Activity5 PurposiveComm

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Stephannie E.

Evangelista March 06, 2023

BSEd 1-Social Studies Rating:

Activity 5
Write your reaction on communication challenges in a global atmosphere and methods
for effective and ethical global communication.

Communication plays a crucial role in our personal and professional lives, but when
it comes to global interactions, the challenges amplify. Global interconnectivity and
cultural diversity have given rise to an array of communication challenges that must be
navigated in order to effectively converse with people from different backgrounds.

I agree that the way people communicate varies greatly depending on where they
come from, their culture, and knowledge of the language. Language barriers, differences
in communication styles, and cultural norms can create significant challenges. While
technological advancements have made communication easier than ever,
miscommunication remains a hurdle that can hinder progress and create conflict. It is
important for us to address these challenges head-on and develop strategies to bridge
communication gaps and foster understanding in a global context. Language barriers are
one of the issues that I believe contribute to miscommunication. It is one of the most
common communication barriers that leads to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
Language difference is the most obvious barrier to communication, as two people speaking
different languages cannot communicate with each other. The majority of people
worldwide do not speak English, even if it is their second or third language, and failing to
use words that the other person understands renders communication ineffective and
prevents the message from being conveyed. In addition, we all communicate and interact
with others in very different ways, and our experiences shape our communication abilities.
Understanding our own personal interaction and communication style, as well as the styles
of others, can help us build long-lasting relationships. The way we communicate, both
verbally and nonverbally, can have a significant impact on our thoughts and behaviors.
That is why, when communicating and conversing with others, we should not always say
the first thing that comes to mind. Instead, we should take a moment to think about what
we want to say and how we want to say it using our words and tone of voice. We should
focus on the true, underlying meaning of what we want to say, because the way we
communicate a message and the words we use can have a lasting impact on the recipient of
our message. Lastly, our culture also affects our communication in verbal and non-verbal
ways. The words, phrases, metaphors, and culture-specific slang used by two or more
people influence how we communicate verbally. It also influences which topics are
considered appropriate for conversation based on cultural norms present in the social
environment. And cultural norms can influence how we use our hands while talking and
body language when using non-verbal communication. Our cultural differences have an
impact on our communication and can also affect people’s interpretation that can lead to
misunderstanding and worst-- miscommunication.
In today's interconnected world, effective communication has become more crucial than
ever before. With the rise of globalization and the prevalence of different cultures and
languages, it is essential for us to consider ethical communication practices when
communicating with a global audience. Effective and ethical global communication
involves understanding cultural differences, adapting messages to fit the audience's
needs, and choosing appropriate communication channels. These methods ensure that
communication is not only successful but also respectful and impactful. And I believe that
despite all of these communication challenges, we will able to surpass it as long as we will
be a responsible communicator applying the effective and ethical methods of

In today's global environment, communication challenges are becoming increasingly

complex, requiring both effective and ethical methods of communication. Our modern
world impose significant communication challenges that affect us all. And it’s a must to
apply effective and ethical methods when we communicate, wherein effective
communication requires sensitivity to cultural differences, as well as an understanding of
the nuances of language. While ethical communication involves being honest, transparent,
and respectful to ensure that all parties involved are heard and understood. With these, we
can build lasting relationships with respect and empathy.

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