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tada pety
foalt / alre
belaoon exssirpeon
coirspmaon optaoerr
seitoelcn / cooitndnial stemntaet / if stemntaet
- Vocab - - - -
__________ is the act of saving information into a variable. We u
F_o_t / R__l
A _____ or ____ is a data type used to store decimal numbers. e.g
In programming, a ________ is code that performs a task or set o
e.g. print() is a ________ that displays something on the scree
e.g. int() is a ________ that converts something into an integer
In programming, a ___ is a mistake in the code.
In programming, _____ is data/information provided to a program
Se____i_n / Co______nal St____e_t / if St___m__t
In programming, this is code which contains a Boolean expression
For example:
__ a > 5:
A _______ is a data type used to store True or False.
An _______ is a data type used to store whole numbers.
e.g. 1, 5, 40, 0, -1, -4
D__a t__e
The ____ ____ is the kind of information/how information is repr
In programming, a ________ is like a box that can store data/info
C___ar___n O__r__or
A __________ ________ is the symbol or symbols usually found in
e.g. a == b checks if a and b are the same.
e.g. m != n checks if m is different to n.
e.g. x >= y checks if x is greater than or equal to y.
A ______ is a data type used to store letters, numbers and/or sym
It is always surrounded by quotation marks (dấu ngoặc kép)
e.g. "hello123"
B___ean E__r____on
A _______ __________ is a statement that can be evaluated/calcu
___________ is what we call code that has been pushed in.
We use this to group code together.
For example:
fish = 100
if fish < 50:
print("Let’s go shopping")
This code only prints "Let’s go shopping".
"Not", "enough", "fish" are grouped together by the ___________
In programming, a _________ is a value that is provided to a func
e.g. print("Hi",name) … the _________s are the string "Hi"
In programming, this is code that repeats.
In python, two ways of creating a ____ are:
for a in range(3):
nto a variable. We usually use the equal sign (=) to do this.

decimal numbers. e.g. 1.5, 100.002, 5.0

forms a task or set of tasks.

mething on the screen.
thing into an integer.

provided to a program, for example someone typing or using the mouse.

Boolean expression and only runs depending on whether it is True or False.

r False.

e numbers.

w information is represented digitally in a variable.

t can store data/information.

bols usually found in a Boolean expression, that is used to compare two pieces of da
numbers and/or symbols.
dấu ngoặc kép)

n be evaluated/calculated to either True or False.

een pushed in.

by the ___________ and all skipped because fish < 50 is false.

s provided to a function which adjusts/changes/informs what the function does.

__s are the string "Hi" and the variable name.
ue or False.

re two pieces of data.

e function does.
- Vocab - - - -
___________ is what we call code that has been pu___d in.
We use this to group code together.
For example:
fish = 100
if fish < 50:
print("Let’s go shopping")
This code only prints "Let’s go shopping".
"Not", "enough", "fish" are grouped together by the ___________
In programming, a ________ is l__e a box that can s___e d__a/inf
__________ is the act of sa___g inf_______n into a var____e. We
Se____i_n / C_n____o_al St_____nt / if S__t__e_t
In programming, this is code which contains a Boo___n exp_____
For example:
__ a > 5:
Co____i__n O_e__t_r
A __________ ________ is the symbol or symbols usually found in
e.g. a == b checks if a and b are the same.
e.g. m != n checks if m is different to n.
e.g. x >= y checks if x is greater than or equal to y.
In programming, _____ is d__a/inf_______n provided to a pro___
A _______ is a d__a t__e used to store T__e or F___e.
In programming, a ___ is a mis___e in the c__e.
A ______ is a d__a t__e used to store le___rs, nu___rs and/or sy_
It is always surrounded by quo_____n m__ks (dấu ngoặc kép)
e.g. "hello123"
An _______ is a d__a t__e used to store w___e nu___rs.
e.g. 1, 5, 40, 0, -1, -4
In programming, a ________ is code that per___ms a t__k or set o
e.g. print() is a ________ that displays something on the scree
e.g. int() is a ________ that converts something into an integer
In programming, this is code that re___ts.
In python, two ways of creating a ____ are:
for a in range(3):
B_o__an Ex______on
A _______ __________ is a statement that can be eva_____d/cal_
D__a t__e
The ____ ____ is the k__d of inf_______n/how i_f_______n is rep
F_o_t / R__l
A _____ or ____ is a d__a t__e used to store dec___l nu___rs. e.g
In programming, a _________ is a value that is pro____d to a fun_
e.g. print("Hi",name) … the _________s are the string "Hi"
een pu___d in.

by the ___________ and all skipped because fish < 50 is false.

at can s___e d__a/inf_______n.

into a var____e. We usually use the e___l s__n (=) to do this.

Boo___n exp______n and only runs dep_____g on whe___r it is T__e or F___e.

bols usually found in a Boolean expression, that is used to com___e two pieces of da

provided to a pro___m, for example someone typing or using the mouse.

or F___e.

, nu___rs and/or sy___ls.

(dấu ngoặc kép)

_e nu___rs.

___ms a t__k or set of tasks.

mething on the screen.
thing into an integer.

n be eva_____d/cal______d to either T__e or F___e.

ow i_f_______n is rep_______d dig_____y in a var____e.

dec___l nu___rs. e.g. 1.5, 100.002, 5.0

s pro____d to a fun____n which ad___ts/ch___es/in___ms what the function does

__s are the string "Hi" and the variable name.
T__e or F___e.

_e two pieces of data.

the function does.
- Vocab - - - -
A ______ is a data type used to store letters, numbers and/or sym
It is always surrounded by quotation marks (dấu ngoặc kép)
e.g. "hello123"
In programming, _____ is data/information provided to a program
__________ ________
A __________ ________ is the symbol or symbols usually found in
e.g. a == b checks if a and b are the same.
e.g. m != n checks if m is different to n.
e.g. x >= y checks if x is greater than or equal to y.
In programming, a ________ is like a box that can store data/info
____ ____
The ____ ____ is the kind of information/how information is repr
In programming, a _________ is a value that is provided to a func
e.g. print("Hi",name) … the _________s are the string "Hi"
_________ / ___________ _________ / __ _________
In programming, this is code which contains a Boolean expression
For example:
__ a > 5:
In programming, a ___ is a mistake in the code.
__________ is the act of saving information into a variable. We u
In programming, a ________ is code that performs a task or set o
e.g. print() is a ________ that displays something on the scree
e.g. int() is a ________ that converts something into an integer
___________ is what we call code that has been pushed in.
We use this to group code together.
For example:
fish = 100
if fish < 50:
print("Let’s go shopping")
This code only prints "Let’s go shopping".
"Not", "enough", "fish" are grouped together by the ___________
An _______ is a data type used to store whole numbers.
e.g. 1, 5, 40, 0, -1, -4
A _______ is a data type used to store True or False.
_____ / ____
A _____ or ____ is a data type used to store decimal numbers. e.g
In programming, this is code that repeats.
In python, two ways of creating a ____ are:
for a in range(3):
_______ __________
A _______ __________ is a statement that can be evaluated/calcu
numbers and/or symbols.
dấu ngoặc kép)

provided to a program, for example someone typing or using the mouse.

bols usually found in a Boolean expression, that is used to compare two pieces of da

t can store data/information.

w information is represented digitally in a variable.

s provided to a function which adjusts/changes/informs what the function does.

__s are the string "Hi" and the variable name.

Boolean expression and only runs depending on whether it is True or False.

nto a variable. We usually use the equal sign (=) to do this.

forms a task or set of tasks.

mething on the screen.
thing into an integer.

een pushed in.

by the ___________ and all skipped because fish < 50 is false.

e numbers.

r False.

decimal numbers. e.g. 1.5, 100.002, 5.0

n be evaluated/calculated to either True or False.
re two pieces of data.

e function does.

ue or False.

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