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(MEC 640)


SIR HAZIM SHARUDIN 27.01.2023 07.01.2023 -on time/- late


No Name Student ID


GUIDELINES: Scale 1-2 3-4 5,6 7,8 9,10

Assessment Criteria (Report) Weight (w) Scale (y) Total= w * y

Introduction 1
Content/ Diagrams/Figures/ Discussion and Conclusion
Part A- Accident Investigation 4
Part B- Preventative Action 2
Part C - Identification 2
Front cover, Report Format, Language and 1
Organization, References, and citation
TOTAL 100%

1.1 Case Study 2
2.1 Scope Of Investigation 3–4
2.2 Overview Of the Accident 4
2.2.1 Observation of the accident 5
2.3 Fact And Analysis
2.3.1 Chronology of the accident 6
2.3.2 Witness statement 7–8
2.3.3 Summary collecting and gathering information 9 – 10
2.3.4 Record the accident using DOSH form 11 – 14
2.4 Investigation Results 15
3.1 Elimination 17
3.2 Substitution 17
3.3 Engineering Control 17 – 18
3.4 Administrative Control 18 – 19
3.5 Personal Protective Equipment 19
4.1 Corruption 20
4.2 Costing 20
4.3 Drunk 21

The Ministry of Transport reports a steady increase in road accidents from 2010 to 2019, with
more than 6,100 deaths in 2019. In 2020 and 2021, Malaysia's traffic control laws led to fewer
accidents, but they are still worried. Accident statistics reveal something important; accidents
can lead to death, serious injury, psychological harm, and financial loss, so we must focus on
preventing them.

Most accidents happen due to external or environmental factors, such as bad weather,
which we as drivers have no control over. However, personal risk, such as human error, causes
many accidents. We can prevent them if we are careful enough. An accident occurs when a
vehicle hits a person, object, or another vehicle, causing injury, death, or damage. Thus,
accidents can be classified into two which are major, or minor based on their severity.

Figure 1.0: Road Accident in Malaysia (2010 – 2019)

For Malaysia road fatalities index shows that 1.35 million people die every year in road
accidents, an average of 3,700 people die every day on the roads. Road accidents cause huge
economic losses to individuals, their families, and the country. According to the 2018 Value of
Life Statistics (VSOL) year from MIROS, the Malaysian government lost at least 3.12 million
for every life. With up to 18 people dying every day in road accidents in Malaysia, road
accidents are a major public health problem in the country. It also highlights the urgent need
for an effective political response. Currently, the Malaysian Road Safety Plan 2014-2020 has
set a target of reducing road deaths by 50% from the expected 10,716 deaths in 2020 to 5,358
deaths, to achieve the goals of the United Nations Decade of Action for Safety 2011 -2020 in
aims to stabilize and reduce by 50% the level of road deaths expected by 2020.
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Figure 1.1: Malaysia Road Fatalities Index (2010 – 2019)

1.1 Case Study


DATE 24 March 2022
TITLE CASE Worker died after ran over by a lorry
LOCATION Manufacturing, Selangor
CASE SUMMARY A contract worker died after being run over by a truck
while the victim was crossing the sidewalk to go out to
CASE CLASIFICATION Fatal injuries (Dead)
CONTRIBUTING Lack pf supervision and awareness

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2.1 Scope of Investigation

On 24 March 2022, an accident occurred when a contract worker died after being run over by
a truck during the victim was crossing the sidewalk to take a rest after work. This accident
occurs on sidewalk that located in section 30, Shah Alam, Selangor. As a safety officer, an
accident disquisition was conducted to probe the accident by identifies safety hazards,
investigates them completely, and controls them before someone gets hurt, according to rule
and regulation. There are several compass examinations have been linked similar as review on
the hand statements, standard working procedure and outfit checking. The purpose of the
disquisition is to find the root cause of the accident and ensure that there's no same accident
would occurs again in the future. The figure below shows illustration of the disquisition process
for safety officer to follow during any accident occurs around workplace.

Figure 2.0: Accident Investigation Process

Although the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not have
specific norms for accident disquisition, as a stylish practice, all accidents and incidents should
be delved anyhow of inflexibility. Near miss incidents in which no damage or detriment
redounded should also be included. Some employers produce an accident disquisition roster to
ensure that all areas are covered, as an accident scene can frequently be chaotic and filled with
heightened feelings. Completing an accident disquisition will be salutary in determining safety
hazards or safety training that will need to be addressed to reduce the threat of further injuries.
There are other methods that can be used to collected evidence and information when accident

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i. Assess the injury
ii. Obtain medical treatment if necessary
iii. Interview injured employee and witness
iv. Observe accident scene and analyze the facts
v. File a workers’ compensation claim if necessary
vi. Follow up with the victim
vii. Corrective action

2.2 Overview of The Accident

12.30 p.m.
On 24 March 2022, at roughly around 11.30 a.m., the victim was fatally injured and verified
dead when crossing the sidewalk during break time in area section 30, Shah Alam, Selangor.
The accident occurs when the victim does not use true path for crossing the road and make the
truck hit the victim. This accident was also caused by the truck driver that not slow down on
the road at workplace while driving the truck. During the accident, some substantiations who
passing by the area set up out the victim was dead by being hit which a truck. From this
accident, it shows that the contract worker and the truck driver failed to follow the traffic
management control pedestrian walkways and heavy vehicle routes at the workplace.

Figure 2.1: Victim Died After Being Hit by Truck

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2.2.1 Observation of the accident

Figure 2.2: Location of Accident

From the figure above, the accident scene reveals that there is no sign or zebra crossing
at the road make the truck driver to drive faster when delivery the goods. Thus, it clearly shows
that they failed to follow traffic management control at the manufacturing road. Other than
that, no supervisor or guard that keep an eye on the road around the area before the victim being
hit by the truck. The condition of the truck also in bad shape because not service for a long
time make the brake not working properly during the accident.

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2.3 Fact and Analysis

2.3.1 Chronology of the accident


7.00 a.m. • The victim arrived at the construction point where
located around 5 km from his house.
7.30 a.m. • Victims and another worker attending a toolbox that
conducted by the administrator and safety officer
24.03.2022 before procced to the working area
8.00 a.m. • Victim start to be doing his task at the working area
with using suitable Personal Protective Equipment
12.30 p.m. • Victims take a break and start walking at poorly lit
(Accident) pedestrian walkways
• Victims try to cross to another sidewalk
• Victims being hit by a truck
12.35 p.m. • Workers at the working area saw the accident and hurry
up to help the victim
• The victims found dead at the scene
• The worker makes a call to the police and ambulance to
inform about the accident occur
12.50 p.m. • The police and ambulance arrived at the scene
• Police close the scene only for authorities
1.10 p.m. • Victim body being transferred to the main hospital to
do autopsy
1.20 p.m. • Police took over the place of the accident
2.00 p.m. • The safety officer and medical team investigate the
accident place
*All time approximation during the accident

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2.3.2 Witness statement


Died after being run over by a truck
Samad Bin Abu Bakar 011 - 8237748
HOME ADDRESS (street, city, state, zip code) WORK PHONE
Condominium Cristal, Pualam street 7/32, Section 7, 40000 Shah NUMBER
Alam, Selangor -
EMPLOYMENT (occupation and location)
Pedestrian Sidewalk Muhammad Nurudin Iman Bin 24.03.2022,
Ghani 3.00 p.m.

Q: You are the person that saw the accident if not mistake, right?
A: Yes, I am.
Q: What did you do before the accident occur?
A: At that time, I was doing my job and heard a loud sound at the outside road.
Q: How was the condition of the victim after you found out about the accident?
A: The victim was having major bleeding and died at the scene.
Q: Does the victim use a right path that workplace provided when crossing the road?
A: No, the victim using an unauthorized road at that time.
Q: Thank you for your statement.

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Died after being run over by a truck
Kamal Bin Karim 017 - 5643325
HOME ADDRESS (street, city, state, zip code) WORK PHONE
Boling Padang Street 13/62, Section 13, 40100 Shah Alam, NUMBER
Selangor -
EMPLOYMENT (occupation and location)
Truck Driver
Pedestrian Sidewalk Muhammad Nurudin Iman Bin 24.03.2022,
Ghani 4.00 p.m.

Q: Were you the person driving the truck?

A: Yes, I am.
Q: Did you see the victim crossing the road?
A: Seen but late because the victim suddenly crossed the road.
Q: Did you see any sign or safety road when driving the truck?
A: Yes, but the victim just crossing at unauthorized road until make the truck not have time
to brake and to avoid the victim.
Q: Did you check the truck before driving it?
A: No because I forgot to follow the set service schedule.
Q: How long has the truck been out of service?
A: Around 2 weeks.
Q: Thank you for your statement.

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2.3.3 Summary collecting and gathering information

The way in the disquisition is simple the investigators gather data, dissect it, determine their
findings, and make recommendations. Although the procedures are putatively straightforward,
each step can have its risks. As mentioned over, an open mind is necessary in a disquisition
preconceived sundries may affect in some wrong paths being followed while leaving some
significant data uncovered. All possible causes should be considered. Making notes of ideas as
they do is a good practice, but conclusions should not be made until all the data is gathered.

The safety officer and operation platoon can begin a thorough disquisition of the
incident after the victim's body has been transported to the sanitarium for disquisition or
autopsy. They will use WHO (who is the person who becomes the victim?), WHY (why can
the victim be hit by the truck?), and WHAT (what causes that can lead the victim to being run
over during crossing the sidewalk?) questions to find the cause of the incident. also, there are
three method disquisition styles that are used in accident cases to gather information.

Figure 2.3: Three Method of Investigation

From all those styles, the safety officer set up a lot of useful information that lead to
find the main roots of the accident that beget the victims having fatal injury such as dead. Still,
they are not any information gained by any attestation. This is due to the victim is self-
employed working in a pastoral area where no proper operation made to cover the job. Anyhow
sufficient information from observation and interview was epitomized in the table that shown
in the table below.

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Table 2.0: Table of Information Gains from The Victim Being Run Over by Truck
OBSERVATION • The victim uses an unauthorized road that has no sign
crossing road
• The truck is out of service makes the brake not work
properly during accident
• Lack of supervisor or guard that control the road because
far from their post
DOCUMENTATION • No safety sign board that shows it is good to crossing at
that area and no safety road for person to walk
• The truck not being checking properly before drive
INTERVIEW • The witness said that the victim was wrong because did
not use proper road to cross the sidewalk
• The truck driver was not checking the truck properly
before departing to deliver the goods
• The victim did not have awareness on traffic management
system at workplace
• The victim crossing the road that does not have someone
to supervise the area

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2.3.4 Record the accident using DOSH form

All the accident happed need to be recorded even though the case just a small case or injury
and not a big matter. The accident must be record by using a form that was created by the
Department of Safety and Health (DOSH) Malaysia. After that, the accident must be analyses
to determine the main roots of the problem and a system to avoid the same problems from
happen again in the future. Table below shows the type of document that has at the accident
report forms and their operation.

Table 2.1: Type of Document and the usage

JKKP 6 Form for Notification of Accident and Dangerous Occurrence
JKKP 7 Form for Notification of Occupational Poisoning and Occupational
JKKP 8 Serves as the Register of Occupational Accidents, Dangerous
Occurrence, Occupational Poisoning and Occupational Disease, on
which the occurrence and extent of cases are recorded during the year;
and is used to summarize the records of occupational accidents,
dangerous occurrence, occupational poisoning, and occupational disease,
at the end of the year to satisfy employers’ obligations to submit the

Those form that has been citation over can be downloaded directly from the DOSH
website to record any accident happed at the workplace and modernize the information to the
DOSH department. The accident “contract worker being run over by a truck while crossing the
sidewalk” at the manufacturing road in Shah Alam, Selangor have been recording by the Safety
Officer and update to the DOSH for unborn analysis.

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Figure 2.4: Example of DOSH Form

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Figure 2.5: Example of DOSH Form

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Figure 2.6: Example of DOSH Form

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2.4 Investigation Result

From the investigation and observation obtain, the victim and the truck driver were failed to
follow the traffic management system at workplace. The victim was not aware with the safety
road and just crossing the road without use the safety road that provide by the workplace. The
truck driver does not check properly before delivered the goods and he also drive fast inside
the workplace road. The victim had a fatal injury and died after being run over by the truck that
had a problem with his truck.

From the result, workplace traffic management is a crucial part of operations for
numerous assiduity sectors, which include construction, manufacturing, marine and logistics.
Poor management of traffic system can affect in vehicle collision, or injuries to workers or
callers, and time-out to business. It is thus pivotal for companies to have proper and effective
onsite business operation. An effective plant business safety operation plan is necessary to
insure the smooth business and safe operation of vehicles at the plant. As an employer, must
conduct proper threat assessments to identify all implicit hazards and pitfalls.

Canvassing the people at the scene and watching the accident scene helped gather the
data and information from substantiations and close family members. The police and the
government handle the victim's body and notify their kin. As a safety officer, directly record
and report every accident that occurs. It is important to periodically review the investigative
system to ensure that information is constantly delivered in agreement with the stated criteria
and objects. Examine any procedures that might be made better to deal with the accident more
effectively. Make sure that any hazards that were discovered during the earlier procedure have
been excluded using Personal Protective Equipment, engineering controls, reserves,
engineering controls, or executive controls. By making the applicable advancements, you can
help the accident from passing again in the future.

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The hierarchy of control is a system for controlling pitfalls in the workplace. The hierarchy of
control is a step-by-step approach to barring or reducing pitfalls and it ranks threat controls
from the loftiest position of protection and trust ability through to the smallest and least
dependable protection. barring the hazard and threat is the loftiest position of control in the
scale, followed by reducing the threat through negotiation, insulation and engineering controls,
also reducing the threat through executive controls. Reducing the threat using Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) is the smallest position of control. The following element in the
figure below shows the structure of the scale of control, from utmost effective control to least

Figure 3.0: Hierarchy of Hazard Controls

Information below is bandied about Hierarchy of hazard controls for accident “contract
worker died after being run over by truck while crossing the sidewalk” that occurs in section
30 Shah Alam, Selangor.

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3.1 Elimination

Elimination is the process of removing the hazard from the workplace. It's the most effective
way to control a threat because the hazard is no longer present. It is the favored way to control
a hazard and should be used whenever possible.

1) Avoid using road that not being provide by the workplace

The best way is using the safety road that provide by the workplace because it can prevent
from getting hit by any truck. The safety road always being monitored by supervisor or guard
and make it safer.

3.2 Substitution

Substitution is a hazard that should be considered if elimination hazard is not possible.

Substitution is act of replacing commodity with another thing. In this case, a hazard is replaced
with a lower dangerous bone. The hazards and pitfalls associated with a volition must be
completely assessed to determine if it is an applicable relief. Care must be taken to make sure
that the new hazard is lower, and that one hazard is not being replaced with another that's just
as dangerous or more dangerous.

1) Make sure to check all truck that need delivered the goods

In this case, before delivered any goods the person that in charge to drive the truck always
check the date service of the truck and avoid use the truck had a problem. By doing this, any
problem on the road can be prevent immediately.

3.3 Engineering Control

Engineering controls are method that will remove the hazard at the source before it meets the
worker. Engineering controls can be erected into the design of a factory, outfit, or process to
minimize the hazard. Engineering controls are a veritably dependable way to control worker
exposures if the controls are designed, used, and maintained duly.

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1) Safety sensor on truck

The function of the safety sensor which is when the truck near a person around one meter
at a certain the truck will automatically stop slowly until it does not move. This will help the
truck driver avoid from hit a person even though they did not see a people in front the truck.

2) Put more safety sign board

Safety sign board can alert the driver and the victim or any people that want to cross any
road. It also can make awareness to all people at the workplace. By doing this people will be
more careful.

3) Safety Road for people to walk

For example, in some industries the worker can be allowed to walk in the green line that
provide by the workplace. Thus, people can become safer when they use this road, and any
truck can more alert when drive inside the workplace.

3.4 Administrative Control

Administrative controls involve developing procedures to ensure the work conducted in a way
that minimizes the hazard. Exemplifications include developing or changing programs,
enforcing, or perfecting training and education, and developing or enhancing work practices
and procedures. executive controls are ranked lower than elimination, negotiation, and
engineering controls because this system does not inescapably remove or reduce the hazard
from the workplace. For illustration, administrative controls limit workers' exposures by
cataloging shorter work times in contaminant areas or by enforcing other "rules". These control
measures have numerous limitations because the hazard itself is not removed or reduced.
Administrative controls can be used in any combination with other control measures where it
is possible.

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1) Proper training for driver truck

It can prevent the accident occur inside the workplace if the driver truck gets a proper
training. Remind and advise the driver about the traffic management system when drive the
truck at the road inside workplace. Make sure the driver always drives slowly when using the
road inside the workplace.

3.5 Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) refers to anything workers wear to help cover them from
a workplace hazard. The use of PPE as the main system to control exposures that should be
limited to situations where elimination, negotiation, engineering, or executive controls are not
practicable. The choice of what type of PPE is needed must be grounded on the specific hazard
set up at the workplace. No matter which type of PPE is used, it is essential to have a complete
PPE program in place.

1) Wearing safety jacket that reflect light at night

Some manufacturing workers always work at night, by wearing this jacket people that walk
at the road during night can be seen. The worker can be safer and avoid from getting hit by the
truck during night.

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Professional ethics are the good attitude, behavior, and rule that the professionals must follow
while working in any profession. Every profession has some law of conduct and it's necessary
that the professional people know about this law of conduct and try to observe to them. Every
company should have ethical, moral, and legal rules that the professionals can understand and
follow. In all profession professionals face the problems of ethical dilemmas and legal issues
arise when professionals cannot stay within the standard ethics of the company.

Unfortunately, veritably many companies have well established law of conduct and, thus
professional find it delicate to understand what's ethical and what's not. Anyhow of the fact
that veritably many companies give law of conduct to their professionals, the professionals
should understand that d in every situation. Every professional is anticipated to observe
honesty, probity, neutrality, and respect of the public. Below shows the potential ethical issues
that can be happened in any workplace.

4.1 Corruption

Corruption can be anywhere moreover in working in company or self-employed if it involves

in making more money for illegal purposes. Self-employed worker can also involve in this
situation. This can happen when he or she must accept the job indeed when the condition is not
allowed result in using minimal sources and safety for features and preventives. This could
lead them to break the rule and regulation. Mostly, all the cases will affect the safety and health
of the worker and their surroundings.

4.2 Costing

Cost is one of a thing that contributes for someone to neglect the rules and regulations. All the
effects involve with cost, to gain advanced profit or income, ones need to be cut over the cost.
The cost reduction will also affect and peril the safety features of a machine and the operation
of the PPE. All these effects stated is expensive therefore making the profit less as it need to
bear the servicing cost. But the life is more precious compared to the money because money
cannot bring back dead peoples.

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4.3 Drunk

Self-employed person typically could do anything they want if the job is done as they are not
bounded with any employer or authorities that decided on how they work. occasionally when
they are too free with no supervision, they tend to enjoy themselves too much. This can be
worst if they work while drunk as no one at there to act on him or her. Working while drunk is
the most dangerous situation that could be happen in any workplace as it has no idea on what
he or she's doing which will peril the safety of himself and others.


Accident can be divided into three orders which is minor, and major injury. The major injury
must be taken as a first precedence because it affiliated to the someone life that can beget dead
or nearly dead if not take it seriously. Related to the case of contract worker being run over by
the truck, it categorizes as a major injury where the victim loss their life in that accident. This
case will be informed to the elderly management where further expert and experience in
handling the accident to probe the accident and find the main roots beget of the accident. It can
conclude that, the cost for handling accident is advanced compared to the cost furnishing PPE
and training, this is because helping someone is much better than cure. All top management
and workers must take care of each other during working at the construction point. Top
operation also must give a good PPE and mandatory training for every of the worker to make
sure they gain proper knowledge about their job and hazard that exposed to them.

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1) Health, D. o. (2004). Guidelines on Safety and Health (Notification of Accident,

Dangerous Occurrence, Occupational Poisoning and Occupational Disease)
Regulations 2004 . Retrieved from DOSH:
2) JKKP. (n.d.). Surat DOSH. Retrieved from chrome-
3) KURNIA. (2022, 11 8). The 10 Most Common Causes of Road Accidents in Malaysia
& How to Prevent Them. Retrieved from Kurnia Insurance:
4) MALAYSIA, M. O. (n.d.). Malaysia Road Fatalities Index. Retrieved from Ministry
Of Transport Malaysia Officical Portal:
5) Safety, C. C. (2022, 6 3). Hazard and Risk - Hierarchy of Controls. Retrieved from
6) Sahifa. (2013, 3 27). What are the principles of Professional Ethics. Retrieved from
7) The hierarchy of control. (2022, 7 30). Retrieved from worksafe:
DOCUMENTS . (n.d.). Retrieved from chrome-
9) WSHCOUNCIL. (2020). Workplace Traffic Safety Management. Retrieved from

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