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This chapter summarises the results from the study project Teacher's Creativity in Using

Google Classroom as E-Learning Media: Case Study Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-

Furqan. The conversation starts with an overview of the study and its results.

4.1 Research Findings

With the advancement of technology, the use of e-learning in education has grown

widespread. As one of the schools that has embraced e-learning, teachers at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan are expected to be innovative in their use of available media. where

school-based e-learning programmes make use of the Google Classroom tool. As a teacher, must

be able to incorporate the creativity into the classroom setting. A creative teachers will use a

variety of strategies to increase the interest level of online learning. One such strategy is to build

online learning activities with Google Classroom.

A. English teacher's Creativity in Using Google Classroom as E-Learning Media

Datum 1: Definition of teacher’s creativity

At Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan, the notion of teacher creativity

means that teachers may produce learning materials that are customised for individual
students' requirements and also build interesting Google Classroom learning activities.
Excerpts from conversations with four English teachers at the institution, whose names have
been disguised, attest to this reality. In response to the question, "Do you have any own
definitions or views on creativity?" The first instructor responded as follows:
"The innovation here results in the preparation of acceptable content for
students who are using Google Classroom to learn. Creative instructors must
design non-saturated learning environments that are appealing to pupils. Utilize
learning activities that will assist students in gaining a thorough understanding of
the content”.
Subsequently, in response to the same question, the second instructor said as follows:
"Innovation, for me, is an effort to choose a Google Classroom-based learning
idea or method that is easily accepted by students. This is why, as a teacher,
creativity is critical, even more so in online learning. so that students may
comprehend what is being said even when it is not delivered directly to them"
The third teacher's response to the same question is as follows:
"For me, creativity entails being an engaging instructor. constantly introduces
new concepts that might increase students' interest in studying. The critical factor
is selecting the appropriate material. As a teacher, you are expected to be
significantly more creative in order to create a nice learning environment while
using Google Classroom."
Then, as follows, respond to the fourth teacher's question:
"Innovation is the process of developing the finest possible material that
students would accept while utilising Google Classroom for learning. such that
learning is both enjoyable and beneficial in terms of assisting pupils in gaining a
solid comprehension of the topic."

At Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan, efforts are made to increase teacher

creativity through attendance at educational seminars. Seminars on teaching English are also

frequently held, including seminars on how to teach correctly, and schools also involve

teachers in MGMP (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) activities. when the researcher

enquired, "How can we stimulate more creativity in teaching?" The response of the first

instructor is as follows:

"Several factors contribute to increased creativity. I attended a seminar on

English teaching. Additionally, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan

often holds seminars on the teaching process, and the school participates in

MGMP (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) activities."

Subsequently, in response to the same question, the second instructor said as follows:
"Through attendance at seminars and the MGMP (Subject Teacher

The third teacher's response to the same question is as follows:

"There are several methods. However, in my view, the most efficient method is
to attend educational seminars since they provide a wealth of information and, as
a teacher, science must constantly be enhanced, particularly in terms of teaching

Then, as follows, respond to the fourth teacher's question:

"by attendance at seminars and also through MGMP training"

Datum 2: The learning method used by English teacher in teaching Using Google

Classroom as E-Learning Media

The English teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan adopted the

synchronous online courses learning technique to present information whilst utilising Google

Classroom as E-Learning media. This course takes happen concurrently and may employ

different formats such as virtual classrooms, instant chat, and more. The researcher inquired,

"How do you teach using Google Classroom at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-

Furqan?" Then the first teacher's response is:

"Because of the pandemic and the essence of online learning, the learning
method is a synchronous online course, and the learning medium are E-learning
apps like as Google Classroom, which are augmented by Telegram, YouTube, and
WhatsApp to ensure the learning process runs smoothly."

Subsequently, in response to the same question, the second instructor said as follows:
"In my classroom, I use worksheets, student handbooks, and learning links to
help students comprehend."
The third teacher's response to the same question is as follows:
“LKS, a student book, a link to further resources on the internet, and YouTube
videos were all employed in order to aid students in better comprehending the
Then, as follows, respond to the fourth teacher's question:
“Asynchronous online classrooms are used as the teaching technique, while e-
learning systems such as Google Classroom are used as the teaching medium,
which are coupled with other supporting apps to guarantee that the learning
process takes place. "Everything seems to be in functioning order."

Creativity should be included into the learning process by selecting information that is

suitable for the students' level and devising interesting learning activities that help students

comprehend the subject. when the researcher inquired, "How do you include your creativity

into your English instruction?" The following is the first teacher's response:

"When I teach, I choose content depending on the students' level of

comprehension and use instructional techniques and activities that are both
interesting and easily understood by students. As a result, students will have a firm
grasp on the contents ".

Subsequently, in response to the same question, the second instructor said as follows:
“If I teach a topic, I choose it based on how well it will be understood by the
students, and I employ learning methodologies and activities that are both
intriguing to pupils and easy to understand. As a result, students will have a solid
understanding of the subject matter”
The third teacher's response to the same question is as follows:
“I choose topics depending on students' comprehension, and I use interesting
learning tools and activities. As a consequence, kids will fully grasp the topic”
Then, as follows, respond to the fourth teacher's question:
“I approach topics depending on the students' demonstrated existing
knowledge and use engaging tools and activities to aid them in acquiring new
material. As a result, students will graduate with a firm grasp of the subject

Datum 3: The problem of online learning

Indeed, various difficulties arise throughout the online learning process. The researchers

discovered issues with the learning process while using Google Classroom, which was

presented by an English instructor. The issue is with the student network, which impedes the

learning process. Students' passion for studying is waning, and there is a communication

breakdown between instructors and students. This information was gathered when the

researcher inquired, "Is there a difficulty with using Google Classroom in learning activities?"

Then the first teacher's response is:

"For the problem when teaching online, it is the internet network between
teacher and students. Because students come from different areas, there must be
obstacles related to the internet network. Also, the student's spirit in learning is
decreasing and lack communication between teacher and students".

Subsequently, in response to the same question, the second instructor said as follows:
"The most often encountered issue is network disruption. It develops into a
really influential impediment."
The third teacher's response to the same question is as follows:
"Frequently, what occurs is a network issue. Typically, it has an effect on
pupils' spirits. When the network was unexpectedly shut off during a Google
Classroom lesson, the pupils were too lethargic to continue".
Then, as follows, respond to the fourth teacher's question:
"The primary issue with online education is unquestionably the network issue.
Occasionally, students reside in such distant locations that networking becomes a
significant problem ".
Datum 4: How the English teacher designed online learning By Using Google Classroom

as E-Learning Media

Based on an interview with the data. The English teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan is creative in her use of Google Classroom to develop learning

activities. During online learning, the teachers are responsible for developing a variety of

learning resources, instructional methods, and learning activities that are suitable for the

students' needs and circumstances. This statistic is based on the response to the question "How

do you feel about online learning using Google Classroom?" The first teacher then responded:

"As a teacher, must exert utmost effort while teaching online using Google
Classroom. Because we educate indirectly using online programmes, there are
several impediments created by the internet network, which means that learning is
not always successful. As educators, we must prepare. Online learning resources,
instructional methodologies, and learning activities that are contextually
Subsequently, in response to the same question, the second instructor said as follows:

"When using Google Classroom, teachers must be especially prepared to

conduct online learning without the benefit of face-to-face interaction. because the
challenge must be increased in magnitude. Along with the difficulties of selecting
appropriate learning techniques for conveying the content effectively, the potential
of network limits must be considered. Therefore, educators must be prepared.
Everything must be meticulously planned, including educational materials,
teaching methods, and contextually appropriate learning activities.
The third teacher's response to the same question is as follows:

"I believe that learning activities utilising Google Classroom are really
beneficial, since online learning can be done from anywhere and at any time.
However, it must be properly prepared, including learning techniques that are
appropriate for students' circumstances, curriculum-aligned resources, and
instructional approaches that may also aid students' comprehension while utilising
Google Classroom".
Then, as follows, respond to the fourth teacher's question:
"The instructor creates Google Classroom learning materials, methods, and
activities based on the students' needs and situations. Because Google Classroom
is a remote learning tool, planning is critical."

At Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan utilised his creativity in selecting

learning resources for students during online learning through Google Classroom. The English

teacher's instructional resources include worksheets delivered to pupils, E-modules, YouTube

videos based on the content, and another online link pertaining to the material presented. Thus,

reading was the online learning activity. Numerous items may be read independently by

pupils. The question “How are the learning methods you apply during using Google

Classroom in Learning Activity?” The first teacher then responded:

"When I teach using Google Classroom, I utilise worksheets, student

handbooks, and online connections to supplementary information on the internet

and YouTube videos to assist students clearer understanding and study the subject.

self-created stuff."

Subsequently, in response to the same question, the second instructor said as follows:

"When I used Google Classroom for learning activities, I augment student

comprehension using worksheets, student handbooks, online modules or e-books,
and YouTube learning videos."
The third teacher's response to the same question is as follows:

"In using Google Classroom learning activities, I complement student

comprehension by applying Modul, LKS, e-book downloads, link and YouTube
learning videos,"
Then, as follows, respond to the fourth teacher's question:

"use online modules, workbooks, student books, learning videos from youtube
and some learning links from the internet"

However, with the English teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan,

they can solve learning problems using Google Classroom by always distributing material on

the prepared learning platform, providing time for QnA at the end of the lesson for students to

ask questions about material they don't understand, constantly reminding students to study the

material in groups, and directly addressing students who have difficulties. it is obtained as a

fact via the query "How do you overcome issues while teaching using Google Classroom?"

Then the first instructor responded as follows:

"To assist students in resolving learning difficulties by use of Google

Classroom. This is accomplished by selecting engaging learning activities that
prevent students from becoming bored. Allow time for QnA at the conclusion of
each class to ensure that students comprehend the subject thoroughly, and
constantly remind them of the subject. and tasks sent using WhatsApp".
Subsequently, in response to the same question, the second instructor said as follows:

"To undergraduate individuals in overcoming hurdles during Google

Classroom learning activities, it is conducted utilising engaging, non-boring, and
simple-to-understand courses for students. Then, at the conclusion of each
learning session, conduct a question and answer session to assess student
comprehension. then distribute practise questions using other channels such as

The third teacher's response to the same question is as follows:

"The solution is to choose a method that is simple to learn and fosters a
positive learning environment. Typically, the class concludes with a question and
answer session."
Then, as follows, respond to the fourth teacher's question:
"The solution is to choose an instructional method that is straightforward to
comprehend and promotes a good learning environment. Assignments are sent
over WhatsApp, followed by a question and answer session."

To bring attention to the Google Classroom learning process, researchers discovered that

English teachers at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan created online learning

activities that entice students to study online. When creating learning activities, the English

instructor identifies appropriate learning strategies for students by assessing the students'

ability. Thus, when learning is conducted by use of Google Classroom as a media, E-Learning

activities may operate smoothly and effectively. Additionally, students become more engaged

in their studies. based on the topic "How do you choose the type of Google Classroom

learning activities to conduct?" The first teacher responded as follows:

"When choosing the learning activities, it is observed from the terms of

student's ability. There are some students from the lower group, and there are also
students in the higher group in comprehending the subject; thus, while defining the
learning activities, the instructor should modify students' capacity to grasp the

Subsequently, in response to the same question, the second instructor said as follows:
"When choosing learning activities, we often consider students' skills in terms
of their degree of comprehension; so, our emphasis in learning activities is on
developing teaching and learning activities that prioritise students' capacity to
comprehend the content provided."
The third teacher's response to the same question is as follows:
"When selecting learning activities to be conducted through Google
Classroom, it is important to consider the student ability level, since some students
have a great capacity to comprehend the material supplied, while others have a
low ability. To enable students with low abilities to compensate, it is important to
consider while selecting learning activities."
Then, as follows, respond to the fourth teacher's question:
“Our focus in producing teaching and learning activities is on generating
teaching and learning activities that prioritise students' abilities to absorb the
knowledge offered”

Based on the facts above, the English teacher applies his creativity to design learning

activities utilising Google Classroom. When designing these learning activities, the English

teacher demonstrates his creativity by developing online learning activities that are

appropriate for the situation, paying attention to student problems, providing consultation time

between students and teachers to improve learning, and including time for QnA at the end of

the lesson for students to ask questions about material not encased in class. comprehended,

modify the abilities to be taught, and take into account the students' backgrounds.

Table 4.1 The result of an interview by Four English Teachers on how to using
Google Classroom as E-Learning Media activity design

No The way using Google Classroom as E-Learning Media activity design

at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan
1 Developing online learning activities that are suited for the situation
2 Choose from a variety of interesting online learning activities.
3 Establish a time for consultation between students and teachers.
4 Allowing time for Q&A at the conclusion
5 By focusing on student concerns
6 Getting to know the students who would be taught
7 Integrating the to-be-taught skills

B. Learning Activities using Google Classroom Developed by English Teachers

Based on facts from interviews and documentation. The English teacher at Madrasah

Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqon used his ingenuity in teaching to create engaging

online learning exercises.

Datum 1: The process of using Google Classroom as E-Learning media activities

Google Classroom learning activities begin by distributing content to students through

textbooks or by offering material sources from the web via connections to students, including

YouTube links so that students can also get more material explanations via learning videos.

Following the delivery of the information, students work on practise questions from the LKS.

Students have completed the LKS questions; QnA activities are done to allow students to raise

questions regarding content that has not been grasped. At the conclusion of the session, the

English instructor assigns Quiz Time activities in which students are given a quiz link and

instructed to complete it within the allotted time.

Datum 2: Teachers e-learning activities using Google Classroom as a medium of


Furthermore, the English teacher creates learning exercises for each skill, using Google

Classroom as a platform for E-learning activities. Students create videos about specific

materials and upload them to Google Classroom for speaking skills, and the English teacher

assigns students material to read and comprehend independently based on the material

presented and the following reading skills. For writing skills, students create sentences and

upload them to Google Classroom, sentences are created based on the material being studied.

The following online learning activities include Quiz Time, which occurs at the conclusion

of each session. These facts are verified by an interview in which the following question is

asked: "What are the learning activities that you have designed utilising Google Classroom as

an e-learning medium?" Mention and explain the appropriateness of the abilities used in each

of these learning activities!" The first teacher responded as follows:

"For speaking, students must create video conversations, write sentences or

short stories and upload them to Google Classroom, read the material
independently at home, study independently by providing links to additional
material on the internet and online meetings using technology, consultation, and
question and answer time at the conclusion. Quiz time in class."
Subsequently, in response to the same question, the second instructor said as follows:
“includes speaking skills which are assigned by making a simple video
conversation which must then be uploaded to Google Classroom, then to practise
writing skills students are assigned to write sentences or short stories and upload
them to Google Classroom, the teacher here provides material that is delivered in
the form of a module from WhatsApp, then in Certain sessions are quizzed through
the site chosen by the teacher.”
The third teacher's response to the same question is as follows:
"Students must create video dialogues, write phrases or short tales and submit
them to Google Classroom, then take quizzes."
Then, as follows, respond to the fourth teacher's question:
"Naturally, all assignments must be posted to Google Classroom while learning
through Google Classroom. The activities include recording yourself speaking and
writing, as well as reading content from the provided online modules. Additionally,
each session concludes with quizzes."
4.2 The way using Google Classroom as E-Learning Media activity design at
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqan
No Online Learning Activities Skill
1 Making Video Speaking skill
2 Writing (Make a sentence) Writing skill
3 Reading the material by their self Reading skill
4 Quiz Time All skill
5 QnA section (Question and Answer) All skill
6 Teacher Explanation Listening skill
7 Consulting All skill

Based on the data above, the English teachers use Google Classroom to create learning

activities that include video creation, reading, writing, quiz periods, QnA sections, and teacher

4.2 Discussion
Teachers must decide on an approach to teaching and also on the methods, techniques, and

strategies that will be used. The researchers discovered the teaching style, method, strategy, and

technique used by English instructors at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqon in E-

Learning activities using Google Classroom media. The researcher will provide the following


1) Teaching approach

According to the data, English teachers implement Inquiry-Based Learning in E-Learning

activities with Google Classroom media. This technique is well-suited for online learning

because it emphasises active learning and puts the participants' ideas, questions, and

observations at the focus of the learning experience.

2) Teaching method

The findings indicated that the English teacher utilised an e-learning activity using Google

Classroom to provide information during online learning. The activity was student-

centered and synchronous. These courses run concurrently and may take a variety of

formats, including virtual classrooms, instant messaging, and more.

3) Teaching strategy

English teachers use a variety of teaching tactics in E-Learning activities that use Google

Classroom media, including quizzes, QnA sessions, consultations, writing, and creating


4) Teaching technique

English teachers use current technology to promote learning through E-learning activities

using Google Classroom material. For instance, when quizzes, consultations are conducted

using the WhatsApp application, and QnA and writing periods are implemented in Google

According to the information above, English teachers use quizzes, QnA time, consulting,

writing, and creating videos as teaching tactics. According to the study's findings, the English

teachers at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al Furqon demonstrated their creativity by

creating engaging online learning activities utilising Google Classroom material. The researcher

analysed the data using Mulyana's (2010) theory of teacher creativity and Jack and colleagues'

(2009) theory of learning activities.

A. Creativity of English Teachers in Designing E-Learning Using Google Classroom as a

learning medium

The English teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al Furqon in designing

online learning activities applies four characteristics of theoretical creative teachers

(Mulyana 2010). The four characteristics are Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, and

Elaboration. The researcher will explain the explanation as follows:

a) Fluency

Fluency refers to the teacher's ability to develop precise thoughts in response to the

topic at hand. Online learning is a challenge for instructors because they must adjust

their teaching style to accommodate online learning by using their creativity. The

English instructor at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqon uses his

inventiveness to address difficulties via E-Learning activities that are situationally

suitable and engaging online learning activities. Making movies, reading, writing,

quizzes, Q&A sections, teacher consultations, and presentations are just some of the


b) Flexibility

In this instance, the teacher has the opportunity to expand his intellect. This capability
may be leveraged to generate novel and superior learning concepts. By allowing for

feedback from other individuals or pupils, the ensuing ideas may please both

instructors and students. The English instructor at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqon has the ability to broaden his horizons. The English

instructor uses Google Classroom to facilitate learning activities, such as consulting

and offering QnA time. Students may counsel and ask questions directly to the

instructor during consultation and QnA time about issues they are encountering or

constructive advice to ensure that learning runs smoothly and is welcomed by all


c) Originality

The term "originality" refers to a teacher who generates fresh ideas. This skill is

necessary throughout the learning process since it contributes to the effectiveness of

the learning process. When online learning was initially introduced, English instructors

used E-Learning into their classroom instruction. However, English instructors use E-

Learning in their classrooms for a variety of reasons, including the need for English

teachers to generate new ideas throughout the teaching process via the usage of Google

Classroom. By focusing on student concerns, English instructors generate new ideas

via the use of online learning activities such as Quiz Time created using,

a QnA section, and consultation. Students develop an enthusiasm for learning and are

not bored when studying online as a result of these learning activities.

d) Elaboration

The teacher has a high attention to detail. The precision with which a teacher

approaches an issue has an effect on the level of his inventiveness. The English teacher

at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqon is attentive to and effective in

resolving student concerns. The English teacher changes the abilities to be taught and

considers the students' backgrounds before selecting learning activities. Thus, English

teachers may tailor learning activities utilising Google Classroom media to their

students' specific requirements and circumstances. According to this explanation, the

English instructor at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al-Furqon is capable of

seeing an issue in depth.

Table 4.3 The result of analyzing data between the theory of (Mulyana,
2010) and results from interview in how to design learning activities by
using Google Classrom as a media.

The way to design online learning activities

Theory from (Mulyana,
No by The English Teacher using
Google Classroom as a media

1 Developing online learning activities that are

suited for the situation
Choose from a variety of engaging online learning

3 Establish a period for consultation between

students and teachers. FLEXIBILITY
4 Allowing time for Q&A at the conclusion
5 By focusing on student concerns ORIGINALITY
6 Getting to know the students who will be taught
7 Adapting the to-be-taught skills ELABORATION

According to the statistics above, the English teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Muhammadiyah 1 Al Furqon applies four theory-based criteria for creative instructors

while constructing online learning activities, namely Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, and


B. Learning Activities Using Google Classroom Developed by English Teachers

According to (Jack, Chris, and Donald 2009), creative teachers implement twelve distinct
types of activities, including guided discovery, interactive lectures, student teaching,

problem solving, projects, student presentations, self- and peer assessment, learning

independence, reading, technology, role playing, and consulting.

According to the data gathered via interviews, English instructors demonstrate their

creativity by developing many engaging online learning activities to supplement the

learning process utilising Google Classroom and other media. Making movies, reading,

writing, quizzes, Q&A sessions, consultations, and instructor presentations are just some

of the activities. According to (Jack, Chris, and Donald 2009), English instructors

construct five types of learning activities for their students. These include consultation,

interactive lectures, student presentations, reading, and self-study. This will be detailed in

further detail below:

a) Consulting

It is an effective substitute for instruction, in which school personnel give their

knowledge to students' inquiries and difficulties. English instructors provide online

learning activities, namely consultations, in which students may discuss directly with

teachers using Google Classroom or WhatsApp groups.

b) Interactive lecture

It is a solution for long-lasting lectures or teachers. The objective is to construct a

border check with a teacher in which learners may demonstrate their comprehension of

the material delivered. The English teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1

Al Furqon uses these learning activities to ensure that he or she does not interfere with

students' comprehension of content delivered. The English instructor distributes

materials to pupils using the Google Classroom tool, which facilitates virtual sessions.

c) Students Presentations
This might be a more informal style of student teaching. Students demonstrate their

class achievement in a variety of ways, including homework solutions, quiz replies,

peer evaluation, and team assessment. The English instructor use this student

presentation to design learning activities such as recording films to clarify difficult

concepts or completing assigned tasks. This online learning exercise is designed to

improve your speaking abilities. Writing sentences and Quiz Time are the next two

online learning activities. Quizzes are produced and cover all subject areas. Quiz Time

is very beneficial for English teachers in assessing students' comprehension of the

subject delivered. Additionally, English teachers provide online learning activities,

such as QnA sessions.

d) Reading

Learners are accountable for comprehending written content in this sort of activity but

often do not grasp what they are intended to learn or what they should be able to

perform as a result of reading the material. The English teacher incorporates

supplementary tools to assist students in practising reading, honing their reading

abilities, and comprehending the topic. English teachers submit materials to Google

Classroom, which students may read independently.

e) Self-study

The purpose of this exercise is to assist students in meeting their learning requirements.

English teachers employ self-study activities to help students better comprehend the

content by providing connections to information from a variety of sources. The English

teacher gives YouTube links to additional resources and uploads them to Google

Classroom in order for pupils to fully comprehend the topic and develop their listening

abilities. The English teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 1 Al Furqon

utilises their creativity to design learning exercises for students using Google

Classroom in order to keep them interested throughout the online learning process.

Five online learning activities are created by the English teacher: Consultation,

Interactive Lecture, Student Presentation, Reading, and Independent Study. All

students may benefit from this learning exercise since it enables them to study well and

comprehend the subject offered. This will be made abundantly evident by the

following table:

Table 4.4 The result of analyzing data between the theory of (Jack, Chris, and
Donald 2009) and results from interview in designing online learning activities
using Google Classroom

No Type of learning activities based on Learning activities designed

theory (Jack, Chris, and Donald 2009) by English Teacher
1 Consulting Consulting by WhatsApp
2 Interactive Lecture Teacher Explanation
3 Students Presentation - Video
- QnA time by Google
- Quiz time
- Writing sentences
4 Reading - Reading the material
The teacher uploads it in the
Google Classroom
5 Self-study Reading another material
- Link material from
another source
- Link YouTube
The teacher uploads it in the
Google Classroom

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