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Name: Pauline Grace M. Montifalcon

Section and Year: 11 – Propriety B (Fully Online)

Date: 3/16/2023

Answer the following questions.

In choosing a sport/ physical activity:

1. Do you prefer a more casual approach? Yes.

2. Do you enjoy doing things on your own? Somewhat yes and no.
3. Do you enjoy doing a group activity? Yes.
4. What physical fitness component do you want to develop/improve? Rank each
component with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest.

______2____ Cardiovascular endurance

______4____Muscular Strength
______3____ Muscular Endurance
______2____ Flexibility
______3____ Body Composition
5. Based on your assessment, what sports/ activity do you think is suitable for you?
- I believe the best sport or activity that suits me the best is table tennis. I would
only have to move a lot in a smaller space compared to other sports like basketball
or tennis.
6. If you choose the physical activity or sport that you want to engage in, what would it
be? Write your goal and identify the pros and cons.

Physical Activity/ Sports Your Goal Pros Cons

Table Tennis To score points Improve my agility It is harder to play
outside since the
ball tends to
bounce out of the
Have a rally with Improve my hand- You may get
the opponent (back eye coordination injuries such as
and forth of hitting tennis elbow.
the ball with the
Improves reaction You may have a
time bad posture,
especially if you
are too tall, as the
table is shorter.

7. Do you think you can be physically active with your chosen sports/ activity?
- If ever I will start doing the physical activity I chose and continue to be consistent
over time, then yes, I believe I can be physically active.

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