Q1-M1 (WT) - Saut - Exc

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1. Social Science is a discipline that attempts to explain human behavior and society.

can you see this discipline to address present-day problems in your own community? 
Answer: Many people around the world, are immediate, and their resolution can make a vast
difference in people's lives. For me, whatever works for the community through putting
everyone’s idea, theory, plan, and work together to develop a better community is my

2. E.B. Tylor described culture as “complex whole” and this definition became the foundation
of understanding society. How can you apply his definition in understanding the Philippine
Answer: Those beliefs have been communicated through art. Some of these superstitious
beliefs might be strange, weird, and even unbelievable because they are not based on science
but by our ancestor’s history and culture. However, many believe in these since they oftentimes
serve as a warning for possible dangers that may harm us.

3. One of the goals of Political Science is for you to understand civic skills and humane ideals.
In your own way, how will you use your knowledge in politics to achieve this goal?
Answer: To deepen human understanding of the forms and nature of political action and to
develop theoretical tools for interpreting politically meaningful phenomena. To exposed to all
the inner sights of the politics that takes place around us.

4. With the current trends and popular culture today, how do you see a Filipino? 
Cite specific examples. The Philippine response to COVID-19 has been described as being one
of the longest and strictest lockdowns in the world. Frustrated and exasperated, Filipinos took
to social media to cope with the barrage of bad news, expressing their disappointment,
demanding accountability, and cracking jokes.

5. Why do you think it was said that politics is about power sharing and power struggle?
What are the manifestations of this statement in our society?
Answer: Power sharing in addition to defining how decisions will be made by groups within the
polity, allocate decision-making rights, including access to state resources, among collectivities
competing for power. Human beings are biological creatures

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