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BA/TA question

1) As a Business Analyst what is your role in an organization?

2) What are the 3 elements of a US (User Story) verbiage?

3) Differentiate between a Risk and an Issue?

4) How can you handle and manage the difficult stakeholders?

5) Which model is better than the Waterfall model and Spiral Model?

6)  What do you understand by requirement? Can you differentiate between requirements and

7) What is BRD?

Manual Testing:
1) What is Testing and why testing required specially for any application/software.
2) What different types of manual testing are there?
3) What is User Acceptance Testing? 
4) What is the test case?
5) What’s the difference between verification and validation in testing?
6) Advantage & Disadvantage of manual testing.
7) Difference between Bug & Defect.
8) Difference System / Functional Testing and Regression Testing

SQL Interview Questions

1.What is a Foreign Key?

2.What is a View ?
3. What is a join in SQL and what are different types of joins?
4. What is the difference between HAVING and WHERE clauses?

5. How to find duplicate records in SQL?

6. What is Pattern Matching in SQL?

7. How to create empty tables with the same structure as another table?

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