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Inter-Asia Cultural Studies

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When feminism encounters New Documentary

Movement: an uncompleted academic discussion

Lu Xinyu

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an uncompleted academic discussion, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 19:2, 294-309, DOI:

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Published online: 18 Jun 2018.

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2018, VOL. 19, NO. 2, 294–309

When feminism encounters New Documentary Movement: an

uncompleted academic discussion
LU Xinyu
School of Communication, East China Normal University (ECNU), Shanghai, People’s Republic of China

This article starts with the “encounter” between feminists in the “International Feminism; Wheat Harvest;
Symposium on Chinese Women and Visual Representation” and Chinese independent documentary;
documentary filmmaker Xu Tong’s Wheat Harvest, and explores the the lowest rung
viewpoints and standpoints of feminist actors. With the analysis of the
similarities and differences between the independent documentary
perspective and the feminist stance, the author elaborates more deeply on
why Chinese female directors do not have the consciousness of “feminism.”
China’s independent documentary shows how the issue of feminism in China
is intertwined with China’s various complex socio-political issues. The way of
Chinese documentary filmmaker as “living with the bottom rung” is a kind of
practical behavior that seeks truth by integrating itself with it. This requires
great courage and idealism, as well as social experience. The bottom layer is
where the dark side of the society exists which is beyond the law and
morality. The question raised is precisely how to promote the development
of feminism and documentary together to work for an equal and just society
itself. The more urgent task of Chinese feminism is how to rethink the
relationship between the reality of China and feminism, and how to re-
establish effective dialogue and cooperation with various critical forces in this
society. In the historical perspective of the feminism development of China
over one century, gender and women’s issues have never existed in isolation,
but have moved forward with various social and political movements. How to
re-examine this historic heritage to face China’s problems and crises today is
an uncompleted answer that China’s feminism must hand over.

The International Conference on Chinese documentary directors from the Chinese main-
Women and Visual Representation, co-orga- land with their films, in a hope of establishing
nized by the University of Michigan-Fudan a channel for communication and cooperation
Joint Institute for Gender Studies, School of Jour- between Chinese feminists and independent
nalism of Fudan University, Overseas Institute of documentary makers, which has rarely been
Women’s Studies of the All-China, and Gender seen before. The three documentaries are
and Social Development Research Center of Wheat Harvest (2008) by Xu Tong, When the
Fudan University, was held at Fudan University Bough Breaks (2016) by Ji Dan, and Bing Ai
from 16 to 19 December 2011. The conference (2007) by Feng Yan.
was centered on feminism. On behalf of the con- However, the conference eventually went
ference committee, I invited three independent out of control. Unexpectedly, the academic


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discussion on Xu Tong’s Wheat Harvest evolved intervention of the police. The screening of
into a fierce “fighting,” which later even such documentaries as Wheat Harvest at the
resumed on the Internet. Although the other Taipei Film Festival in July, 2009 also triggered
two films When the Bough Breaks and Bing Ai criticism from some independent media in Tai-
were better accepted than Wheat Harvest, wan such as Coolloud and POTS. In 2009, some
some related issues failed to be discussed deeply. workers from NGOs formed an informal group,
What are the causes for the controversies? Why communicating by e-mails or meeting in main-
do the feminists and filmmakers who are land, Hong Kong and Taiwan to further the
assumed to share the same value orientation protests against curators and critics. The article
and a common pursuit fail to reach some claims that:
basic agreements? The present article intends Wheat Harvest couldn’t have got so many
to offer an interpretive summary of the dialo- screening opportunities and acclaimed so
gues and debates at the Fudan conference. many fruitful honors without the support
from the documentary industry. Zhang Xian-
min, a professor in Beijing Film Academy
and one of the organizers of the Yunfest, Lu
What is feminism: controversies on Xinyu, a professor in Fudan University in
Wheat Harvest charge of the screening of the documentaries
at the Fudan conference, and You Huizhen,
In February 2012, there was an on-line a programmer of the Taipei Film Festival,
article entitled “Subalterns, ‘Hypocrisy’ and are all renowned scholars and critics. They
Documentary Ethics: on the Controversies still insisted screening Wheat Harvest and
over Wheat Harvest” by Women’s Voice defending for it in public even though they
were fully informed of the protesters’
(2012), a non-profit weekly e-news organization opinions. Lu Xinyu and You Huizhen are
and active NGO feminist group mainly engaged both feminists. Besides, what is to be paid
in dissemination of women’s rights and gender attention to is the support from Taiwan Pros-
equality in media. The article summarized a titutes Rights Organization called “Periwin-
series of protests against Wheat Harvest from kle” (Ririchun) and it increased the
justification for Wheat Harvest. (Women’s
a feminist perspective.
Voice 2012, 4)
The article listed five major protests against
Wheat Harvest, among which three took place Therefore, not only some individual, but the
in 2009 respectively at the Yunfest Documen- whole “documentary industry” became the tar-
tary Festival in Kunming in late March, in the get of feminist protests. The protests against
Iberian Art Center in Beijing on 12 March, Wheat Harvest were developed in two periods,
and at the China Documentary Festival held one in the year of 2009, and the other from
in Hong Kong in May. Later, the protests were the conference at Fudan University in Decem-
also seen at the International Conference on ber 2011–2012. There were some movements
Chinese Women and Visual Representation in mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan in 2009.
held in Fudan University in December 2011 The Fudan conference in 2011sparked heated
and in the screening of Shattered (2012) discussions and debates on the Internet, such
directed by Xu Tong in Beijing on 7 January as Sina weibo, the most popular social network-
2012. Many feminist NGOs from both main- ing site, where I myself was attacked for some
land and Hong Kong such as Ziteng, Wuyelan, times on my dual roles as a documentary
and Zizhibalou participated in these protests. researcher and feminist. In fact, I was not
Among them, the protest in Hong Kong was alone. Professor Guo Lixin in Taiwan, a femin-
reported as the biggest by media, causing not ist, was attacked in 2009 but supported by
only the delay of the screening but also the “Periwinkle,” a Taiwan Prostitutes Rights
296 L. XINYU

Organization. However, no academic respond me for the control of speech as the chairwoman.
has been made in the successive protests to She told others that she was only a powerless
the voice supporting Wheat Harvest, which protester for feminism and said that
was the right intention that I set Wheat Harvest
As power matters, I have limited time to
as the special topic for the conference. Instead, express my idea and I know unlike those dis-
Wheat Harvest has confronted many protestant tinguished guests I am only an ordinary audi-
movements and moral allegations. This model ence and not allowed to speak more, but I
was repeated at the Fudan conference. Never- suggest you consider more about the relation-
theless, in their opinion, these protests “didn’t ship between the ethics of documentaries and
human rights. What I said has offended the
decrease the mania and passion of the middle chairwoman and she is unhappy. Lu Xinyu
class’ academic interest in the revelation of the think that I’ve not only disrupted the order
privacy of the lowest rung, which was only for of the conference, but also questioned the
fun” (Ermao 2012).1 arrangement of the conference because I
After the Fudan conference, two videos were think this film should not have been shown
here. (Yi Yuan Community 2012)
uploaded by Yi Yuan Community, a feminist
NGO mainly run by Lu Pin. One was entitled It is a pity that she did not tell the truth. Actu-
“I Know What You Have Done at Fudan Uni- ally, the conference attached great importance
versity”2 and another recorded the protest by to the participation of Lu Pin as a feminist.
flash mob wearing masks against Shattered by She was a special observer and paper reviewer
Xu Tong.3 for the conference and was invited by Professor
The video “I Know What You Have Done at Wang from University of Michigan. The con-
Fudan University” was based on one of Lu Pin’s ference covered her air tickets and accommo-
interviews. She accounted what happened to dation. The discussion was actually not in my
Wheat Harvest at Fudan University from a fem- control but in Lu Pin’s, whose speech trans-
inist’s perspective, which was indeed an attack formed the conference into a one-sided moral
against the conference. The video was followed trial. In order to emphasize the moral side, she
by many posts singing highly of Lu Pin’s put herself at the place of an underdog, while
account. They claimed that concise as Lu Pin’s made me the target of an attack on hegemony
interview was, it sharply criticized Xu Tong’s – I am quite familiar with the debate of this
arrogance as a mid-class chauvinist despising model.
and cheating prostitutes, Lu Xinyu’s pseudo- The show of Wheat Harvest is not a self-con-
neutral stance fully representing the curiosity tained part, but a part of a special panel on
and indifference of academic feminists, and Wheat Harvest, without which the panel could
Guo Lixin’s so-called equality with prostitutes. not be complete. After the show, three paper
Some parts in Lu Pin’s video need further submitters made speeches, including Professor
clarification. Firstly, she twice accused Xu Guo. In the following open discussion, I said
Tong of visiting the “beauty parlor” as a custo- as the chair “We are glad to hear different
mer rather than a director. She attacked Pro- opinions.” Hardly had my voice faded away,
fessor Guo Lixin’s criticism on protesters with Lu Pin rushed to the stage and began to make
the mid-class moral clearness by defending impassioned speech. After she finished, she
that unlike the middle class who consumed returned to her seat accompanied by warm
the lower class, she as a feminist well under- applauses. However, when Guo Lixin was reply-
stood the living situation of the prostitutes. ing to her, Lu Pin reproached him at her seat
She unfaithfully depicted the discussion about “You can’t be more frivolous! You can’t be
Wheat Harvest in the conference and criticized more frivolous!” She also shouted “We are not

so frivolous as you!” She interrupted Guo’s talk- Indeed, in the previous disputes over Wheat
ing for several times, breaking the progress of Harvest, I had never claimed that I took a neu-
the conference. The conference was in chaos, tral stance. However, when I witnessed the
filled with hisses and applauses. attack on Wheat Harvest by moral judgement
An academic discussion turned into personal and verbal violence, I chose to side with
abuses. I was extremely shocked by this scene. Wheat Harvest.4 I stated in Sina blog that
Later on, I tried to stop Lu Pin, warning that Wheat Harvest can of course be criticized, but
feminists should not kidnap and attack others’ the criticism cannot go to such extreme as boy-
dignity by using moral judgments. After that, cotting the film. Actually, the discussion about
Professor Wang reminded me that I used the ethics of documentaries has been a heated
“you” in front of the feminist – I didn’t realize topic these years and there are quite a few
it at that time. Maybe it was because things hap- serious discussions on it. The theme of this con-
pened so suddenly that I unconsciously distin- ference is to re-discuss it under the framework
guished myself from this feminist. of feminism instead of stopping documentaries
Although I wanted to control the conference, in the name of feminism.
I found it impossible. In fact, I had no chance to Lu Pin retorted “Why don’t we let them
express my own opinion all the time. At the end shoot the documentaries by themselves? Why
of the conference when I intended to say some- don’t we let them shoot us? Why do we have
thing, people shouted “Let Xu Tong talk! We to shoot them to satisfy us? It feels like that
want to hear the director’s voice!” – Actually, we are committing ourselves to a significant
I was deprived of the right of speech, but not cause.” Her questions are based on the hypoth-
the opposite. At this time, Xu Tong was record- esis that any video concerning prostitutes is
ing the conference with a camcorder. unjustifiable. Therefore, it is only valid when
Obviously, he was unwilling to talk, but they they shoot themselves or us. There are fallacies
forced Xu to apologize and admit his crime. in Lu Pin’s arguments. Firstly, she didn’t know
Of course, I was clear that this was an oppres- the fact that there have already been many
sive situation. But as the chair, I submitted tries in making documentaries where the photo-
and handed the microphone to Xu. Xu Tong graphed shoot themselves, but many problems
described his relationship with Miao Miao, the emerged.
filmed subject. Xu said Miao Miao had given Secondly, she rejected the major role of the
birth to a baby and shared the good news with documentary director. By doing so not only
him, and he congratulated her and gave her a denied a film but also the history of the global
sum of money. Xu attempted to show they documentaries. It is unreasonable that feminist
had mutual trust with each other, boycotting protesters regarded their action as exclusively
the mass criticism toward him in an indirect politically valid and lacked reflection on the
way. Xu’s behaviors and words didn’t satisfy movement. It is even dangerous to suppress
the audience and were later criticized as arro- academic criticism by using action.
gant and indifferent on the Internet. His record- Lu Pin criticized that Lu Xinyu, a middle
ing at the conference was also intensely class, did fantasy grouping together with others.
questioned. Afterward, he explained that he She also criticized that Xu Tong filmed Wheat
recorded this scene for the material of his next Harvest from a biased view of male supervisor,
documentary. His documentaries always stir manifesting a relationship between a prostitute
controversies, and I will mention it later. This and a male customer. Besides, the scholarly
can be taken as Xu Tong’s way of responding feminism should be challenged since they can-
as a filmmaker. not be as powerful as pure feminism. She also
298 L. XINYU

held that academic discussion is a kind of privi- apologize, they would not only boycott the docu-
lege. How could it reveal others’ privacy in the mentary Wheat Harvest but also him. Actually, if
name of academy? Therefore, the argumenta- the protesters would have watched Wheat Har-
tion between Lu Pin and Lu Xinyu reflects the vest, they might have different understandings
difference between position and caste. Is it of the innovative way of shooting Wheat Harvest.
necessary to care for the bottom layer and in Likewise, they showed no more interest in Bing
what way? How should we get along with Ai and When the Bough Breaks in the Fudan
these people? How could Xu Tong attend the conference. I was really sorry for that. How
conference representing male chauvinism and could the dialogue on the documentaries go if
why? He should be expelled out of the confer- the participants refuse to watch them?
ence room! The Fudan conference was Only one protester remained and finished
described as an example in which the middle- watching the film. She admitted that Xu Tong
class feminists suppressed the bottom society was well-mannered and honest in answering
by grouping with the male chauvinism. questions in the Q&A session. However, who
Obviously, the feminist activists took a domi- really annoyed her was not Xu Tong but the
nant position to “purify” feminism and expel sex worker Tang Xiaoyan, a filmed subject in
the dissidents. both Shattered and Fortune Teller (2009). It
It is also a pity that Lu Pin didn’t quote Guo was the fierce protests against Wheat Harvest
Lixin’s speech faithfully. She claimed that Guo that urged Xu Tong to invite Tang Xiaoyan to
said “You know that people in the bottom attend screenings and discussions about Shat-
caste like telling lies!” She also claimed that tered and Fortune Teller, the other two in
Guo insisted that Ge Ge was a bad girl and we Homeless Trilogy both at home and abroad.
were not responsible to protect her right. Such They were invited to a talk show “Behind the
“political validity” is bound to leave stigma on Headlines” with Wentao in Phoenix’s TV.
Guo, and Lu Pin further argued that she bore Tang Xiaoyan will also be the main character
the proper right to reproach Guo since Guo of Xu Tong’s next film. He took the video cam-
“slandered” somebody in absence. era to record the reactions and replies of Tang
Lu Pin and her group stresses the political Xiaoyan, also on such situations as in Fudan
nature of “We” and the importance of taking conference, where Tang didn’t show up, but
people in the bottom class as subjects, mean- the dispute was centered on her.
while claiming that the filmmakers had no What bewildered the protester was the reac-
right to represent “We.” This is naturally the tion of Tang Xiaoyan. She rushed to the protester
core topic for feminists. However, when the and yelled at her “You ruined my show!” Just a
feminists questioned the filmmakers because moment ago, the protester had criticized the
of their mid-class status, they themselves may use of “We” by a speaker who said “We are not
also be questioned in the same way. These fem- afraid of being exposed to the media since We
inists are middle class, aren’t they? have nothing.” However, when Tang Xiaoyan,
On 1 January 2012, a Mask Squad with the the proper representative of “We,” was in front
slogan “Flash Action, boycotting Xu Tong” of her, she was completely at a loss. Obviously,
shouted in front of lens “Long Live Feminism” her criticism was targeted at Xu Tong and the
in “One-Way Street Bookshop” in Beijing speaker, bearing no relation to “Sister Eryan”
where Shattered showed. The protest was to (the protester mistook Tang Xiaoyan as Tang
reveal some hidden sides of Xu Tong. After scat- Eryan since she could only recall Yan in the
tering leaflets, the Squad dismissed themselves, name). The protester wondered how Tang Xiao-
showing no interest in Xu Tong’s invitation to yan did not line with her both as a female and a
watch Shattered. They said if Xu Tong didn’t sex worker who was assumed to be badly hurt by

being shot in the film. At last, she brought an documentaries and something like them must
unexpected and frightened end to the protest. not offend the right of privacy. Ge Ge did not
How ironic the protest was! Evidently, the pro- dare to sue Xu Tong in fear that her privacy
test clearly demonstrated the ethical dilemma would be further exposed to the public. So, any-
these feminists are trapped in that they also fail one who had a conscience should not shoot those
to represent “We.” who are not able to protect themselves from
“Subalterns, ‘Hypocrisy’ and Documentary being exposed. For the documentary directors,
Ethics: on the Controversies over Wheat Har- it is a part of their work to get the permission.
vest” (Women’s Voice 2012, 4–7) summed up If they cannot get the permission, then just as
seven arguments for independent documen- Xu Tong said, do not shoot.
taries. First, protesting against Wheat Harvest To be honest, although the summary is not
was restraining the freedom of speech. Second, objective and comprehensive, it still clarifies
the protests were assumed to be mainly based some problems.
on mid-class’ inappropriate sexual morality as
well as their hypocrisy. Third, there were no
Perspective of independent
laws or regulations against shooting and releas-
documentaries and the position of
ing documentaries. Fourth, Ge Ge’s words that
she was physically and mentally hurt were far
from the truth. Fifth, Wheat Harvest offered I sincerely hope that feminist protesters could
the audience a chance of knowing what a true voluntarily understand the working way and
China is and recognizing the living condition condition of independent documentary makers
of people who are marginalized and ignored. in China so as to avoid many misunderstand-
Therefore, the film should be fully approved ings. A group of independent documentary
and the value of it has been proved since many directors emerged in New Documentary Move-
audiences are either moved or shocked. Sixth, ment in late 1980s. They pay much attention to
due to the great value of the film, the risk of independent self-awareness and exploring the
harming a minority of people can be accepted. bottom rung of society to depict the real life
Finally, Wheat Harvest has only screened in in China. Most of them live on their slim sav-
some limited venues, which actually prevents ings. Xu Tong, for instance, sold his house
the characters in the film from being hurt. The property in Beijing to finance his documentary
article claims that the seven arguments above films. Although he has gained many awards
are all groundless. Reasons are as follows. both at home and broad after shooting his
Firstly, the protesters advocate responsible Homeless Trilogy, he was still short of money
shooting, decent show and moral audience, even for his basic daily life. Actually, this is
rather than restricting the freedom of speech. the problem most independent documentary
They hold that it is irresponsible to show a film directors in China are confronted with and Xu
in public since invades privacy. Secondly, the Tong is no exception to it.
protesters are not from the middle class, nor Xu Tong made his directorial debut with
are they afraid of the exposure of the sex workers Wheat Harvest. Before that, Xu Tong graduated
to the public. The protesters care little about from Communication University of China with
whether such subjects as Niu Niu and Ge Ge a major in film in 1987. After graduation he
are moral or not, nor do they care whether the failed to land a job in TV stations. He tried
film shows appropriate respects to sex workers. many different jobs, which helped him gain a
What really matters to them is whether the deep understanding of the society. Afterward,
film invades the privacy. Lastly, as the protection he had been engaged in the field of modern
of privacy is based on laws and ethics, the arts for a couple of years and quitted in 2007
300 L. XINYU

because he considered modern arts catering to The smallest shooting distance of Wheat
western tastes and bearing no relation at all Harvest is 30 centimeters, which is not only
with the real life. Then, he embarked on writing employed by Xu Tong. The directors of When
novel. To get inspiration and experience, he the Bough Breaks and Bing Ai also lived together
often went to Beijing’s eastern suburbs called with the photographed for a long time. Such
Gaobeidian near Communication University of method is actually taken by many Chinese inde-
China, where he got acquainted with Miao pendent documentary makers, which however
Miao, who later became the leading character is bound not to be commercialized since it is
in Wheat Harvest. In Xu Tong’s mind, his life quite difficult to estimate the cost. It is not
situation resembled Miao Miao’s closely, which accepted by the well specialized and commer-
further deepened their relationship and also cialized western markets. No market means no
helped him get access to the life of more people investment. Nevertheless, it was the regardless-
around Miao Miao. After knowing that Xu ness of cost and sincerity that helped create a
Tong was a filmmaker, she asked him to shoot large quantity of excellent works in the New
her. Therefore, “living while shooting” began. Documentary Movement, presenting a com-
That is the story of Xu Tong. When he began liv- plete and rich picture of the life in bottom
ing with the bottom rung of the society, he met rung of modern China.
not only his subjects but also documentary. As The directors of independent documentary
a result, “Xu Tong’s life unconsciously inter- in China have acquired an equal view through
twined with people like Miao Miao. Sometimes, a long-time living with the photographed,
Xu Tong could not even identify himself. which is typically stated in Xu Tong’s words
When being with Miao Miao and her friends, There is no need to specify one’s position,
he was usually mistaken as a customer” (Wang either as a director or a customer. First of all,
2011). The feeling of “getting back to the real I am an ordinary man. After getting along
life” or getting as close to the photographed as with Miao Miao and her friends, I found
possible helps Xu Tong get clearer about the that their life was no big difference from
mine, and Miao Miao and her friends were
direction of his filmmaking and way of shooting.
more experienced in society and mature in
It is generally assumed that some distance is thought. I kept the camera on all day and
needed between the photographer and the documented Miao Miao day after day. For
photographed, and otherwise the photographed most of time, Miao Miao and I even forgot
will be easily influenced by showing rather than that we were the photographer and the photo-
pure presenting, which might eventually ruin graphed. (Wang 2011)
the authenticity of documents. But it is sheer Accordingly, the documentary could not be
ridiculous that the photographer could prevent made by secrete photography. On the contrary,
the photographed from acting by shooting from the shooting should be based on trust and
a certain distance. Are the photographed idiots? mutual understanding. Therefore, Wheat Har-
Don’t they know that you are shooting them vest was definitely not a “stolen” one as was
when you are five meters away holding a cam- accused of in the article mentioned above. Fur-
era? This is simply exposing what you intend thermore, these independent documentary
to hide. The photographer is not a fly perching directors also don’t like signing a contract
on the wall, but a human being. Only when liv- with the photographed at the very beginning,
ing with the photographed, will you be trusted which in their mind is reduced to a sheer com-
and shared with what is in the deep of their mercial relation between the photographer and
hearts, which is the most natural way (see the photographed, thus changing the feature of
Wang 2011). “walking and communicating” they pursue in

documents. It is not only about the birth of a sparked protests among the audiences at the
documentary, but more about the explorations Yunfest. So, in the later edition, this scene was
the directors make into life. In this significance, cut out. In fact, Xu Tong kept this scene to pre-
a piece of contract usually impairs the richness sent a complete process of the development of
of documentary. On the contrary, the con- the relationship between the photographer and
tracted shooting is to ensure the realization of the photographed from alerting to relaxing. In
costs. Consequently, the contracts are signed my opinion, cutting out this scene has done
mainly to guarantee the profits of the sponsor harm to the documentary. Guo further claimed
and the smooth going of shooting rather than that if Xu Tong pretended to be innocent, he
to protect the rights of the subjects. would not have kept this scene at the very
“Living with the bottom rung” was a kind of beginning. What’s more, the living condition
practice taken by Xu Tong to seek truth, which of Ge Ge displayed in this documentary was
involves courage, ideality and experience. How- so real in life that it could not be photographed
ever, Xu Tong’s parents didn’t understand it. In secretly but being allowed. A large gap lied
their minds, how could their son mingle with between the charge made by Ge Ge on the Inter-
such people of lower classes as sex workers all net and what was shown in the film. Is there a
day regardless of the great efforts parents had possibility that she does not want the documen-
made to support his college education? How- tary to be screened because it documents her
ever, the bottom layer is where the dark side disgraceful life?
of the society exists. Xu Tong’s contribution Besides, is it possible that as Wheat Harvest
lies in revealing a vagrant society in China in aroused protests when screened at the Yunfest,
the Homeless Trilogy and working on these Ge Ge found it a good chance to get some
films was filled with challenges and dangers. benefits from Xu Tong by charging the director
Actually, the depth Xu Tong’s films explore with secret photography and infringement?
into on the life of people in the bottom goes Some may think that my speculations on Ge
far beyond those movements carried out by Ge were subjective and vicious. Of course, not
most Chinese feminists, which, in fact, is also all my statements are correct, but what if there
seen in When the Bough Breaks and Bing Ai. is some possibility that they are true? If what I
But why was only Wheat Harvest alone to be said might be partially true, how could the pro-
accused by feminists. Was it because that the testers and critics in mainland, Hong Kong and
director is male? Should a male’s point of view Taiwan ignore these possibilities and blindly
necessarily be Chauvinism? believed Ge Ge and those spread on the Inter-
The key criticism was related to a filmed sub- net? Why must “Ge Ge” be kind-hearted and
ject called Ge Ge in Wheat Harvest, a friend of innocent as a hurt angel?
Miao Miao. Ge Ge fell in love with Miao Miao’s Professor Guo stressed that the simple and
boyfriend, which harmed the friendship rigid dichotomy between capitalist and laborer,
between the two girls and made Miao Miao sor- exploiter and exploitee, mainstream and non-
rowful. Professor Guo Lixin was interrupted by mainstream, upper class and under class
Lu Pin when he was talking about Ge Ge. Guo might lead to the failure in understanding the
held that secret photography was impossible. complexity of human nature and under class,
In the earliest edition of Wheat Harvest, Ge since capitalist, exploiter and upper class are
Ge once yelled at the lens “Stop shooting! Or mechanically taken as evil while the opposite
delete it!” In the Q&A session after Wheat Har- party is kind, innocent and moral. Therefore,
vest was shown in Taiwan, Xu Tong explained unlike Lu Pin’s accusation, Guo’s opinion was
that the reason why he kept this scene was for that people in each class including the under
its authenticity. But it was this scene that one are likely to lie. The political correction
302 L. XINYU

based on moral principle is very dangerous, spouse might know her prostitute background
which may precisely cover the problem. In the from the film. Another version was that Ge
history of documentary, there were many legal Ge was beaten and locked up by her boyfriend
disputes between the photographer and the after he knew she was a sex worker, which I
photographed even though a contract was could not found on the Internet, nor was it
signed. It is resulted from the complex relation- mentioned in “Subalterns, ‘Hypocrisy’ and
ship between the unique but complex feature of Documentary Ethics: on the Controversies
the documentary and the reality, which cannot over Wheat Harvest.” In Lu Pin’s video, a
be solved by any contract at any time. This middle-aged woman and last speaker in the
was the destiny of documentary or its original conference said with deep sympathy that if Ge
sin. However, we cannot sentence the docu- Ge was your family, you would definitely hope
mentary to death. It was this original sin that that the film should be forbidden. The heated
kept the tension between the real life and the discussion was suddenly stopped by her speech.
film, thus making “reality” an everlasting source Actually, it had to be over because time was up.
of power and contributing to human being’s The accusation of Xu Tong above was made
endless revelation of reality. It was impossible because Ge Ge was regarded as the weak. Just
that the documentary only displayed the posi- imagine that her privacy was exposed by other
tive side, which was not only against the real ways than the documentary and she was beat
life but also against the ethics of the documen- by her boyfriend after he knew her privacy,
tary. In When the Bough Breaks, Ji Dan depicts which line would the feminists stand? To
an arbitrary father. Why didn’t the feminist stand with the boyfriend or to criticize his vio-
come out to protest against it? lence? And those who thought that the family
As the above-mentioned said, Ge Ge left a should not be exposed actually considered sex
large amount of words full of indignation and workers disgraceful. Therefore, it sounded
panic on the Internet. In summer of 2009, rational that sex workers should be beaten
some NGO workers at the Yunfest and in Beij- after being exposed. The key problem was
ing against this documentary met Ge Ge and who does harm to Ge Ge if she was a victim.
recorded her charges, most of which were actu- In fact, when the feminists fought for Ge Ge’s
ally not released. Those posted on the Internet rights as the weak, they were not aware that
were some without clear sources. I searched they unconsciously copied the logic of male
the Internet and got three short articles on Dou- chauvinism. However, which power on earth
ban, one of which was posted by “Scolding Xu made Ge Ge and people like her suffer? The
Tong Only,” the net name of Ge Ge.5 However, question has not been answered at all! On the
it is clear that what was posted by “Scolding Xu contrary, the documentary is blamed for and
Tong Only” was not in line with what was told even to be prohibited. How ridiculous it is! In
by Ge Ge mentioned above. The above-men- this sense, it proves rather than denies Professor
tioned claimed that Ge Ge did not sue Xu Guo’s argument that it is mainly out of mid-
Tong because she worried about the further rev- class’ moral clearness. Guo argued if feminists
elation of privacy. But the article “Can 50,000 really wanted to safeguard the legitimacy of
Yuan Solve Wheat Harvest problem and Buy prostitution, why did they stigmatize the direc-
My Esteem?”6 posted by “Scolding Xu Tong tors as whoremongers? It is obvious that both
Only” said that the reason was about money, the whoremonger and the whore are dirty
stressing that it was the lack of money rather names. On the other hand, it was not under-
than privacy that kept her from suing Xu standable to expose the privacy of the directors
Tong. However, Lu Pin said that Ge Ge stopped to protect the privacy of sex workers. Even
the film because she worried that her future though the directors were whoremongers, why

did not they go to some places that match their Hong Kong was a city without documentary
middle-class status? (see Wang 2012). Zhang Hong sold her house
Since Wheat Harvest tells stories of prosti- property to shoot documentary films for fulfill-
tutes, an illegal profession in China, the docu- ing her “little idealism” (see “Interview with
mentary is thus not allowed to screen Director” 2013). I had been to her studio, Vis-
nationwide on a large scale. I learned from Xu ible Record Film Studio, run by a director and
Tong that the film has been shown no more a photographer together with some volunteers.
than five times at home, including the show at The studio was just a narrow and shabby
Fudan University. Therefore, it was groundless room led by long and dim stairs outside. To
to accuse Xu Tong of shooting the film on sen- maintain the operation of the studio, they had
sitive topics for fruitful commercial profits. to charge for the tickets at the festival. Lu
Besides, there was little possibility for the audi- Pin’s accusation that charging for the tickets
ence to meet the characters in the film in real was a kind of business was quite careless
life if it hadn’t been revolved into a public affair. because she did not realize that she hurt not
After the protests of the feminists, Xu Tong only Zhang Hong, but also a true feminist. On
tried his utmost and reacted quickly to abridge 8 September 2013, Trilogy of Family Violence
the film and prevent it from being spread on by director Guo Xiaoyun from Taiwan was
the Internet. He also promised to stop public shown at the Chinese Documentary Festival,
screening in China. This time I asked special which was followed by a heated discussion
permission from Xu Tong because the discus- attended by social workers and women victims
sion would be impossible if we didn’t watch from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao. Lu Pin
the film. And it is required that the taking criticized that Zhang Hong took the opportu-
photos be not allowed in the conference. The nity to hype the festival. It was unfair. Actually,
measures above showed great respects for the it was not Zhang Hong but the feminist protes-
will of feminists. ters, including Lu Ping herself, who made
However, the feminists did not think this Wheat Harvest a spotlight as they spared no
way. On the one hand, they protested that the efforts to boycott the film.
privacy of Ge Ge was exposed. On the other
hand, it was the protest in Hong Kong, Taiwan
Why is there no feminist Chinese
and the Chinese mainland that attracted the
female director?
public focus on Wheat Harvest and a great
number of reports about it, which was regarded One related fact worth mentioning is that Chi-
as a sign of success of the feminist protests. nese women directors of documentary were
After it was promised that Wheat Harvest always asked whether there was feminist con-
would not be shown in China, the Mask move- sciousness in their works. Generally speaking,
ment went against this original intention by giv- they would answer no. Even if there was, it
ing out the leaflets to boycott the film. Wheat was admitted quite later. But actually a kind of
Harvest was shown at the Chinese Documen- “unconscious feminism” perspective is easily
tary Festival founded by Hong Kong indepen- recognized in their works. This perspective
dent documentary director Zhang Hong in echoes with some theories of feminism, but
Hong Kong in 2009. The festival did not give also differs from them in other aspects. It is
any money to the winner. Those who knew rather interesting. However, few previous fem-
the truth of the development of Hong Kong inist theories have ever touched upon it, nor
documentary really understood the tough con- have rational explanations been proposed. On
dition of Hong Kong documentary in the com- the contrary, the anxiety on the absence of fem-
mercial environment. Zhang Hong pitied that inism and enlightenment consciousness of
304 L. XINYU

feminism is getting strengthened. Inside the intimate life. Though living with her husband,
feminism circle, there were rarely self-examin- Bing Ai never slept with her husband side by
ation and criticism from the opposite side and barely had intimate touches with her
perspective. husband. Feng Yan once took her to hospital
A participant of the Fudan conference to diagnose whether she had sexual frigidity or
deemed that Bing Ai by Feng Yan almost res- not. The medical report showed that she was
cued the whole meeting, which was disturbed healthy. Although she determined to make her
by the heated disputes over Wheat Harvest. family harmonious, she did not love her hus-
Bing Ai moved almost all the audience. The band at all. She still missed her first love. So,
story is about the relationship between land she asked for Feng Yan’s opinion whether she
and traditional Chinese women. Resembled should divorce her husband. In Feng Yan’s
with the fertile land, women in the story also mind, Bing Ai still has desire as a woman. She
feature persistent, enduring and resilient. Bing regretted saying something against Bing Ai’s
Ai’s husband was fragile with illness, so she husband. She told her that she should devoice
took all the heavy farm work by herself. But in and give up her marriage. What’s more, Feng
front of the other people, she was fighting to Yan told her that her child was old enough
keep her husband’s face. As a traditional and she needed not worry too much. However,
woman she is, Bing Ai is struggling against after a second thought, Bing Ai decided not to
many modern problems for her family based change her life. Hours later, Bing Ai’s husband
on traditional family ethics. In a family where came out to take her home. Seeing the husband
the man failed to be a bread earner, Bing Ai at that moment embarrassed the two women.
played the role of a man and endeavored to safe- At the end of the documentary, Bing Ai was
guard her family’s integrity. Why does such a together with her husband by the river like a
female move us? A female director from urban gentle and obedient lady, which Feng Yan
area with modern education devoted her thought was to conceal her inner guilty. Later
emotion and efforts to this country woman on, when the document was screened in
bearing traditional virtues. In this documentary, Chongqing, Bing Ai was present. One of the
feminism seemed to be hibernated since either audiences asked her if there were afterlife,
the director or the audience was unwilling to what kind of life she would prefer. Bing Ai
criticize Bing Ai under feminism. Two plots replied that she only wanted to live a life with
intertwine in the story: one was the develop- love. At the last scene in the documentary,
ment of Bing Ai’s emotion, the other on her Bing Ai, sitting on a beach, cleaned a pear
struggles to protect her family. There was sort with hand and handed it to her husband. It
of tension between the two storylines, which was quite unexpected to see such a warm and
contributed greatly to the forge of a charismatic touching moment from the story.
woman. In other words, it was the sacrifice of Therefore, there was actually a hidden frame
feminism that helps build up a touching figure. in Bing Ai, a repressed frame of feminism. Once
Similarly, Miao Miao in Wheat Harvest gave all the frame was unveiled, the narration of the
of her money to her family to pay for her whole film would collapse. We, the present fem-
father’s medical costs. It was exactly typically a inist audiences, however, were all moved by the
traditional filial daughter who sacrificed herself repressed frame. What does it imply? Why did
to save her father. the director and Bing Ai feel guilty when seeing
When answering questions from the audi- the husband coming out to meet the wife?
ences at the Fudan conference, Feng Yan Could we put all of this to women’s lack of sub-
referred to a four-hour talk between Bing Ai ject consciousness as was often criticized at by
and her, where they discussed Bing Ai’s feminism critics? Are we not genuine feminists?

Or are we Chinese feminists not competent to it is this family itself that knows what it really
understand the story like this? needs, but not others including me.
In When the Bough Breaks, there seemed to Why is the subsidy based on feminism harmful
be a more dynamic line on feminism, which to the sisters and the brother? To what extent
was overwhelmed by more complicated lines. can Chinese feminism help those in need?
The director did not stand on an overt feminism In the forum of the independent documen-
position, but adopted a prudent and realistic tary show in Nanjing, we discussed with Ji
attitude. Dan on how to understand the patriarchal pro-
After watching the documentary at the blem in When the Bough Breaks. Professor Guo
Fudan conference, Ji Dan quoted one sentence Lixin, a feminist from Taiwan, particularly
from One Hundred Year’s Solitude by Marquez: asked Ji Dan:
“The world was so new that many things still
lacked names, and to mention them, one had What do you expect us to reflect on the family
to point with a finger.” “I deem that Chinese in When the Bough Breaks? […] To be specific,
you said after the screening that the father
documentaries are just naming some old things from the bottom rung of society was typical,
which we consider indifferent and apathetic, or dominant and bossy but meanwhile he also
something we do not know.” Afterward, she cooked breakfast for his children. We could
referred to some documentaries including not see how he expressed his paternal love in
Bing Ai. She made an important statement on the film. We could only see the absolute auth-
ority and despotism of him. His children and
the modern Chinese documentary and her
wife could hardly bear him but they had to
way of creating films: accept it. They were not willing to fight against
him. How could we criticize such absolute
Before naming something, as the moment I
entered a dark house, I just want to see the
darkest side, expelling all my subjective pre- The father earned money for the family, but it
suppositions, my rationality and my eagerness could not be the reason for his bossiness. In
to find a solution. All I need to do is look front of the lens, to what degree did he act?
around with my eyes and listen with my If there was no acting, might the absolute
ears. As for making this documentary, I was paternity be justified by the documentary?
not attempted to reflect social problems, but What did the documentary attempt to convey
deliver the feeling in the dark air to the us and what is your moral position?
It seemed that Ji Dan did not answer these
“Feminism” was one of the things expelled.
questions directly. She said
The leading roles of this documentary are two
twin sisters, who try their utmost to afford col- I was always puzzled by this contradiction,
lege education for their younger brother. After including the relationship between the photo-
the elder sister was raped and disappeared, graphed and me. Sometimes, I considered it a
judo match, or even a war. Sometimes, it
they suffered a lot. Once a Chinese American looked like a family, a complex marital
had planned to support their schooling, but relationship. I tried my best not to judge
eventually he refused to support the boy’s edu- their life when I made this movie. What we
cation since whom he insisted on aiding were should face was the documentary itself,
actually the twin sisters rather than the boy. Ji whether it was good or not and whether it
was worth watching. As for the questions
Dan emphasized:
you just mentioned, I thought I could not
I witnessed by myself how his words did harm give you definite answers as I hoped each indi-
to the sisters and the brother. He did not vidual audience could share my time with the
understand the reality of China. I think only family and have their different feelings and
306 L. XINYU

thoughts after they watched the film. Through Thus, it is unlikely to separate feminism from
shooting them and establishing relationship other issues. In the process of great changes in
with them, I made this film. China, the old social security system collapsed,
The complexity of this documentary lies in so people at the bottom society could only
two aspects. On the one hand, we could see depend on the blood bond to help each other,
the subjectivity in the twin sisters since they which is a bleak tragedy. Therefore, the femin-
had particularly strong wills to struggle with ism based on liberation and freedom of
life. On the other hand, what they wanted women is difficult to function in China.
most was to send their younger brother to uni- At the Fudan conference, Professor Wang
versity. It seemed to be a paradox, namely they Zheng and I had a common dream that we
expressed their subjectivity by sacrificing it. At could resume the discussion on “class” and
the last scene, while the two sisters held critical “socialism” in feminism, which can no longer
attitude to the paternity, but they rose to safe- be avoided as many problems in both theories
guard paternity when the son had conflict and practices emerge in Chinese feminism. In
with father. This kind of paternity in bottom western countries, the feminism was in full
class was the question raised by this documen- swing in 1960s but waned in the twenty-first
tary. The father at the bottom of society had century. In recent years, the feminists had
totally lost his way of maintaining his self-con- reflected on the relationship between the second
fidence and authority as he had failed in life all wave of feminism and new liberalism and glo-
the time, so he employed a pathological way to balization of capitalism (see Su 2013). In
demonstrate his paternity in the family. He sup- China, the feminism was developed on the
pressed other members in the family, which he second wave and the difficulties encountered
knew would make others sick and sulky, but to were also related to it. Therefore, it is urgent
his surprise others were very cooperative. Actu- for Chinese feminism to reflect on the relation-
ally, others understood that he was just acting to ship between feminism and Chinese reality and
defend his paternity. Is this to secure, pity or how to communicate with all kinds of critics. In
overthrow paternity? Different people had the development of feminism in China, female
different understandings. This is the reality of issue has never been isolated from other social
the paternity in China, especially at the bottom and political movements. Therefore, Chinese
society. feminists have to ponder over solutions to the
Professor Guo Lixin chaired the discussion problems in China through a thorough investi-
after the show of When the Bough Breaks in gation into the influence of new thoughts of the
Fudan University. Liu Hong, a prestigious artist second wave on Chinese feminism.
and professor in University of Michigan, said The Chinese independent documentary
that she had a great respect for all the characters directors mingled with people at the bottom
in the film and pity for their sufferings, society and were responsible for recording
especially for the father. Professor Guo broke in “original sins” hidden in society. This could be
seen in how to define the nature of sex work.
I was not satisfied that the paternity in the film Some claimed that sex work should be legiti-
hadn’t been blamed. But now it just occurs to mated in China as prostitution was common
me that it is unfair to use feminism to judge on
and should be endorsed by laws to protect rights
the father. We should extend our gratitude to
the independent documentary directors of the prostitutes. However, is it possible to get
because it is they who have offered us an rid of the discrimination against sex workers in
opportunity of understanding the complex the market? No. Many sex workers were bullied
relationship between feminism and different and suppressed, and even raped and trafficked,
kinds of social and political issues in China. which could not be solved by market. Therefore,

legalizing prostitution might not only be mis- some voluntary sex workers are not to be res-
leading, but also cover the real source of cued. Therefore, it could be seen that documen-
inequality. In other words, legalizing sex work taries, as a part of social activity, could not be
meanwhile justifies the social source of inequal- isolated from power, violence and inequality
ity. This was the real problem. in society. The legitimacy of sex work could
At the conference, Marina Svensson, a Swed- not really better the situation since many
ish scholar, compared Wheat Harvest with females are forced to be prostitutes. All these
another two foreign documentary films. One problems needed to be discussed critically.
was Born into Brothels: Calcutta’s Red Light It also reminds us that if Chinese feminism
Kids (2004) shot in Kolkata, India and honored only focuses on liberating the females from
the 77th Oscar Award for Best Documentary in patriarchy in the family and the country by pla-
2005 and another Sacrifice (1998), shot in Thai- cing them in the market, it is likely that one
land and Burma. When shooting the films, the power is just replaced by another. Therefore, a
directors endeavored to change the life of the simple dichotomy mode of thinking as family/
photographed. Born into Brothels: Calcutta’s country vs. market must be discarded because
Red Light Kids recorded how the director taught the feminism issue could not be separated
kids shoot, and exhibited and published the from the inequality of social structure and the
kids’ photography in western countries. The bottom of male society that is discriminated as
film gained popularity in western countries, well, as is seen that the story of Tang Xiaoyan
but was severely criticized by Asian scholars could not be separated from the experience of
because they thought the director ignored the Li Baicheng in Fortune Teller. As long as the
environment the kids lived, had little sympathy darkness of the bottom society is still not
for their parents and did not criticize the pros- revealed and as long as the inequality of social
titution and the sexism. They said the director structure is not changed, the mission of femin-
could only save quite few kids. Actually, the ism could not be fulfilled no matter the prosti-
director himself was denounced as an external tution is legitimate or not.
helper. Sacrifice recorded interviews with sex New issues increasingly arise in the New
workers; some were forced to be a prostitute Documentary Movement’s confrontation with
and even girls below 18. Even though the film the bottom society and feminism. However, I
was shot in coordinate with NGO, it was criti- regard it as a turning point because it helps us
cized about privacy. Marina Svensson did not consider how feminism is related to the reality
mention a piece of news in February 2009 in China and how to conduct a simultaneous
from The Indian Times and later reported by development of documentaries and feminism
many Chinese media that the girl starring the so as to struggle for a more equal society.
Born into Brothels: Calcutta’s Red Light Kids These are the questions not only this uncom-
finally was reduced to a prostitute (see Xu pleted conference is faced with but also each
2009). Preeti Mukherjee, the leading role in of us should think over.
the documentary had become a prostitute in
the largest red light district of Asia while she
was excited to tears in 2005 in Kodak Theater Notes
of Los Angles as she was honored the Oscar 1. In “Why should we reject Wheat Harvest,” the
Award. It was unclear why she turned to be a author said,
prostitute, but she had been rescued by police.
Since the Yunfest Documentary Festival in
The policemen didn’t set Preeti free because 2009, the controversial documentary has
they claimed she had been a part of sex sells been boycotted but come into public view
involving many men of influence. Besides, over and over again. From Yunnan, Hong
308 L. XINYU

Kong, Taiwan, to Fudan University, each 5. For the articles, see
screening was fiercely denounced and pro- people/4551346/notes.
tested; but that didn’t decrease the mania 6. For the article, see
and passion of the middle class’ academic note/42286864/.
interest in the revelation of the privacy of the
lowest rung, which was only for fun. (Ermao
2012) Acknowledgements
2. The video briefs at the beginning, The author thanks Center for Research on Women
of Shanghai University, Nanjing-Brown Joint Pro-
In 2009, a few NGO workers set up an infor- gram in Gender Studies and the Humanities, and
mal group specifically for boycotting a docu- School of Foreign Languages of Shanghai University
mentary Wheat Harvest. They met with a for the organization of the international conference
filmed subject appearing in the documentary on “New Development of Global Capitalism and
to investigate into the filmmaking process Women’s Movement” in June 2014 and their help
and the pressure on the filmed subject caused in translating the article into English.
by the film. The group members have kept fol-
lowing up on this issue. In the International
Conference on Chinese Women and Visual Notes on contributor
Representation held in Shanghai, a group
member chanced upon a screening of the Lu Xinyu is professor and dean of the School of
film and registered a strong protest in the Communication, ECNU (East China Normal Uni-
meeting. This is what “I Know What You versity), where she also serves as senior research fel-
Have Done at Fudan University,” a feminist low. Her research is focused on the relationship
accusation of visual violence against human between visual culture in China, mass media and
rights, want to tell you. the social development. Her many writings include
Documenting China: The New Documentary Move-
3. For the video, see ment (Beijing, SDX Joint Publishing Company,
id_XMzQxMTkyNTg4.html. 2003), Writing and What It Obscures (Guiling,
4. Jia (2011) said, Guangxi Normal University Press, 2008), The New
Chinese Documentary Film Movement: For the Public
As Professor Lu Xinyu in the School of Jour- Record (as two chapters author and co-editor, Hong
nalism at Fudan University suggested, we dis- Kong University Press, 2010), and Academic, Media
cussed the topic of ethics in the 1990s because and Publicity (Shanghai, East China Normal Univer-
we hoped to better protect the filmmakers and sity Press, 2015).
the filmed. However, we now need to reflect
on the way we discuss the ethnics while the
ethnics today turned to be a violence that References
strangles the documentary directors and the
films. Many people said that Wheat Harvest Ermao 二毛. 2012. “为什么我们要抵制《麦
is a good piece but that’s not how it should 收》!?” [Why Should We Reject Wheat
be made. But if the film was made in their Harvest?!] 豆瓣电影 [Douban Movie], January
way, all people in it would have to be pixelated. 1.
Then the film would not even exist at all. The discussion/43520437/.
ethics thus traps itself and reduces to a rope “Interview with Director of Hong Kong Independent
that hangs the documentary to death. Such Documentary Films Zhang Hong: Idealism in
practice is something that I oppose. We should ‘Direct Cinema.’” [专访香港独立纪录片导演张
respect the director, who voluntarily produced 虹心存小小理想主义的“直接电影.”] 2013.
a documentary like this and assumed the, January 30. http://art.
responsibility and the burden of conscious-
ness. Only on the premise of respect, the docu- Jia, Kai 贾恺. 2011. “‘方法的焦虑:当代中国纪录
mentaries that represent the bottom society 片的困顿与出路’: 研讨会综述.” [Overview of
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Su, Hongjun 苏红军. 2013. “危险的私通:反思美 Special terms

义的关系.” [Dangerous Collusion: Reflection on Ziteng 紫藤
the Relationship Between Second-Wave Wuyelan 午夜蓝
Feminism in the U.S. and Neoliberal Global Zizhibalou 自治八楼
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Women’s Study] 3: 5–14. Gaobeidian 高碑店
Wang, Jiannan 王建南, ed. 2011. “徐童:回到生活 One-Way Street Bookshop 单向街
的第一现场” [Xu Tong: Getting Back to the Real Wheat Harvest 麦收
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html. Fortune Teller 算命
Wang, Xiaolu 王小鲁. 2012. “没有纪录片的城市” Shattered 老唐头
[A City Without Documentary Films.] 法治周末 Xu Tong 徐童
[Legal Weekly], July 18. http://www.legalweekly. Feng Yan 冯艳
cn/article_show.jsp?f_article_id=5824. Ji Dan 季丹
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理:麦收争论之例.” [Subalterns, “Hypocrisy” Lu Pin 吕频
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Xu, Simiao 徐思邈. 2009. “奥斯卡最佳纪录片女主 Zhang Xianmin 张献民
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