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10. es “lectron in 2° Bohe's orbit im hydrogen atom. Tet ent® Seon and tied Bohy orbit of hydrogen atom is 3. PPS From thire to sexe Peetively. Calculate the wavele vith ot emitted radiation wecond orbit : 2 atm and 300, of ee K is connected to a 250 mi flask containing, NO() at INO: (2) dimerized” ube OF Meplgible volume, when they costar netics Me temperature. Find se, iat© NzOd(g) and pressure inside the flask was found dimerization ot NO: as Calculate Kp ate Ke at 900 K, where the equilibrium Steam-hydrogen mixture was 45% Hz by volume. A Galvanic cell is construct ted with Ag’|Ag and Fe? which the emf of the cell is zero at cquimala concei Eo ing = 0.80 V and Erpes =0.77 V) * | Fe** electrodes. Find the concentration of Ag* at -ntrations of Fe” and Fe™. Use the following data to answer the question below: hy O SH =~ 28.6 kCal mot! CO oem CO AH = -89 kCal mot os) naphthalene Calculate the resonance energy of naphthalene in kCal/mol. Find the value of Ke (freezing point depression constant) for the solvent, p-chlorobenzene, from the i following data, : on. Molar mass = 147.01, Melting point (K) = 326.28, AHj..q (KJ /mol)=17.88 Answer must be in the units of 107 K kg/mol. 15, 16. 18, 19. 20. 21. 22, 23, 24, T AStanemaon #8 26:33 81 KY mo voaan for water > C4 couples a e886 0.H0 yoy tue of molat elevation € _s2A8+e S agand C Calculate the va Consider the reaction, 2A8" +Cd= re potersiats f° AB reactio®” .g place which electrode is negat vl 0 ag ve and propylene BROS 3622.93 ang fon. 3 mole of ethylene bron! f23 Sromag kN The standaed el lene Pearly ideal solu otal pressure of 20.4 KN mo dito vot eesti Oi ow itn stan ( Rorthceteerocnem prec pressure of im rexpecivey and hese OPO rn 2 et orm are estate 2 oto rom hg vapors? Me Paty motes oF each comoound aon by X-nyaition es he Mpcerved and calculated density meg te Bes ated density and eqiS8'St sng At 353 K, the vapor: 0.3627 or Nac i observed 0 0.5627 3 Se ‘Calculate the difference tions. Why? ‘The unit cell Iengt rent colours in dilute sol jon of the C2Nz molecule. density of NaCl is 2.164gem" 9% of missing Na’ and Cl ions. [Fe(CN)o}* and [Fe(HsO)e}” are oF die : Explain from the VB method the possibility of formati onium ion, H30", he bonding in the oxonium ion, is 109° 28° while HN ~H bond an lized angle in Ni ig What is present ina water my olecule make the ox¢ ator can react with hydrogen i008 te aera n? Describe th that allows it react with a hydrogen io HCH in methane (CH) Why the bond angle of 1 1002 though both carbon and nitrogen are sp” hybridize ‘the meling point of KCL higher tan that of AgCT Hough the erate ral of ABT aNd Kon strated H:80« gives an acid (B) and an oxide (© the acid (D). (D) is having very strong fing woe ds almost same. reaction with conce! () of odour of decaying fish, Find (A) op, ‘An clement of group Von Jhromate produces 1 reaction with acidified die! water. (A) with metal (E) produces as hydrolysis B25 identify steps A, B and C. From the following metallurgical flow chart, i Sulphide —“)> Oxide —©>Impure metal —°>Puremetal Silver nitrate gives a white precipitate with aqueous sodium thiosulphate; the precipit cxcees of thiosulphate, If the precipitate is heated with water it tums black, and the eae then gives a white precipitate with acidified barium nitrate solution. Give the id observations. reactions for the above A yellow solid (A) is unaffected by acids and bases. It is not soluble in water. It di 1 . It dissolve cone, HINO; and brown gas (B) is released. The solid (A) dissolves only in a boiling solution ollcn sulphite giving a clear solution (C). Acidification of solution (C) causes a colourless gas Dyke liberated, accompanied by the appearance of a milky precipiate (E) in the solution. Identify (A) en Dehydrohalogenation of 1, 2-dihalides (with the elimination of tw i ; it /o molar equivalents of leads to an alkyne rather than to a conjugated diene. However, when TCaibromocyconehae © dehydrohalogenated, 1,3-cyclohexadiene is produced in good yield. What is the reason? —————kxx——— ore _-/$.-/.-|$ SS Ee ee rrrnrrr i CATES a SN 26, 27, 28, 29. 30, 31 32. 33. A polyhyde (0 B54 Bere aco having molecu ine the number of OH at MEH = 168. On acer Be Of-OF groupe ante OF {Soetation the molecular weight increases on, we | of OMS ¥ (VCH Nn, a ie) — Huo No Hae! Hue Write the structure of (A) “e Arrange the following com ing compounds in their increasin nan vin in their nen sing ode of aii: on : : cH, : a ‘OCH ; a “@ OH (8) (C)CH, © © oe In sodium fusion tests why excess of sodium is taken’? Chlorobenzene when treated with ethanolic AgNOs it does not give white precipitate. Explain Nitrobenzene does not undergo Friedel Crafts Alkylation reaction why? Starting from benzene how will you prepare m-nitrobenzoic acid. Sa EeSSSE x. 38 39, 40. 41 42. 43, CH, sve compound B (Cat) lute 26 ‘Compound (C) upon reduction una (CaO? from (A) © C) on so aw anne scnyaoiscd identify st following ere, predict the product of the crs r » "OH = 7 fe tautomer of, Mak of wT ompound? °° ° 1H J Cl -C - CH is known as active methylene c Why CH, -€ ~ CH ysis of following aphinwe order oftvrlriseF IE, oes, CHACON, “o oo © @ Explain basic strength of following NE H (©) (b) ‘An unsaturated hydrocarbon A (CHio) readily gives B on treatment with NaNHo in liquid NH. When (a) B is allowed to react with I-chloropropane a compound C is obtained. On partial hydrogenation ine presence of Lindlar catalyst, compound C gives D (CsHlis). On ozonolysis, D gives 2, 2imety! propanal and 1-butanal. With proper reasoning give the structures of A, B, C and D. Write the intermediate steps for each of the following reactions. @ YQ w — Ol H ° ‘CH VISTAS ena 5 4 Choon mo, f hoc, - CH, | vim Mada aS: tt rossi ts «eon on the O in ROMs a base site like 47, on Of 3-brome -2,3 — dimethyl rT agit bute and 2 bromo 2.3 diethyl bate wetted with radioactive Nai 48, SS*ODIC exchange, Famine 8 Nal in dry acetone rate of oF optical oxidase CIO ons on tration with 202 MKMnO in hd treated with encore fala solution isncutaivnd Man ed wi The liberned iodine requires II} vik ot e molar ratio of Cu"? to CaO,? in the in the above titation 49, 50. ition occurs, Sh. i Also write the mechanism involved 52. Identify A, B, C and D, in the following schemes and write their structures, TY, ESHA) Bathe) 96) ‘cH, NH.NHCONH, oO) (c) Na0D10,0 (excess) oo 53. Cyclobutylbromide on treatment with mages in dy gies {omsan oananetaiesompon a ® : und reacts with ethanol to give ison. Pro ee paien “of alcohol (B) with an equivalent amount of HBr. on [Lorne mie is ane (C). Write the structures of (A), (B) and explain how methyleyclopent . REISS lg Seeee tenet eee e ee eee eee CETTEETESSESE — ORE, — GQ on oxanolysis °° 200 (8) wee compound 55 56. 57, 58 59. 60. 61. ql cesence of anhydrous AICH gig Pd (BaSO.) give Me owed Poanpound IN>, Hdenti nm Sate Myized come 4(D) eemnty (AS An organic compo (2), the compound (B) on (C) which on reaction with 4nd (D). Explain the fort How would you bring about the follow Gi) Ethanal to 2-hydroxy-3burenoe Gy 2-methyl propanal to ze we ono ther from an organometallic compoy, (i) 2-botanone fom eth aleobo 1 Fpetanon tem n-propyl! ames ent wa nes hel) afer mid oxidation Pel 901 {0 Fir ives I-bromo— I~ methyl eyclopeny i 'd from (B) Penne et ‘Cyclopentyl bromide on treat ‘The orpanometalic eompound reacts With NE re Rguivatent amount Of A ow (C) is of creme of aeaot (2) wih ‘ate tn sacar of (8), B) and elt . What would be the major products in following reacti a ee noes a) b) a “e a cH, BF ae © Hydrolysis of 2- bromo ~ 3 ~ methyl butane (2°) yield only 2-methyl -2- butanol (3°), Explain Explain the order of hydration of following: CHO CHO oO Oo ‘Br @ (b) @ Complete the following equations showing major product, which reaction mechanism (SN', SN°,8; + SNE E,) is likely tse a a rye HC. » — + KOH —SHOH, 3 Hc ATA Sen en 63. OH OH An optically active amis amine (A) i . an alkene (B).(B) on sek w 6 Subjected to exhaustive methylation and Hofmann elimination to yield structures of | ‘sis gives an equimolar mixtur ‘Which one is more basic and why? co co (a) (b) 66. Which one is more nucleophilic and why? Om 65. CH, TE Se _ ~~ re NE 67. Cateutate the enerny reqited 40 excite Oe MT cin ie hydrogen, The energy or or ll io (oy ©) pte (b) can, WY? clint be resolved int enantiomers ere 69. Pyrrotidine can be readil sa from an ether sotation into an 2 0K, 475) pyle cannot. exp contin carbon, Hyar0B6n, clon 70. A pungent smcting tiguid (A) was analysed and fO0N ectal compound (B) was formes. From cxygen an pon rsction with aqueous STIPOTE AC) resulted. Iacide soltion, gga this was treated with bromine nd potas an aleoho! (DD. Upon mid ior he ahh (C) reacted with sodium nitrite, giving MSEC 11.0 which gave a positive est With ammoniacal sive (D) was converted into compound () of ME er etions and identity the compounds (4) it ofthe hydrogen stectrom plced in the third orbit of the hydrogen som, ” “aleulate the velocity (mise) of an cle Fir is electron makes aroun! the nucleus, "8 peste ete te mur kee sectapsorbs 1.50 times as much as enNeTEY 98 the minim, a sCaleulate the wavelength of emitted electrons (©) An electron in a Hatom nt rome si required for its escape (13 m the aton : 72. One mole ofan ideal monoatomie gas initially at 1200 K and 64 atm is expanded to @ Fra state a x Rand'7 00 ain, Foucheve the above change, a reversible path is constructed that involve an diab expansion in the beginning followed by an isothermal expansion to 1 determine the ‘magnitude of net work done by the gas in eal. (R= 2 Cal/K-mol+ sion AB, isobaric compression BC & agiabaig 73. In a cycle ABCA consisting of isothermal expan compression CA. Find the % (approximate) efficiency of eyele [Given : Ty = Tp = 400K ;y = 1.5, n2=0.693, 2°= 1.26) Vo 2Vo V In solid NH3, each NH3 molecule has six other NH3 molecules as nearest neighbours. The enthalpy of 74, sublimation of NH3 (s) at its melting point is 30.4 kJ mol”! and the estimated value of enthalpy of sublimation of NH; (3), when there were no hydrogen bonds, is 15.4 kJ mol”. What is the average strength of hydrogen bonds in solid NH3 in kJ mol”! 2 75, Drawa graph between degree of dissociation ( ) Vs time for zero order reaction, ‘A 50 litre vessel is equally divided into three parts with the help of two stationary semi permeable membrane (SPM). The vessel contains 60 g H gas in the left chamber, 160 g Og in the middle & 140 ¢ 76. Np in the right one. The left SPM allows transfer of only H gas while the right one allows the transfer of both Hy & Np. Calculate the final ratio of pressure in the three chambers. ee CREA een en Soeis mesure of 67.4 mm ina conan volume the pre 2 and O: into 10 which was hose oa n Ws reps WBS 14.3 tae, Ext Or was madee sin the pas seated afer which the pressure read Sacre "he eas sample =e ° s um & 3 me Reet aa ps S°MESFM to athe Mak our mes age in "a thermostat both maa eY MEANS of anow nexlnotae es ‘Maintained at 500 K, while other still at 900 K. Pre 79, 80, Cubic lattice. E tice, Tae ith C or H interstitaly, by allowing atoms 2 the host lattice dt boton toe F host lates. Hydrogen oceusen eal holes, but carbon of nits to hos atom radi that canbe tolerated in a ugg eh “ssinga stain inthe hon inna : | Sonu 288 $I ACI CF wea | Stuvon was foundio a O AOH) i dnc in 259m of solution, The pH ofthe resultant msradius of and Cr if ACI forme CsCl ype pal 2.2 giem}. Given Kwaon BY 107, = 02 Ritevoncae 82. Ina fice centred tat itis occupied by anatomic sions 2 seabed bY A atoms the body centred octahedral hole in volume of unit cel alse ect Formula oe rsa a CO calculate the void space por ant 83. 0.10 mol sample of a, solution will AgCIG) EN vedi 1.00 Lo 00 MND, roto ol of NaCl is added to this 84, In hypophosphorus acid P is in +1 state (H: HbPOz is stronger than HsPO,, Explain MOR nda phones seis ene 85. On the basis of H-bonding explain thatthe, ‘Second ionization constant K; for furnarie acd is greater than for maleic acid, 86. The fixing of photographie plate film involves dissolution ‘of unexposed silver bromide in hypo solution according to the equation AgBr(s) + 28:0;(eq) == ag(s:0)).°(aq) + Br(aq) Calculate molar ‘solubility of AgBr in 0.1 M hypo solution assuming its complete dissociation Kp of AgBr = 4.5x10 Ky of Ag(S20s)2* = 2.010" AES EEE Explain the stability of following free + J WOooe @ o © 88. An hydrocarbon A (Calla reality VES 17 tains. On partial hydrogenation nh, 8 carbon & (Ca een pound CoS ly, D gives 2. dmg sear atl ad D "1 STE een yeeneriCal pa eee ee Propanat a icbatani, Wah proper reason eive ee STH 89, Write the intermediate steps for each of the following reactions Ss ou ‘07 CH» oe cucHO did (CoHsCH(OH)C = CH * (iii) CHy ‘ie CH,OH oy mnole of potassium acetate per litre. Calculate 90. A buffer solution contains 0.2 mole of acetie acid and 0.2 slum setae et Hr ie of pH of the solution if 0.5 ml of 1 'M HCL is added to it. The pK, of His 4.76. The the chi volume change on the addition of HCI may be neglected AA solution of mono basic acid (3 x 10 M) has a freezing point of depression of 0.06°C. Calculate ka for the acid, (log 1.6992 ~ 0.2302) [Molal depression constant 1.86°C/m for water] The e.m.fof cell Zn /Zn$Osl| CuSOalCu at 25°C is 0.03 V and temperature coefficient of e.n fis 1 the change taking place inside the cell 92 1.4%10* V) per degree. Calculate the heat of reaction fo 2" jons from a solution of Cu?) is to add NHs(aq). A blue colour -1< 10" and thus confirms the presence 1 c 93. A test for complete removal of Cu’ signifies the formation of complex (Cu(NH3)s}"* having Kr= of Cu" in solution. 250 ml of 0.IM CuSO.ay is electrolyzed by passing a current of 3.5 ampere for 1350, seconds. Then sufficient quantity of NHaa) is added to the electrolyzed solution maintaining [NH] = 0.1 M. If [Cu(NHs).)* is detectable upto its concentration as low as 1 x 10°, would a blue colour be shown by the electrolyzed solution on addition of NH3? ‘Show that the reaction CO(g) + /4Ox(g) ——> COn(g) at 300 K is spontaneous and exothermic. When standard entropy change is -0.094 KJ/mol". The standard Gibbs free energy of formation for CO: ané 94. CO are -394.4 and -137.2 KJ mol", respectively. 95. Give the valence bond description of [Ni(CN),]? & [NiCliJ* ie. hybridization, shape structure & magnetic moment of above complexes. 96. A, B & C are three complexes of chromium (III) with the empirical formula Cr(H:0)Ch. These complexes have either water or water and chloride ions as ligands. Complexes A does not react with concentrated H2SOs, where as complexes B & C lose 6.75% & 13.5% of their original mass, respectively on treatment with conc. H2SOa. Identify A, B & C. 97. Compare and calculate the magnetic moment of Fe** in [Fe(CN)¢}* and [Fe(H:0)e]"* SSCS CES een 99, 100, 101 102 he (ages Ba Petiodic table, M se) foram iso hle ne and (3) MA sb A809 “oe ne and ei deny A A white sub = react ss solution C reactic ana rth ite 180. ¢5 roduce a colourless gas B and a colourless A Slows I ma roc vaya Dan ation of An Per Ephae istuncd Boe nation of this colurias tiuid. emerge gor 105 prodics ft peri eon of ofthe acto Pee eye h ease. Tet Wify A.B, C, Dand E. Write the equation HY the solid taty ot forms impay solution does tS green colour to the flame and its soh 2S. When it i The gas when ‘ctions involved, '* 898 wh heated with K CO, and concentrated B80, Passed in aqueous NaOH solution tums it yellow. Give Esplin the stability of ttowin sie 5 O SSIGNMENT] = oa CT) MEQ (SINGLE orTION eos . ue in Which excited ofan electron inte hydrogen tam OEE ate, 1. The potential en (© fourth 4° orbit around X would fin, on oa . 2. Whataomie numberof anlement woul ave '9 FO see ich astenern © 4, ‘ — _ Bie a nen 2% A SEER Wo socsive rections, A> Band B —*Cs the evel percon yield for conversion of 10? s cisssinamemaas (2) Ba insufficient (C) 26.65 Oe o 1H sus Na VuOu.24420 08 COE gg 4 Keston 9 0, lone tion oa songs 2s So ned oer equivalent weight for reduction of VO inthis case wil be GTM denotes MO 05) (A) M2 a @ M yt determine aM {B) Cano ritcell is‘ 5. What is the C—C bond length in diamond unit cell ifedge length of win py (A) . ® 2 ae (D) none eg and Pinar taken together in 8 conan, 6. Ifwo immiscible gui “A and 2" wih vapor peste Px andy ate wen ob — “A forming upper aye hon the vapour inte container upper ly re ae {B) can’t predict (A) Py (C) Pen + Phy A tribasic weak acid dissociates as followes HA SSH, A" +H" SHAT +H HA HA? SiH +A" What will be pH of 0.01M NazHA solution. cay Be we 7 9K +pKa, oO PR PR (D) can’t predict, 8. Choose the correct statement of the following: (A) The specific heat capacity at constant pressure for H2(g) is 7 cal/unit amount, (B) The critical volume of a gas is three times of its excluded volume. (C) Dalton’s Law of partial pressure is applicable to the mixture of Hz and He at all temperatures. (D) In the diffusion process of a mixture of He and Ne the remaining gas in the container is enriched in Ne. ike losing wi (0. a NaC 10. The va | Nin PO Press (9 041 Ma, CHYCOOH with a= 0.08 | Nev. The prea . all have same Bp A 180 wa ae een 100 go water pric aoxs | © 38 ‘Srperatus 13006 Nm? The mec ea Th IP vapoy &) 90 iia on es (©) 200 1 i arisen below, aoe Which one will be ment i je fractions of the components in the ily separated by Fractional distillation, 13. Find umber of motes of SAEFAM Shown below age, BEN in he conn of volume 10 nd 00 th P22 Pag a ams OL ad ompea 300K. Use the 5 | frovecrine cw) 054 eal \ (© 064 8) 047 (0) 074 14: Which of the followings cone er oblie wavelength associated to a gascous particles is dire! a Depriglie {© 8 gascous particles is directly proportional to square-root of its r (B) Slope ofa plot for ‘ung v/s T” for an ideal gas is -ve (© The molar ratio of Os and SO: in a mite is 32 1 ina conan. lt require 6-suecesive difusion operations to get 2: 1 molar ratio of Ox and SOs (D) R (molar gas constant) does not represents the work-done per degree per mole " 15, When the energy of activation is zero, K (rate constant) is equal to (Ajo (B) infinity (OA Da" 16. In terms of mole fraction, equilibrium constant is written as K.. The relationship between Ke and Kis ns = B Kerby (a) Kok (S) 2) (© Kez xz)" Kx crear TENanETnnTan CRA neSS ary" OK &) 13.6 Kea 17. For HC (ag) + NaOH(aq) —» NaC} 69 eo. (ey 13.6 Kea! 4 41,80,(a9)-+ NaOH) 3 a spec ih of he flO De they 4 so. at like in the ators 5 (A) “68 Keal va seca times wn deariom mates arouse a wir @) Be © he ' cnder is Towest i 19, Among the following metal carbonyls, the © - 0 POE PE rre(CO)s) incon (Dy [VEO COM lectrode press J peat wn (Conder same IEOL EDA 20. Which ofthe following cll ean produce more cles inall eases) or (A) PUH, (9) 10.2 NH, RIC [10.2 HCOOH (Ot (OH), | H. (9)! oa " ), |]. 0.05 M Cal rtoioeaunss0 (CH,COO), Ha (9)-P" (©) PLH, (g)|0.05M H,SO, | 0.05 M Cal me @) PtH, (g)|0.2M ,COONa || 0.2 MHC! | H,(9)-! . . (Q)10.2McHy “agiae’, Sn’, CalCa" PRIPO 10-08, 136,95 ment among these metals is ng agen = (B) Ca ‘The standard oxidation potentials ofthe electrodes 21 and 10.12V respectively. The most powerful ox ea on Ea rae an arent 5.00 ot OM aaa rae {omic wt of Cr= 52) aw @) 30 Gis (D) 103 23. For the reaction between COs and graphite CO: (g) + C ( graphite) —= 2CO(g) AH=170 KI AS=1701/K Reaction is spontaneous at (A) 1200K (B) 900 K (C) 500K (D) 298K 24. The melting point of a solid is 27°C and its latent heat of Fusion is 600 calories/mole the entropy change for the fusion of one mole of the solid in cal/K is (A) 2.22 (B)2 (©) 22.2 (D) 05 25, The correct order of increasing bond angle is : (A) H,0 > ClO >F,0 (B) CLO>H,0 >F,0 (©) F0>Cl,0>H,0 (D) F,0 >H,0 > C1,0 26. Among the following species, identify the isostructural pairs (COs, N; , N20, SO2) : (B) CO2, N20, SOr (A) CO2, N;,N2O (D) COz, N; N20, SO (©) COz, Nj, SOz eS eS SUCRE yon "Which pag (ODED ®N.0,co. ©) an «) Noy ©) No, with NaHCO,» © or No, ©) 41. Which of the followin NO, ane Sbilize 10 0: ion more strongly? © 0, te ©) [Pc 32. Select incorrect reduction ion process: (A) 2[Ag(CN); 2m [2n(CN)P + 24g (B) 2FeO+C—* Fe +O (©) 8Al+3Mn,0,—* 5441.0, +9Mn (D) 2zns+C—* 42208 +8, 33, The pair of compounds, which cannot exist together i uti (A) NaHCO3 and NaOH ee (B) NayCO3 and NaOH (C) NaHCO3 and NayCO3 (D) NaHCO, and HO 34, The compound (SiH3)3N is expected to be (A) pyramidal and more basic than (CH3)3N (B) planar and less basic than (CH3)3N (© pyramidal and less basic than (CH3)3N (D) planar and more basic than (CH3)3N - PhNH;'CI- can be distinguished by 35. NOH and Ly yen (D) Zn (C) LiAlHs wf ohn (py i> n> meV ay (py u>Iv>T> Ol © ()ivem>n>1 (IV > m>1 HOH 38. Ik Inti diol ; (A) OH at Cp is more basic than that of at Cs (B) OH at Cp is more acidic than at Cs, (©) both have same basicity (D) both have same acidic strength because 39. Phenol does not react with NaHCO: (A) phenol is a weaker acid than carbonic acid (B) phenol is a stronger acid than carbonic acid (©) phenol is as strong as carbonic acid (D) phenol is insoluble in water. Predict the product of the reaction below ‘ Il ' 40. oH 9 “ bow ®) wc Ng ° I o-d-om © (D) Both (A) and (B) 41. Acidic nature is more for (A) o-amino phenol (B) m-amino phenol (D) All have equal Ka's (C) p-amino phenol Anti Markovnikoffs addition of HBr is not observed in (B) 1-Butene (A) Propene (C) 2-Butene (D) Pentene-2 IGMP-CHEMISTRY-ASSIGNMENT| 42. 43. A carbohyat (A) Monosacy 44, olysaccharide (D) Trisaccharide cho 4Pon wy) Hb on Hon HOH ‘SHO Hof @ moth note Son * Dae, \we ——. XSBEIOY—44.2 Zis ° “~ O< ®) (D-ex04 os © oD 46. A nitrogeneous Substance X is cola ith HNO: and the product so formed is further treated with NaOH solution, which produces blue colouration. X con oe (A) CHsCHNH, ©) CH.CHNO; (©) CHsCH;ONO (©) (CH):CHNOs 47. GH 124K, almajor) Hcl ths What is A? A Heo @ (A) CH H3C- wow aid (D) None © ° NL ‘CH3 Hye 48, How many alcohols are possible with dil (A) More than 20 (©) Between 16-20 1 dipol 49. Which of the following compound will have bigest iP? {B) P Sitrophenol {B) nitrobenzene (A) o-nitropheno! conditions? wo» it wane exe noi SI. Ina Cannizzaro reaction, the intermediate that " i I mol o “Ot bu 4 # bo © ian ot bu ow 1 order of reactivity towards electrophilic substitution is Among the following compound, the decreasing (B) V>1>1>1 92, CHy 2 Fs a v (D) > 1> 11> 1V 1 0 (A) > 1>11>1V (© i> >> 1V 53. Consider the following compounds: o Orne a on—(C coe: wo 9-(C-ae a eC) The correct decreasing order of their reactivity towards hydrolysis is, (A) (Iv) > (D> > CD (B) (> av)> > (My (© a> av)> a> @ (>) > ay>aty> dv) Which one of the following on heating gives unsaturated acid: (B) B-Hydroxy acid ‘54. (D) &-Hydroxy acid (A) a-Hydroxy acid (©) y-Hydroxy acid IGMP-CHEMISTRY-ASSIGNMENT| O41 as main product (®) CH, -CH-0-c-cH, oH, ch, ° cH, " ° © CH, -cH¢_¢ 4 f OCH,—~cH, (©) CH ~cH-c-0-cH, cry, cH, es 37. Which acia can be oxidised by Febling solution: (A) Malonie ack (C) Oxalic acid (D) formic acid 58. Which of the following ‘compounds gives carbondioxide with NaHCO? (A) Acetic acid (8) Hexanol (C) Phenol (D) Acetylene 59. In the reaction sequence: CH, ~CH-COOH i oy OH [Y] will be: Zn (B) CHy=CH-COOH (A) CH;-CH-0-0 ener poh, OH ©)CHyCH CH-CH GO’ 5 © | CH, ~CH, -COOH SIAe See Co to tw td ™ " pyivemie wet yea t= ty (artemis Te utsty ° 6 ° AS mune y On < N. x Her <0 7 © + Her GS mot om (> 4) 2 © = paths of synthesizing the organic produc» ° The correct statement among the following about the above «0 (A) Path 1 is better than Path It (B) Path I1 is better than Path I (C) Both the paths are equally good (D) Path 1 will give less yield of the product as compares 1d to that obtained by part IT In the following carbocation. H/CH; that is most likely to migrate to the positively cl H iH +harged carbon is ! ( 62, nyo—c> ec", OHH CH (A) CHs at C-4 (B) Hat C4 (C) CH; at C-2 (D) Hat C-2 63. The correct stability order of the following resonance structures is H,C=N=N H,C-N=N H,C-N=N_H,C-N=N 0 w my ww) (A) (D> (I) > (IV) > (I) (B) (1) > (II) > (I) > (Iv) (C) (I) > (1) > (MI) > (IV) (D) (IID > () > (IV) > a), 64. The correct acidity order of the following is oH ‘OH COOH COOH [ SS SS AA a cH om o (B) (IV) > (I) > > (I) o (A) (I) > IV) > (I) > () (C) (II) > (I) > (D> (Iv) CCE Se SSN EN (D) (ID) > (II) > (IV) > (ty) OXY rom YoroMobenzene (®) 2-Bromo-s-hydroxybenzonitite (P) 6-Bromo-3-hayronybenconitrle ©. TEN and s both ' Laasaigne’s test both changes 9 (8) NaseN $4 blue colouration itn (©) Nay$ and NacNO i sot obtain ©. na FCC ton ic, atom A’ (aya! en XMS se als ees whe ay a aerate (eth Denver A Wha es ng he ee har Os Be 70. Compare the two metho oa Wo methods shown forthe pare th . reparation of crboytic acids Method # 1 R-Br— 8 OR Miger. $2 ROM Method #2: R—Br_wor_p CNHI RO ‘Which of the following statement comeety desribes this conversion Br cooH (3) oth method 1 and method 2 are appropriate for carrying out this conversion, (B) Neither method 1 nor method 2is approprins og canying ou tis come (C) Method I will work well, but method 2 as, appropriate. (D) Method 2 will work weil, but method | is nat aroroneen, 71. Which of the following sequence of reagents can be best uilized forthe fiven transformation ° ° ad —— nd \W D (A) Cl, AcOH; D,0; LiAlHy/H0 (B) D20/D30°, Cz, ACOH; NaBH/Hs0 © alien , base; DO and then HgCl, /CdCO, - HO H,C—SH Base; Heb—SH HgCI,/CACO, - H,0 and then D,O ©) " HyC—SH SIRES eS eee (a) Hye=cH-—OH it i cn-g-0H Sune wo Mert i note produc Treatment oF hs HN BOLKOH gg 73. A chiral Call ether reacts with hot HE to sive ACSC nal ether? 0 Produces 1,3-pentadiene, What isthe structure ° > mo) » 1 ° an © ce @) O 74. Which ofthe following on treatment with CH= CH produce g#5() @ NHs (ii) CHy Git) OH iv) Naim lig. NH (A) Gi), Gi) and Gv) (©) (i), Gi and (iv) (B) (i), Gi) and Gi) (©) (i), Gi) and iv) 75, ° i C 6 Ss ce Here, the product will be: ° ° oe 1 se—ock, w of » ch wo cock f’g—octs ayo g 8 ° ull 3G OH (©) Both (A) and (B) in equimolar ratio ©) ck +CHOH = “C—OH AT oO GNSS SS ene a prough the long tut re to. ie fount recnibth nts wes hom ne me Ngee MU a Saturated solution is obtained, Now, the a ie al f 0.003 M NaBir is added. ° errs tak unt a saturated sotuton obtained. Now, the 10° and egcAghn ny SS 100 or dbo esi 10°" a1 25°C: peepitation would bane (8) Experiment? (A) Experiment 1 (© Both experiments 78: Consider the folowing sauitiig ON ee 1 A(s)—=8(s) M 2a() 8, : ie O—8(0 M. A(s)——2(g) i , (ay Te oF te above wil not be disturbed by oie ho increase in pressure: © mittanaiy tO Weal” \ only 79. A Buffer solution having pH 4.72 ig \ volume of acid to base? (pls of Cr =n fed PY Rig of IM NAOH and IM HN. Wht eh ao ot Ars 1:2 3:1 (C221 80. x+y Regarding X and Y which of the following statement is/are correct. 1. Both X and Y are aromatic. I One of them is anti aromatic. III. All the carbon in X and Y are sp? hybridized, IV. One of the above species can give addition reaction with Pyrrole and can produce as a major product. (B) LIL IV @Lim (D) HIV. (© ILIV ii & St -ctucose following (). DGhucose I tartaric acid and St Ui, are Proavet Aond ahnee tion state of Br is more than unity. 2, ()HssO. 2KBr > (I) KBr + HjPO.——> (uel. + KBr OH —> QV)Br, + NaclO; —> (B) ,1V. iii (DL IV (© iitin tv she wut noo and R), The sum of the total no of postion 83. In the following set of Aromatic compound (e-8: P, Qand R). omens all the given compound C\HXY, B,NJH,XY — C,H,X¥Z (P) (Q) (®) (A) 17 @) 16 BE BE Whi wing is planer molecule 54. Which of te flowing planer olen (B) CH = ch © OO @) COOe 85. The flasks shown below are having gaseous reactions as indicated Identify the flak in which dns may be falling fastest with time “ C) 2N0, (+N, (a) 200, (a) —»200(9)+0,| ie tenes (D) Density will remain constant in every cae 280, (9) +280, (9) +0,(g) (B) © TSA ion amon, Pa Lane Lene eft 2hes[A,], 1 ae 87, 2PK, + Foe Base] a) Yield of n-pentane CCH cH, pn be ob Maximum 90. 2-Butene is obtained by oxidation of which compound with DMSO? Cty —cih Cth CH Br ® r cH, —cH—CH—cH, Br Br t HyC—CH- al © h— i CH, — CH @) By Noam CH; _ Sl " = PRE ISeSSe 91. Consider the given reaction “I ‘The reaction mixture will conain(s on A only cH Guy B cols am (D) No reaction will ke place (©) MixtureorCHyf—T and ICH Gath Gath 92. In the reaction sequence: ray NaOH CoHs—cH, —Ch/HY, pq HOWNAOM , fy] (Sma) [) and [Y] will respectively be: (8) Cutts —CHCh and Cette CHO (A)CoHs—CH3CI and ColHs—CH20H 5 OON: IsCCIs and CoHsCOONa (©)CoHs—CChy and CaHsCOOH @)c 1 reaction with nucleophiles: Para-substituted benzyl bromide undergoes Sw : CH; oO) ro) cH,-0{C)—an, Br @ “ ony @) Ono Br Oy we) cn, (B) 1>4>3>2 (A)2>1>3>4 (1>4>2>3 (D) 2>1>4>3 94. Predict the compound which will undergo Sx2 reaction in fastest rate : “ a ® cj —ch—c1y, CH; ~ CH; - CH; - Cl a a CH, CH, -Cl (D) CHy-CH,-~CH)~F (©) CH, ~-CH, - 'sHsCl. (A) gives optically inactive 95. Two isomeric halo alkenes (A) and (B) have molecular formula C. compound while (B) gives optically ative compound in hydrogenation. The two isomers respectively ae (B) 4-chloro-1-pentene and 2-chloro-2-pentene (A)3-chloro-1-pentene and 4-chloro-2-pentene (©)3-chloro-2-pentene and 1-chloro-2-pentene a WTA (D) I-chloro-1-pentene and 5-chloro-1-pentene seeeerrmmmmmummmaaaaay IM (A) I> 00> © u>m>1 ® m>1>m 99. The most reactive nucleophi ©) m>n>1 }Cophile among the followin, (A) CHsO- = " ® Hyco f © cH,-C—o- ©) ©- 100. In the given reaction (X) is: F | cHO/cH,0H CH;—CH,—CH—CH, —*——+ (x) (A) CHj~CH)~CH—CH, (B) CH)-CH=CH-cH OCH, js — CH: — CH - OCHs (CQ) CH)-CH)-CH=CH2 ©) TICS & [XI witl be (A) A meso fo (B) pair of diastercomes va are ot (©) pairot Sec x toms 3 Oot (D) pair ores in ich “Br” ators 9 102, When phenol i tested with excess Bri watt HBMYSLG g gud p- bromo PIEAO (A) m-bromophenol (Dy 24.6etr brome PI (©) 2.4- dibeomo phenol yw will BE 103. Products of the reaction which is given PIO NalOfOrO._, Hyo—e=cH— cH, CH (p)_ Vic dicarbony! compound A) Vie dio! i ° ——¢—crt, and CH, —c —cHo ww) He ‘COOH | (C) CH —C—cry, and CH ctrolyte having an osmotic pressur lution of non electrolyte having an osmotic pressure of. 104.The freezing point of one lit of an aqueous * i Soe tel (py -0.151K (©) 235K @) 298K 105. In the reaction sequence w tt @ a i cnp—=b—cn=cn, =c—cl —cl (D) CH;—CH,— CHs— CH= C= Clk, will give: (B) Only CHO (D) Mixture of CHsCHO, HCHO and CO, (Q) CHy==cH-c= 106. Reductive ozonolysis of allene, (A) Only CH;—CHO (©)Only COz re of 2-chlorobutene on treatment with HCI? CH—=C— CH=CH, 107. Which of the following will yield a mixtur (B) (A) CH2=C=CH-CHs (C) CH= CH-CH= CHa — CAe eee 109. "10. In the given reactio (A) 10 Of this Solution required 2.3 mt 0f 0.1 M-HSOy for none oe MOF Ncto®. Methyl orange is then added when further 2.5 ml of 0.2 ae 80 Mas rue. T © smount of NasCOs and NaHCOs respectively. in Mitte of solution is (© 4.2 gands3g Derg? nd 3.3 g 122. For the reaction 2NOx,, =—2n0,, 0,5, (K, = 1.8%10* at 184°C) When ky and k. are compared at 184°C, it is found that (A)Ky is greater than K. (B)Kp is less than K. (O)Kp = Ke (D) whether Ky is greater than, less than or equal to Ke depends upon the total gas pressure 123. The ionization enthalpy of hydrogen atom is 1.312 x 10° Jmol!. The energy required to excite the electron in the atom from n= I ton=2is asst wma (A) 8.51 x 10° Jmol x 108 Jmol” é 7.56 x 10° Jmol (D) 9.84 x 10° Jmol! SaaS ener (0a) +2C¥" (aa) $0 water a 25% oie motive sai pret 8 (C) 108%? on ve sal £0, + Mn". Bguvalent wean OF FECOL We, 125. For the reaction FeC,O, + KMnO, Fe” +COs ™ lar weight of FeC:O« (wy M2 OMe _M_ M4n0; sotution in acidic roy Medium x) required 10 ml o 126,10 ml of 10s solutions (volume sent = M1 (ose 3s cnnraee: Atoms a8 present atthe SOME, B 4 4 packed shat isthe formula of compound? the Ds Co. the above in correct A substance A.B,C;D, crystallizes in close (D) none o 1a of CHsCOONA at 25°C and 1 atm press 127. centre of cube, Cat alternate face & D at alte (A)AB:C:Ds (C)ABCD 128.1F 0.965 ampere current is p for one hour, total volume of gases (A) 1.762 litre assed through the aqueous solutio ss evolved is (Bp) 2.762 litre (D) 0.075 litre .79C (latent heat of fusion, 2930 J mot jg ing at 2 jole of solid melti ; 1) 10.73 J kt mol (©) 0.762 litre 129.The entropy change in the fusion of | m a (A) 9.77.1! mot 1 mot! (©) 29305 k mol! (D) 108.51 k mol ; 130. Hydrogen sample is in fst excited state, A photon of energy 4.9 eV In used to excite the hydrogen sample Then the de-Broglie wavelength of the electron is (A)S.SA @ 1A a (1A (D) 100 unt pressure and constant volume for the reaction given 131. The difference between heat of reaction at consta below at 25°C in kJ is 3C(s)+4H,, (g) —>GH, (8) (A) 7.43 (B) 43.72 (© -3.72 (D) 7.43 132. The equilibrium constant for the reaction: 280 y4) + Oy) = 28044) is 5. Ifthe equilibrium mixture contains equal moles of SOs and SO>, the equilibrium partial pressure of 0: gas is (A)0.2 atm (B) 2 atm (€)0.02 atm (D) 0.04 atm 133. One litre of a buffer solution containing 0.01 M NH,Cl and 0.1 M NH,OH having pK, of 5 has pH of (ayo (B) 10 ()6 (4 OC Or CESS 134 135, 136, 137, 138, 139. 140. Which OF the ron, Thexene, 2 oO ayn 3 ~hexeng, jr (mM) om , 1 WICH OF the Fis, Mv "8 Sill be mos acidic» (A) P = ° cH, ® p = © moe 5 os S (D) ‘Ck » : A At th * eauilibrium of the reac Percentage dissocianion eet" N:O,() a 2NO. (2) the observed molar mass of NiO is re Perse wion of Neon, (x) N08 77.7 gm. Th ©2.4 ®) 462 - () 184 CPPEE crystallises in fe lattice wy are ce with aunt cll edge of361 pon, The radius of copper atom is: (©)108 pre ®) 181 pm ©) 128 pm Ina reaction, OI +¢] —* ocr : OCT HT, rate. oe the role of OH is (A) catalyst ) reagent (C) inhibitor (D) none Which of the following is the most stable carbanion? He ‘CHO 9 ° CHO fom CH—cHo He Fi 9 0) a o I ®u (©) II (@) IV For the following equilibria in a close container PCI; (g)-—=PCI, (9) + Cl, (9) it temperat e volume of the cor halved suddenly. Which of the following is correct the voh nntainer is Ata constant ture, 4) Both Ka (B) None of the K, and a. change pany a - changes but Ky does not (©) Ky changes a dor Bare “ u a a wt o ei “ ou ctylacetone 142. FeCls gives positive test with (p) Actylac p) All of the above (A) Phenol o) (C) Acetoacetic ester 143, 10> gives positive est with we fies “IL ony “ SS oD © "es Tom @) iS -methyl cyclohexanol by (B) oxymercuration followed by reduction (D) epoxidation followed by LiATH, redictig, ynyerted to 144, Methyl eyelohexene cannot be converted (A) acid catalysed hydration (C) hydroboration followed by oxidation 145. The major product in the following reaction 1S ° - en ats ° on “ a Hy @) wTom D) CH, © ON ( Oe ‘0 ‘CH, a 146, On conversion into Grignard reagent followed by treatment with ethanol, how many alkyl chlor vil give 2- methyl butane? (A) 2 (B)3 cs (D4 147. For the preparation of t-butyl methyl ether the correct choice of reagent is (A) methoxide and t-butyl bromide (B) methanol and 2-bromobutane (C) 2 butanol and methyl bromide (D) t-butoxide and methyl bromide CNRS ©) Agno, « Dy geNs* KI Agl+ KONO, Cl + MgCl Sach + Hg ° oO Toe oa © phy +B ey The product is i (A) _ » oO on on © we @) on Y 151. oa as Pis on fa SY ® cr, 6 OH © On. (D) None ofthe above ‘CH2 ASSEN ae (NHC. py: product P i 100-115" ° ° : N i : ‘The products are (A) 3HCOOH + HCHO (BB. oucHO + HCOOH (©) 3HCHO. 154. In which of the following ionization processes, the bond order has increased and the magnetic behavigu, (B) C,— (D) 0, —>0; has changed? (A) Nn: (© No—+no S (2 > cro < (7 For | mole of the above hydrocarbon, how many moles of H; can be added to it at low pressure 155, conditions in presence of Pd catalyst: (A) 0 ®)I (©2 (@)3 156.Which of the following is the most likely product from the reaction illustrated by the curved arrows in the formula? ° r af, aso ya cl (A) ®) Z~on, ) +80, a 9. © (D) +80 a GNESI Ae CoH @ Hyg Memes ic eh hydride donor is A wa ye che Ho” 0 © 0 Hye 0 cn, Be 0, © He ° © ow H H \y om" 159. Which of the following on oxid, tive ozonoh _— On Oxidative ozonolysis will N Xiue® a gaseous product at room tempe: (A) Propadiene or (By Propet © Cyclohexene 160. OF (D) 1, 3-butadiene ° NO, » Carbanion () COOH NO, . Carbanion and carbene both (C) COOH Ne me , Carbene only (D) COOH PI LeL See i eer cle the structure cqcnosococrposorus ami Qu tor (Baste sh wat wih cone, HoSO« BSEAUSE sco. note repre we econ ENS Ht a tec ® H;SOs to: form HI whie (B) Nal reacts with cone. + peing a strong reducing agent, is oxidized by one, bo, alent does not pass into aqueous solution, (OA) to give iodine. (©) Nal being considerably cov {5} Nalis oxidized by cone. H:SO+ 0 816 'NalOs 167. In the following reaction, °, H,0 —> (BOW) +H (B) B(OH): is a Lewis base {D) None of the above B(OH): (A)B(OH) isa Lewis acid (C)B(OH)s is amphoteric 168. Borax is converted into B by the following stePS Borax —1-> HxBO; —*-> B:0s —*> B Tand II reagents are (A)acid, Al (B) acid, C (Cacid, Fe (D) acid, Mg 169. soko Br The end product in the above reaction is HO HO a) () oO © (D) None ofthe above HO BY Ho ETAT Ae-SS a " Ss an (B)the say 1 ind XeF, are iqassane tn expect 171. Toa ne, a (A) te ome se menety ca * fom by State ‘Sow Bee 172. The general form, Ins his (Si,07), (8) (sio,); -xidation of hye (©) both (8) and (© HORE halide, (B) and (© 2 in the free fe » HX, affords a met : Be sate with respec ge wi ii and laboratory preparation of the halogen, (A) fluorine © bromine (B) chlorine 174, For wn (©) iodine (a Cris one oF he folowing ions the colour is not due to add transiton? (©) Tigo), (B) Cuentiy)e (0) CoFe" 178. Sodium nitropruss nat rtsside when added to an alkaline Solution of sulphide ions produces purple colouration due (Nate GNHNOS) (2) NasFe(cN) Nos; mE SCEOBNOS) (D) NatFecLoyNost 176. What wilt ol x ae = = lume strength of 100 ml of 14,0, Fequited to react completely with 61 ml of KMnO, ‘medium? (Given that 61 ml of KMnO, Feacts completely with 5 ml of I Mof K,{Fe(CN),] where it converts imtoK", Fe, Coz and No;) (A) 17.08 * B) 342 (©) 188 aie 177- 10 & of oxalate was dissolved in 300 ml of solution. This solution required 250 ml of (%) KMn0, in iplete oxidation, The percentage purity of oxalate ion in the salt is acidic medium for comy (B) 57.8% (D) None of the above (A) 55% (©) 45% 178. One mole of water vapourizes at 373 K under atmospheric pressure. The work done is (A)43140.3 J (B) 314031 (C)101.33 (D) -101.33 179, What is the spin magnetic moment of cobalt in Hg{Co(SCN)s] ? (A) 3) vis aye © v8 a pokemons 180. The dipole moment of Chlorobenzine is 1.5 D. The dipole . O - (B) 15D (D) 2.25D (AjoD (C)2.86 D —e re 25 9 (EN ts me} (ay Be ‘ wa for 860° 1a a reno Qe (A) AB: ve U aw. tsa, *, ; _ ae bh ° The structure of A is ®)jyc—ery Con (a) cock: @) all . fe © syce—cH, EO 183, HOLA con i Bis ° i @) ° oe - oY _ © © 184, Give the decreasing 0 <= Of SO der of stability of following compounds o a amy () >> 01 (A) I> 11> IIT Quist ()Ml> MT ma He Cy ad HC ay A Can be distinguished by (A) NaHSOs (B) Fehling solution (C) Tollen’s reagent (D) DMSO 186.An organic compound A, CsHi2 on reaction with O3 followed by Zn gave one mole each of CH;COCH;CH2COCHs. The structure of A is, cera cH, I Be AR AS, NON Sats ®) neon 4, © wea © ne \—an 189. The product form, \ an () None in the following re, A) Cation 8 Feaction CoH, oy m0 “SHSOH and CH,1 “ee (C) Cols] and 3 re sland CHy1 (B) CaN and CHO 190. The following reaction (D) CoH and CHOT "Orn ‘ Oo Sorel 9 oy, ore QOD. w on{) 1 1) Oo me VL 2-0 Vo, (0) Non 191. Identify X in the sequence CaN EE CHO 4S cto, lo S30 (A) CH3CH;NHCH; (B) CHCH.CH.NH) (C) (CH3)3N (D) (CHs)2 — CH NH 192. HOO OCH; HEA Ais HOOC OH Mt on HOOC— y=0 8) mt) (A) HOOC oc, © woe) 10 om ” AIGA sseasss ee ye pre arvansei ne onide #6 ig electrons? of une errancarad) sahedral) jon number, HUMbET Of d elect, 193, Ima metal onide, the oxi the octahedral voids, The formula oF pn ub OS Which of the following system hes minim ‘oo ¢ arco sn urn (A) a (octahedral, low spi0) yr, oxida 194 (©) a (octahedral, low st) ane coordination expec co, )C10.- sion metal a Tt 6.2.73 In the complex [Co(NH3)s 's with nitric oxide, The was, and number of unpaired electrons 0” th (A) 6,3.6,0 On 64 'A white exystalline solid (A) on boiling With CoE aide gave aline soja of potassium METCUT A pot give ‘which rekindled @ 210 195, solution g2ve & a sot prown ppt TH ‘brown fumes 196. ring splinter (py NH through an alk (D) COz od the correct choice of Teagents is gave a gas (X), ts (ins toner - py aan meted EE Neral (B) Met an met bromide For the preparation of t-butylmethy! ethe! prep laHCO:? 197, (A)Methoxide and ter-butylbromide when treated with N (C)2-Butanol and methyl bromide 198, Which ofthe following compound cannot liberate CO? om ve; “Ty (B) CH:COoH on a Co @) Co to (C) HCO 199. Phenol + Phthalic anhydride —©%=85°+> B sion edium? (B) Colourless B gives which of the following colour in alkaline m« (A) Yellow (©) Pink (D) Violet MIC (which is responsible for Bhopal gas tragedy) can be produced by which of the following test? (B) Carbylamine test (D) Liebermann nitroso test (A) Mulliken test (C) Victor Meyer test 201. Among the following which will not respond to iodoform test? 200. @) HyC—C—OH ‘H,C- “) . Nw on o 4 ©) ‘CH; wc cost = 203, 8 Which of Hinsberg the followin, reagent? HC, “a NH '€ compounds will di H.C, (© H,C—Nu, 206. Glucose reacts with (A) monoacetate (©) pentaacetate acetic anhydride to form 207. Identify the product *Z* CB+C, difference in threshold energy and normal energy of the reactant is 20 kl mole. Find the percentage of reactant molecules which are able to cross-over the P.E. barrier at T = 27°C (A) 3.29x10 (B) 3.29107 (C) 1.6x107 (D) 2.1x10% 213. What volume of 0.15 N KI solution is required to react in basic solution with 34.1 ML of 0.216 N solute of KMnO,? The products in the reaction include MnO; and 10;. (A)25.4 ML (B) 37.9ML (©)49.1 ML (D) 98.2 ML Ne eee Aer Seen 214 M20 acl 115-2612 amot-1 33.58 norte constant pres Coleulate AH at 373 mot! dependent of temperature (B) 485.214 mort D) 1 215. 6 (©) 286.44) mot s Om F001 Me (OM), reacts with25 mt ot 001 4 HCL. Given that *° 1S 140 keal per equivalent, © 10.0 cat (B) 35.0 cal (D)75 cal 716. Which sites (5) on the g ~ Site (8) on the following motecule are Susceptible to nucleophilic attack? \ (A) aand b © bande (B)aande (D)a, bande Xf 1 on on «a = \ \, H onn ‘on tL Ne Hon H © | { { { th ~ 218. The most acidic H in the following compounds is iy I NN 9 (B)b (Dd TL SSeD LL 220. The end product Y for the following reaction (CeHgsCHCH:OH —Na_, x CHL, ¥ (A) (CoHo)sC=CH: ° (C) (CcHs)sCHCH;0— © —S"Na’ “w © =p of Hs 221. Which of the following compound have maximum ionic character! = Cy @ ry (B) (CoHlsCHCH:ON@ (D) (CeHsCHCHLOCHy ter? rc) rm A (D)__ Allare having equal ionic character (B) 223. An organic compound X (C,HyBr) on treatment with alc. KOH gave isomeric product with the formula CsHs. On ozonolysis, one of these gave only product CHsCHO while the other gave two different products The compound X is (A) 2-bromobutane (© 1, 2-dibromo butane CCE Se Sennen (B) 2-bromopentane (D) 3-bromopentene © _§ Onn Oe decreas @) 2. () \ ColtsS0sH1 SOSH > CsHsCOoH, OH > CoH,SOsH HSOH > CaHsCHLOH | con Onn Pee EF QUESTIONS (KC “y choices (A. VONE is conrect otecule STATEMENT: 1: €40s is nonplanar me ing in different planes SSTEMENT-2 is COMECI explana, iyi ira is Trucs § Ine molecules and STATEMENT-2: Terminal x-bonds of (A) STATEMENT-1 is Truc, STATEME StATeMINT| sy True: STATEMENT:2 is NOT 8 correct exp, (1) STATEMENT-1 is Truc, STATEMENT? "© - for STATEMENT-1 aeeere (©) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT? «, STATEMENT-2 is THE , socity possessed by maximum FACKION Of Meg (D) STATEMENT-1 is Fals STATEMENT: 1: Most probable velocity i he velocity atthe same tempera es acquire higher Jes acqui isa correct explanation 2 he same temperature ana oa ST ATEMENT.2: On collision more & more Mole NES TST ryent-2 (A) Statement-l_ is. True, Statement-2 iS TASS 0B) Sang True, Statement-2 is Tre Statement 218 NOT a correct explanation for Stat (©) St (D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is THe 3 UATEMEN'T-1s tn any ionic sotid [MX] with Schottky defects the number of positive and negative 2m ENT; Equal number of cation and anion vacaneis ae PES (A) STATEMEN’ Tot is True, STATEMENT-2 is True: STATEMENT -2 is correct explanation fap STATEMENT -2 is NOT a correct explanation 1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is Trues MENT-2 is False ENT-2 is True STATEMENT-1 (B) STATEMENT for STATEMENT-1 (©) STATEMENT ~ 1 is True, STATE! (D) STATEMENT - 1 is False, STATEM! STATEMENT-1: When a cell placed in hypertonic solution, it shrinks. for desalination of water. is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for .e; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for and STATEMENT-2: Reverse osmosis is used is True, Statement-2 (A). Statement-1 Statement-1 (B) Statement-| is True, Statement-2 is Tru Statement-1 (C) Statement-1 is True, Statement -2 is False. (D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True. STATEMENT-1: Basic radical of V group are precipitated as their carbonates in presence of NH.CL. and STATEMENT-2: NHsOH maintains the pH of the solution basic. (A) STATEMENT - | is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT -2 is correct explanation for STATEMENT-1 (B) STATEMENT - 1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT -2 is NOT a correct explanation for STATEMENT-! (C) STATEMENT ~ 1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is False (D) STATEMENT — 1 is False, STATEMENT-2 is True a Ta Seen EN 10. a inthe reaction ‘8 comect” explanation for 1 eas always increases. Stateme "in temperature is observed in "M2 is Tp Me: Statement-2 is g % 8 a correct explanation for True, * Statement.2 is Trye State ‘2's NOT a comect explanation for : ENT: ‘duivatent my, 88 OF a subg be "bstance cannot be greater than the ‘molar mass ofthe substance. MIMbEF OF Moles oF g is True, g electrons rel ed oF accepted by a given substance cannot item "UC, Statement. oo amma! 2 is True; Statement? is a correct explanation for Statement 1, TY Sttemen2 is Tyg Stateme (5) Statement-1'is True in: () Statement is False, See 2 is Fase Statement-2 is True STATEMENT. |: Re; : imet-Tiemann reac a the major pedi mann reaction of phenol with CCl in NaOH a 340 K tives salicyclie acid and STATEMENT.2: 1 (A) Statemeney sig Tre geeUS through intermediate formation of dichlorocarbene, ute * SiBtement-2 is True; Statement2 is a correct ‘explanation for (B) Statement-1 is True, Statement2 is Tre , cee atement-2is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for (C) Statement-1 is True, Statement -2is False (D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is Truc STATEMENT-1: [CoCl(NH;)3] does not give ppt. with AgNO solution, and STATEMENT-2: (CoCl(NH: (A) STATEMENT ~ 1 is Tru (B) SrTEMENT : i is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT -2 is NOT a correct explanation for STATEMENT-1 (C) STATEMENT 1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is False (D) STATEMENT ~ | is False, STATEMENT-? is True c lly inactive, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT -2 is correct explanation for are ant =F COTES el T-2is NOT aconset. Phang STATEMENT-1: [FeCl(SCNYT es cary al positions 2 suc; STATEMEN ra deal geo In etre eo STATEMENT (A) STATEMENT ~ 11s TH ee STATEMENT-1 TATEMENT? (8) STATEMENT 1 is Teves S ere for STATEMENT- pe went 2s alee is True. STA Tite se an optically ative alkyt Halide ives (©) STATEMENT ; (D) STATEMENT — | is False. ST i issietion react is a correct explanatg, fy 12. STATEMENT-1: Nucteophilie #3 of enantiomers. aa aus by Sul mecha ea 2 2 eMENT.2: The reaction occurs by SMPTE: Sua cena i ekaaeee 2 is NOT a correct explanation for oem > ig True: Statement (B) Statement-1 is True, Statement? iS Statement| 2s Fob (©) Statement- is Truc, Statement ~2 is PE ye for nucleophilic addition rag, (D) Statement| is False, Statement re reactive than benzaldely 1: Formaldehyde is ™* fc is more stable than ber fe; Statement nzaldehyde. {-2 isa correct explanation for STATEMENT and STATEMENT-2: Formaldehyd: (A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is Tru ated is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1 (B) Statement-1 is True, Statemet Statement-1 is False. (C) Statement-1 is True, Statement -2 i (D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True. .cid with OsOs followed by hydrolysis with an aqueous ic acids. STATEMENT-|: Treatment of fumeric a solution of NaH1SO; gives a mixture of (+) and (-) tartaric addition of hydroxyl groups to the double bond, 14. s True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for and STATEMENT-2: OsOs brings about trans- (A) Statement-I is True, Statement-2 Statement: 1. (B) Statement-I is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1 (C) Statement is True, Statement -2 is False. (D) Statement-| is False, Statement-2 is True. jitated nickel sulphide (NiS) is shaken with a solution of 15. STATEMENT-1: When freshly preci hydrogen sulphide, a colloidal solution is obtained. and STATEMENT-2: A colloidal solution is stable because all the colloidal particles carry same charge. is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for (A). Statement-1 Statement-I. (B) Statement-I is True, ‘Statement-1. (C) Statement-I is True, Statement -2 is False. (D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True. IGMP-CHEMISTRY-ASSIGNME! Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for angle "oO A) Now ne (A) “ ik iL Yr » (7 - oe «cy f (Dy oO. . Hye Nc, ML con A nd by on EWhyone oxalate wm \ C001 Maio a isomer © ¢ som sone ls, (Re eo0n- 6, Funan (atone b- The vapour pressure of a dilute sot luenced (A) temperature of solution" OF solute is int B) a fraction of solut le fraction of solute (D) degree of dissociation of solute (C) melting point of solute = RT. Which of the following is/are not correct about this gas? sponentially decreasing, (B) slope of its isotherm is ( as (C) Its compressibility factor is independent of P and V. (D) Slope of its isochore is +ve and have low value at high volume, If a gas expands at a constant pressure by providing heat, which of the followings are incorrect: (A) The temperature increases. (B) The kinetic energy remains same. (C) The kinetic energy of gaseous molecule decreases. (D) Expansion at constant pressure is not possible. jowing proces (5 7. Two motes of i undergoes the fol Al ti07.) «By y=2 wyye5 “ © x= Rate of effusion of an ideal gas through a hole depends UPON tar wt. of the Bas (A) pressure of the gas ® ee ole (0) Eine aren oth ote (D) shape of he Fol 9. Among 0.1 M solution of urea and NasPO: zing point ar : i Point are the lowest for urea 1. and atuminium sulphate fe the highest for urea (A) the vapour pressure and fr {B) the vapour pressure and fresing pint are he Toes rin boiling point is the highest for Al(SO0> eee montis the highest for Al(SO%: (C) the eleva (D) the depression in freezing point is the highs 10, Which of the following statements is/are correct? (A) 0.1. M NaCl solution will have the same osmotic pres: (B) 0.1 M NaCl solution will have the same boiling point as ‘sure as 0.1 M glucose solution. 0.1 M KBr solution. pressure than 0.1 M NaCl. (©) 0.1 M glucose and 0.1 M urea are isotonic. (D) 0.1 M CaCl solution will have less relative lowering of vapour rst order reaction? 11. Which of the following are true for the fi (A) t= 2b, (B) thas ©) bare =3ty4 ) ba= 44) are confined in to a vessel at partial pressure of 2 atm 37°C through a valve till the pressure inside the 1e gases are heated to 127°C and allowed to react Gas A (mol. Mass = 16) and gas B (mol. Mass = that C is not formed till the effusion process ig 12, each at 27°C. The gases are then allowed to effuse out at vessel becomes 2 atm after which the valve is closed and th as A+B=—C for which ky = 0.1 atm!. By assuming 1 completed, Identify the correct statements in the following (A) The no. of moles of A and B diffused out are in the ratio 1:2. (B) The no. of moles of A and B left after diffusion at 27°C are in the ratio 2: 1 (©) Partial pressure of B at 127°C is atm. (D) Partial pressure of C at 127°C is i atm 13, Which of the following statements regarding the compound A,B, is/are correct? (A) I mole of A;By contains y mole of A and x while of B. (B) 1 mole of A,By contains x mole of A and y mole of B (©) 1 equivalent of A,B, contains 1 equivalent of A and 1 equivalent of B (D) equivalent weight of AxBy = equivalent weight of A + equivalent weight of B 14. Which complex species does/do not exhibit geometrical isomerism and only have two stereo isomers (A) [Co(EDTA)]- (B) [PtBrCl(gly)P (D) [Pd(NO;)(0x)(gly)] (©) [Coacac),(en)]* ——— een See (D) hydroxides are soluble in kath 8 well asin acid ‘gently warmed 18. Which of the follow with cone, H3S0,) e NM=M() is (are) comet when a mixture of NaCl and Kcr (A) A deep red vapour is evolved (B) The vapours when passed into NaOH solution give a yel lution o (C) Chlorine gas is evolved ore aramemrrace! (D) Chromyl chloride is formed X+H,SO, —>Y (a colourless gas with pungent smell) 19. Y +K,Cr,O, +H,SO, ——>Green solution (A) X is SOS (B) Xis CO# (C) Y is 2S (D) Yis SO: ete itre of ethane at NTP is 20. > required for complete oxidation of | litre of ethan: He (A) 3.5 lit. etre (C) 5.00g ROW or same Re (A) ROH behaves as a base with cone, HCH and thus (C) alcohol whielrreacts fastest with Na metal, with ive MPN TT TC atidity at slower Fate then thy, /_™N » mp Cy w Lon wy mh . 2 Meni mu . / On. { | i (Dy) MN A © Ld \ -. 23. Which of the following ‘tions can be used to preps re acetophenor ich (A) Reaction of benzene with acetyl chloride in presence of anhydrous AIC (B) Dry distillation of a mixture of calcium benzoate and caleium acetate acid hydrolysis (©) Oxidation of ethyl benzene by vana (D) By the action of (CHs):Cd on benzoyl chloride followed by 1 as hydrogen bonds C due to the change in the structure of the 24, Which of the following statements are correct? (A) The crystal lattice of ice is mostly formed by covalent as well (B) The density of water increases when heated from 0° C to 4° (©) Above 4° C the thermal agitation of water molecules increases. Therefore, intermolecular distance cluster of water molecules increases and water starts expanding creases from 0° C to a maximum at 4° C because the entropy of the system (D) The density of water i increases 25. Which of the following oxyacids of sulphur contain s ~ s bonds? (A) 8,0, (B) H,S,0, (D) H,8,0, (©) H,8,0, 26. Which one of the following compounds will give HVZ. reaction”? 0H oll oe" (A) «00 © (D) 7 Which oF VPICH OF he fallowing A CHy-CHo, (B) Glucose and sucrose (D) Hydroxy propanonc and benzaldehyde 8 con mpoun “thashave fective stomic num, a we umber equal othe atomic numberof a noble MEM ©) ICaeNICE ——_«D) [CACAO 7 (8) mctamensen detected by car a 32. fentfy the comple ar rk Wyner hich are expected to be coloured Give explanation 7 ; J (8) [Cu(necH,)) a, (c) Cr(NH)J3Cr (Dy K,[VF,] osmone igt OF OM ~ electrolyte, non — vot Of BFESSUre, and temperate i eens tle Sole, Which of the expression isarecomoot whete is ww Lok 34. The pH of which ey 1 M CH;COONH, (B) CHsCOONa + CH, COOH: \COOH (Both 1 M cae (C) CH;COOH + CH;COONH, (Both 1 M pal (D) IMCHCOONa ” 35. Which of the following salt solutions are acidic? (A) Naocl (B) NHWNO, (© Naso. (©) Feet, Consider the ionization of HCI in aqueous solution of CHx\COOH CH,COOH +HCI——=CH,COOH; + cl The correct statement among the following are (A) Cl- is the conjugate base of HCL (B) CH3COOH is the conjugate base of CH,COOH; (C)_ CH,COOH; is the conjugate base of CH;COOH (D) Cl- is the conjugate base of CHsCOOH 36. 37. Which of the following statement (s) is /are correct? (A) The phenomena of gaseous effusion and diffusion are identical (B) In case of effusion the particles of gas pass through the small hole, independently, not collectively (©) effusion rate is the rate at which molecules strike a unit area of the wall of the poured container, in which isions between molecules /particles of gas. the gas is taken (D) gaseous diffusion involves the effect of colli SESS Oke : (©) Attic temperature, the gas and the guid pases have RET (D) Altare commer = 39. Which of the following factors will favour the backward wate C1. (8) 36 (g)——=201F (gz) AH 8 ete (C) Increase in temperature {Dy tncreasing the vol er oe ne en ener ne te ent ee al ct el aaa aaa a aca r pet (2) PCL (8) C18) CO Hele)oh(e (2) ay PLL foe 7 5) Ns (8) #28) 2NO( 8! (© N,0,(8)==2N0,(e) Py N, (8) + sl : 41. A.2 mole Ne gas sample in a 30 L container fited with fitiontess pision 1s PANENE ate, aa ec ofthe folowing Hvar correct statements} 1867.5 ks reversibly to 60 L at initial temperature (A) Work done in the above process is around (B) Change in temperature is of 150 K (appro%) (C) The initial pressure is 2.2 atm and final pressure »6 0.68 atm (D) The final temperature is 250 K (approx) 350K AH, at normal boiling point ts 35 KI/mol. Pick out he nt of pressure) 100 3/k mol at 350 K and 0.5 aim The normal boiling point ofa liquid “A is to be independen 2 correct statements) (Assume AH (A) 8.4, > 100 4/k moat 350 K an 05 am (By aS (©) AS... <100 J /k ~molat 350 K and (D) AS, > 100 3/K-molat 350 K and? ain 43, Which ofthe folowing statement(s) are false (A) 4S for £N, (2) —>N(B) is positive (B) AG... 18 always zero for a reversible process in a closed system (C)_ AG" for an ideal gas isa function of temperature and pressure (D) Entropy ofa closed system is always maximized at equilibrium 44, The extraction of metals from oxide ores involve (A) reduction with carbon (B) reduction with aluminium (©) electrolytic reduction (D) reduction with CO 45. Which of the following metal(s) is/are commercially extracted by self reduction method from their corresponding ore (A) Cu (8) Fe © Pb () He 46. The process/processes by which lighter earthy particles are freed from the heavier particles using water isa (A) gravity separation (B) levigation (©) hydraulic washing (D) leaching 47. Acidic fluxes are (B) B:0s © Fe: (D) CaCOs (A) SiOz 48. A ligand having an unshared pair of electrons can be a (B) positively charged ion (D) group containing a lone pair of electrons (A) neutral molecule (C) negatively charged ion EILAen essen

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