an evidence
of unsaleable skills possessed by technical college graduates. This study was conduct and
determined the Electrical Installation and Maintenance skills of the students. Learning is the
process of acquisition of knowledge(practical and theoretical) which is education.
Okoro (2008) remarked that the products of technical institutions do not have the
knowledge and skills that will enable them to take up the available jobs. Moreover, he asserted
that technical colleges are the principal vocational institutions in Nigeria which is designed to
prepare the individual to acquire practical skills, knowledge, and aptitude required of technicians
at sub-professional level. This implies correctly that technical colleges are designed to give full
craft man training intended to prepare youths for entry into various occupations of their interests.
Among the occupations that youths are given training in the technical college include Electrical
installation (repair, maintenance and installation).
In the same vein, Nwachukwu, Bakare and Jika (2011), submit that technical with the
relevant and adequate knowledge, skills and attribute for employment under the guidelines of a
teacher in related occupations. The place of skill acquisition in technical education cannot be
over-emphasized and to achieve these objectives, too many trades are learnt in technical
The main purpose of this study is to determine the academic performance and the
Electrical Installation and Maintenance skills of the students in PTIISHS. In the same manner,
this determines the factors affecting skill acquisition with an end goal of enhancing these skills.

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Statement of the Problem
This study attemp to focus on The Interest of Electrical Skills of Grade 11 Electrical
Installation and Maintenance students of Passionist Technological Institute Inc.
Specifically. it sekks to answer the following question.
1. How may the level academic performance of students be described?
2. What is the level of the Electrical Installation and Maintenance skills acquire
3. What factors are affecting the skill acquisition by students?
4. Is there a significant relationship between academic performance and skills acquired
by the students?

This study it aimed to test the following hypotheses:
There is no significant relationship between the academic performance and acquired

Significance of the Study

To the students, it would help them to enhance their electrical skills so, they can be
prepared for their future job after graduation.
To the future researchers, it would help them to have information about the level of
electrical skills of the students, so it would help them in terms of information that the study
would provide.
To the parents, it would help them to guide their children in terms of improving theirs
kills in electrical so they can help to find a job that suits on them.

Conceptual framework
Illustrates the expected relationship between variables.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

The Interest of Electrical Skills of Electrical Installation and

Grade 11 (EIM)Students in PTII Maintenance
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Scope, Limitation and Delimitation

This study highlights, The Interest of Electrical Skills of Grade 11 EIMStudents of
Passionist Technological Institute Senior High School for the school year 2022-2023 the
researchers delimited the domains of EIM strand. It did not include to the other strand since the
skills to be assessed are specialized in Electrical Installation and Maintenance. Only four sections
of EIM 12 students were included in the study. The study was based only on the responses of the
respondents, thus, their honesty in answering affected the result.
Definition of terms
To better understand the study, the following terms were defined conceptually and
Academic Performance.
This refers to the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their short
or long term educational goals, commutative SPA and completion of educational benchmark
such as secondary schools diplomas and bachelor’s degrees represented academic achievement.
This study, this refers to the grades of the students in EIM subject.
This refers to devices, materials, tools, and the things that related to electricity. Electricity
is an energy that flow into the wires and going to the load to work. Electricity can conduct a heat
to while performing to and need a good bind from source to load to work. This study was utilize
the electrical skills to determine the level of the students skills in EIM
This refers to the ability to do something well: expertise (difficult work, taking great
skill), a particular ability; the ability to one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or
performance. In this study, this refers to the acquired competencies of the students in EIM.
Factor is the ability of affecting the skill acquisition to decrease or increase the ability to
do the task easily or badly. Factor is effective to gain the skill and to make a powerful
Electrical Installation and Maintenance
It is one of the strands offered in K-12.In this study, this refers to the major subject of
specialization of EIM students where acquired skills, academic performance, and factors
affecting skills acquisition would be demonstrated in this study to claim that the students was
needed more elaboration or visual, deep understanding, and mostly, the actual performing or
hands-on activities to know what is EIM for. In addition, for major tutor like teachers and
professors will take an advantage while teaching to their learners
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