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Palompon Institute of Technology

Palompon, Leyte

College of Graduate Studies


Assessment No. 2 (Functions)

A. Evaluate the following: (10 pts)

1.) F : Z → Z such that F(z) = -z, where z  Z.
Find: F(5), F(-3), F(1/2), F(0), F(-2/3)

2) G : Z+ → Z+ , such that 𝐺(𝑧) = √𝑧, where z  Z+

Find: G(9), G(4/25), G(0), G(-4), G(.01)

B. Find the domain and range of each relation. (10 pts.)

g(x) = 2
𝑥 −16

B. Find the area of a triangle whose vertices are (-3, 4), (1, -4), (6, 5). (10 pts.)

rsd ‘22

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