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Marketing organization – types of organization – committee type, product type,

line, staff and staff organization – marketing decision making

Marketing Organization

According to George Terry organization is “The establishment of effective
authority relationship among selected work, person and work places in order for
the group to work together”.

In the words of Cundiff, Still and Goroni, “The marketing organization provides
the vehicle for marketing decision on product marketing channels, physical
distribution, promotion and prices”.

Need for Marketing Organization

i. Lack of Initiative:
In the organization people lack initiative to undertake specific responsibilities on
their own. They are unable to maintain close relations amongst themselves.
Hence, they have to be brought together and specific authority and responsibilities
have to be assigned.

ii. To Balance Individual Goals and Organizational Goals:

In an organization, people are guided by individual goals which are quite different
from organizational goals. To reconcile the two goals, organization became
necessary. Every individual tries to balance the individual goals with the
organizational goals.

iii. To Avoid Conflict:

Organisation consists of people who have vertical or horizontal relationship. This
may lead to confusion and conflict if lines of authority and responsibility are not
cleared defined. Therefore organisation of activities became essential. Each

individual should know his specific role, responsibility and authority. This will
ensure proper coordination of activities in the organization.

iv. Organization Ensures Proper Performance of Different Functions:

Marketing involves various functions and sub-functions. People in the marketing
department should be clear with their specific marketing responsibilities. Further, a
balance is also to be achieved with other functional departments like production,
finance and personnel.

v. Nature of Marketing Job:

The nature of marketing job is such that it involves people in activities such as
idea, innovation and behaviour of consumer and other intermediary. The study of
complex human behaviour becomes organised. A good organisation structure
ensures proper coordination and willingness to perform the complex task.


1. Management’s Philosophy:
One of the major factors influencing size of marketing organization is the
philosophy of the company‟s management. Management may pursue different
philosophy like that of centralization or decentralization, individual action or group
action, their attitude and value judgment.

2. Type of Product:
The nature of product has significant influence on the size of marketing
organization. Technical products like engineering goods require greater explana-
tion, hence direct selling became a better option, and this requires larger sales force
and organisation. On the other hand, fast moving goods (FMCG) can be easily sold
through the distribution channel and hence require smaller sales force and small

3. Product Line:
The length of the product line organisation is a major factor determining the size of
sales organisation. If the firm deals in large number of product, it requires big size
organization. To sell big variety of products, firm has to develop market oriented

organisation structure so as to cover new areas and new markets. For small number
of products, functional organization is suitable.

4. Markets:
Markets relates to various factors like size of the market, location of the market,
nature of the market, scope of the market etc. Each of these factors influences the
size of the organisation. If the markets are widely dispersed, large sales force is
required and so the size of the organisation is large and vice versa.

5. Channel of Distribution:
The distribution channel developed by a firm has a direct effect on the size of the
marketing organization. Under indirect channels, intermediaries are there, who sell
the product, thus, the size of organization is small whereas, under direct channel
system, firm employees its own sales people to sell the goods, therefore the size of
organization is large.

6. Needs and Requirements of the Customers:

Market, today are highly complex as there is a continuous change in the customer‟s
requirements and expectation from the company. As a result as customer‟s demand
better facilities and new facilities, company has to accordingly adjust its sales

7. Business Conditions and Environment:

The environment in which a unit carries out its activities also has an impact on the
size of the marketing organization. The requirement of success in that industries
and the rate of changes in that industry is an important factor that decides the size
of organization.

8. Sales Activity:
The size of marketing organization depends to a large extent on the sales activity
of the form. If more sales and sales related activities are there, the size will be large
and vice versa.


Following are the important principles of organization which are mentioned here:

1. Unity of Objectivity

The attainment of objectives is the main purpose of the organizing. An

organization and every part of it should be directed towards the accomplishment of
objectives. Every member of the organization should be familiar with the common
objectives or goals. Thus, the organizational goals, departmental goals and
individual goals must be clearly defined.

2. Efficiency

An organization is efficient if it is able to accomplish pre-determined objectives at

minimum possible cost. An organization must also provide maximum possible
satisfaction to its employees and should also contribute to the welfare of the

3. Division of work

For the sound and effective organization, the total task should be divided in such a
manner that the work of every individual in the organization is limited and the
work should be assigned to the right person according to his physical, mental and
psychological capacities.

4. Span of control

Due to limitation of time and ability, no executive can effectively supervise more
than a particular number of subordinates. Therefore, every executive should be
asked to supervise a reasonable number of executives depending upon his ability,
his job, the complexities of duties of his sub-ordinates, the nature and importance
of work to be supervised, etc.

5. Scalar Principle

It is sometimes also known as the chain command. According to the principle, the
authority and responsibility should be in a clear line from the top to the bottom of
the organization. The more clear the line of authority in an enterprise, the more
effective will be communication and responsible decision making.
6. Delegation

The authority delegated to an individual manager should be adequate to enable him

to accomplish results expected of him.

7. Functional Definition

The duties, responsibilities, authorities and organizational relationships of an

individual working on a particular position should be clearly defined so that there
is no confusion.

The clearly defined duties and authorities of an individual will contribute towards
the accomplishment of objectives more effectively.

8. Authority and responsibility

It is the tool by which a manager is able to create an environment for individual

performance. Thus, the authority and responsibility of each manager and
supervisor should be clearly defined. Every manager should be held responsible for
the acts of his subordinates as well as his own acts.

9. Unity of command

The subordinates should receive orders from only one supervisor and no one
should be accountable to more than one boss at a time. This will avoid confusion,
disorder and indiscipline. Thus, this principle creates the feeling of personal
responsibility and avoids the problems of conflicts.

10. Unity of direction

For the sound and effective organization, there must be one head and one plan for
group of activities directed towards the same objectives.

11. Co-ordination

There must be an orderly arrangement of group effort and unity of action and co-
ordination of activities at various levels.

12. Flexibility

The organization structure should be flexible so that it can be easily adjusted to

changing conditions. The organization structure should permit expansions, mergers
and replacements, etc. without disturbing the basic design.

13. Continuity

The organization should be so structured as to have continuity of operations.

14. Communication

For the sound and effective organization, the effective communication is

necessary. It is the process of transformation of information from one person to
another of different levels. It involves the systematic and continuous process of
telling, listening and understanding opinions ideas, feelings, information, views,
etc. of employees of the organization.

15. Simplicity

For the better communication and co-ordinations, the levels of the organization
should be kept as minimum as possible. This principle focuses on the simplicity of
an organizational structure.


1. Facilitates administration

Organization provides the framework within which the functions of co-ordination

and control can be performed effectively. It increases managerial efficiency, avoid
delay and duplication of work, motivates employees, etc. It provides a system of
authority and a network for effective communication.

2. Optimum use of resources and new technology

In the business enterprise, an optimum use of technological improvements can be

made through a sound structure. In addition, a sound organization permits optimum
use of human resources and ensures that every individual is placed on the job for
which it is best suited.
3. Helps in the growth of enterprise

The sound organization enables an enterprise to grow. The systematic division of

work and delegation of authority facilitate to take up new activities and meet
public demands of the market.

4. Facilitates co-ordination

The sound organization assigns right job to right person, improves job satisfaction
and interpersonal relations. The well-defined job and clear line of authority and
responsibility helps to establish cordial relations between the different departments
or divisions of an enterprise. The division of labor, better utilization of technology
and human talent, etc. helps to improve the efficiency and quality of work.

5. Stimulates creativity and innovation

A well-designed organization stimulates creative thinking and initiative on the part

of employees. It provides for effective management of change and responds
favorably to changes in the environment.


Organization is the vehicle for accomplishing the goals and objectives of the
business. Organization is essential, when human beings have to collaborate and
work for a common purpose. In fact, an organization is often defined as “a group
of persons working together towards the attainment of certain common objectives.”
When the enterprise expands, some pattern of organization should be adopted.
Generally, the following are the types of organization.

1. Military Type of Organization:

This is the simplest and oldest form of organization. It is also referred as line
organization, scalar or hierarchical organization. Under this type of organization, a
superior delegate‟s authority to a subordinate, who in turn delegates authority to
another subordinate and so on. Authority descends from the top to the bottom
level, through downward delegation of authority. Subordinates become responsible
to their immediate superiors. The topmost management has full control over the
entire field.


This form is suitable:

1. If the business is comparatively small.

2. If the labour management problems are easy to solve.

3. If the processes are easily directed.
4. If the work is of a routine nature.
1. It is simple to work.
2. It is economical and effective.
3. It is easy to fix responsibility.
4. It facilitates quick decisions and prompt actions.
5. Quick communication is easy.
6. Discipline can easily be maintained.

1. The organization is rigid and inflexible.
2. It works on a dictatorial basis.
3. Departmental heads act on their own whims and desire, as it is difficult to secure
coordination of the activities of workers and departments.
4. In big business it does not operate satisfactorily.

2. Functional Type Organization:

The limitations of line organisation have been removed under this system. All
types of work of the organisation are grouped and managed by the top executive.
There are separate functional departments for major functions of the enterprise;
example personnel department, purchase department etc. Each department does its
function for the entire organisation. Sales department does the function for the
whole enterprise. The functional organisation works through the line organisation.
Functional organisation is based on expert knowledge and makes the greatest use
of division of labour resulting in high efficiency and specialization.

1. Greatest use of division of labour is possible.
2. The system is based on expert knowledge.
3. Functional efficiency of the worker can be maintained.
4. Mass production is made by standardization and specialization.
5. Separation of mental and manual functions is possible.
6. Methods and operations can be standardized.

1. Too many experts and bosses (high officials) create confusion in the mind of the
2. It is difficult to fix responsibility on workers.
3. Discipline and morale of the workers are seriously affected, because of
contradictory orders from different experts.
4. There is heavy overhead expense.

3. Line and Staff System:

In this type, the organisation is based on the line organisation and the functional
experts advise the line officers as to the functions of the enterprise. The line
officers are the executives and the staff officers are their advisers. Though the staff
officers do not have the power to command the line officers, their advice is
generally adhered to.

The combination of organisation with this expert staff forms the type of
organisation-line and staff. The „line‟ keeps the discipline and the staff provides
expert information. The line gets out the production and the staff carries on
research, planning, fixing standard etc. This type of organisation is suitable for
large concerns.

1. This type is based on specialization.
2 It brings expert knowledge of the whole concern.
3. Increased efficiency of operations may be possible
4. Mass production is possible.

1. There arises confusion unless the duties and responsibilities are clearly indicated
by charts and office manuals.
2 Advice and, expert information are given to the workers through the line officers.
It is possible that the workers may misunderstand or misinterpret.

4. Committee Organisation:
Committee organisation is widely used for the purpose of discharging advisory
functions of the management. Committees are formed in different levels of
organisation. A committee is a group of people who meet by plan to discuss or
make a decision on a particular subject. Because of its advantages, committee
organisation is preferred. The management committee usually consists of General
Manager and departmental heads to deal with current problems. A co-ordinated

plan is agreed to in a meeting. Thus group judgement is possible to attain an aimed

1. It stimulates co-operative action.
2. It can promote better understanding.
3. A problem is discussed in detail and decision taken.
4. It facilitates co-ordination of activities of various departments.
5. Group discussion and decision will bring better results.
6. It gives demographic management.

1. Committees are expensive.
2. Committee weakens individual responsibility.
3. Committee may sometimes become time-consuming rather than time-saving.
4. Responsibility cannot be fixed on any person.
5. It lacks secrecy.

5. Geographical Type:
The structure is based on territorial or regional basis. When business activities are
expanded, the various parts of the market area are divided into territories. The
whole world into continents, continent into regions, region into zones, zone into
districts etc. This type of organisation gives importance to the consumer‟s needs
and desire, especially in pharmaceutical companies.

This type of organisation enjoys the knowledge of likes and dislikes of people in
the particular areas. A firm can modify or alter the products, on the basis of the
needs of the buyers who are represented by sales manager. The competitors can be
counteracted soon.

Merits (Geographical Type):
1. Geographical type of divisions allow a manager to pay special attention to the
needs and problems of the local markets.
2. Geographic type of organisation provide opportunities for local talent to be
3. Geographic division helps managers gain extensive knowledge of diverse
4. This type of organisation improve an organization‟s relationship with customers.

Demerits (Geographical Type):

1. This type of organisation require more people to work.
2. There arise communication problems.
3. Cost of operations are high.
4. Top managers at HO find it difficult to control and supervise the activities in
different locations.

6. Product Type:
Certain companies produce different varieties of products and it is advantageous to
boost the sales on the basis of product or product groups. A separate product
manager is appointed for each product. He attends to the production and marketing
of his products when the market is competitive, the product type organization with
the product manager can concentrate its attention on the performance of a
particular product or brand. Sales promotion, advertising, marketing research etc.,
remain as the centralized activity for the product group. (Fig. 3.5)

7. Market Type (Consumer):
This type of organisation is based on the different types of customers. The
enterprises have adopted customer-oriented marketing and thus there arise two sets
of organisations through which the needs of customers or market are met; i.e., sub-
division of markets on the basis of government and non-government customers,
industrial individual customers, rich and poor customers and on the basis of sex,
income, taste, age etc. A firm may have different groups of customers, who have
different needs and problems. Thus, each section can look into the needs of each
group of consumers and facilitate their buying-wholesale section, retail section etc.
(Fig. 3.6)

Merits (Consumer type):

1. This type of organisation can encourage consumers with clearly defined
2. The specialists can understand the needs of a particular segment of customers.
3. This type of organisation is useful to serve different type of customers.

Demerits (Consumer type):

1. Coordination between sales and other functions of marketing is difficult.

2 More man-power is required thus expenditure is high.

8. Matrix Type:
Matrix organisation is also known as grid or project organisation. Matrix
organisation is created by merging the two or more complementary organisations,
say, purchase section and sales section. A team may be set up within the existing
organisation, to conduct a study of a particular product or design or to complete a
specific assignment in time.
A project manager has a project team consisting of people from several functional
sections. For instance, a project team is formed to market the television, and for
this people will be drawn from different functional departments, say, production,
research, marketing, engineering etc.

1. Specialized product knowledge is acquired.
Z It is economical to draw experts from various sections.
3. Expansion, improvements, diversification etc., are the result.
4. The chances of success of the project are higher.
5. It allows effective use of resources.

Demerits (Matrix type):

1. Administrative costs are high.
2. Workers under this type have to report to two bosses.
3. There arise conflicts between functional managers and project managers.


Marketing Decision Making Process refers to the different stages of decision
making that a consumer undergoes before, after and during the purchase of product
or service. It is important for a marketer to understand what goes inside the head of
consumer and how to make him/her purchase your product or service.


There are four categories or areas, which always kept in mind, while making
different sorts of marketing plans for different products and services.
1. Product
2. Price
3. Place (Distribution)
4. Promotion

1. Product Decisions
Product is related to physical, tangible products as well as services. There are
certain decisions that are related to the product like
 Functionality
 Brand Name
 Quality
 Safety
 Warranty
 Packaging
 Styling
 Repairs & support
 Accessories & services

2. Price Decisions:
Following are some of important Marketing Decisions related to pricing.
 Pricing Strategy (penetration, skim etc)
 Suggested retail price
 Seasonal pricing
 Cash & early payment discounts
 Bundling
 Price discrimination

 Price flexibility
 Volume discounts & wholesale pricing
3. Place (Distribution) Decisions
The availability of product to the customers is referred to as distribution. Following
are some of the examples of distribution decisions.
 Market coverage (Exclusive, inclusive or selective distribution)
 Distribution channels
 Inventory management
 Specific channel members
 Order processing
 Warehousing
 Distribution centers
 Reverse logistics
 Transportation

4. Promotion Decisions:
Marketing decisions include promotion decisions which are important content of
the marketing mix in which different aspects of marketing
communication occurs. The information about the product is communicated with
an objective to produce positive customer response. Following are some of the
important promotion decisions.
 Promotional strategy (pull, push etc)
 Sales promotion
 Advertising
 Public relations & publicity
 Personal selling & sales force
 Marketing communication budget


I. Problem or need recognition: The buying process starts with need recognition. The
consumers identifies gap between his current state and desired state. A need can be
triggered by internal or external stimuli. Internal stimuli includes personal needs
experienced by the consumer, such as hunger, thirst etc. Advertisements, word of mouth
are external influencers which can also trigger needs.
II. Information search: In second stage, customer tries to gather as much information as
possible. But it depends on how strong the need is. If the need is too strong, customer
might skip this stage and go for purchase. If not, information search process begins.
Information search can be categorized into internal and external research. Internal search
refers to recalling past experiences with the product. External search is conducted when
customer tries to seek information from personal sources (family, friends etc),
Commercial sources (advertisements, sales people) or public sources (newspapers,
television etc).

III. Evaluation of alternatives: In this stage, customer evaluates all the alternatives
available in the market. It either occurs separately or in conjunction with information
search. The important determinant in this stage is the degree of involvement customer
may have with potential product. When a purchase is highly involving, customer might
go for extensive evaluation. Examples of highly involving purchases are buying a car,
house etc. It is important for marketer to stress on important features of the product in
such cases. Consumer moves to next stage once value of all alternatives have been

IV. Purchase: Actual buying of product occurs in this stage.

V. Post purchase behaviour: In this stage, consumer analyses whether product was
useful to him or not, whether the product fulfilled his need or not. If the satisfaction level
is high, consumer will become loyal customer of the brand. Marketer‟s goal is to make
sure that buyer feels positive about their purchases.


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