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State-of-the-Art Review

Water Reclamation and Reuse in Singapore

Yue Choong Kog, Ph.D. 1

Abstract: Singapore is a highly water-stressed country, and securing an adequate water supply has always been an important task for the
government. Water reclamation and reuse attempted in 1966 were not a success because of the costly and unreliable technology. Fortunately,
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in 2003, advances in membrane technology enabled water reclamation and reuse to become both technically and economically feasible.
Currently, reclaimed water accounts for 40% of the water supply in Singapore and is projected by the government to account for a larger
proportion in the future. Some of the lessons learned and issues with the development of water reclamation and reuse in Singapore are briefly
discussed. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0001675. © 2020 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Water reclamation; Singapore; NEWater; Deep tunnel sewerage system.

Introduction impound water at the Thomson Road Reservoir, later renamed

MacRitchie Reservoir. The completed embankment in 1867 en-
Singapore is a very small country, with a size of slightly more than abled the beginning of municipal water supplies.
700 km2 . During World War II, a water shortage was a major rea- By 1920, the population had grown to more than 400,000.
son leading to the Japanese occupation of Singapore. This historical Studies established that groundwater extracted from the sandy de-
event is a constant reminder of the importance of water supply to posit in eastern Singapore was very limited, and Singapore’s water
Singapore’s security (Simson 1970). Supplying water to the pop- supply was not able to be self-sufficient. The colonial authorities
ulation of Singapore is estimated to cost $700 billion yearly (Tully began looking toward neighboring Johor, the southernmost state of
2000). Many believe that water will be a valuable commodity that Malaya, as a possible source of water. From 1924 to 1962, several
affects the prosperity of countries in the 21st century, and water agreements with the Johor Sultan were signed for water. Until
supply will always be critical to security (both economic and mili- 2061, Singapore is able to import up to 250 million gallons/day
tary). The manner through which a nation manages its water supply (mgd) from Johor according to the current water agreement.
could influence its well-being. To be competitive, countries must In the 1960s, amid frequent droughts and floods and rampant
maintain their water plants in good condition and run them at the water pollution, Singapore had to build up adequate capabilities
minimum cost. and ensure a sustainable water supply. The provision of piped
Rainfall is plentiful in Singapore, although year-to-year rainfall gas, electricity, and water was taken over by the Public Utilities
is highly variable. It rains at least 0.2 mm an average of 167 days Board (PUB) in May 1963, after Singapore gained independence
each year, and the 1981–2017 long-term mean annual rainfall from the British. Since then, PUB has developed the bulk of
total was more than 2,100 mm. Singapore’s average annual rainfall Singapore’s water supply capacity to provide Singapore residents
total since 1980 has increased at an average rate of 100 mm per with water that is safe to drink directly from the tap with no further
decade. Countries with water resources <1,000 m3 per year per per- filtration.
son are defined as water-stressed (i.e., with insufficient resources to Currently, there are 17 reservoirs in Singapore, and two-thirds
meet their needs) (Postel 1993). With only 172 m3 of water per of the island’s land surface serves as the catchment area for rain-
person per year because of the limited land surface, Singapore water. Singapore’s water supply consists of (1) local catchment
is one of the most water-stressed Asian countries, along with water; (2) water imported from Johor; (3) NEWater, high-grade re-
the Middle Eastern countries. In fact, in a recent study, Singapore claimed water from used water; and (4) desalinated water. NEWater
was forecasted to be the most water stressed in 2040 (Maddocks is more cost-efficient and energy-efficient to produce compared
et al. 2015). with desalination.
In 1819, when Stamford Raffles arrived in Singapore, the 150 Singapore currently consumes around 430 mgd of water. About
residents relied on water from wells and streams. A tiny reservoir 55% of this is by the nondomestic sector, and the rest by homes.
was built at Fort Canning to provide water to ships 3 years later. In 2017, the per-capita household water consumption was 143 L
However, there were no provisions for water for the population, per day, which was decreased from 165 L in 2003; by 2030, the
which by 1850 had grown to more than 50,000. The plight of target is to lower it to 130 L per day. As of 2019, NEWater ac-
the residents for clean water prompted philanthropist Kim Seng counted for 40% of the water supply, up to 30% was supplied
Tan to make a donation of S$13,000 in 1857 for the construction by desalinated water, and the rest came from the local catchment
of waterworks. This was the beginning of piped water supply in and imported water from Johor. According to PUB, the present pro-
Singapore. Construction work of an embankment commenced to jection is that homes will be consuming 40%, and the proportion
for the nondomestic sector will be 60%. NEWater is projected to
President, East West Engineering Consultants, 98 Duchess Rd., account for up to 50% of the water supply. Up to 30% will be sup-
Singapore 269022. ORCID: Email:
plied by desalinated water, and the remaining supply will come
Note. This manuscript was published online on February 12, 2020. from the local catchment and imported water. By 2060, the water
Discussion period open until July 12, 2020; separate discussions must demand of Singapore is projected to double, and 70% will be con-
be submitted for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of sumed by the nondomestic sector. Desalination and NEWater are
Environmental Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9372. projected to supply 85% of this demand.

© ASCE 03120001-1 J. Environ. Eng.

J. Environ. Eng., 2020, 146(4): 03120001

Water reclamation and reuse have contributed significantly in from the ruling party took every opportunity during official func-
helping Singapore satisfy the demand for high-quality water since tions with their constituents to drink a bottle of NEWater. The pub-
2003. Singapore started with water reclamation and reuse as far licity program for NEWater was a big success and had gathered an
back as 1966. It was not successful. Persistent efforts by the acceptance rate of 98%. The proportion of respondents that would
government and the realization of the necessity of water reclama- drink NEWater directly was 82%, and just 16% of respondents
tion and reuse in Singapore finally paid off in 2003. NEWater has wanted NEWater to mix with reservoir water (Guan and Toh 2012).
proven to be a viable sustainable water supply able to meet more This showed that efforts by the government in convincing the
than 50% of future demand in Singapore. There are many benefits public of NEWater’s potability were crucial. Nevertheless, the panel
with NEWater, such as improved water security, increased climate of international experts recommended NEWater to be introduced
change resilience, and reduced need for water storage capacity, into raw water reservoirs for psychological reasons.
releasing land for other purposes. The purpose of this paper is Used water is collected through a network of sewers leading to
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to report on the experience gained with water reclamation and the water reclamation plants. Domestic used water includes sullage
reuse. and sewage water from commercial premises (e.g., shops, restau-
rants, and hotels) and households. Industrial used water is the trade
effluent from factories. The Trade Effluent Regulations under
Water Reclamation and Reuse in Singapore the Sewerage and Drainage Act control trade effluent discharge.
Industries’ trade effluents may have to be pretreated to remove
Singapore is 100% served by modern sanitation today, facilitating
any undesirable pollutants or chemicals to meet the regulations’
water reclamation and reuse that contribute to meet water demand
discharge standards. Figs. 1 and 2 show how used water from
in Singapore. The Jurong plant commenced operation in 1966
commercial premises, households, and industries is gathered and
to supply industrial water reclaimed from sewerage effluent to
conveyed via a far-reaching sewerage reticulation system for water
Jurong for industrial use. Industrial water was about 2% of water
demand then. reclamation plants (WRPs). Part of this treated used water is
NEWater’s genesis dates back to the 1970s, with a study to directed to the NEWater plants, and the rest is discharged to
evaluate the viability of reclaiming water for potable use. The study the sea.
reported that it was technically feasible, but the technology’s Currently, there are four water reclamation plants serving a
unproven reliability and high cost were insuperable concerns (Kog population of more than 5 million. About 595 million m3 of used
2015). Membrane technology’s performance and cost competitive- water was treated in 2017 to USEPA and WHO standards: 59% by
ness improved considerably by the 1990s: the United States and Changi, 20% by Ulu Pandan, 11% by Jurong, and 10% by Kranji.
other countries increasingly have adopted this technology for water NEWater is used for both indirect potable use and direct nonpotable
reclamation. For water reclamation aimed at potable use, the use of use. For direct nonpotable use, NEWater is sent via a dedicated pipe
membrane technology was tested by PUB in 1998. network to high-demand consumers, such as semiconductor wafer
A full-scale demonstration plant with a daily capacity of plants, petrochemical and power generation industries, and air-
10,000 m3 of treated water was commissioned in 2000. The treated conditioner cooling towers of public and commercial buildings.
effluent from the plant was used to produce NEWater, and a series The largest NEWater consumers are wafer plants—the require-
of assessments indicated this was a sustainable and safe water ments for water quality of wafer plants are stricter than for potable
source. An international experts group in biomedical sciences, en- water.
gineering, water technology, and chemistry found that the quality For indirect potable use, NEWater is mixed with rainwater in
of NEWater was unfailingly high and safe and complied fully with reservoirs for the reintroduction of trace minerals. Changi WRP,
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and World Health with a capacity of 202 mgd or 900,000 m3 =day, is currently under-
Organizaion (WHO) requirements for potable water. The viability going expansion. Once the S$500 million expansion is completed
of NEWater as an important source of the water supply in Singa- in 2022, the upgraded plant will treat up to 246 mgd of used water.
pore was established. As part of the expansion works, a 44-mgd facility is being built to
NEWater was introduced to the Singaporean public in 2003. To prevent too much water (due to high rainfall) from entering Changi
convince the public that NEWater was safe for human consumption, WRP’s systems by diverting water to treat it separately. This is
the prime minister, ministers, and all the members of parliament necessary because if too much water enters the plant too rapidly,

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the sewerage reticulation system. (Reprinted from PUBS 2019.)

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J. Environ. Eng., 2020, 146(4): 03120001

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Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of used water network. (Reprinted from PUBS 2019.)

Fig. 3. Deep tunnel sewerage system. (Reprinted from PUBS 2019.)

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bacteria used to purify the sewage are washed away. Time is re- water. The technologies are a novel combination of treatment
quired to cultivate bacteria, and it is crucial to keep the bacteria processes that include space-efficient inclined lamella primary
population stable. settling tanks and a membrane bioreactor (MBR) system. These
features shorten the process of wastewater treatment while also
reducing energy usage and maximizing biogas production (which
Used Water Superhighway can generate energy), as well as helping reduce the plant footprint.
At 12,500-m3 =day (2.75 mgd), the Ulu Pandan demonstration
Fig. 3 shows the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS). DTSS is a plant has been in operation since 2017 to test these technologies.
sustainable and cost-efficient used water superhighway developed Technology suppliers included Nordic, Suez WTS, and Lar Process
by PUB for used water collection, treatment, and reclamation at Analyzers. These technologies will enable the future Tuas WRP to
centralized WRPs located at the coastal areas. DTSS’s Phase 1 be more energy efficient, doubling energy recovery while consum-
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was completed in 2008 at a cost of S$3.4 billion. Changi WRP ing less energy compared with conventional plants. PUB envisages
was officially opened on June 23, 2009. Phase 1 of the DTSS in- the forthcoming Tuas WRP as the most energy-efficient MBR, with
cluded a 48-km-deep tunnel (Changi WRP to Kranji WRP), a pair a net process energy consumption target of 0.1 kWh=m3 , 2.5 times
of 5-km offshore outfall pipes, and 60 km of connecting sewers. lower than a typical MBR. The biologically enhanced primary
The treated used water is sent to the sea via the offshore outfall treatment system boosts chemical oxygen demand (COD) capture
pipes or directed to Changi to produce NEWater (Fig. 4). to maximize biogas production downstream, while a step-feed
The completion of Phase 2 of DTSS is scheduled in 2025. MBR configuration, deploying Suez’s membranes and a LEAPmbr
Phase 2 will gather used water from the southern and western aeration system, slashes energy requirements. Singapore’s space
parts of Singapore. Its collection system will include 40-km-deep constraints forced PUB to target an ambitious land intensity of
tunnels and 60 km of connecting sewers. Industrial and domestic 0.04 ha=m3 =day for the Tuas WRP. To achieve this target, a lamella
used water will be conveyed separately to the Tuas WRP by the clarifier will be placed on top of a circular sludge collection system,
DTSS. These two streams of used water will be treated separately radically reducing the footprint of the primary treatment process.
at Tuas WRP. The NEWater capacity of Tuas WRP will be Integrating the reverse-osmosis polishing stage into the wastewater
800,000 m3 =day (180 mgd). It will include technologies to in- treatment plant will also be groundbreaking for Singapore, drasti-
crease treatment efficiency and enhance energy recovery from used cally reducing the need for future NEWater production space.

Fig. 4. Treatment process at the Changi WRP. (Reprinted from PUBS 2019.)

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J. Environ. Eng., 2020, 146(4): 03120001

In addition, the Ulu Pandan demonstration plant incorporates au- Treatment Process
tomation control to reduce staffing requirements. The Ulu
Pandan demonstration plant won the Water/Wastewater Project Fig. 5 shows the treatment process to produce NEWater. Table 1
of the Year Award at the 2018 Global Water Awards in Paris summarizes the main design features of the WRPs, influent and
( treated effluent/filtrate quality, and key differences in performance
-the-year/). of the four WRPs. One of the features of municipal wastewater in
Conventional WRPs at Jurong WRP were converted to MBRs Singapore has been the low range of alkalinity (Cao et al. 2008).
with a capacity of 68,000 m3 =day in 2014. When Phase 2 is com- The final effluent meets the discharge standards of 30 mg=L of
pleted, the existing conventional WRPs at Jurong and Ulu Pandan total suspended solids (TSS) and 20 mg=L of biochemical oxygen
will be phased out progressively. Tuas WRP will be colocated with demand (BOD). Additional treatment of a portion of the final
an integrated waste management facility (IWMF) to maximize re- effluent is needed to supply to the petrochemical plants in Jurong
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source recovery and energy. The food waste collected at IWMF will Island, and additional treatment with membrane and reverse
be separated and processed with sludge in digesters to produce bio- osmosis process on the final effluent is necessary to produce
gas. The resulting sludge and biogas can be used as fuel for incin- NEWater.
eration at IWMF, and the operations of Tuas WRP will use the Changi WRP, commissioned in 2007, is the largest WRP in
electricity generated by IWMF. It will be the first time treatment Singapore. Table 1 shows that BOD5 , NO3 ─N, and TSS of the
processes of solid waste and used water are integrated in Singapore. Changi WRP Phase 1 plant effluent are the lowest among all the
This will maximize resource recovery and energy generation and WRPs, whereas COD and NH4 ─N of the Jurong WRP MBR plant
minimize the plant footprint. effluent are the lowest. According to Cao et al. (2016), Ou et al.
Once DTSS is fully completed, valuable land in land-scarce (2012), and Cao et al. (2014), the Changi WRP has the lowest final
Singapore will become available, as land occupied by used water effluent nitrogen (TN < 5 mg N=L) and significant nitrite concen-
facilities will be reduced by 50%. When Phase 1 of DTSS was com- tration (1.1 mg NO2 -N=L) compared with other activated sludge
pleted, land occupied by the intermediate pumping stations and processes in Singapore. There are four parallel reactors (capacity,
WRPs decreased to 190 ha from 300 ha. When Phase 2 is com- 200,000 m3 =day each) of step-feed activated sludge processes with
pleted, the land occupied will decrease further to 150 ha. Because identical configurations and working volumes and separate settling
of its compact design, Changi WRP, completed in Phase 1 of tanks and return-activated sludge facilities. There are six basins per
DTSS, was merely one-third the size of a conventional plant. bioreactor and two passes per basin. Under normal operating
The risk of cross-contamination between the used water system conditions, five basins are running while one basin is taken offline
and water catchments was also minimized, thereby improving the for maintenance.
dependability of the used water system. DTSS enables efficient Singapore is located just north of the equator. Based on the
and large-scale water recycling and ensures the sustainability of record from 1981 to 2010, the mean daily maximum temperature
NEWater by collecting every drop of used water. In the long term, was 30.2°C–32.3°C, and the mean daily temperature was 23.9°C–
the overall water recycling rate will increase from 30% to about 25.4°C. Phase 1 of Changi WRP’s large-scale multipass step-
55% of the total water demand, thereby achieving water sustain- feed nitrogen removal process at short aerobic solids retention
ability and resilience for Singapore. times (about 3 days) in warm climate conditions was effective.

Fig. 5. Treatment process to produce NEWater. (Reprinted from PUBS 2019.)

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Table 1. Comparison of influence and treated effluent/filtrate qualities of the four WRPs
WRP Changi Jurong Ulu Pandan Kranji
Commission date Phase 1 (2008): Phase 1 (1981): 82,000 m3 =day; South works (various stages in 1961, Phases 1 and 2 (1990):
and capacity 800,000 m3 =day Phase 1 was converted to MBR in 1973, and 1980): 200,000 m3 =day 76,000 m3 =day
2004: 68,000 m3 =day
MBR retrofit (2017): Phase 2 (1988): 82,000 m3 =day North works (1981): 86,000 m3 =day Phase 3 (1999):
120,000 m3 =day Phase 3 (2004): 41,000 m3 =day Liquids treatment module (LTM, 75,000 m3 =day
2000): 75,000 m3 =day
Phase 4 (2018): 55,000 m3 =day MBR (2007): 23,000 m3 =day
Main design Phase 1: step feed Conventional aerobic BOD South works: MLE MLE
features that bioreactor removal design for all phases North works: conventional aerobic
differed from (except MBR) BOD removal
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other WRPs MBR: modified MBR: modified Johannesburg LTM: A-B stage
Ludzack-Ettinger MBR: MLE
Influent (mg=L) COD: 485–640 Phases 1 (MBR) and 2 COD: 520–685 COD: 395–770
BOD5 : 145–235 COD: 685–815 BOD5 : 210–265 BOD5 : 185–340
TSS: 140–230 BOD5 : 245–340 TSS: 230–315 TSS: 140–325
TKN: 40–60 TSS: 245–355 TKN: 35–50 TKN: 30–65
NH4 ─N: 35–50 TKN: 40–55 NH4 ─N: 25–40 NH4 ─N: 25–55
NH4 ─N: 35–45
Phases 3 and 4 (industrial train)
COD: 1,210–1,910
BOD5 : 360–510
TSS: 280–385
TKN: 25–50
NH4 ─N: 20–45
Treated effluent/ Phase 1 conventional Conventional Conventional Conventional
filtrate quality COD: 25–40 COD: 25–100 COD: 39–52 COD: 15–45
(mg=L) BOD5 : 1–3 BOD5 : 4–20 BOD5 : 7–12 BOD5 : 2–9
TSS: 2–7 TSS: 5–28 TSS: 12–19 TSS: 2–12
NH4 ─N: 2–5 NH4 ─N: 8–38 NH4 ─N: 7–17 NH4 ─N: 1–4
NO3 ─N: 1–5 NO3 ─N: 6–23 NO3 ─N: 4–21 NO3 ─N: 3–16
COD: 12–25 COD: 8–23 COD: 10–20
BOD5 : <2 BOD5 : <2 BOD5 : <2
NH4 ─N: 1–2 NH4 ─N: 1–3 NH4 ─N: 1–2
NO3 ─N: 4–12 NO3 ─N: 6–7 NO3 ─N: 2–10
Key differences Low NO3 ─N in step High NH4 ─N in conventional Higher NO3 ─N in MLE effluent; low —
in performance feed effluent; and low aerobic process effluent; low BOD5 COD in MBR effluent
BOD5 in MBR effluent and turbidity in MBR effluent;
low COD, NH4 ─N and PO4 –P
in MBR effluent
Source: Data provided by PUB (Singapore’s National Water Agency), personal communication (2019).
Note: The bold values are the highest of all WRPs.

Anammox (anaerobic ammonium oxidation) bacteria convert am- effluent NO3 ─N varies between 1 and 5 mg=L, much lower than
monium and nitrite directly to N2 anaerobically. The results of a other WRPs that use the modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE) process
study of the kinetic parameters for anammox bacteria growing (Ou et al. 2012). The denitrification process, which produces plant
at the temperature of Changi WRP (30°C) in a system with an an- effluent of low NH4 ─N (2–5 mg=L) and NO3 ─N (1–5 mg=L), is
oxic sludge retention time (SRT) of 3 days showed that flocculent/ very efficient. This could be attributed to (1) the relatively larger
free suspended cell anammox bacteria (dominated by Candidatus anoxic zone by volumetric ratio relative to other WRPs, (2) the im-
brocadia anammoxidans sp. 40) were retained at a relatively short mediate direct contact of NO3 with the denitrifying bacteria when
SRT (Lotti et al. 2014). water from the preceding aerobic zone flows to the anoxic zone,
The performance of the 800,000-m3 =day capacity of Changi and (3) the ample supply of soluble BOD in the primary effluent
WRP is good: COD, BOD5 , NH3 ─N, and TSS removals are about at each step-feed point.
89%, 98%, 93%, and 95%, respectively (Ou et al. 2012). The Aeration energy usage of 0.12 kWh=m3 (or 0.40 kWh=kg)
BOD5 , TSS, and NH3 ─N removal of >90% is comparable to or COD of Changi WRP Phase 1 plant is the lowest among the WRPs
slightly better than that of other WRPs operating at longer SRTs. that use the MLE activated sludge process and operates at longer
Nitrification process efficiency is high, at 93%. BOD5 and TSS of aerobic SRTs. The energy requirement is only 80% that of the other
Changi WRP plant effluent are good, at 1.4–3.2 and 2–7 mg=L, WRPs, with MLE processes operated at longer aerobic SRTs. The
respectively. lower aeration energy requirement leads to energy savings. Oxygen
The volumetric ratio of Changi WRP between the anoxic and is needed for oxidation of biodegradable carbonaceous materials
aerobic zones is 50∶50. Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in and endogenous respiration, which is aerobic SRT dependent.
the aerobic zones is maintained between 1.4 and 1.8 mg=L by on- The lower energy requirement is possible because (1) less biomass
line DO sensors. Complete nitrification is achieved, while the is kept in the system at shorter aerobic SRTs, and the air demand

© ASCE 03120001-6 J. Environ. Eng.

J. Environ. Eng., 2020, 146(4): 03120001

for respiration is less; and (2) the relatively larger anoxic zone and bacteria and contains extremely low amounts of salt and
and multipass step feed result in a very efficient denitrification pro- organic matter. (3) The remaining organisms are eliminated using
cess, which helps to supplement some oxygen requirement for car- ultraviolet light, and the pH is adjusted by adding alkaline chem-
bonaceous oxidation, since the oxygen equivalent of nitrate is icals. More than 150,000 scientific tests have shown that NEWater
2.86 g O2 =g NO3 ─N denitrified (Metcalf and Eddy 2003). complies fully with WHO requirements for potable water. A panel
Smaller bioreactor volume is required, and substantial savings of overseas experts in microbiology, water chemistry, engineering,
in infrastructure cost was achieved. The bioreactor aerobic volume- and toxicology carry out rigorous audit processes of NEWater
to-sewage treated ratio of the Changi WRP Phase 1 plant is every 6 months. To date, NEWater has consistently been able to
0.12 m3 per m3 , 49% of the other WRPs. This is possible because maintain this high quality that complies with WHO and USEPA
the flow handling capacity of secondary sedimentation tanks is standards. Table 2 is a summary of the typical NEWater quality.
higher owing to the lower mixed liquor suspended solids in influent The water content of the excess activated sludge gathered from
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from bioreactors. By splitting the flow to several influent feed the treatment processes is high. Centrifugation or air flotation thick-
locations and directing all return activated sludge to the first pass ening is used to reduce this high water content, but additional treat-
of the bioreactor, much of the biomass inventory is kept in the first ment using anaerobic sludge digesters of the thickened sludge is
few passes. It is possible to operate a step-feed system at a higher needed. The sludge’s organic substances are broken down in the
SRT compared with a plug flow system with the same aeration digesters by another culture of microorganisms that flourish in
volume, because the average mixed liquor suspended solids of the an oxygen-deficient setting. In the digesters, the sludge remains
bioreactor system are higher. On the other hand, the mixed liquor for 20–30 days. This organic matter is converted by the digestion
suspended solids of the aerated effluent from the last pass are lower. process into biogas containing 60%–70% methane. The energy re-
The lower mixed liquor suspended solids fed to secondary sedi- quired at the plant is supplemented by using this biogas to fuel
mentation tanks reduce the solids loading rate and increase the flow power generators. Dewatering centrifuges are used to reduce water
handling capacity. content substantially to enable handling, removal, and dumping.
The three-step treatment at NEWater plants (Fig. 6) includes The incineration ash of dewatered sludge is disposed of in the land-
the following. (1) Microfiltration filters out microscopic particles fill at Pulau (Island) Semakau.
including some bacteria, viruses, protozoan cysts, and suspended PUB controls the discharge of pollutants such as heavy metals
solids. (2) Using reverse osmosis, a partially permeable membrane via Sewerage and Drainage (Trade Effluent) Regulations. The
filters out undesirable contaminants, such as viruses, bacteria, chlo- heavy metals in the used water are mainly removed with the sludge.
ride, nitrate, sulphate, pesticides, disinfection, and heavy metals. At The sludge is digested, dewatered, and thereafter incinerated. The
this stage, the water is high-quality water that is free from viruses ash is disposed of at Semakau Landfill.

Fig. 6. Three-step treatment to produce NEWater. (Reprinted from PUBS 2019.)

© ASCE 03120001-7 J. Environ. Eng.

J. Environ. Eng., 2020, 146(4): 03120001

Table 2. WHO standards and typical values of NEWater quality, as of Acknowledgments
May 2017
WHO (2017) The permission by the Singapore Public Utilities Board for the use
(first addendum Typical of all the figures and tables is gratefully acknowledged.
Characteristics Unit to 4th edition) value
Microbiological parameters
Escherichia coli cfu=100 mL <1 <1 References
Heterotrophic plate cfu=mL — <1
count (HPC) Cao, Y. S., B. H. Kwok, A. Z. M. Noraini, C. L. Lau, I. Zulkifli, S. C.
Physical parameters Chua, Y. L. Wah, and A. G. Yahya. 2014. “Mainstream partial
Color Hazen — <5 nitration-anammox nitrogen removal in the largest activated sludge
Conductivity uS=cm — <250 process and comparisons with other BNR activated sludge process in
Downloaded from by University of Massachusetts, Amherst on 03/29/20. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Chlorine mg=L 5 <2 Singapore.” In Proc., IWA World Water Congress. London:
pH value — — 7.0–8.5 International Water Association.
Total dissolved mg=L — <150 Cao, Y. S., B. H. Kwok, M. C. M. van Loosdrecht, G. T. Daigger, H. Y. Png,
solids (TDS) Y. L. Wah, S. C. Chua, and A. G. Yahya. 2016. “Mainstream partial
Turbidity NTU 5 <5 nitration and anammox in a 200,000 m3 =day activated sludge process
Chemical parameters in Singapore: Scale-down by using laboratory fed-batch reactor.”
Ammonia (as N) mg=L — <1.0 In Proc., Water Science & Technology, 1–9. London: IWA Publishing.
Aluminum mg=L — <0.1 Cao, Y. S., Y. L. Wah, C. M. Ang, and K. S. Raajeevan. 2008. Biological
Barium mg=L 1.3 <0.1 nitrogen removal activated sludge process in warm climates: Full-scale
Boron mg=L 2.4 <0.5 process investigation, scaled-down laboratory experimentation and
Calcium mg=L — 4–20 mathematical modeling. London: IWA Publishing.
Chloride mg=L — <20 Guan, Y. K., and S. Toh. 2012. “From zero to hero: NEWater wins public
Copper mg=L 2 <0.05
confidence in Singapore.” In Water sensitive cities, edited by C. Howe
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© ASCE 03120001-8 J. Environ. Eng.

J. Environ. Eng., 2020, 146(4): 03120001

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