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Final Project

for Etech
4th Quarter
The technology of the 21st century
is constantly evolving, making our
lives easier and more productive.
In the past decade, we’ve seen
how cell phones and computers are
changing how we communicate;
how global positioning systems
(GPS) are helping us with directions
and navigation; and how digital
streaming services such as Netflix
serve up hours of content with a
few clicks of the remote.
Technology can change our lives for the
better, but only if we understand how to
use it properly. Otherwise, you have a
situation where people find themselves
glued to their laptops, mobile phones, and
tablets at every possible opportunity, and
these devices take away from time spent
interacting with others.
Apart from the Internet, advances in
communication technology are changing the way
we interact. It influences attitudes, values,
communication between groups and
organizations, the ability to learn, and how we
function in society. These days, people do not
have to meet face-to-face to communicate and
work together. Many people prefer to use social
networking sites (such as Facebook and Twitter)
to keep in touch. Others regularly hold video
conference calls using a web camera and
programs such as Skype. While some aspects of
personal interaction are lost this way, it can be
much more efficient and convenient - as long as
you know how to use the technology.
You can contribute to society
by using ICT in a positive
manner. To become a great
contributor, you must put
others first and be an
effective communicator. You
must know how to use the
technology and be able to use
it as it evolves over time.
Information is a core resource in our lives.
Given the current pandemic, we as students
may use this information to research topics,
record assignments, and work on projects
remotely. The internet and social media have
been the primary means of information
gathering. For example, it is easier for people
to express themselves by typing articles and
posting them on the Internet. Furthermore,
more people are accessing education-
related websites, which have replaced
traditional methods of learning, such as a
When used wisely, ICT can
support the learning process in
many ways. For example, it can
help students receive homework
assignments and communicate
with teachers through email or
instant messaging. Students also
engage with ICT to collaborate on
projects, create presentations
and find information.
I use many ICT devices in my daily
life and while studying accounting,
business, and management (ABM).
For example, while doing this
project without the use of ICT
devices, I would not be able to
complete the work to this
standard. The use of laptops,
tablets, and mobile phones is key
in all aspects of life.
Thank You!!

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