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Cast iron drinking water pipe biofilms support

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diverse microbial communities containing

Open Access Article. Published on 01 February 2021. Downloaded on 12/10/2021 9:33:20 AM.

Cite this: Environ. Sci.: Water Res.

Technol., 2021, 7, 584 antibiotic resistance genes, metal resistance
genes, and class 1 integrons†
Lee K. Kimbell, a
Emily Lou LaMartina, b Anthony D. Kappell, ‡a
Jingwan Huo, Yin Wang, c Ryan J. Newton b and Patrick J. McNamara *a

Antimicrobial resistance is a well-documented public health concern. The role that drinking water
distribution pipes have as sources of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) is not well known. Metals are a
known stressor for antibiotic resistance development, implying that aging metal-pipe infrastructure could
be a source of ARGs. The objective of this study was to determine if ARGs, metal resistance genes (MRGs),
and intI1 were pervasive across various pipe biofilm sample types (biomass surfaces, pipe surfaces,
corrosion tubercles, and under corrosion tubercles) and if the resistance genes associated with particular
microbial taxa. Eight sample types in triplicate (n = 24) were taken from inside a >100 year-old, six ft.
section of a full-scale chloraminated cast iron drinking water main. Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) was
employed as a novel approach to quantify ARGs in pipes from full-scale drinking water distribution systems
(DWDS) because it yielded higher detection frequencies than quantitative PCR (qPCR). Illumina sequencing
was employed to characterize the microbial community based on 16S rRNA genes. ARGs and MRGs were
detected in all 24 pipe samples. Every sample contained targeted genes. Interestingly, the mean absolute
abundances of ARGs and MRGs only varied by approximately one log value across sample types, but the
mean relative abundances (copy numbers normalized to 16S rRNA genes) varied by over two log values.
The ARG and MRGs concentrations were not significantly different between sample types, despite
significant changes in dominant microbial taxa. The most abundant genera observed in the biofilm
communities were Mycobacterium (0.2–70%), and β-lactam resistance genes blaTEM, blaSHV, and the
Received 1st December 2020, integrase gene of class 1 integrons (intI1) were positively correlated with Mycobacterium. The detection of
Accepted 23rd January 2021
ARGs, MRGs, and class 1 integrons across all sample types within the pipe indicates that pipes themselves
DOI: 10.1039/d0ew01059f
can serve as sources for ARGs in DWDS. Consequently, future work should investigate the role of pipe
materials as well as corrosion inhibitors to determine how engineering decisions can mitigate ARGs in drinking water that stem from pipe materials.

Water impact
Aging drinking water infrastructure, particularly when made of metals, can have significant impacts on microbial water quality, and specifically antibiotic
resistance genes. This research revealed that various types of biofilm samples in a cast iron pipe can serve as sources of antibiotic resistance genes in
drinking water distribution systems. Infrastructure material decisions can be part of antibiotic resistance mitigation strategies.

1. Introduction
Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering, Marquette
University, 1637 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53233, USA. Antibiotic resistance is a major public health concern
E-mail: stemming from the microbial response to the widespread
School of Freshwater Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA occurrence of antibiotics and other physiological stressors in
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-
the environment.1,2 Approximately 2.8 million people are
Milwaukee, USA
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/
diagnosed with infections caused by antibiotic-resistant
d0ew01059f bacteria (ARB), and over 35 000 deaths are attributed to
‡ Current affiliation: Signature Science, Austin, TX, USA. antibiotic resistance annually in the U.S. alone.3 Antibiotic

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resistance genes (ARGs) on mobile genetic elements can be immediately transported to the laboratory for sampling and
acquired by pathogens in the human gut,4–6 creating risks for analysis. The water main was collected as part of planned
vulnerable populations that are exposed to ARGs.7 ARGs have maintenance to replace old water mains throughout the
been detected in various water environments including distribution system. Pipe samples were collected from i) a
groundwater,8 surface water,2,9 drinking water treatment visible biofilm surface, referred to as “biomass surface” (n =
plants,10,11 and tap drinking water12–14 at concentrations up 6), ii) a pipe surface that did not have biofilm visible to the
to 1010 copies per L.11 Consequently, it is becoming naked eye, referred to as “pipe surface” (n = 6), iii) from
increasingly important to quantify ARGs in exposure routes three-dimensional corrosion tubercles that could be removed,
that directly convey ARGs to people, including drinking water referred to as “corrosion tubercles” (n = 6), and iv) from the
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.

distribution systems (DWDS).15–17 pipe surface on the location where the tubercle was removed,
Open Access Article. Published on 01 February 2021. Downloaded on 12/10/2021 9:33:20 AM.

ARGs in tap water have been shown to increase from the referred to as “under corrosion tubercles” (n = 6) (ESI†
drinking water treatment plant effluent to the tap.10 While Fig. 1). Broadly speaking, all samples were microbial
residual disinfectants can select for antibiotic resistance,18,19 biofilms, not bulk water samples, and they were
the actual infrastructure of DWDS, i.e. the pipe materials subcategorized into the four categories listed for comparison
used, could also be an important factor that impacts and statistical analysis. Pipe surface, biomass surface, and
microbial ecology and consequently ARG profiles.20–24 DWDS under tubercle swabs were collected by firmly pressing a
are comprised of a variety of metallic pipe materials (e.g., sterile cotton-tipped applicator (Fisher Scientific, Waltham,
copper, iron, and lead) and additional metals in treated MA) on the biofilm surface and swabbing an area of
drinking water can accumulate in biofilms and corrosion approximately 2–5 cm2. For each of the microenvironment
scales.25–28 Metals select for antibiotic resistance through co- types sampled, top (n = 3) and bottom (n = 3) samples of the
resistance and cross-resistance mechanisms.29,30 cast iron water main were collected. Each swab was
Additionally, microorganisms have evolved detoxification transferred directly to a sterile DNA extraction lysing tube
strategies, such as metal resistance genes (MRGs) and efflux and the stem was snapped and severed to preserve only the
pumps, to mitigate the toxic effects of metals.31,32 Exposing sample end of the swab.36 Tubercle samples were collected
bacteria to metals in DWDS may promote the survival of into plastic tubes using a flame sterilized spatula, and
bacteria resistant to metals and antibiotics.30,33 While studies approximately 0.2 g of corrosion tubercle was sub-sampled
have documented the occurrence of ARGs in tap drinking for DNA extraction. Samples were immediately frozen at −20
water and in biofilms,34,35 to the best of our knowledge, no °C until DNA extraction was performed. DNA was extracted
research efforts have quantified ARGs, MRGs, and mobile using the FastDNA Spin Kit (MP Biomedicals, Solon, OH).
genetic elements from different biofilm sample locations The manufacturer's protocol was followed with the exception
(e.g., surface biofilms, tubercles, under tubercles) in a single
pipe to understand if drinking water pipes can serve as
sources of ARGs.
The objective of this research was to determine if ARGs,
MRGs, and class 1 integrons (intI1) were quantifiable across
multiple sample types in a chloraminated cast iron water
main and to determine if microbial taxa were correlated to
resistance gene concentrations. It was hypothesized that
ARGs, MRGs, and intI1 would be detected regardless of
sample type and location. The abundance of bacterial
biomass (measured by 16S rRNA gene copies), ARGs, MRGs,
and the integrase gene of the class 1 integron, intI1, were
quantified in samples collected from different
microenvironments using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) and
quantitative PCR (qPCR). Microbial communities were
analyzed using PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene sequences from
each pipe sample (n = 24). This is the first research to
determine if various types of biofilm samples from a single
full-scale DWDS pipe can serve as potential sources for ARGs.

2. Materials and methods

2.1 Pipe collection, sampling, and DNA extraction
Fig. 1 X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of biofilm tubercle samples (n =
A six ft section of cast-iron water main (18″ ID, 105 years in 6) collected from the chloraminated cast-iron water main. The
operation) that transported chloraminated water was reference XRD patterns for goethite (JCPDS 29-0713) and
extracted, covered with sterile plastic sheeting, and lepidocrocite (JCPDS 08-0098) are also shown for comparison.

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that initial cell lysis was conducted using liquid nitrogen and the average value from analyzing each DNA sample three
freeze thaw cycling (3×).37–40 DNA concentrations in resulting times was used for each sample for further analysis.
extracts were quantified by microspectrophotometry using a Target gene copies were also quantified in triplicate from
Nano-Drop (Nano-Drop™ Lite, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, DNA extracts using qPCR with previously published protocols
MA) and stored at −20 °C. for the 16S rRNA gene,44 ARGs (blaSHV,10 blaTEM,45 sul1,46 MRGs
(czcD, copA),47 and the integrase gene of class 1 integrons
(intI1).48 Additional information on qPCR methodology, specific
2.2 Quantification of resistance genes primer sets, amplicon sizes, annealing temperatures, R 2 values,
Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) assays were conducted to quantify efficiencies, and quantification limits are described in the ESI†
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.

gene copies. A subset of samples was initially analyzed at 5, 10, Methods and Table S1. β-lactam resistance genes such as blaTEM
Open Access Article. Published on 01 February 2021. Downloaded on 12/10/2021 9:33:20 AM.

50, and 100-fold dilutions to test for inhibition during gene and blaSHV are grouped in the most common types of
quantification. Based on these results, a 10-fold dilution was β-lactamases belonging to Enterobacteriaceae and encode
selected to minimize inhibition for all samples. Reaction resistance to β-lactam antibiotics such as penicillins and
mixtures consisted of a total volume of 22 μL with 11 μL of cephalosporins.49 Sulfonamide resistance gene (sul1) and the
QX200 ddPCR EvaGreen Supermix (final concentration 1×) (Bio- integrase gene of class 1 integrons (intI1) are frequently detected
Rad Laboratories Inc., Hercules, CA), 2 μL each of forward and in various natural and engineered environments and are
reverse primers (final concentration 250 nM each), 4 μL of considered a good proxy for ARG abundance and anthropogenic
diluted DNA extract, and 3 μL molecular grade water. The pollution.50,51 MRGs quantified in biofilm samples from the
ddPCR reaction mixture was added to a 96-well plate, sealed cast iron water main included the copper resistance gene copA
with foil, homogenized by vortexing, and centrifuged briefly to and czcD, which is a part of the cation diffusion facilitator
ensure that all reaction components were at the bottom of the mediating resistance to cadmium, zinc, and cobalt.52,53 These
wells. The 96-well plate was equilibrated at room temperature genes were selected based on their abundance in an initial
for 3 minutes prior to droplet generation. Aliquots of 20 μL for qPCR assay conducted with over 20 different MRGs including
each reaction were dispensed into a separate well of an eight- genes encoding resistance to metals such as arsenic, copper,
channel droplet generator cartridge (DG8 Cartridge, Bio-Rad) iron, lead, and zinc.
followed by 70 μL of QX200 Droplet Generation Oil for EvaGreen
into the oil wells for subsequent droplet generation using the 2.3 PCR and Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA gene
QX100 Droplet Generator. Oil-droplet mixtures were transferred amplicons
to a 96-well plate and sealed at 180 °C using the PX1 PCR plate
Microbial communities from biofilm samples were prepared
sealer. The 96-well plate was transferred to the C1000 touch
for analysis by triplicate PCR-amplifying and pooling V4
thermal cycler for PCR thermal cycling with the following
hypervariable regions of 16S rRNA genes.54 One extraction
conditions: 5 min at 95 °C for activation of DNA polymerase, 39
blank and mock community (#HM-782D, BEI Resources) were
cycles of 95 °C for 30 s and 60 °C for 60 s, followed by signal
included in the sample set. PCR amplicons were sequenced
stabilization at 4 °C for 5 min and 90 °C for 5 min. Thermal
with Illumina MiSeq 2 × 250 paired-end chemistry at the
cycling conditions were modified for genes with annealing
Great Lakes Genomic Center (http://greatlakesgenomics.uwm.
temperatures varying from 60 °C (ESI† Table S1). After thermal
edu). Primer and barcode sequences were removed from
cycling, plates were transferred to the QX200 Droplet Reader for
reads using cutadapt.55 Reads were processed, including
absolute quantification of target genes.
filtered, merged, error-corrected, and chimera-checked, into
Data analysis was performed using the QuantaSoft
amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) using the R package
Analysis Pro software and expressed as gene copies μL−1 (V
DADA2.56 Taxonomy was assigned using DADA2 from the
1.0.596, Bio-Rad). Positive controls were included with each
SILVA v. 132 reference database.57 ASVs that were classified
ddPCR assay and were produced by ten-fold serial dilution of
as mitochondria, chloroplast, or eukaryota were removed.
plasmid DNA yielding 104 to 100 copies per reaction. No-
Additional thresholds were set to identify and remove ASVs
template (i.e., reagent only) controls were included with each
potentially derived from the mock community, extraction/
ddPCR assay. All ddPCR negative controls failed to yield
PCR blank, and non-target samples that were included in the
amplification above the limit of quantification for each assay.
sequencing run. Additional description of sequencing
Thresholds to discriminate between positive and negative
methods is included in the ESI† Methods. Raw sequences
droplets were manually applied to each sample and only
have been uploaded to NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA)
samples with ≥3 positive droplets were considered as
under BioProject ID PRJNA692495.
positive.41 Furthermore, only reactions with greater than
10 000 accepted droplets were used for subsequent analysis.41
The limit of the detection (LOD) and limit of quantification 2.4 Corrosion tubercle characterization
(LOQ) for each tested gene were determined according to the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was conducted on corrosion
MIQE guidelines.42,43 Additional MIQE guidelines were tubercles that were sampled from the cast iron water main (n
followed and are shown in ESI† Table S2. DNA extract from = 6) to identify the dominant crystalline phases. XRD was
each sample was analyzed in triplicate for each target gene, performed on a Bruker D8 Discover A25 diffractometer using

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copper Kα radiation with step scanning from 2θ of 15–70°. in cast iron pipes65–70 and several previous studies also
The scan speed and step size were 3° per min and 0.02°, reported the observation of lepidocrocite in iron pipes from
respectively. XRD patterns of each corrosion tubercle were full-scale DWDS.71,72 The inorganic elemental composition
compared to standard patterns from International Centre for of corrosion tubercles was characterized by ICP-MS. Iron
Diffraction Data (ICDD). was the dominant element in corrosion tubercles
The inorganic elemental composition of corrosion representing approximately 98.6% of the measured mass.
tubercles was determined using inductively coupled plasma Other elements detected in quantities ranging from 0.1% to
mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).58 Approximately 0.1 g of each 1.0% in the tubercles included Ca (0.64%), Al (0.38%), Mg
corrosion tubercle was subsampled for elemental analysis. (0.12%), and Mn (0.10%). Elements detected below 0.1%
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Each tubercle sample was homogenized using a sterile included Na, K, Co, Cu, Pb, Zn, V, As, Se, Mo, Ag, Cd, Hg,
Open Access Article. Published on 01 February 2021. Downloaded on 12/10/2021 9:33:20 AM.

mortar and pestle prior to acid digestion with nitric acid Ni, and Be. Metals present in corrosion scales and tubercles
(2%) and hydrochloric acid (1%).59 An Agilent Technologies in the cast iron water main may have originated from the
7700 Series ICP-MS (Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa Clara, pipe material itself, especially Fe, but other trace elements
CA) was used for elemental composition determination. were likely deposited over time from the bulk drinking
Standard reference materials for elements including Ag, Al, water.
As, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni,
Pb, Sb, Se, Th, Tl, U, V, and Zn were purchased from Agilent 3.2 Quantification of bacterial biomass
16S rRNA genes were detected above quantification limits in
all 24 samples from the cast iron water main (ESI† Fig. S2).
2.5 Statistical analysis The mean concentration in corrosion tubercles was 4.4 × 107
Statistical analyses were conducted using RStudio in the 16S rRNA gene copies per g tubercle. The mean concentration
open-sourced statistical program R (V 3.6.1).60,61 One-way in biofilms collected under corrosion tubercles was 3.5 × 105
analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted using the ‘aov’ 16S rRNA copies per cm2. Previous studies have reported
function to determine statistical differences between similar levels of 16S rRNA in biofilms from chloraminated
abundances of target genes across groups of samples. A water mains with averages ranging from 3.2 × 105 to 2.5 × 107
significant cutoff of α = 0.05 was used for all analyses. For copies per cm2.73–75
sequence analysis, the BIOM file generated via DADA2 was
imported into R using the phyloseq package.62 R packages 3.3 Quantification of resistance genes in pipe samples
‘phyloseq’ and ‘ggplot2’ were utilized for general 3.3.1 Detection frequency by ddPCR and qPCR. The
visualization of sequence data. Alpha and beta diversity frequency of gene detects for every gene analyzed across the
metrics and plots were generated using the ‘vegan’ and 24 samples using ddPCR was equal to or higher than that for
‘ggplot2’ packages. ANOVA was used to determine qPCR (Table 1; ESI† Fig. S3). The presence of inhibiting
significance among the alpha diversity metrics. Principal substances such as metals or humic acids in the biofilm
coordinate analysis (PCoA) was performed using the ‘ape’ samples are known to impact amplification and primer
package to visualize differences between samples using the annealing in qPCR assays.76,77 Previous studies have also
Bray–Curtis dissimilarity matrix generated in ‘phyloseq’. demonstrated that ddPCR, as compared to qPCR, can have
Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was conducted in R increased precision and accuracy for quantifying low
using the vegan package to identify correlations between the concentrations of DNA in variably contaminated
bacterial community structure and biofilm sample location. samples.76–78 Our findings in conjunction with previous
Spearman's rank sum correlation coefficients were calculated studies suggest that ddPCR is favorable for detecting ARGs in
in R to assess correlations between ARGs, MRGs, abundant DWDS, particularly because these samples often contain low
taxa, and biofilm sample location. Indicator taxa were concentrations of DNA and contaminants that may interfere
identified for each sample location using the multi-level with qPCR. Reporting limit of detection and limit of
pattern (indicator species) analysis in the package quantification will be key for comparing across studies, as
‘indicspecies’.63 Rarefaction curves were generated using the these values can differ significantly among quantification
‘ggrare’ function from the phyloseq-extended package of methods.
scripts.64 3.3.2 Abundance of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and
intI1. The ARGs blaSHV, blaTEM, and sul1, and intI1 were
3. Results and discussion detected in biofilm samples from the chloraminated cast-
iron drinking water main at concentrations up to nearly 6 log
3.1 Physical characterization of corrosion tubercles gene copies cm−2, with the highest mean value belonging to
XRD analysis indicated that the mineral phases present in gene blaTEM at approximately 4.8 log gene copies cm−2
the interior surfaces of the cast iron pipe primarily consisted (Fig. 2). A previous study reported the mean absolute
of goethite (α-FeOOH) and lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH) (Fig. 1). abundance of ARGs (blaTEM, sul1, qnrA, vanA) and intI1 in
Goethite has been widely found as a main corrosion product biofilms from undefined pipe materials to range from <LOQ

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Table 1 Summary of detections of ARGs, MRGs, and intI1 with ddPCR and qPCR

Mechanism/mode ddPCR ddPCR LOQ ddPCR LOQ qPCR qPCR LOQ qPCR LOQ
Gene of action detections (CN μL−1) (CN cm−2) detections (CN μL−1) (CN cm−2)
16S rRNA NA 24 (100%) 5 5 × 103 24 (100%) 500 5× 105
blaSHV Beta lactam resistance 24 (100%) 2 2 × 103 20 (83%) 50 5× 104
blaTEM Beta lactam resistance 24 (100%) 2 2 × 103 24 (100%) 5 5× 103
copA Copper resistance 11 (45%) 4 4 × 103 3 (12.5%) 5 5× 103
czcD Cobalt, zinc, cadmium efflux 20 (83%) 3 3 × 103 19 (79%) 5 5× 103
intI1 Integrase gene of class 1 integrons 10 (42%) 4 4 × 103 8 (33%) 5 5× 103
× 103 5× 103
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sul1 Enzymatic modification 17 (71%) 3 3 4 (17%) 5

tet(L) Tetracycline efflux 0 (0%) 6 6 × 103 0 (0%) 50 5× 104
Open Access Article. Published on 01 February 2021. Downloaded on 12/10/2021 9:33:20 AM.

Notes: CN – copy numbers, LOQ – limit of quantification, NA – not applicable.

to 4.2 log copies swab−1.34 Mean absolute abundances of did not impact absolute gene abundances. Relative gene
ARGs and intI1 in different biofilm microenvironments varied abundances (absolute normalized to 16S rRNA gene copies)
by over one log unit, but the mean differences of the sample demonstrated higher variability (>2-log units) between the
types were not significantly different from each other (one- different microenvironments sampled, but the mean relative
way ANOVAs, p values > 0.05), indicating that sample type abundance values were not significantly different based on

Fig. 2 Absolute abundance of antibiotic resistance genes, metal resistance genes, and intI1 in different biofilm microenvironments from a cast
iron drinking water main as measured with ddPCR. The biofilm microenvironments include biomass surface (BS), pipe surface (PS), tubercle (TUB),
and under tubercle (UT). Each biofilm sample is also categorized by top or bottom pipe sample location. Sample categories (e.g. bottom UT, top
BS) are plotted when 1–3 of the samples yielded a quantifiable result. Sample categories with no positive detections were left blank. Each symbol
represents the average of 3 ddPCR technical replicates from a single biofilm sample. All biofilm swab samples are plotted as log10 gene copies per
cm2. Corrosion tubercle samples are plotted as log gene copies per g. The quantification limit (QL) is also plotted for each gene as the dash on the
right side of the plot.

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sample type (one-way ANOVA, p > 0.05) (ESI† Fig. S4). The compared to 33% for corrosion tubercles. Additional
variability in relative abundance values for ARGs in the variation in ARG abundance was observed between samples
different microenvironments was primarily due to differences collected from the top and bottom of the water main, but the
in levels of bacterial 16S rRNA genes between sample differences were not statistically different (one-way ANOVA, p
locations rather than changes in ARG abundance. Indeed, values >0.05). The distance of biofilm sample collection
these results indicate that various pipe biofilm samples, and inside the water main (12 in., 18 in., and 24 in.) also did not
thus pipe infrastructure, could serve as sources of ARGs into have a significant effect on ARG concentrations.
tap drinking water. 3.3.3 Abundance of metal resistance genes (MRGs). MRGs
Absolute concentrations of ARGs remained relatively quantified in biofilm samples from the cast iron water main
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consistent in the different biofilm sample locations. ARGs included the copper resistance gene copA and czcD. The czcD
Open Access Article. Published on 01 February 2021. Downloaded on 12/10/2021 9:33:20 AM.

were detected more frequently in surficial biofilm gene was detected in 83% of biofilm samples at
environments but demonstrated similar absolute abundance concentrations ranging from above LOQ to 4.6 log gene copies
compared to sub-surface environments. One explanation cm−2. The mean czcD absolute abundance in surficial samples
could be that corrosion deposits and tubercles can provide (BS, PS) was not significantly different compared to sub-
relief from disinfectants, advective flow, and shear stress surface samples (TUB, UT) according to One-way ANOVA
which allows additional biofilm development to occur.80 results (p > 0.05). The czcD gene is part of the cation diffusion
Observed relative abundance values for ARGs in the current facilitator mediating resistance to cadmium, zinc, and
study suggest that microbes in sub-surface communities may cobalt52,53 and has previously been documented in source
harbor ARGs at similar levels compared to surficial microbes. drinking water treated with the corrosion inhibitor zinc
The presence of ARGs in each of the different biofilm sample orthophosphate.58 The copper resistance gene copA was
locations suggests that potential selection for antibiotic detected above the LOQ in 45% of samples with ddPCR
resistance exerted by disinfectants, metals and other assays. The copA gene encodes an ATPase efflux pump that
dissolved contaminants exists throughout the cast iron extrudes copper ions, making it one of the main mechanisms
biofilm communities inside the pipe. Additionally, the mediating copper resistance.81 The detection of czcD and copA
detection of ARGs and class 1 integrons in the biofilm may be related to the presence of copper, zinc, cadmium, and
communities suggests that horizontal gene transfer may be cobalt ions in the drinking water and corrosion deposits.
one plausible explanation for the proliferation of ARGs inside Previous studies have demonstrated that exposure to sub-
the cast iron biofilm communities due to the close proximity inhibitory levels of Cu(II) and Zn(II) can contribute to
of microbial species within biofilms.30,79 Average and median horizontal gene transfer of ARGs.29 This is the first study to
chloramine concentrations inside the distribution system quantify clinically-relevant ARGs and MRGs in multiple types
were 1.0 to 1.3 mg L−1. Residual disinfectants such as of biofilm samples from a chloraminated cast iron water main
chloramines present in DWDS at subinhibitory levels have collected from a full-scale distribution system.
been shown to stimulate horizontal gene transfer of ARGs
through multiple pathways including reactive oxygen species
response systems and the SOS response.18 3.4 Microbial community composition of pipe samples
Beta-lactamase resistance genes, blaSHV and blaTEM, were Corrosion tubercles, especially from the bottom of the water
detected in all 24 biofilm samples ranging from 4.1 to 5.3 log main, exhibited the most unique microbial community
gene copies per cm2. A previous study detected blaTEM in composition compared to the biomass surface, pipe surface,
drinking water biofilms at lower absolute abundance (mean = and under tubercle samples (Fig. 3a). Biofilm microbial
1.5 log gene copies swab−1) but with similar relative communities exhibited similar Shannon diversity (1.8–4.4) to
abundance (mean = −2.3 log ARG copies/16S rRNA copies) as previous observations of biofilm communities in cast iron
in this study.34 These results demonstrate that different drinking water mains73 (ESI† Fig. S5). A total of 469 microbial
microenvironments or niches in pipes can serve as reservoirs genera corresponding to 47 different phyla were identified in
for bacteria harboring resistance genes, indicating that the biofilm microbial communities from the cast iron water
biofilms on DWDS pipes can serve as sources of ARGs when main. The most abundant genera observed in the biofilm
biofilms shed viable cells into tap drinking water.79 The communities included Mycobacterium (0.2–70%), Geobacter
sulfonamide resistance gene (sul1) and the integrase gene of (0–57%), Gallionella (0–40%), Phreatobacter (0–25%),
class 1 integrons (intI1) are frequently detected in various Desulfovibrio (0–21%), Undibacterium (0–18%), Streptococcus
natural and engineered environments and are considered (0–17%), and Sphingomonas (0–17%) (Fig. 3b). Previous
potential indicators of horizontal gene transfer of ARGs.50,51 studies have also observed high abundance of Mycobacterium,
The intI1 gene was detected in 10 biofilm samples at an Geobacter, Gallionella, Sphingomonas, and Undibacterium in
average concentration of 4.5 log gene copies per cm2. The corrosion deposits and biofilms in DWDS.68,82–84 Other
intI1 gene was detected at a higher frequency in biofilm abundant genera observed in the cast iron biofilm
surface samples (83%) and was not detected in tubercle communities included Hydrogenophaga (0–15%), Rhodoferax
samples. The frequency of sul1 detections for biofilm surface, (0–15%), Galbitalea (0–12%), Corynebacterium (0–11%),
pipe surface, and under tubercle samples was 83%, Ralstonia (0–8%), and Geothrix (0–6%).

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Fig. 3 (A) Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) using Bray–Curtis dissimilarity of microbial communities in biofilm samples from the chloraminated
cast-iron drinking water main (n = 24). Color of points denote sample type and are as described in table on top right. Point labels refer to sample
number in table. (B) Relative abundance of 11 most abundant taxa combined down to lowest classification. Samples on x-axis ordered along axis 1
of PCoA.

Mycobacterium represented the most abundant genus in 70%. These findings are consistent with previous studies that
the current study with 22 unique Mycobacterium ASVs have reported Mycobacterium as the dominant genus in
detected in the biofilm communities. These ASVs comprised drinking water biofilms from chloraminated cast iron water
32% of the total sequences in the biofilm samples and were mains.73,75,82 Mycobacterium spp. are frequently detected in
detected in all 24 biofilm samples. Mean relative abundance DWDS85–87 and have several characteristics that give them a
of Mycobacterium spp. was highest in under tubercle samples competitive advantage in chloraminated DWDS including the
(43%) compared to other sample locations (25–32%), but the ability to form biofilms, resistance to residual disinfectants,88
differences were not statistically significant (one-way ANOVA, and the ability to survive in nutrient-deficient
p > 0.05). Although the mean values were not significantly environments.89,90 The prevalence of Mycobacterium in full-
different, relative abundance of Mycobacterium exhibited wide scale DWDS is a potential concern because the genus
variability across individual samples ranging from 0.2 to contains several opportunistic pathogens.90–93

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Fig. 4 Heatmap of normalized (Z score) abundances of most abundant (maximum relative abundance >2% in at least one sample) taxa combined
to lowest classification. Samples along x-axis and taxa along y-axis were clustered into dendrograms using Bray–Curtis dissimilarity. Colors of
points on x-axis denote sample type.

The abundance patterns for the most abundant taxa genera including Sphingomonas, Desulfovibrio, Gallionella,
are shown in Fig. 4. Several corrosion-related bacterial Geobacter, Hydrogenophaga, and Rhodobacter were observed

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in the biofilm communities and have been previously but were also identified in lower abundance in pipe surface
documented in cast-iron pipe biofilms and corrosion (3.1%), biofilm surface (0.4%), and under tubercle
scales.67,68,73,94–96 Bacteria inhabiting distribution systems environments (0.4%). The Geobacter genus contains iron-
primarily perform functions related to carbon source utilization reducing species, and previous studies have reported that
and nitrification, as well as microbial induced corrosion Geobacter spp. were among the most resistant bacteria to
processes.97 Corrosion tubercles contained increased monochloramine disinfection in lab-scale disinfection
abundance of microorganisms related to microbial induced experiments.102 Similarly, Gallionella spp. were more
corrosion and redox cycling processes in cast iron pipes abundant in corrosion tubercles (16.5%) compared to biofilm
including genera such as Gallionella, Geobacter, Geothrix, and surface (3.6%), pipe surface (1.0%), and under tubercle
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.

Undibacterium.67,68,73 Previous studies have demonstrated that environments (1.9%). Gallionella spp. are neutrophilic iron
Open Access Article. Published on 01 February 2021. Downloaded on 12/10/2021 9:33:20 AM.

the abundance of microorganisms in DWDS may be impacted oxidizing bacteria (IOB) that can promote the precipitation of
by the presence of corrosion tubercles, suspended solids, and iron oxides by converting ferrous iron to ferric iron and have
other loose corrosion deposits.98,99 Additionally, the bottom of previously been observed in association with severe iron
water mains can accumulate higher densities of bacteria and corrosion release or “red water” events in distribution
corrosion deposits, which may also support increased systems.96,103 Bottom tubercle samples demonstrated
abundance of nitrifying bacteria.100 Similarly, the biofilm increased relative abundance of Gallionella and Geobacter
samples from the bottom of the cast iron water main displayed (22.5% and 23%) compared to top tubercle samples (10.5%
increased relative abundance of bacterial genera related to iron and 0.4%), but these differences were not significant (one-
and nutrient cycling. way ANOVA, p values >0.05).
Spearman correlation analysis revealed significant Indicator species analysis was employed to identify the
relationships between the co-occurrence of several corrosion- most abundant indicator organisms in each sample location
related bacteria in the biofilm communities (ESI† Fig. S6). from the water main. Several corrosion-related genera were
The genus Ralstonia demonstrated the most significant significant indicator organisms for corrosion tubercle
relationships with other taxa, and it is considered an samples including Geothrix, Gallionella, Phreatobacter,
emerging global opportunistic pathogens in municipal water Thiomonas, and Rhodovastum (all p values <0.05).
supplies.101 Positive relationships were observed between the Methylobacterium were identified as significant indicators for
co-occurrence of corrosion-related bacteria from Geobacter biofilm surface communities, while Bradyrhizobium were
and Gallionella genera, which also made up a large identified as indicators of pipe surface and under tubercle
proportion of the communities in corrosion tubercles. communities. Phreatobacter and Ralstonia genera were
Geobacter were most prevalent in corrosion tubercles (11.7%) identified as indicators of communities in samples collected

Fig. 5 Relationships between relative abundance of most abundant taxa and absolute abundance of ARGs, MRGs, and intI1 in biofilm samples
from cast iron water main. Color denotes the result from correlation analysis using Spearman's rank sum correlation with Spearman's rho value
plotted for each comparison. The rho value for statistically significant relationships are also included (p values <0.05). The lowest available
taxonomic classification for each observed ASV is provided.

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from pipe surfaces, biofilm surfaces, and under tubercles. drinking water biofilms from a full-scale distribution system.
Several of the identified indicator organisms in our study Future research should be conducted to determine the
have been reported in previous studies analyzing cast iron distribution and concentrations of resistance genes in
biofilm communities.68,83,104 different pipe materials and in different locations of the
same distribution system. Additional research is needed to
3.5 Relationships between sample location, resistance genes, quantify resistance genes and microbial communities in
and microbial community composition other pipe materials including copper, lead, and plastic that
Microbial communities and abundances of resistance genes are commonly used in full-scale DWDS to understand how
engineering management decisions can impact sources of
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were compared between sample locations to determine

antibiotic resistance.24 Further, full-scale and laboratory scale
Open Access Article. Published on 01 February 2021. Downloaded on 12/10/2021 9:33:20 AM.

potential host bacteria harboring ARGs, MRGs, and intI1.105

Additionally, the relationships among bacterial community studies should be conducted to determine the impacts of
composition and different sample types were evaluated using corrosion inhibitors and corrosion products on the
CCA. Biofilm sample type significantly influenced microbial prevalence of antibiotic resistance in DWDS. Previous studies
community composition and explained 32% of the community have suggested that drinking water biofilms may facilitate
variability (CCA, p = 0.009). Biofilm samples were taken from horizontal transfer of the ARGs from one host to another due
12, 18, and 24 in. inside of the water main to assess impact of to the presence of nutrients and high bacterial density and
lateral sampling distance. CCA indicated that sampling distance diversity.8 In the current study, genera containing
into the pipe explained 36% of the variability in bacterial opportunistic pathogens detected in the biofilm samples
community composition (p = 0.001). These results indicate that included Mycobacterium, Ralstonia, Staphylococcus, and
biofilm sample location was a significant variable influencing Sphingomonas. Further research targeting these specific
microbial communities. bacterial genera would be necessary to determine the
Spearman correlation analysis was conducted to determine presence of any potential opportunistic pathogens. Human
relationships between bacterial community composition and exposure routes relevant for potable water include
abundance of resistance genes. Significant correlations were consumption of tap drinking water, dermal contact, and
observed between several microbial genera and the abundance inhalation of aerosolized drinking water during showering or
of resistance genes in the biofilm samples (Fig. 5). The bathing.16 Studies documenting the occurrence and
occurrence of czcD was significantly correlated with genera distribution of ARGs and MRGs in DWDS are critical for
including Desulfovibrio, Ferritrophicum, Herbaspirillum, and human health risk assessments evaluating the potential for
Rhodoferax (all p values <0.05). Positive relationships were also the transfer and development of antibiotic resistance in
observed between czcD and corrosion-related genera such as engineered systems and in the environment.105,107 Given the
Geothrix, Gallionella, Sphingomonas, and Undibacterium. potential for bacterial growth in DWDS, it is essential to
The copper resistance gene copA was positively associated continue to seek water treatment and management options
with the occurrence of several genera including Galbitalea, that minimize levels of antibiotic resistance. Specific
Gallionella, Geobacter, Geothrix, and Ferritrophicum. A significant conclusions from key findings are as follows:
negative relationship was observed between copA and • ARGs (blaTEM, blaSHV, sul1), MRGs (copA, czcD), and/or
Phreatobacter. β-Lactam resistance genes blaTEM and blaSHV were class 1 integrons (intI1) were detected in every biofilm sample
positively correlated with taxa including Burkholderia, Galbitalea, type studied within a chloraminated cast iron drinking water
and Mycobacterium. A significant negative relationship was main, indicating that pipes could serve as sources for ARGs.
observed between blaTEM and the genus Hydrogenophaga (p < • ddPCR assays resulted in more positive detections and
0.05). The integrase gene of class 1 integrons (intI1) was lower detection limits for target genes compared to qPCR
positively correlated with genera including Desulfovibrio, assays. Future studies should consider ddPCR for
Galbitalea, Hydrogenophaga, and Mycobacterium. The environmental samples containing inhibiting substances
sulfonamide resistance gene sul1 demonstrated a significant such as metals, humic acids, and other contaminants.
positive relationship with the Geobacter genus.106 The presence • Microbial communities varied between different biofilm
of statistically significant correlations between microbial taxa sample locations and were dominated by corrosion-related
and resistance genes in the biofilm samples implies that at least genera including Mycobacterium, Geobacter, Gallionella, and
some of the shifts observed in gene abundance could have Sphingomonas.
resulted from shifts in abundances or types of host bacteria.34 • Significant relationships were observed for the co-
occurrence of ARGs, MRGs, intI1 and several microbial taxa.
4. Conclusions • Further research is warranted to determine the impacts
of different pipe materials on the abundance of ARGs, MRGs,
This research established that drinking water main biofilms and intI1 in biofilms inhabiting full-scale DWDS.
in a chloraminated cast iron water main can serve as sources
of resistance genes, regardless of sample type or location Conflicts of interest
within the pipe. This is the first research to use ddPCR and
qPCR to quantify ARGs, MRGs, and class 1 integrons in There are no conflicts to declare.

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Acknowledgements 11 L. Xu, W. Ouyang, Y. Qian, C. Su, J. Su and H. Chen, High-

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This material is based upon work supported by the National drinking water treatment plants and distribution systems,
Science Foundation under Grant Numbers 2027288 and Environ. Pollut., 2016, 213, 119–126.
2027233. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or 12 H. C. Su, Y. S. Liu, C. G. Pan, J. Chen, L. Y. He and G. G. Ying,
recommendations expressed in this material are those of the Persistence of antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the community changes in drinking water treatment system:
National Science Foundation. We would like to thank Dr. From drinking water source to tap water, Sci. Total Environ.,
Walter McDonald for his assistance with transporting the 2018, 616–617, 453–461, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.318.
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pipe to the lab. We also thank Mike Dollhopf and the 13 S. Bergeron, R. Boopathy, R. Nathaniel, A. Corbin and G.
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Marquette University (MU) Water Quality Center for analysis LaFleur, Presence of antibiotic resistant bacteria and
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