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Name : Nadirah P.

Ismail (17210061)



A. Background

Education in general is a conscious and well-planned effort to realize the

learning atmosphere and learning process for students to actively develop their
potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence,
noble morals, as well as the skills that he and society need. Education can also be
considered a conscious and systematic effort to achieve a level of living or for better
progress. Education can develop character through a wide range of activities, such as
value planting, ethical development, religious values, learning and training of moral
values, and so on. A professional teacher is required to be able to display skills in
front of the class, one component of that skill is the ability to deliver lessons to
students. In order to deliver lessons effectively and efficiently, teachers need to know
different types of learning media in order to make learning more interesting and
increase students' curiosity (Edy,2013).

According to Miarso (2010), media as one of the components in a learning

system, has a very important position in the learning process. Learning media is used
in an effort to improve students' understanding of learning. Where once we have
determined the media choices we will use, then in the end we are required to be able
to provide understanding to students in the defense process effectively. As the era
progressed, the use of the internet for education from elementary school to college
has been significantly improved. Internet technology that exerts considerable
influence in the world of education, ideally should also be balanced with the
awareness of each individual. Learning media with internet technology is a modern
method of learning, which currently the education system in Indonesia also uses the
internet as a learning medium.

With this growing technological era, the learning program is directed to make
better use of technology. One of the uses of current technology is that e-Learning

uses the web to access it. It's not a deny because many students now have smart
phones so it's easier to access them from anywhere and anytime. Utilization of e-
learning that is commonly developed today is using LMS (Learning Management
System). In the learning process, there are two very important elements are teaching
methods and learning media. The selection of one particular teaching method will
affect the appropriate type of learning media, although there are still various other
aspects to look out for in selecting media, including learning objectives, the types of
tasks and responses students expect to master after learning and the context of
learning including student characteristics. nevertheless, it can be said that one of the
functions of learning media is as a teaching aid that also affects the learning
conditions that are in the system and created by teachers. (Arikanto,2015)

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan is aschool that has been

utilizing e-Learning as a learning medium for the last year and a half. Learning
activities using e-learning media in the school make use of the google classroom app.
In the process of learning students are assigned by the teacher and send the results of
the report to the google classroom application. In addition, students are given
additional materials to understand more broadly the material that may not be able to
be delivered directly when face-to-face in the classroom. E-learning is an alternative
medium to provide test questions and media imrpovization that does not always use
print media. However, in the implementation there are some teachers who still do not
use google classroom media in the learning.

Based on the above conditions, researchers will examine the extent of the
application of google classroom media to learning in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan and it is hoped that with the study can be used as an
evaluation material for the development of e-learning media in schools. With the title
Teacher's Creativity in Using Google Classroom as E-Learning Media: Case
Study Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan.

B. Research Questions

Based on the background above, the research questions can be stated into the
folowing questions:

1. How do the teachers use Google Classroom as E-Learning Media in teaching

English at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan?

2. What challenges are the teachers have in using Google Classroom as E-Learning
Media in teaching English at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan?

C. Objectives of the Research

1. To know the implementation of teachers creativity in using Google Classroom as

an e-learning medium in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan.
2. To identify the teachers’ challenges in using Google Classroom as E-Learning
Media in teaching English at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan.
D. Scope

This research is focused on the implementation of teachers’ creativity and

challenges in using Google Classroom as E-Learning Media in teaching English at
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan.

E. Assumption
This research will be conducted under the following assumption that the use of
appropriate media in teaching can help the teacher and the students to reach the goal
of the teaching and learning process.

F. Significance

1. The teacher

This research can be a source of information for teachers to explore the

challenges and opportunities of using the teacher's creativity on using Google
Classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic. The teachers are expected to try to find
new things as an alternative to maximize their teaching abilities. Teachers must have
their own way to be used to transfer their knowledge to students to get the best result.

2. The Students

The result of this research is expected to give the information to the students
related to the media that can be used in online learning in this case Google

3. Future Researchers
The result of this research is expected to be a reference for future researchers
who are interested in conducting similar research.

G. Method of the Research

1. Research Design
Researcher will use narrative design (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000) by
exploring the stories of teacher ‘experiences in using Google Classroom.
2. Participant
The participants of this research are the English teachers at Madrasah
Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah in Banjarmasin. There are 4 teachers that will be
participate the interview.

3. Research Setting

This research will be conducted on July 2021 at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan Banjarmasin. The school is located at Komplek Kadar
Permai 2, Jl. Sultan Adam, Sungai Miai, Kec. Banjarmasin Utara, Kota Banjarmasin,
Kalimantan Selatan.

4. Procedure of Data Collection

To obtain the required data, the researcher will use semi structured interviews
as an instrument. Interviews are the most commonly used data collection method
(Taylor 2005) the reason why the semi-structured interview is a popular data
collection method is that it has proved to be both versatile and flexible. It can be
combined with both individual and group interview methods (DiCicco-Bloom &
Crabtree 2006) and the rigidity of its structure can be varied depending on the study
purpose and research questions (Kelly 2010). Unlike formal interviews, which follow
a rigid format of set questions, semi-structured interviews focus on specific themes but
cover them in a conversational style. The topics interview semi structure of teachers
use Google Classroom as E-Learning Media in teaching and challenges are the
teachers have in using Google Classroom as E-Learning Media in teaching English at
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan How to conduct a semi-structured
interview : Identifying the right people to interview, Setting up an interview, Skills for

listening, understanding and questioning, Themes for discussion, At the end of the
interview ask the interview if they would like to ask you any questions. Type up your
notes as soon as possible (best to do it the same day). If your notes are written word-
for-word, you can write up some of the interview as a first person narrative.

5. Data Analysis Techniques

The data obtained in this study were analyzed based on respondents' answers.
Semi-structured interviews were prepared to obtain opinions and detailed information
from teachers. Experience about the ongoing online teaching and learning process as
well as the challenges and opportunities of using Google classroom. The way in
question is by comparative techniques, Comparative analyzing different data and
comparing data to be taken that are more relevant then followed by the opinions of
other figures so that more concrete conclusions are obtained.

H. Working Theory

1. Teacher’s creativity

According to Cremin (2009), creative teaching “involves teachers in making

learning more interesting and effective and using imaginative approaches in the
classroom”. Creative teaching is about the teacher’s personality, personal creativity
and its manifestations in everyday practice. Teaching for creativity “is seen to involve
teachers in identifying children’s creative strengths and fostering their
creativity”(Cremin, 2009). Teaching for creativity is one of the most important
priorities and is a heavily researched area in the scientific literature worldwide (e.g.
Zachopoulou et al., 2006; Hodges Kulinna, 2008). Proactively creative teachers use
their personal creativity as the key resource for improving educational practice.
Creativity is important and valuable on its own, but not because of reward or school
arrangements. Different types of creativity suggest that different combinations of
individual and social factors predict creative teaching.

2. Media

Media in the learning process is very needed because in fact the learning
process is a communication process that is the delivery of messages from the
introduction to the recipient. Yusuf hadi Miarso (2004), defines the term learning as

an attempt to manage the environment deliberately so that one forms one's self
positively in certain environmental. Rusman (2013), defines learning as essentially a
process of interaction between teachers and students, whether direct interaction such
as face-to-face or indirect activities, i.e. by using various learning media.

3. Google Classroom

Google Classroom is meant to help teachers manage the creation and

collection of student assignments in a paperless environment. Google Classroom is an
app that enables the creation of classrooms in cyberspace. In addition, Google
classroom can be a means of distribution of tasks, submit tasks even assessing the tasks
collected (Herman in Hammi, 2017). Thus, this app can help facilitate Teachers and
Students in carrying out the learning process more deeply. This is because both
Students and Teachers can collect assignments, distribute assignments, assess
assignments at home or anywhere without being subject to time limits or lesson hours.
Google classroom is actually designed to make it easier for Teachers and Students to
interact online. This application gives teachers the opportunity to explore their
scientific ideas.


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