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} | a Meplain Different Shrees On boliem eu bol Tein Causes Withrewason beltem end bolt as lone Bh. Explain Why bottom End bolt prene +o Falene. Causes of bettem end bolt, faflorces 4. Bettom end beH are Sukjeckd +o Cosnplex palure of Steas, ndere. -ensile Sheess due +o tightened 2. Bots are UI ine. therce ll be load rcevertsa) 3B. Sp 4-Shrecke eng Qt Ane. end of exhaust Shreoke - 4: Htgh bad fluctuation between high tenet +tengfle Shtess. oe 5. Cenbeifyea} forcee at Crank 6. Tnercha forces, due to read preocatiing Masses, % Share Stress > Two halves ofthe Connects reod have a tendenyy te go aparck, tdhich Cases Sheat 6lress on bottom end bolt le and seed > puicing the powerc Stroke bolts tend to bends ootwateds. During the exhaust Sheeke. Lolts terd in @areds. @. Bending reess » to bends gq. Due to overc tightening 10. bue to uneven “hyhlening Ne Inadequate pre- “‘enclaning . 12. Duedo connosive attack forr exparle: Contamination of Late ofl. . 3. Due “bo OGir9 (wo chang Won Umi Scanned with CamScanner G2 teseeiked the methed used to —hightend ie. Lotiom eud bolt: Method of ~hahlening ————— a By Haadlydeavlic device 2 1 Durcing chgblening meas menls of extension io essential Are Corcnect Sheetch (i) 2. Hydraulic. equipment to be Checlad aud pressure qeuige te be Calibrokd- 3 Tightening qrust be done mone than one stage 4 Emal shgpten eg press anust not be applied at ahr. tasis. Tightening must be clone as followings” | 20 OO Ste or 30 «8 port « O41 1+2-3-4-1 at Fere 4 bolt For 2 bolls ») Jerque Sparone ye; £ Fizet do the Odhibreahion of the -boreque spannere awd adgust she Get torque. 2 9, “oye Should be applied more Shan ome Slages % Purcing final oxque applied, all edorck $0 be done by ene Person and slowly. @ Hand -Hightoning 3 4, Place ome. marth on boll head - 2 Place +0 sare Accoicding -to-Whe. angle of fina) —hgplening 45 perc nakerls instrevelion. 3. Do it Moree than one slage 4. Angulare Aceurtacy lo essential foc Corcreech tghtening Joad - Scanned with CamScanner Tn all three types of -Hghlening methed teefercence sat on bolt head musi readhed to Connecting read teefercence. mark. Sk G. Seeley Quad explain @ modern design Bottom End bolt: igs Medecn Tie bol Scanned with CamScanner Design of- anodercn boHem end boll 3 I tygh UTS alley Steel bolls ace gsed, puedo a) trerceage the fatigue Shrerglh ; jenile HE b) Can be -lygbtened +o haghere- -torewe- 6) Geod duclile. picoperctres - A) Good tough ness properchies to Sus Shank diamekre 0% leee than the Cote dvamelerc. 3. Efllel 16 greovided betwean Sha Shem awd bolt luad +o prevent Shess Concerbeh'on « as 3. 3v4 thread seman free beleco —the Contact Sorefee Ff nut: am Hyghere degnee of Surefice SHnishingy Jo prevent Sess Concenteat'on - 5. Cold reolling of bread +o immpreove Sedigue Sheath . 6. Bolt SFfness +o be bess than bentcing housing — ~~ Jain Urderc. Veacious bad Ar So eve dynamic load on “he bolt: Y- FyHect porchon to Keep aS Short as gozcible to prevent Stress Cancenbxohion and te oblain greatest east lience. CK @Iad Ms Aten arg Roe AAT), Scanned with CamScanner » Deserci i lg oe she. inspechon aud mainlenane. of bottom Anspechion ¢ —— 1 He Seond Aeehing te deteot the Hnlerenal flaws ard Graeks § rey V4. Boll Hicead VF Sarefoce. Finishing Fb ag ch gcte ch (vbr AL Fille} ated. AB. Cracks 2s ~ elengalion of boll - F Yoncoumenl of cteohen of Checking preetention of bol+ eee ard jo on live of the Vs Cheeking locks » Chelle vefer mand o the od pent ‘es Coe Ce Oe bow Connecti reod ve mer nm in a x 4 Sf creacte Pound orc Suspecled, Renew full Sek of bolts, one. bolt ce fond inlach but bolle arce loose, 2. Sf locking devic clearly 1 ts Sign of boH Shel. chage the full seh» Ge WTF / 3. 4f bot found loose than inveshatethe cause, if domed everesthing found Gabisfectory, Teehgnt the bolt as pec waver ingbuchon. 4. As pec qnater’s running loures of renewal , Renewal bottom eud bolt nol Considercing anything: - ae Sey Compo (Moly Kole lee) te ptey et 6 Hn lubydicedion te be maintairee| 7. Afchlanieg musk be. dow wold then ewer.’ hevetc. cha Scanned with CarnScanner’

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