Report - On - Telecommunications - Infrastracture - in - Poland - 2011 16

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Table 1.

List of entities submitting the data in the stocktaking for the years 2010 and 2011

Type of the Stocktaking 2010

On-line Off-line On-line + Off-line

TU 2120 177 1164
LGU 198 7 124

PUC 2 1 0

Total 2320 185 1288

Finally, during this year's stocktaking, data was submitted by 2434 entities - over twice as
many as last year, during which the data was submitted by 1288 entities. As many as 358 of
those that submitted the data last year, did not do so this year. The reason for this is most
often a change in the profile of activity of a given undertaking, selling its infrastructure or
removal from the Register of Telecommunications Undertakings. However, some
undertakings incorrectly believed that submission of the data last year relieved them from the
obligation to take part in the stocktaking this year.

3.4 The statistics of the data collected during stocktaking

In total, 5629 entities responded to the call given by the President of UKE, by submitting the
data or a relevant statement. The following entities took part in the exercise:
• 3528 TU,
• 2083 LGU,
• 17 PUC.
Table 2 contains a detailed set of the data submitted, divided into particular categories of
infrastructure elements.

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