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Vol. 41 No.

2 - February 2012


A Servant of God Is In Search of You!
1. Do you know how to work hard? So with enemies, rivals, and strangers? Can
hard that you can work for 13 to 14 you travel for days, weeks or months at
hours a day? a time?
2. Do you know how to speak the truth? 6. Do you agree that some people cannot
To the extent that regardless of the be defeated? Such people dislike to
situation, you are unable to lie. If one even hear the word “defeat.” They are
of your close friends or a relative lies in prepared to bring down mountains
front of you, or if someone narrates an and willing to control rivers! Do you
incident to you of when they bravery think that you will be prepared for this
lied about something, would it be hard sacrifice?
for you to live without expressing your 7. Do you have the courage to say “Yes,”
hate towards it? when the whole world is saying “No?”
3. Are you free from feelings of false While everyone is laughing around you
pride? Can you sweep streets clean? can you remain serious? If people run
Can you walk down streets carrying towards you and stop you so they can
heavy loads on yourself ? Can you make assault you, instead of turning your
any kind of announcements in the feet to run away, can you stand firm,
marketplace with a loud voice? Can lower your head and say, “Here, beat
you travel throughout the day and stay me.” Do you reject what others say
awake the entire night? because they are liars and can you make
4. Can you remain in seclusion, meaning everyone agree with you because you
can you, are truthful?
• Sit in one place for days at a time. 8. You do not say, “I worked hard but
• Sit and meditate for hours upon God did not grant me success.”
hours. Instead, you see your own faults in
• Not to talk to anyone for many your failure. Do you believe that those
hours or days. who work hard always succeed and
5. Can you travel by yourself, bearing your those who do not succeed, never really
own burden without having any money worked hard.
in your pockets? Can you travel along

If you are such a person, then you have the ability of becoming a good missionary and
tradesman. But where are you? A servant of God is in search of you for a long time!
O’ Ahmadī young man! Find this person in your province, in your city, in your area, in your
house and into your heart!!
Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-ud-Dīn Mahmūd Ahmadra
Al-Musleh Mau`ūd
Ahmadīyya Gazette Canada
An Educational and Spiritual Publication
Volume 41 - No. 2 - February 2012
Rabī-I / Rabī-II 1432 AH - Tablīgh 1389 HS

Pearls of Wisdom Amīr Jamā`at:

Lal Khan Malik
Selection from the Holy Qur’ān and Ahādīth p.2
Chief Editor:
So Said the Promised Messiahas p.3 Prof. Hadi Ali Chaudhary
Guidance from Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh Vaa Honorary Editor:
Summary of Friday Sermons p.4 Hassan Mohammad Khan Arif

Articles Editors:
Introduction to Bai‘at - Part VI p.7 Farhan A. Naseer
S.H. Hadi
Hadrat Musleh Mau’ūdra - Assistant Editor:
“Filled with Secular & Spiritual Knowledge” p.11 Hana Malik
Mansoora Rauf
The Promised Reformerra p.15
Mubashir Khalid
3rd Abdus Salām Science Fair p.18
Graphics Layout:
Ethnic Media Information Dinner p.20 Farhan A. Naseer

Web Magazine:
Announcements p.21 Muzaffar Ahmad

Press Releases p.22 Printing:

Jamnik Graphics

The official publication of the

Ahmadīyya Muslim Jamā`at Canada

ISSN 0229 5644
1. Ahmadīyya - Periodicals.
I. Ahmadīyya Movement in Islām Canada.

Current Issues - Archives - Contribute - Register - Contact BP195.A34 1972 297.8605-20dc

Ahmadīyya Muslim Jamā`at Canada Inc., 10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2, Canada SECOND CLASS MAIL
Tel: 905-303-4000 Fax: 905-832-3220 - editor@Ahmadī Mail Registration No: 40026877

The Ahmadīyya Gazette Canada is published by the Ahmadīyya Muslim Jamā`at Canada. The editors of the Ahmadīyya
Gazette Canada shall be solely responsible for all errors or omissions contained in the publication herein of the writings
of the Promised Messiahas or any of his successorsra, as well as the summaries of the sermons or addresses of Hadrat
Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalīfatul Masīh Vaa.
Articles published in the Ahmadīyya Gazette Canada reflect the views of their respective authors and may not reflect
the views, beliefs and tenets of the Ahmadīyya Muslim Jamā`at Canada.

Table of Contents
The Holy Qur’ān
You are the best people raised for the good of mankind;
you enjoin what is good and forbid evil and believe in
Allāh. And if the People of the Book had believed, it
would have surely been better for them. Some of them
are believers, but most of them are disobedient.
Chapter 3 - Āle-`Imrān, Verse 111

Hadīth of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa

Hadrat Huzaifara relates that the Holy Prophetsa said,

“By Him who holds my life in his hands, you should
enjoin goodness and forbid evil, else very soon Allāh
will punish you, and then you will call onto him but He
will not answer you.”

Jām`i Tirmidī, Book of Trials

2 Pearls of Wisdom
So Said the Promised Messiahas

“The Holy Prophetsa made a prophecy on the basis ills, and so that people may understand that I am the
of revelation from Almighty Allāh that the Promised Lord of Power, I do whatever I will, and so that they
Messiah will marry and he will have children. This may believe that I am with thee, and so that those who
indicates that Almighty Allāh will grant him a son who do not believe in God and deny and reject His religion
will be similar to his father in goodness, and will not and His Book and His Holy Messenger Muhammad,
differ from him. And he will be among the righteous the chosen one (on whom be peace) may be confronted
servants of Allāh.” (Ā’inah Kamālāt-e-Islām, pg. 578) with a clear sign and the way of the guilty ones may
“That it is hinted in it (the prophecy) that a righteous become manifest.
son shall be born to him (the Promised Messiah) who Rejoice, therefore, that a handsome and pure boy will
is similar to him in his qualities.” (Tohfa-e-Baghdād – be bestowed on thee. Thou wilt receive a bright youth
Rūhānī Khazā’in Vol.7, pg. 209) who will be of thy seed and will be of thy progeny. A
The Divine Revelation Concerning handsome and pure boy will come as your guest. His
the Musleh Mau`ūd name is Emmanuel and Bashir. He has been invested
with a holy spirit and he will be free from all impurity.
Given below is an English translation by Sir Zafrullah He is the light of Allāh. Blessed is he who comes from
Khanra of the prophecy regarding the Musleh Mau`ūdra. heaven. He shall be accompanied by grace (Fadl)
It is taken from the book Tadhkirah (English version), which shall arrive with him. He will be characterized
consisting of the prophecies, revelations, and dreams with grandeur, greatness and wealth. He will come
of the Promised Messiahas. into the world and will heal many of their disorders
In the announcement of February 20, 1886, the through his Messianic qualities and through the
Promised Messiahas, says: blessings of the Holy Spirit. He is the Word of Allāh
for Allāh’s mercy and honour have equipped him with
“God the Merciful, the Noble, the High, the Exalted,
the Word of Majesty. He will be extremely intelligent
Who has power to do all that He wills (glory be to Him
and understanding and will be meek of heart and will
and exalted be His name), has vouchsafed to me the
be filled with secular and spiritual knowledge. He
following revelation:
will convert three into four (of this the meaning is not
‘I confer upon thee a Sign of My mercy according to clear). It is Monday, a blessed Monday. Son, delight of
thy supplications. I have heard thy entreaties and have heart, high ranking, noble; a manifestation of the First
honoured thy prayers with My acceptance through and the Last, a manifestation of the True and the High;
My mercy and have blessed this thy journey. A sign of as if Allāh has descended from heaven. His advent will
power, mercy, nearness to Me is bestowed on thee. A be greatly blessed and will be a source of manifestation
Sign of grace and beneficence is awarded to thee and of Divine Majesty. Behold! A light cometh, a light
thou art granted the key of success and victory. Peace anointed by God with the perfume of His pleasure. We
on thee, O victorious one. Thus does God speak so that shall pour our spirit into him and he will be sheltered
those who desire life may be rescued from the grip under the shadow of God. He will grow rapidly in
of death and those who are buried in the graves may stature and will be the means of procuring the release
emerge therefrom and so that the superiority of Islām of those held in bondage. His fame will spread to the
and the dignity of God’s word may become manifest ends of the earth and peoples will be blessed through
unto the people and so that the truth may arrive with him. He will then be raised to his spiritual station in
all its blessings and falsehood may depart with all its heaven. This is a matter decreed.’”
Pearls of Wisdom 3
Guidance from Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh Vaa

Life of Hadrat Sāhibzadī Nāsira Begum

Summary of Friday Sermon Delivered on August 5, 2011
On August 5, 2011, Hadrat Khalīfatul demise of his beloved mother, Hudūraa her prayers especially those in favour
Masīh Vaa delivered the Friday Sermon said, “I found inspiration from the of me, my brothers and sisters and our
at Baitul Futūh Mosque, London. way she prayed and the manner in children. Āmīn”
After reciting verses 27-28 of sūrah which she recited and deliberated Hudūraa went on to say, after I became
Al-Rahmān, which are translated as upon the Holy Qur’ān. She had her Khalīfa, her relationship with me
follows: upbringing among the companions was transformed. I would call on her
of the Promised Messiahas and had before leaving for a foreign tour and
acquired many of their traits. There she would bless me with her prayers.
was dignity in her actions and in her When I met her on the occasion of Jalsa
speech. She received education up Sālāna Qādiān in 2005, I saw in her
“All that is on it (earth) will pass to F.A. and then attained the Arabic eyes the same respect that she had for
away. And there will remain only language degree of ‘Maulvi.’ She served all the Khulāfa’. May Allāh grant her a
the Person of thy Lord, Master of as President of Lajna Imā’illāh Rabwah lofty station in paradise. Āmīn.
Glory and Honour.” (55:27-28) for many years and laid great stress on
Tarbiyat and purdah. The decisions she Hudūraa also informed the Jamā`at of
Hudūr aa
said that the Promised made had far reaching consequences. the sad demise of Chaudhary Nadhir
Messiah came so as to bring people
She loved poetry and knew countless Ahmad, former Nā’ib Nazir Zirā‘at
closer to God, to make them cognizant verses by heart, including the Qasīdah. and Nā’ib Wakīl Zirā‘at; and Mirzā
of what it means to be God’s true She also loved reading the books of Rafiq Ahmad sāhib, the youngest son
servants, and to prepare them for the Promised Messiahas. She was full of Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh IIra.
eternal bliss and everlasting life. of sympathy for others and was very Hudūraa led the Namāz Janāzah Ghā’ib
Hudūraa continued to say this eternal hospitable. She was very regular in the of the three deceased after Friday
life can only be found if we first find payment of her Chandas and eager to prayers.
God. The month of Ramadān comes take part in all financial appeals made
every year to lead us closer to God and by the Jamā`at. May Allāh accept all
to save us from damnation. It comes to
raise our standards of goodness and
virtue and to enhance our spirituality. The Promised Messiahas came so as to
Fortunate are those who make the best
use of these days and strive to become bring people closer to God, to make them
God’s true servants.
cognizant of what it means to be God’s true
Hudūraa explained that our attention is
drawn to this subject especially when servants, and to prepare them for eternal
one of our elders passes away from
this world. Speaking about the recent
bliss and everlasting life.

4 Guidance from Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh Vaa

Ramadān and Servants of the Gracious God
Summary of Friday Sermon Delivered on August 12, 2011

On August 12, 2011, Hadrat Khalīfatul manifestation and people are blessed he is able to behold the Almighty.
Masīh Vaa delivered the Friday Sermon with divine insight and are motivated Hudūraa said that we should not confine
at Baitul Futūh Mosque, London. to offer gratitude to God. They serve our zeal for worship and fasting only
After reciting verses 187 of sūrah Al- God and advance in His love to the to the month of Ramadān. Rather we
Baqarah, which is translated as follows: utmost heights.” should be determined to make these
Hudūraa explained that Allāh chose virtues a lasting part of our lives.
the Promised Messiahas because of Hudūraa further added that a person’s
his love and devotion to God and his prayers are accepted if he has perfect
affection for the Holy Prophetsa. The faith in God and his supplications are
Promised Messiahas taught us how to full of anguish and humility. When a
love God and how to serve Him. He person cries and supplicates before his
also accomplished the momentous task Lord, God covers him in the mantle of
of the renaissance of Islām. Among his piety and virtue. For one’s prayers to be
followers were many who received accepted, it is also important to bring
“And when My servants ask thee divine revelations and proved to be about a positive change in oneself and
about Me, say: ‘I am near. I answer God’s true servants. to abide by God’s injunctions.
the prayer of the supplicant when Hudūraa said that according to
he prays to Me. So they should Hudūraa said that today only prayers
prophecies, this Jamā`at is destined to are required to save mankind from
hearken to Me and believe in Me, progress forever. Let us, then, realize
that they may follow the right the pit of destruction. While we pray
our responsibilities in order to become for ourselves and our children in this
way.’” (2:187) a part of this great revolution. Every Ramadān, we should also pray for the
Hudūraa said that much as the world Ahmadī is responsible for saving the world at large. And let us never forget
needs to turn towards God to be saved world from calamities and establishing to pray that Allāh may cause us to be
from calamities and to attain salvation, mankind’s link with God. This duty among His true servants. May Allāh
but it seems to be heading in the cannot be fulfilled without prayers. enable us to reap the full blessings of
opposite direction. The only exception To help our reformation, Allāh has Ramadān. Āmīn.
to this is Jamā`at Ahmadīyya which once again blessed us with the month
believes in Allāh’s promises and in the of Ramadān to facilitate us in abiding At the end of the sermon, Hudūraa
prophecies of the Holy Prophetsa. Yet if by His injunctions and in attaining informed the Jamā`at of the sad demise
we fail to establish a living relationship spiritual progress. This month of Subedar Raja Muhammad Mirzā
with God, we will have lost all that we provides the best opportunities for Khan sāhib and Āmina Begum sāhiba
have attained. The Promised Messiahas enlightening our hearts. Prayer helps wife of Sheikh Nadir Ahmad sāhib
says, “Sometimes the world is engulfed to purify the self and fasting enlightens of Rabwah. Hudūraa lead the Namāz
in darkness and faith is subdued; it is the heart so that the doors to visions Janāzah Ghā’ib of the deceased after
then that heaven sends down a new and revelations is opened for man and Friday prayers.

This Jamā`at is destined to progress forever. Let us,

then, realize our responsibilities in order to become
a part of this great revolution. Every Ahmadī is
responsible for saving the world from calamities
and establishing mankind’s link with God.

Guidance from Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh Vaa 5

Prayer Begets Prayer
Summary of Friday Sermon Delivered on August 19, 2011
On August 19, 2011, Hadrat Khalīfatul humility, whereby man confesses his Promised Messiahas has taught us.
Masīh Vaa delivered the Friday Sermon helplessness unless assisted by God. It May Allāh enable us to make the best
at Baitul Futūh Mosque, London. also means that one should supplicate use of these teachings so that we may
Hudūraa said that the Promised putting all trust in Him, just like an become His true servants. Hudūraa
Messiahas has stressed the importance infant. The prayer also implies that urged Ahmadīs to concentrate on their
and necessity of prayers and has shown man should worship God steadfastly, prayers particularly in these last days
us how we can become God’s true from prayer to prayer, from Jumu`a of Ramadān.
servants in the light of the verse, “Thee to Jumu`a and from Ramadān to
alone do we worship and Thee alone Ramadān. We are given the message
that, being weak and worthless
do we implore for help.” The Promised
Messiahas says that prayer sets right mortals, we should give up all pride
and arrogance and not place any trust
all one’s affairs, whether of this world An Important
or the next. Heas says that prayer is an in our own knowledge, for there is
nothing more dangerous than this.
Reminder For
act that saves us from evil conduct; it
It is the meek who are saved by God Jamā`at Members
purifies us and leads us to God.
because of their humble supplications.
Hudūraa further added that without the This prayer also teaches us to confess
help of God, it is not possible to perform For convenience of all members the
our wrongdoings and shortcomings.
worship that is acceptable to Him and Jamā`at Ahmadīyya Canada, the Tajnīd
that also bears positive results. Worship Hudūraa explained that the use of the Department has been providing the
is the purpose of man’s creation and plural in this prayer signifies that one following services in order to update
the prayer , which should not only pray for oneself, but any changes in addresses, phone
we recite in our obligatory prayers and also for one’s family, one’s kin, one’s numbers and the arrival of newborn
nawāfil, shows us the way to achieve community and mankind at large. This babies for Tajnīd records. Changes can
this purpose. prayer also underlines the importance be made in any of the following ways:
of effort. Just as a farmer tills the
Hudūraa said that Telephone - Please record your
ground and sows seeds, so should a
means that we intend to worship God, name, member code and phone
believer make every effort in his power
but we can only do so if He helps us. number clearly. In case of an
to achieve his objective, along with
God, in His grace, invariably comes to address change, please spell your
the aid of those who supplicate to Him, address to avoid errors.
but there must first be a commitment Hudūraa said that Salāt is the chief of
Fax - The above information
on their part to abide by His injunctions all worship. It is a conveyance that
can also be faxed to the Tajnīd
and to become His true servants. leads directly to God. We should
Department at 905-832-9382. This
This prayer is also an expression of offer our prayers regularly and try to
fax number is solely for Tajnīd
find pleasure in our worship as the
E-Mail - Jamā`at members can also
send their information via e-mail
to tajnid@Ahmadī
This means that we intend to worship God, Website - Log on to www.
but we can only do so if He helps us. God, Ahmadī and fill
in the appropriate form available
in His grace, invariably comes to the aid of online.

those who supplicate to Him, but there must All Jamā`at members are requested to
please update their contact information
first be a commitment on their part to abide using any one of the above four options.

by His injunctions and to become His true Jazākumullāh Ta`āla Ahsanul Jazā!
Tajnīd Department, Canada
6 Guidance from Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh Vaa
Introduction to Bai‘at - Part VI
Hadrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalīfatul Masīh Vaa

The following is taken from the says, ‘Only he is delivered from all and sins. But if we are in the habit of
concluding address delivered at the tribulations who sells his self in My reconciling to the will of Allāh, and
Annual Convention of the Ahmadīyya way and for My pleasure. He proves are ever-prepared to, and do, suffer all
Muslim Jamā`at, Germany, on August with his utmost endeavours that indignities for Him, if we do not act
24, 2003, in which the fourth, fifth and he belongs to God and considers like a wailing woman who puts up a
sixth conditions of bai‘at were explained his entire being as something that big clamour on any small suffering, for
in detail. It can be found in the book titled, has been fashioned for obedience such patient ones there is a glad tiding
“Conditions of Bai‘at And Responsibilities of the Creator and service to the from the Holy Prophetsa.
of an Ahmadī,” on pg. 91-102. creation…’ (Report Jalsah A‘zam Sufferings of a Muslim are
Condition V Madhāhib, pg. 131–132) an Expiation for Sins
That he/she shall remain faithful to God in Then he says: Hadrat Abū Hurairahra narrates that
all circumstances of life, in sorrow and in A loved one of God sells his being the Holy Prophetsa said,
happiness, in adversity and in prosperity, in the way of God. In return, he ‘No Muslim suffers any calamity,
in felicity and in trial; and that he/she earns the pleasure of God. Such are suffering, pain, discomfort, or
shall in all conditions remain resigned to the ones upon whom the special anxiety, even as small as the prick
the decree of God and keep himself/herself mercy of God descends. (Report of a thorn, but Allāh wipes out
ready to face all kinds of indignities and Jalsah A‘zam Madhāhib, pg. 188) instead some of his defaults and
sufferings in His way and shall never turn Then heas says: his sins.’ (Sahīh Muslim, Kitāb-ul-
away from Him at the onslaught of any Birri was-Silah)
misfortune; on the contrary, he/she shall There are some people who sell
march forward. their beings hoping that He would In another hadīth Hadrat Suhaib Bin
be pleased… (Paigham Sulh, Sinanra has related that:
Allāh the Almighty says in the Holy Rūhānī Khazā’in, Vol. 23, pg. 473)
Qur’ān: The Holy Prophetsa said,
For such people, Allāh the Almighty ‘Wondrous is the case of a believer;
And of men there is he who would has given the glad tiding: there is good for him in everything,
sell himself to seek the pleasure of and it is so for him alone. If he
Allāh; and Allāh is Compassionate And thou, O soul at peace! Return
to thy Lord well pleased with Him experiences something agreeable,
to His servants. (Al-Baqarah, 2:208) he is grateful to God and that is
and He well pleased with thee. So
In explaining this verse of the Holy enter thou among My servants. good for him; and if he experiences
Qur’ān, the Promised Messiahas says: And enter thou My Garden. (Al- adversity, he is steadfast and that
The people of the highest grade Fajr, 89:28–31) is good for him because he earns
among the people—that is, people merit for his steadfastness.’ (Sahīh
People who are reconciled to the will Muslim, Kitāb-uz-Zuhdi)
who are completely lost in the of Allāh, and suffer all hardships and
pleasure of Allāh, and sell their tribulations for His sake, are never left Sometimes Allāh makes His servants
selves to earn the pleasure of unrewarded by Allāh the Almighty. go through sufferings related to his
God—are the people upon whom There are many among us who are children. There is excessive wailing
the mercy of Allāh descends.… embodiments of shortcomings and and crying at the death of children,
In this verse Allāh the Almighty defects. We commit many errors especially among women. Thanks to

Introduction to Bai‘at - Part VI 7

Allāh, He has granted the Ahmadīyya attractions, how likely the benefits Nothing that the Holy Prophetsa did
Muslim Jamā`at mothers who are very from diverse worldly activities, and was against the pleasure of Allāh; yet,
patient and reconciled to His will. how luring the attractions offered by he prayed fervently, he prayed for the
But sometimes there are instances the worldly powers that tells you not pleasure of Allāh.
of complaining, especially among to worry because: ‘as an Ahmadī, even Hadrat Muhammad Bin Ibrahimra
the illiterates or those with meagre as you maintain ties to the Jamā`at, narrates a hadīth from Hadrat ‘Aishahra,
education. In fact, I have also observed you can still conduct your professional ‘Once I was sleeping by the side of the
some cases where those with good affairs, serve the Jamā`at, and sacrifice Holy Prophetsa. During a time at night I
education that they utter words of financially.’ All of these are caused by did not find him there. While searching
ingratitude. Dajjal [Antichrist] to move you away around, my hand touched his feet while
There is a hadīth that the Holy from Allāh and the Jamā`at. Therefore, he was prostrating. He was praying,
Prophetsa used to take a pledge from the Promised Messiahas says that if you “Allāh, I seek the protection of Thy
femaleCompanionsra in this respect. have taken the pledge, stay away from pleasure against Thy displeasure; and
The hadīth runs as follows: these snares. Do not be misled by these I seek the protection of Thy forgiveness
attractions. Remain faithful to Allāh. against Thy punishment. I cannot count
Hadrat Usaidra relates that he heard If you turn to Him, you belong to the
from a female Companionra who the ways of praising Thee. You are as
Promised Messiahas and will receive You have described Your Holy Self.”’
had taken a pledge at the hand of everything. The following is a beautiful
the Holy Prophetsa that the pledge (Sunan Tirmadhī, Kitāb-ud-Da‘wat)
admonition of the Holy Prophetsa in
included the following: “We will this respect. Another tradition says that:
not disobey the Holy Prophetsa, Someone from Medina heard from
will not tear our faces in wailing, Hadrat Ibn-e-‘Abbasra has related that,
“I was once riding with the Holy Hadrat ‘Abdul Wahhab Bin al-
will not raise a hue and cry during Wardra that Hadrat Mu‘awiyahra
mourning, and will not tear our Prophetsa. He said, ‘My dear child, I
am going to teach you a few things: wrote to Hadrat ‘Aishahra
clothes or keep our hair ruffled.” requesting some advice. She
(Sunan Abū Dawud, Kitāb-ul- Keep Allāh in mind, He will safeguard
you; keep Allāh in mind, you will find replied, ‘Assalāmo Alaikum.’ I have
Janā’iz) heard the Holy Prophetsa say, “One
Him nearby. When in need, ask only of
Real Time to Show Patience is Allāh; if you need help, ask Him alone who seeks the pleasure of Allāh,
When Tragedy Strikes for help. Remember, if the whole world even at the cost of displeasing
Hadrat Anasra relates that the Holy joins together to benefit you, it can do some people, Allāh is Sufficient
Prophetsa passed by a woman who was nothing to benefit you, except if Allāh for him against them. But he who
crying by the side of a grave. Hesa said wishes and decrees it for you. And if displeases Allāh for the sake of
to her, they all join to hurt you, they can do pleasing some people, Allāh hands
nothing to hurt you, except if Allāh him over to those people.”’ (Sunan
“Be mindful of thy duty to Allāh Tirmadhī, Kitāb-uz-Zuhd)
and be steadfast.” She retorted, decrees the harm for you. The pens
“Leave me alone; you have not been have been stored away and the ink has You Are the Last Jamā`at
afflicted as I have been.” She had dried.” (Sunan Tirmadhī, Bāb Sifatil Established by Allāh
not known who he was. Someone Qiyamah) The Promised Messiahas writes:
told her, “That was the Holy Another version is: It is inevitable that you should be
Prophetsa.” She proceeded to the Keep Allāh in mind, you will tried with diverse types of pain
door of the Holy Prophetsa and not find Him before you. Recognise and misfortune as the faithful
finding any doorman went in and Allāh in times of ease, He will before you were tried. Be mindful,
said to him, “I had not recognised recognise you in times of hardship. lest you should stumble. So long
you.” He said, “Steadfastness Remember, what escaped you was as you have a firm relationship
means to be resigned at the time not decreed for you; and what is with heaven, the earth can do you
of the first shock of grief.” (Sahīh decreed for you will definitely no harm. Whenever harm befalls
Al-Bukharī, Kitāb-ul-Janā’iz, Bāb come to you. Remember, the you, it will be through yourself
Ziyaratil-Qubur) help of Allāh comes as a result of and not through your enemy. Even
Another important point that has been steadfastness, and times of ease and if you lose all honour on earth,
emphasised in the fifth condition is [to times of hardship are commingled, Allāh will bestow eternal honour
remain steadfast] no matter how hard and every hardship is followed upon you from heaven. So do
the circumstances, how long the period by times of ease. (Riād-us-Sālihīn, not let go of Him. It is inevitable
of hardship, how apparent the worldly Bab-ul-Muraqabah, Hadīth no. 62) that you be persecuted and suffer
8 Introduction to Bai‘at - Part VI
Condition V
That he/she shall remain faithful
to God in all circumstances of
life, in sorrow and in happiness,
in adversity and in prosperity, in
felicity and in trial; and that he/
receiving dreams
she shall in all conditions remain or revelations and
thus we sit idly
resigned to the decree of God and refrain from
utmost striving.
and keep himself/herself ready to Allāh the Almighty
does not like
face all kinds of indignities and that…. (Al-Badr,
Vol., 3, No. 18–19,
sufferings in His way and shall May 8–16, 1904, pg.
never turn away from Him at the
Then heas says:
onslaught of any misfortune; on Every true
believer passes
the contrary, he/she shall march through such
circumstances. If
forward. he becomes His
with sincerity
and fidelity,
many disappointments, but do not He comes to the one who goes to
Allāh becomes his friend. But
lose heart, for it is Allāh Who tests Him. He bestows honour upon
if the structure of faith is weak,
you whether you are steadfast in him who honours Him. (Kashtī-e-
then there are dangers. We have
His cause or not. If you desire Nuh, Rūhānī Khazā’in, Vol. 19, pg.
no knowledge of the secrets of
that angels should praise you in 15)
anybody’s heart… but anyone
heaven, then endure beating and be Then the Promised Messiahas says: who totally belong to God receives
joyful, hear abuse and be grateful,
What we need to do is to please His protection. Although He is the
experience failure and do not cut
Allāh. That requires sincerity, God of everyone, He manifests
your relationship with Allāh. You
truthfulness, and fidelity, not especially to those who hand
are the last Jamā`at of Allāh, so
that the efforts of our Jamā`at themselves over to God. To hand
practice virtue at its highest level.
be limited to mere words. When oneself over to God means that
Anyone from among you who
Allāh is pleased with us, He the self be totally demolished and
becomes slothful will be cast out
puts blessings in our affairs and nothing should remain of it. That
of the Jamā`at like a foul thing and
opens the doors of His grace and is why I tell my Jamā`at again and
will die in sorrow and will be able
blessings... This narrow gate— again that they should take no
to do no harm to Allāh. I give you
the gate of truthfulness and pride in taking the pledge. If the
the good news that your God truly
fidelity—is not easy to cross. We heart is not purified, there is no
exists. All are His creatures, but He
can never be boastful that we start merit in placing their hands in my
chooses the one who chooses Him.
Introduction to Bai‘at - Part VI 9
O my Lord, You are my Paradise, and Your Mercy is my protection, and Your
signs are my nourishment and Your Grace is my mantle.
hand.… But anyone who makes a fidelity and steadfastness. They were
true pledge attains forgiveness of true to their pledge, very true. They
even major sins and receives a new were enticed with different kinds of
life. (Malfūzāt, Vol. 3, pg. 65) attractions to break the pledge, but
Those Who Belong to the these princes of steadfastness paid no Translation:
Promised Messiahas Cannot attention to them and remained true to
O my Lord, You are my
be Separated From Him their pledge. The Promised Messiahas
Paradise, and Your Mercy is my
has paid excellent tribute to them. They
Then the Promised Messiahas says: protection, and Your signs are my
are Sāhibzadah Sayyed ‘Abdul Latif
nourishment and Your Grace is my
He who does not wish to follow me Shahīdra and ‘Abdur-Rahmān Khanra. I
mantle. (Haqīqat-ul-Wahī, Rūhānī
can depart from me. I do not know present an excerpt from the Promised
Khazā’in, Vol. 22, pg. 360–361)
how many terrible and thorny Messiahas:
forests I may have to cross. Why The history of the Ahmadīyya Muslim
Ponder with faith and fairness that
do those who are tender-footed Jamā`at over the last one hundred
if a Jamā`at were based entirely
put themselves to trouble with years bears witness that such examples
on deceit, falsehood, and trickery,
me? Those who are mine will not of faithfulness and fidelity have been
could its members demonstrate
depart from me, neither on account repeatedly demonstrated. There were
such steadfastness and valour
of misfortune, nor in consequence losses of lives and property. There
that they should not forsake this
of the vilification of people, nor were martyrdoms. Children were
path, accept being trampled under
through heavenly trials and killed in the presence of fathers, and
stones and—not worrying about
tribulations. Those who are not fathers were killed in the presence of
their wives and children—offer
mine, vain are their affirmations children. Then did Allāh—Who is the
their lives despite the repeated
of friendship, for they will soon be Greatest in rewarding faithfulness—
promises of release on condition of
separated from me and their last permit this blood to be spilled in vain?
renouncing bai‘at? Sheikh ‘Abdur-
state will be worse than their first. No. He showered His Mercy upon
Rahmānra was slaughtered in Kabul
Shall we be afraid of earthquakes; their progenies in an unprecedented
in the same manner. He made no
shall we become frightened by way. Many of you who are present
protest nor begged for release by
trials in the cause of Allāh? Can here or are spread in many countries
renouncing bai‘at.
we be separated by any trial that are personal witnesses to this. Indeed,
comes from our Beloved Allāh? This alone is the sign of a true faith many of you are the recipients of these
Certainly not, but only through and a true Imām. When someone blessings. This is a consequence of the
His grace and mercy. Those who attains a true understanding fidelity that you have shown towards
wish to depart may do so; we bid and the heart is permeated with Allāh and the way you remained true
them farewell. But they should spiritual sweetness, such a person to the pledge of allegiance. When the
remember that after thinking ill does not fear being killed in this time of ease comes, do not forget this
and cutting asunder, if they should path. Of course, those whose pledge of bai‘at nor let your future
again incline towards me, such faith is skin-deep, and faith has generations forget it. Always remain
inclination would not receive the not permeated their limbs and faithful to the dear Allāh, so that His
honour from God as is bestowed veins, can turn apostate like Judas blessings may continue to pour on
upon the faithful, for the stain of Iscariot. There are examples of your future generations; transfer this
ill-thinking and treachery is a big such apostates in the life of every relationship of fidelity to the coming
stain. (Anwār-ul-Islām, Rūhānī Prophet. Thanks to Allāh a large generations.
Khazā’in, Vol. 9, pg. 23–24) party of the faithful is with me;
every one of them is a sign for me.
Steadfastness This is the Grace of my Lord.
One hundred years ago, two elders
of the Jamā`at demonstrated perfect

10 Introduction to Bai‘at - Part VI

Hadrat Musleh Mau`ūdra -
“Filled with Secular & Spiritual Knowledge”
Hadrat Mirzā Nāsir Ahmad Khalīfatul Masīh IIIrh

On December 21, 1965, Hadrat Khalīfatul deep insight, realities, subtle points, gave multiple challenges to the world
Masīh IIIrh delivered a speech at the occasion proofs, and arguments that he came up but there was no one who dared to face
of the Jalsa Sālāna Rabwah. A portion of with and which he expressed in Tafsīr him. In 1917, hera challenged the world
this speech was related to the magnificent Kabīr and other books are of such a in the following words:
achievements of Hadrat Musleh Mau`ūdra. perfect order, and without a doubt, “After [the passing away of]
It is being reproduced here for the benefit extraordinary in their nature and Hadrat Masih Mau`ūd, I challenge
of the readers. The original Urdu text can status that it is impossible for any other the entire world. If there is anyone
be found in Khutbāt Nāsir Vol. 1, pg. 52- to counter them. This is because the who believes in the truth of his
64. It was originally rendered into English miracle of his extraordinary Tafsīr was religion against Islām, then he
by Belal Khalid and has been revised by the not due to his personal abilities; rather should come forward and compete
Ahmadīyya Gazette Canada team. he wrote it due to [divinely bestowed] with me. I have concluded after
In this prophecy, the second point understanding of the Unseen. [He wrote extensive experience that Islām
we are told regarding the Promised it] with the support of the Independent is the only living religion, and no
Reformer is that, “he will be filled with and Holy God. These miracles other religion can contend with
secular and spiritual knowledge,” this prove that he was a true reflection it. This is because God listens to
is so that, “the superiority of Islām of the Messiah of Muhammadsa in our prayers and accepts them.
and the status of Allāh’s Word may be terms of his high status, beauty and He accepts [our prayers] while
manifested to people,” and that “those character. Also, according to the glad- the means at our disposal are
who are desirous of life be saved from tidings mentioned in the prophecy, completely unfavorable. This is
the clutches of death and those who are he surpassed his contemporaries [in itself] is great indications of
buried in the graves can come out.” in expressing religious and secular Islām being a living religion. If
knowledge to the extent that upon anyone has any doubt regarding
Thousands among us have ourselves listening to his lectures and studying
witnessed that on account of [Hadrat this then he should come forward
his books, [all, whether an] insider or to test it himself, after all ‘Seeing is
Khalīfatul Masīh II’s] true obedience outsider, were forced to admit that
to the Holy Qur’ān and the perfect love believing.’ All who are convinced
the knowledge and intricate meanings that their religion is a living religion
and devotion for this Holy Scripture, described by him were from a different
Allāh, the Exalted, the Fountainhead should come and provide proof of
world, not having even remote relation God’s relationship and love with
of all bounties, granted a divine to any worldly education or training.
light to this pure being’s vision and them. If God [truly] loves them,
[His explanations] were characterized then He would definitely help and
understanding. [Through this divine with distinct proof of the divine
light] wonderful and extraordinary support them in this competition...
support. I challenge them to come to this
subtle points of wisdom hidden in
the word of God and the Holy Book In order to prove the excellence of competition to establish who is
[began to] shower upon him like heavy his secular and spiritual knowledge supported by God, and whose
rain. [Our] loving God, through his bestowed upon him by the special prayers are listened to by God.
Rahmāniyyat, placed such blessing in will of God Almighty, and to show You people should bring forward
his thoughts and vision that eternal the dignity of Islām, the status of the your [representatives] for this
truths started being disclosed to him. word of God, and establish the powers competition. It is not that every
And so, all the knowledge, wisdom, given to him, Hadrat Musleh Mau`ūdra individual person should come

Hadrat Musleh Mau’ūdra - Filled with Secular & Spiritual Knowledge 11

Qur’ān II, Anwār Al-`Ulūm, Vol.
14 pg. 408)
In 1938, hera said:
“It is not that only the Promised
Messiahas possessed this quality,
rather he also passed it on to
others. I, too, have been taught
the meanings of the Holy Qur’ān
because of my association with
him. So that any person, whether
he is a secular scholar or a follower
of any religion, whatever objection
he wishes he can raise, by the
grace of Allāh, I will answer him
from the Holy Qur’ān itself. I
have repeatedly challenged the
world to compete with me in
writing a commentary of the Holy
Qur’ān. Even though, I have not
been divinely commissioned [as a
prophet], still no one was prepared
to accept this challenge. And if
anyone happened to announce his
acceptance, they set meaningless
conditions to get out of it. For
example, that the room should
be closed and there should not be
any other books nearby. But they
Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-ud-Dīn Mahmūd Ahmadra did not think that if I were to copy
my points from older books and
Khalīfatul Masīh II
commentaries then, they would
forward for this challenge saying, has. If anyone claims that their also have those books to copy
“I accept.” Only the representatives religious book also enjoys the from too. Further, if I were to copy
of different religions and sects same distinction, then I challenge from other books, then by my very
should come forward. It is then them to come before me. If he is a hands I would prove my failure, as
that the world will know whose follower of the Vedas, I challenge my claim is that I would present
prayers are accepted by God. I him to come before me. If he is a new meanings. If I were to copy
make it my claim, that it will be follower of the Torah, I challenge from older commentaries, it would
my prayers that will be accepted. him to come before me. [Or], if be a source of embarrassment and
Alas, [I am] sorry to say that the he is a follower of the Gospels, I humiliation for me. So I know all
leaders of different religions are challenge him to come before me these are just their excuses, the
afraid to face this challenge. If they and present any metaphor from fact is that no one dares to come
venture out for this challenge, they the Holy Qur’ān which he and I forward.” (Tahqīq Haq kā Sahīh
will have such a crushing defeat agree to be a metaphor. Then, if I Tarīq, Anwār Al-`Ulūm, Vol. 13 pg.
that they would never again dare am unable to corroborate it from 410-411)
to come forward.” (Zinda Mazhab, within the Holy Qur’ān itself Then again, in March 1944 hera
Anwār Al-`Ulūm, Vol. 3 pg. 612- then without question he should confronted the world with the
613) consider me a false in this claim. following challenge:
In 1936 hera challenged the world However, if I am successful, they
“Allāh, the Exalted gifted me with
saying: will have to accept that in reality
the knowledge of the Holy Qur’ān
there is no other book in the
“The Holy Qur’ān has a grandeur through his angels and He created
world except the Holy Qur’ān that
that no other book of this world within me an aptitude similar to
possesses this quality.” (Fadā’il-e-
12 Hadrat Musleh Mau’ūdra - Filled with Secular & Spiritual Knowledge
I know, today, aside from myself, nobody on the face of the earth has
been granted knowledge of the Holy Qur’ān by God Himself... and in
this age He has appointed me the teacher of the Holy Qur’ān for the
entire world.
the one some have for finding keys by God, and the spiritual fountain full grandeur and until the Holy
to treasure. I have been given the that has erupted in my bosom are Prophetsa is again acknowledged
keys to the knowledge of the Holy not unreal or imaginary. Rather as the only living prophet…
Qur’ān. There is no scholar who can they are so definite and real that I present this truth before the world
come before me to whom I cannot I challenge the entire world to as openly as possible. This voice
establish the excellence of the Holy compete with me. If there is anyone is the voice of He who is the God
Qur’ān. [We are here] in Lahore, it on the face of the earth who claims of the earth and the heavens. This
is a city that has a university and that God has taught him the Holy will is the will of He who is the
many colleges have opened here. Qur’ān, then I am ever ready to God of the earth and the heavens.
Many great scholars of different compete with him. But I know, This truth will not be deferred; it
disciplines can be found here. I today, aside from myself, nobody will not be deferred; it will not be
say to them all, any scholar of any on the face of the earth has been deferred! Islām will be victorious
discipline in the world should granted knowledge of the Holy over the world. Christianity will
come before me. Any professor in Qur’ān by God Himself. God be left defeated. There is no power
the world should come before me. bestowed this knowledge of the that can save Christianity from my
Any scientist in the world should Holy Qur’ān to me and in this age attack. God will conquer it through
come before me and criticize the He has appointed me the teacher my hands. It will be destroyed in
Holy Qur’ān based on his field of of the Holy Qur’ān for the entire my lifetime in such a way that it
expertise and see, that by the grace world. God has brought me forth would never be able to raise its
of Allāh, I can provide him with that I may spread the name of the head again, else a tree will grow
such a response that the world Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and from the seed sown by my hands
will acknowledge my refutation. I the Holy Qur’ān to the corners of that will see Christianity withering
make it my claim that I will answer the world. [Also so that], I may away like a dry bush and the flag of
him from the very word of God. I forever defeat all false religions Islām and Ahmadīyyat will be seen
will refute his objections by way that oppose Islām. The whole waving at the greatest heights in all
of verses contained in the Holy world can exert every effort and the four comers of the world.” (Al-
Qur’ān.” (Miān hī Musleh Mau`ūd gather all its forces, Christian Mau`ūd, Anwār Al-`Ulūm, Vol. 18
kī Pashghū’ī ka Misdāq Hūn, kings with their nations can come pg. 646-648)
Anwār Al-`Ulūm, Vol. 18 pg. 667) together, Europe and America can
join forces, all the great wealthy Hera then said:
In December 1944 hera said:
nations of the world can unite “Allāh, the Exalted’s attribute of
“[I am] a person who never and try to cause my failure in this being All-Knowing has manifested
enjoyed good health even for cause. Even then, I swear by God, through me with such grandeur
a day, a person God himself while facing me they will face and majesty that I cannot find its
kept alive, in order to fulfill His failure. And God will destroy all parallel among the other caliphs.
prophecies through him and to their plans, machinations, and
present the proof of Islām and I am the one who was referred to
schemes against my prayers and as being ‘born yesterday.’ I was
Ahmadīyyat’s truthfulness before plans. God will, through me, my
people. Further, I was that person the one who was called foolish and
disciples or my followers establish unlearned. Yet, after I took over
who had no excellence in worldly the respect of Islām in the world in
disciplines, but by His grace He the office of Khilāfat, Allāh, the
order to establish the truthfulness Exalted opened Qur’ānic secrets
sent angels for my education, and of this prophecy about the respect
taught me such meanings of the to me in such abundance that the
of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. Islāmic world has no choice but to
Holy Qur’ān which are beyond the God will not let the world be until
realm of thought of any human. read and benefit from my books
Islām is again established with its until the Judgment Day. Which
The wisdom bestowed upon me
Hadrat Musleh Mau’ūdra - Filled with Secular & Spiritual Knowledge 13
Which Islāmic issue is there that Allāh, the Exalted, has not disclosed
in complete detail through me? The issues of Nabūwat, kufr, Khilāfat,
Taqdīr, insights on Qur’ānic matters, Islām’s economic system, Islāmic
politics, and Islāmic society had not been extensively written on in the
last 1300 years. God enabled me to carry out this service for the religion,
and He unveiled these intricate matters about the Holy Qur’ān through
me, which today are being copied by all whether friends or foes.
Islāmic issue is there that Allāh, (Khilāfat-e-Rāshida, Anwār Al- on Islāmic Jurisprudence
the Exalted, has not disclosed in `Ulūm Vol. 15, pg. 287-288) • 25 books and leaflets were written
complete detail through me? The Allāh, the Exalted said, “He will on political affairs before the
issues of Nabūwat [prophethood], be filled with worldly and spiritual division of India and Pakistan.
kufr [desbelief], Khilāfat, Taqdīr knowledge.” With regards to this I had
[predestination], insights on • 9 books and leaflets were written
gathered lots of details, but at this time, on political affairs after the division
Qur’ānic matters, Islām’s economic for the purpose [of explaining this
system, Islāmic politics, and Islāmic of India and Pakistan.
prophecy], I can only present a brief
society had not been extensively sketch [of his achievements.] • 15 books and leaflets were written
written on in the last 1300 years. on the political affairs of Kashmir.
God enabled me to carry out this One of the books in this regard is
Tafsīr Kabīr which is such a wonderful • 99 books and leaflets on various
service for the religion, and He issues and programs related to
unveiled these intricate matters commentary that any person who has
done a careful study of any portion Ahmadīyyat.
about the Holy Qur’ān through
me, which today are being copied of it will be forced to acknowledge In total these add up to a collection
by all whether friends or foes. They that if any godly person would have of 225 books and leaflets. As was
may curse me a million times, they published a portion of this book, he mentioned in the prophecy, “he will
may malign me, but any person would have been ranked among the be filled with worldly and spiritual
who wants to spread the message holiest people of the world. But besides knowledge,” one cursory look at these
of Islām will be indebted to me this, he wrote many other books about books is enough to convince us that
and will never be able to escape the Holy Qur’ān. According to my they are filled with worldly as well
my benefactions. Even if he is a estimate, Hudūrra wrote at least 8,000 as spiritual wisdom. What is most
Paigāmī, or an Egyptian, whenever to 10,000 pages of commentary on just pleasing is that whenever he wrote a
his descendants decide to serve the Holy Qur’ān, the eleven volumes* book or a leaflet, all acknowledged that
Islām, they will be forced to read of Tafsīr Kabīr being included. it is not possible to improve upon his
my books and derive benefit from Hudūrra wrote: writing. Whenever he took the lead in
them. In fact, I can say without politics, or gave advice in this regard,
• 10 books and leaflets were on his greatest foes acknowledged his
being boastful, that through me doctrine.
more material has been collected par excellence. There are innumerable
and is still being collected as • 31 books, magazines and lectures details about the prophecy of his
compared to any previous Khulāfa’. were written on spirituality, worldly and spiritual wisdom, but I
And so they may slander me or Islāmic Morals and Islāmic beliefs. am unable to touch upon even one
curse me, but if any knowledge of • 13 books and leaflets were written thousandth part of it. So with this
the Holy Qur’ān falls in their laps on the life and the character of the brief overview I end this portion of the
it will be by way of me. The world Holy Prophetsa. prophecy.
will then have to say to them, “O • 4 books and leaflets were on *Initially Tafsīr Kabīr was published in 11
fool! All that you have filled your history. volumes, since then it has been printed in
lap with, you have taken from 10 volumes and 5 volumes.
him! How dare you oppose him!” • 3 books and leaflets were written

14 Hadrat Musleh Mau’ūdra - Filled with Secular & Spiritual Knowledge

The Promised Reformerra

The following is the transcript of MTA Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-ud-Dīn Mahmūd In 1914, he was elected as the second
International’s documentary entitled, Ahmadra was later to become Khalīfatul Khalīfa. He was only 25 at the time.
“The Promised Reformer.” It is available Masīh II. His life was filled with many The community was not very large in
to watch online at http://www.alIslām. extraordinary accomplishments and he number, however, much more serious
org/v/24.html. We are grateful to Fatima was to become a prolific writer, scholar was the fact that some members of
Amatullah Naseer for providing its and leader. At a young age, Hadrat the community had challenged his
transcription. Mirzā Bashīr-ud-Dīn Mahmūd Ahmad position of office and had broken away.
The truth of Prophets is demonstrated developed an interest in the study of They protested that such a young man
by the fulfillment of the prophecies the Holy Qur’ān and the traditions of was unsuitable to become a caliph of
they make. The founder of the the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. He the whole community. How wrong
Ahmadīyya Community in Islām, was tutored in this by the first Khalīfa, they were. The golden milestones and
Hadrat Mirzā Ghulām Ahmadas of Hakīm Maulwī Nūr-ud-Dīnra. landmarks of Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-ud-
Qādiān, the Promised Messiahas, is the Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-ud-Dīn Mahmūd Dīn Mahmūd Ahmad’sra Khilāfat stand
recipient of many prophecies. One of Ahmad’sra contribution to the Jamā`at witness to his suitability as Khalīfatul
the most inspiring revelations concerns activities began early. At the age of 17, Masīh.
the advent of Musleh Mau’ūd, the he organized a little magazine called A month into his Khilāfat, in April
Promised Reformer. Tashīzul Adhān. A quarterly magazine 1914, he formed a consultative body
On February 20, 1886 the Promised devoted to writing about spiritual known as Majlis-e-Shūra. This went on
Messiahas announced that God had values was set up and this publication to become established as a permanent
revealed to him that he would be is still enjoyed by children today as it institution within the community in
blessed with a son. The revelation continues to be published under the 1922 and it is convened annually or
stated, same name. as needed to make important policy
When he was only 19, the father whom he decisions of the community. This
“A handsome and pure boy will blessed idea is now one of the great
be bestowed on thee. He will revered dearly, passed away. Standing
at the side of the Promised Messiah’sas and unique features of the Ahmadīyya
be extremely intelligent and Jamā`at.
understanding and will be meek deceased body, Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-
of heart and filled with secular ud-Dīn Mahmūd Ahmadra pledged, “If Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh IIra was very
and spiritual knowledge. His fame all of others should leave the Jamā`at of aware of the religious and educational
will spread to the ends of the earth the Promised Messiah and I should be needs of Ahmadī ladies. To this end
and people will be blessed through left alone, I will stand by the covenant he established the organization Lajna
him.” of allegiance, the purpose of which Imā’illāh in 1922. A magazine, Al-
Hadrat Ahmadas was sent to this world. Misbāh, was introduced in 1926 solely
This particular prophecy of the I shall leave no stone unturned to fulfill for this organization. To ensure that the
Promised Messiahas is referred to as that purpose.” The second Khalīfa educational needs of girls was being
the prophecy of Musleh Mau’ūd or lived another 57 years after making looked after, the Nusrat Girl’s High
the Promised Reformer. In accordance that pledge and every day of his life School was established in 1928 and in
with his words, the Promised Messiahas bore testimony to the fact that he lived 1951, Jāmi`a Nusrat, or the Women’s
was blessed with a son born on January up to his high resolve. College, started functioning in Rabwah
12, 1889 in Qādiān, India. and in Pakistan. Ahmadī girls were,
The Promised Reformerra 15
thus, enabled to get education close to there and he arrived on June 15, 1915. law, life after death, heaven and hell
their homes. Religious education, as Hadrat Muftī Muhammad Sādiq, a and their reality, Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-
well as secular, was also given in these companion of the Promised Messiahas, ud-Dīn Mahmūd Ahmadra was able
schools. arrived in Philadelphia in the USA on to explain and discuss all of these
In December of 1938, Khuddāmul February the 15, 1920 to preach Islām topics clearly and understandably.
Ahmadīyya, an organization consisting in the US. His greatest achievement, perhaps,
of young men between the ages of 15 The Tehrīk Jadīd Scheme is still alive was his outstanding contribution to
to 40, was set up. Atfāl-ul Ahmadīyya today. Mosques, mission houses, literature. He wrote over 200 books and
was also set up to cater for the needs of clinics, hospitals, schools, colleges pamphlets. Though he had no worldly
boys less than 16 years. In 1940, Majlis and printing presses have been built qualifications he clearly displayed the
Ansarullāh was established for all male in nearly 176 countries of the world ability, as was promised by Allāh, in
members of the Jamā`at over the age of dedicated to the service of Islām. both religious and secular knowledge.
40. To attend to the religious needs of those As early as 1913, Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-
These auxiliary organizations of the in the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent, ud-Dīn Mahmūd Ahmadra launched
Jamā`at have remained in place from Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-ud-Dīn Mahmūd Al-Fadl, the weekly Urdu newspaper
the time they were set up until today Ahmadra set up the Waqf-e-Jadīd of the Jamā`at, and that continues
and within them all members of the Scheme in 1958. This had the aim to publish to this day. Hadrat Mirzā
Jamā`at worked together and show an of intensifying Islāmic activities in Bashīr-ud-Dīn Mahmūd Ahmadra wrote
exceptional spirit of brotherhood and the rural areas of the Indo-Pakistan Tafsīr-e Saghīr, a brief commentary on
sisterhood as they strive to inculcate subcontinent. Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr- the Holy Qur’ān, and Tafsīr-e Kabīr, an
spiritual and righteous values within ud-Dīn Mahmūd Ahmadra inspired exhaustive commentary on the Holy
themselves. the community to cultivate the spirit Qur’ān which has been described as,
of sacrifice within themselves. He “a fathomless ocean of knowledge.”
The Madrasa Ahmadīyya, which This 10,000 page commentary contains
was set up for religious instruction, urged the unemployed to work even
if it was for a small wage. He advised a deep exposition of thousands of
was raised to the status of Jāmi`a spiritual truths and hidden secrets of
Ahmadīyya by Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr- the community to develop values of
simplicity, modesty and austerity the Holy Qur’ān many of which have
ud-Dīn Mahmūd Ahmadra in May not been presented before.
1928. This institution was to train in their manner of food, dress and
learned members of the community as housing. He laid down guidelines such On September 20, 1948 the Jamā`at
missionaries to take the teachings of as cooking only one dish for meals. faced a major upheaval following the
Islām to various parts of the world. Simple though it was, it created a partition of India and Pakistan. The
collective spirit of sacrifice not seen in centre of the Jamā`at was moved from
One of the main aims of the Ahmadīyya any other community. Qādiān in India to Rabwah, a small
Community is the propagation of the town near Chiniot in Pakistan which
message of Islām. During his Khilāfat, In 1924, Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-ud-
Dīn Mahmūd Ahmadra was invited was then a barren track of land. 313
Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh IIra took major volunteers elected to remain in Qādiān
steps in ensuring the fulfillment of to attend the Wembley Conference
of Religions and to represent Islām. to protect its holy precincts. The group
this objective. After his election as included Hadrat Mirzā Wasim Ahmad,
Khalīfa he started a fresh translation His arrival in London was covered
widely in the press. Ch. Muhammad Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-ud-Dīn Mahmūd
of the Holy Qur’ān into English with Ahmad’sra son. It was a very testing
explanatory notes in order to deliver Zafarullāh Khānra read out the English
translation of his address. The audience time for the Jamā`at in India which
the message of Islām to the European was surrounded by hostile forces but
Nations. Muslim missionaries were listened attentively and the address
received a great deal of attention. in spite of this the Jamā`at established
trained and then posted out to various itself and flourished in Rabwah.
countries. Later on this responsibility While in London, Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-
was handed over to Anjuman Tehrīk- ud-Dīn Mahmūd Ahmadra also laid the Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-ud-Dīn Mahmūd
e-Jadīd or the Department of Foreign foundation stone of the Fadl Mosque. Ahmadra launched the Waqf-e-Zindagi
Missions. Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-ud-Dīn Mahmūd Scheme for dedicating one’s life in
Islām. He initiated the annual Sīrat-un-
The first Ahmadīyya mission was Ahmad was a great intellect. No

Nabī Jalsa, in which a public meeting

established under Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr- subject was too difficult for him to is convened to present to the world the
ud-Dīn Mahmūd Ahmad’sra Khilāfat speak upon. Whether it was about life and character of the Holy Prophet
was in Mauritius. Hadrat Sūfī Ghulām the existence of God, prayer, divine Muhammad (peace and blessings of
Muhammad was the first missionary decrees, worship, the benefit of divine Allāh be upon him). He also instituted
16 The Promised Reformerra
the annual observance of Religious guidance, advice and encouragement. occasion of the annual convention in
Founder’s Day which is to celebrate To all intelligent and reasonable 1961 said, “I declare depending on the
the lives of founders of all the great people of goodwill, he proved to be a favors and blessings of Allāh that my
religions. These events have been wise friend and counselor. Towards name shall be preserved in the world
instrumental in promoting interfaith his opponents he was forbearing and forever. Although I will die one day,
understanding and appreciation. truly sympathetic over their lack of my name shall never be erased from
Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-ud-Dīn Mahmūd understanding. And to the afflicted he history. This is the decree of Allāh.”
Ahmadra had been given a prophetic was, without discrimination, a ready On the occasion of the centenary
title, Fadl-e Umar, indicating his source of comfort and relief. celebrations of the Jamā`at Ahmadīyya,
spiritual affinity to Hadrat Umarra, the His demise on November 9, 1965 one of the sons of the second Khalīfa
second successor to the Holy Prophet plunged the members of the who was then the 4th Khalīfa of the
(peace and blessing of Allāh be upon community into overwhelming and Promised Messiahas, Hadrat Mirzā
him). His achievements bore a close intense grief. The editor of The Light, Tāhir Ahmadrh said, “So let us enter the
resemblance to Hadrat Umarra in that a weekly publication by the Lahore new century with the determination
he was a brilliant administrator and Group, wrote under a caption entitled, that we would respond to the call of
laid down the structure of the Jamā`at “A Great Nation Builder,” that “the Musleh Mau’ūdra every moment of
as we know it today. death of Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-ud- whose life saw the fulfillment of that
The 52 glorious years of his Khilāfat Dīn Mahmūd Ahmadra, head of the prophecy. If you respond to that call,
saw many great achievements. It Ahmadīyya Movement, rang the you will live that age of Hadrat Musleh
genuinely represented a golden era in curtain down of an eventful career Mau’ūdra, if you live the age of Hadrat
the history of Ahmadīyyat in Islām. packed with a multitude of far- Musleh Mau’ūdra, you will live the age
He led the community through times reaching enterprises, a man of versatile of the Promised Messiahas, the greatest
of great adversity. With all the odds genius and dynamic personality. There lover of the Holy Prophetsa. And if you
against him, even to have survived is hardly a sphere of contemporary live the age of the Promised Messiahas
would have been a great achievement thought and life during the past you are assured by the Holy Qur’ān
but the Promised Reformerra did so century from religious scholarship to that you will live the age of the Holy
much more and fulfilled the prophecy missionary organization even political Prophetsa. A time will come when all
to the word. leadership on which the deceased did people will proclaim in unison may
not leave a deep imprint.” the mercy of Allāh descend upon this
To the members of the community, he great servant of Islām who sacrificed
was at all times a deeply loving father Hadrat Mirzā Bashīr-ud-Dīn Mahmūd
Ahmadra, in his own words on the his whole life for this cause.”
to whom they could look up to for

The Promised Reformerra 17

3rd Abdus Salām Science Fair
Dr. Ijaz Rauf, National Secretary Ta`līm

The Abdus Salām Science Fair has for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). This demonstrating their scientific learning
been held every year since 2009 in unique institution located in Triest, and achievements.
the memory of Dr. Abdus Salām. It is Italy is now known as the Abdus Salām This year the science fair was held on
organized by the National Department International Center for Theoretical Saturday November 12, 2011 at the
of Ta`līm, Jamā`at Ahmadīyya Canada. Physics. It invites and benefits over a newly built Tāhir Hall, while prize
Professor Abdus Salām, the first thousand scientists each year from all distribution and the closing ceremony
Muslim scientist to win a Nobel Prize, around the world. were held in the Bai’tul Islām Mosque.
shared the 1979 Nobel Prize for Physics Dr. Abdus Salām was the most The day started at 9:00 a.m., with
with two American scientists Sheldon outspoken and influential advocate students setting up their projects for
Glashow and Steven Weinberg for their of science in developing countries. display and evaluation. Students were
independent development of a theory For him, the difference between the divided into four groups as follows:
unifying the electromagnetic and the developed world and the developing
weak nuclear forces. Dr. Abdus Salām 1. Al-Khwarizmi Group:
world was not of wealth but of science Boys grade 5 to 8
was born in Pakistan and remained a and technology. His own example has
proud citizen of Pakistan his entire life. 2. Ibn al-Haytham Group:
demonstrated that the ‘third world’ can Boys grade 9 to 12
After his death on November 21, 1996, not only learn, but it can also excel in
his remains were also transported for 3. Abū Alī Sīnā Group:
learning, and even lays its foundations. Girls grade 5 to 8
burial to Pakistan. To promote science in third world 4. Jābir ibn Hayyān Group:
Dr. Abdus Salām was one of the countries, he built a network of Girls grade 9 to 12
mightiest intellectuals born in the land organizations such as the Third World
of Pakistan. Although the Government Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and the There were five judges on the men’s
of Pakistan and some religious factions Third World Organization for Women side and 4 judges on the ladies side
of the country always tried to disown in Science (TWOWS). to view the projects, ask questions
him due to his association with the and evaluate the projects according
Dr. Abdus Salām set an example worthy to preset criteria. The evaluation and
Ahmadīyya Muslim community, he of being emulated our youth. The best
was still a hero and a role-model for exhibition of projects started at 10:00
way to cherish his memory is to create a.m. Project evaluations concluded
a great number of Pakistani youth in an environment that is conducive for
particular and Muslims in general. around 1:00 p.m. However, the public
the development of scientific spirit viewing of the projects continued after
He was the lone Pakistani star to rise and tempers essential for the creation
from one of the most underdeveloped Zuhr and Asr prayers.
of many more Salāms. This is why the
regions of his country and shine National Department of Ta`līm strives A special feature at this year’s science
brightly on the international scene. every year to hold this exciting event. fair was that a few distinguished guests
He not only carried out research for It serves to encourage students to from outside the community also
the Gauge Unification of Fundamental think like young scientists. The main visited the Science Fair. They visited the
Forces, but also was a great believer purpose of the fair is to raise the profile project displays, asked questions and
in the unification of the international of science among children, parents and encouraged students in their efforts.
scientific community. His efforts in this the community at large. This also helps Among the distinguished guests were
regard led him to become the founding to show the progress of our youth Dr. Reza Moridi, a physicist and an
director of the International Center in sciences as the years progress by MPP from Richmond Hill, Sahebzada

18 Abdus Salām Science Fair

A. Khan, from the Council General and education; I naturally feel that
of Pakistan in Toronto and Professor this is the right thing to do. Although
Stephen Julian, Associate Chair for the the girls need to make a little better
Department of Physics, University of effort next year, it is heartwarming to
Toronto. see the trends in scientific thoughts
“Pakistan will always remain proud of our youth. Many of the projects on
of Abdus Salām and such events serve protecting the environment, living
as motivators for our youth to follow green and protecting health gives us
the example of Abdus Salām. He is an hope that our youth are headed in the
inspiration for many of our youth,” right direction,” commented Professor
said Sahebzada A. Khan. Stephen Julian.

“I was impressed with the efforts these This year, a total if 99 participants from
young scientists have put into their across Ontario registered for the event.
projects for this fair, congratulations! It This year’s winners are listed below.
is your time and I can see many Abdus Overall, the Science Fair was a fun-
Salāms of the future sitting in front filled day where students, observers,
of me,” were the remarks of Dr. Reza parents and the guests were all inspired
Moridi. and motivated. May Allāh accept these
humble efforts and multiply their fruits
“I am impressed with the emphasis that
many fold. Āmīn.
your community is putting on science
Al-Khwarizmi Group: Boys grade 5 to 8
Position Name School Project Award
1st Mabroor Bajwa Teston Village PS A Hydraulic system $300 Cash Award
2nd Ihtisham Ahmad Teston Village PS Theory of Relativity $200 Cash Award
3rd Hanan Minhas Humber Summit MS Portable Phone Charger $150 Cash Award
4th Maloof Ahmad Country Hills PS Habitas Subscription to Scientific American
Ibn al-Haytham Group: Boys grade 9 to 12
Position Name School Project Award
1st Burhhan Goraya Maple High School Tornados $400 Cash Award
2nd Sharjeel Rauf Maple High School Diffraction of Light $300 Cash Award
Study on Human
3rd Khizar Karim Mirza Heart lake SS $250 Cash Award
Magnetic Levitation
4th Shahroze Rauf Maple High School Subscription to Scientific American
and its application
Abū Alī Sīnā Group: Girls grade 5 to 8
Position Name School Project Award
Aysha Anwār & Genetically Modified
1st Teston Village PS $300 Cash Award
Areegh Bhalli Food
Tooba Ahmad &
2nd Teston village PS Drugs and Health $200 Cash Award
Manahil Chaudhry
Sabiha Chaudhry Calcium’s Importance
3rd Discovery PS $150 Cash Award
& Basma Ghuman to Health
a. Aneeqa a. Nails
4th Vellore woods PS Subscription to Scientific American
b. Nabeela b. Niagara Falls
Jābir ibn Hayyān Group: Girls grade 9 to 12
Position Name School Project Award
1st Saima Mirza Stephen Lewis SS Magnetic Poles $400 Cash Award
2nd Nadia Kausar Maple High School All about the eyes $300 Cash Award
Samita Chaudary Circulatory & Digestive
3rd Maple High School $250 Cash Award
& Nazia Zafar System
4th Adeela Woodbridge College Vitamin C Subscription to Scientific American

Abdus Salām Science Fair 19

Ethnic Media
Information Dinner
Abdul Haleem Tayyab

Representatives of ethnic media were the worldwide Ahmadīyya Muslim the commonalities of faith. Mr. Malik
present at the Media Information community. The main objective of reminded that lack of knowledge and
dinner organized by the Ahmadīyya the Community is to promote peace, ignorance is the real enemy of peace.
Muslim Community Canada on love and harmony regardless of faith, He stated that knowledge of the other
Monday, January 23, 2012. The Chandni colour and creed. Its motto is “Love for person will enhance mutual respect
Garden in Brampton was filled with All,Hatred for None.” and tolerance.
representatives from newspapers, The National President of the Farhan Khokhar, Chairman, World
radio programs and TV shows. Ahmadīyya Muslim Community Media Forum was the master of the
The program started with recitation of Canada, Lal Khan Malik, welcomed the ceremony who invited and introduced
the Holy Qur’ān by Hafiz Ataul Wahab, guests. He invited the media outlets to the guests and appreciated their
a Missionary of the Ahmadīyya Muslim promote loyalty to our homeland and presence.
Community. articulated that the key message of Around fifty members from different
Abdul Haleem Tayyab, Media Co- the Community is to promote peace ethnic media were present and graced
ordinator of the community, welcomed and prosperity in the nation. He the occasion. Many of them also
the distinguished guests. In his emphasized respect for every faith. commented and expressed their views
remarks, he presented a summary of The Community organizes interfaith and appreciated role of the community.
the major objectives and traditions of dialogue to bring people closer to
Guests at the Ethnic Media and Information Dinner
Company / Profession Representative Company / Profession Representative
Ahmadīyya Gazette Prof. Hadi Ali Ch. Journalist Nasir Shah
Anchor Daud Khan Journalist Kahwal Khosa
Asian TV Ashfaq Hussain Journalist / Barrister Ajaib S. Chatha
Breakfast Buzz Akbar Waris and Saad Ali Lawyer JP Maan
Christian Voice Shahdab Khokar News-caster Ananya
DSP TV Naim Chaudhry Pakistan News Mian Mudassar
First Choice TV Show Major Nagra Pakistan Post Azfar Amin
HCNC Ahsan Qureshi Pakistan Post Zubair
Jag Di Awaz Usman Zaki PC Political Asphandiar Wadiwalla
Jang Canada AAmīr Arain PeaceMag Canada Naseer Ud Din
Journalist Kuljit Singh Janjua PTC Ajay Fotedar
Journalist Tarek Fateh PTC Punjabi Virender KS Mahlthor
Journalist Haris A Bajwa Punjab 1 Sandeep Larian
Journalist Affaf Azhar Punjab Star Simrat Grewal
Journalist Azhar Sohail Punjabi Daily Sukhminder S. Hansra
Journalist Tahir Gora Punjabi Media Lakhbir Singh Grewal
Journalist Hafiz Rehman Punjabi Media Blindeh Singh
Journalist Sukhi Nigar Punjabi Post Dr. GS Bhandal

20 Ethnic Media Information Dinner

Company / Profession Representative Company / Profession Representative
Quick Printing M. Rizwan Pasha Meena Chopra Bhupinder
Star Buzz
Radio and TV Compare Bashir Khan
Urdu Khabarnama Rana Sohail
Rawal TV Deepinder Loomba
Yahoo Radio Sukhbir Sidhu
Rawal TV and Rogers TV Urz Heer
Hamid Basharat
Sadabahar Radio Ashraf Raja
Hameed Bhashani
Spiritualism Ramesh Mehta

Announcements - 416- 801-2098
TICOSA • Abdul Hayee Basharat, Joint Secretary, - 416-820-0712
• Faiz Mohyuddin Qureshi, Joint Secretary, - 647-273-3586
I request all former students of T. I. College across Canada
to please contact any of the above executive members to get
registered by phone or by email by giving your name and
particulars. It will help us in organizing our association.

Executive Committee Meeting with Abdur Rashid Yahya  

Respectable Amīr Sāhib Canada President, TICOSA
The second TICOSA Executive Committee meeting was
blessed with the attendance of the Respected Amīr sāhib
Research Cell Projects
Canada. This meeting was held on January 15, 2012 in Please contact us immediately if you have ever written any
Amīr Sāhib’s office. Respected Amīr Sāhib enlightened the thesis or a book or have any publication under your name
committee with the objectives and goals of our association to The Research Cell is collecting data of all such books and
uphold the wonderful values of humanity and benediction, thesis’ that have been published under the name of any
the very hallmark of our excellent institution, i.e. Ta`līmul member of Jamā`at Ahmadīyya since 1889. Additionally,
Islām College, Rabwah. Amīr sāhib kindly accepted the also contact us if you have any old hooks of the Jamā’at in
following suggestions of the association: your possession.
1. Annual membership fee will be $20.00 or $100.00 CAN Please fax or e-mail us the following details. We anxiously
for life membership for the running expenses. await your responses.
2. A formal membership meeting will be arranged to call Required Details: Please Reply to:
the first formal election for the executives of Ta`līmul Book’s Name (Title): Incharge Research Cell,
Islām College Old Students Association at the eve of Author/Compiled By/ P.O.Box #14 Chenab Nagar
Majlis Shūra on April 21, 2012. Translator/Writer: (Rabwah), PAKISTAN
3. Every effort will be made to reach out to all former Edition: Phone: Office: 0092476214953,
students of T. I. College across Canada. Place of Publication: Res: 0476214313,
Presently, the following members of interim executive are Publishing Date: Mob:3344290902
serving the association: Publisher: Fax No: 0092476211943
• Abdur Rashid Yahya, President, Number of Pages: - 647-988-6522 ISBN:
• Hidayatullah Hadi, General Secretary, Language: - 905-303-4000 Ext 2241 Subject:
• Sajjad Malik, Finance Secretary,

Ethnic Media Information Dinner / Announcements 21

Press Release:
Canada’s Foreign Minister Calls on Head
of Ahmadīyya Muslim Jamā`at in London
LONDON, January 25, 2012 the community were deprived also of
On January 24, 2012, Canada’s Foreign their basic civic rights. His Holiness
Minister, John Baird MP, visited the said:
World Head of the Ahmadīyya Muslim “In Pakistan all Ahmadī Muslims
Jamā`at, Hadrat Mirzā Masroor are denied their basic rights.
Ahmad at the Fazl Mosque in London. We are unable to call ourselves
His Excellency, Gordon Campbell, the Muslims or use Islāmic terms. My
Canadian High Commissioner to the name is Masroor, but in Pakistan
UK and other members of staff were if somebody calls me this, then
also present at the meeting which that person can be arrested and
lasted around forty minutes. punished. Thus such laws that
During the meeting, the Foreign persecute and curtail basic rights
Minister mentioned how the Canadian must be changed. It is essential that
Government was in the process of religious views should not impact
setting up an ‘Office of Religious or interfere with Government
Freedom’ and sought the views of His policies.”
Holiness about how such an Office The Foreign Minister said that he was
should function. In response, His very concerned whenever he heard of
Holiness explained that Islām taught such matters and it was against such
that every person should be free to systematic persecution that Canada
practise his religion openly and without envisioned the Office of Religious
fear of discrimination. He said that Freedom to act. He said that he believed
irrespective of religious differences, that where religious freedom existed,
all members of a society should live there other rights would naturally
together with a spirit of unity, peace develop.
and tolerance and that this was what
His Holiness also used the meeting
the Office of Religious Freedom should
to praise Western efforts to promote
strive to achieve throughout the world.
religious freedom and he said that in
His Holiness spoke about the particular Canada deserved praise
persecution faced by the Ahmadīyya for this. He said that the efforts of the
Muslim Jamā`at in various countries, Canadian government to promote
most notably in Pakistan. Speaking integration and religious tolerance
about the situation there, he said, that had led to the Fourth Khalīfa of the
quite apart from religious persecution, Ahmadīyya Muslim Jamā`at to once

22 Press Release
remark that he hoped the entire world of the Ahmadīyya Muslim Jamā`at’s extent that Muslims have been ordered
would become like Canada. In response new mosque in Calgary and indeed to not only protect their own mosques
the Foreign Minister said that Canada the Prime Minister even delayed his but to protect all places of worship,
truly valued the benefits of having a departure for an international summit whether they be churches, synagogues
relatively open immigration system. in Japan so that he could take part in or temples.
His Holiness mentioned that when the event.
he last visited Canada in 2008, he His Holiness also informed the Foreign Further Information:
was very grateful that Prime Minister Minister that the Holy Qur’ān taught press@Ahmadī
Stephen Harper attended the opening respect for all religions to such an

Press Release 23

‫اطلبوا العلم من املهد اإىل اللحد‬

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Academic Achievement Awards

Jalsa Sālāna & Ijtemā`at 2012
Recognizing talented members of Jamā`at who have made significant
achievements in any academic field in the past calendar year (2011)
• Grade 12 or above will be presented at the occasion of Jalsa Sālāna Canada
• Grades 6 through 11 at Ijtima` of their respective
auxiliary organization
• Only students who have completed a course of study
for example Grades 6-11 or Grade 12 and above can
apply for these awards. March 31st 2012
• In the case of community colleges, only a three year
program of study leading to a certificate or diploma will be considered.
Please contact your local president, secretary Ta‘līm or your auxiliary organization for forms; they are also
available from the Mission House office, or online at:
Please submit applications with all the required documents to the Department of Ta`lim, Bai’tul Islām Mosque,
10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2, Canada, Fax: 905-832-3220.

S e rv ic e s for Chil
tor ing ‫ٹ‬ dre
Tu ‫وچبں ےک ےئل ی�ونش یک دخامت‬ n
‫ٹ‬ ‫پش‬
Are your children benefiting from tutoring ‫� رکدہ ی�ونش یک‬ ‫کا ٓاےکپ ےچب امجتع یک رطف ےس ی‬ ‫ی‬
services offered by your local department of ‫ہ‬
‫دخامت ےس افدئہ ااھٹ رےہ ی�؟‬
‫ٹ‬ ‫ٹ‬
‫ کت ےک وچبں‬12 ‫ ےس ےل ٹ رک رگ�ی ڈ‬5 ‫رگ�ی ڈ‬
Tutoring Classes are being offered for
‫ےک ےئل ی�ونش اک ااظتنم ن ےہ۔‬
‫افدئہ ہ ی‬
students of Grades 5 to 12
If your children are not benefiting from ‫� ااھٹرےہ وت وفری‬ ‫ارگ ٓاےکپ ےچب ان دخامت ےس لعت‬
these classes please contact your Jama‘at’s ‫� ی�ا دصر اصبح ےس‬ ‫سررٹی ی‬ ‫وطر رپ اینپ امجتع ےک ی‬
Secretary Ta`lim or President for more details. ‫م‬ ‫راہطب رکےک اقمیم الکوسں ےک اواقت اور ہگج ےک ابرہ ی‬
‫ولعمامت احلص ی‬
For Further Information, e-mail or
Call Dr. Ijaz A. Rauf, National Secretary Ta`lim: (905) 832-2669 x 2272
In York Region Contact: Fatteh Malik Sahib or
call the above number on Tuesdays and Thursdays after Isha Prayers

National Department of Ta`līm

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