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Q1-M2 (WT)


1. Cultural relativism tends to promote one's own culture. Which of your ancestral culture and
traditions are you most proud of?

 Philippine festivals are celebrations to express gratitude for a good harvest in honor of

the town's patron saint. It is believed that the saints are responsible for all the good
fortune and favor one receives.
2. In our divided world of perspective and points of view, how can we maintain respect despite
cultural differences?

 Learn to appreciate and value diverse views. Do not judge views that differ from yours
as wrong.

3. James Rachel made some critical observations regarding cultural relativism. In the Philippines
where we highly respect cultural differences suggest some good point that contradict Rachel's

 There is no doubt that cultures exhibit differences, also  the fact that different cultures
have different moral codes implies that moral values lack objective truth.
4. In our present society where some leaders use their ethnocentric ego to establish rules and
authority, as a youth, how can you uplift laws and democratic principles which should be
applied equally to all, regardless of one's religion, political beliefs, gender, economic, and social
 For me, we have rights in ourselves so we must fight for it. Also the equality of every
person is need, they must treat each other equally for the good of all.

5. What do you think are the root causes of ethnocentric view? What can you suggest to
prevent people from having this characteristic?

 Avoid Assumptions. Don't forget that people from different culture would have other
customs, beliefs, values or traditions that we should respect.

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