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Table 2.

Number of data submitted during stocktaking

Data Data
input input Total:
off-line on-line
Nodes 78231 139467 217698
Wired or wireless lines 61723 120920 182643
Interconnection points 1400 6241 7641
Cable connectors 18829 23146 41975
Co-locations 1486 3099 4585
Connections 43864 105634 149498
Availability in a backbone or distribution
108922 88188 197110
Availability in access network 125236 106434 231670
Radio range 43826 81673 125499
Investments in lines 996 599 1595
Investments in networks 31568 9117 40685
Locations of devices that enable end-users
19696275 3195964 22892239
to be connected

In Figure 3 the distribution of individual elements of infrastructure divided into stocktaking

years is presented.

Figure 3. Infrastructure elements fed into the SIBI (on-line + off-line)

Number of objects

150000 217698 182643

100000 148987
124687 41975
103687 7641 4585
50000 Stocktaking 2011
4184 2173 Stockta king 2010
Nodes W ire/wireless Connections Cable Interconnection Co-locations
lines connectors points

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