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State whether the following are in the Active Voice (A) or Passive Voice (P) and

then change them into the other form:

e.g. Poor people are helped by the kind priest. (P) The kind priest helps poor people.

Steps: 1. Find subject – verb – object – 2. swap subject with verb, 3. finally change the verb

1. These beautiful pastries were baked by the famous French patissier. (.....)


2. Adam must play cricket. (.....)


3. This package must be delivered by Kerstin to Daniele on time. (.....)


4. Reporters write news reports. (.....)


5. The salesman was helping Julian wehen the thief came onto the shop. (.....)


6. The book has already been discussed by the teachers. (.....)


7. Kaine is going to write a letter to Kelvin. (.....)


8. Louyn should have made a cake for his father’s birthday but he was too busy. (.....)


9. New workers were hired by the company last year. (.....)


10. Neil was planting flowers in his front garden. (.....)

Fill in the blanks with the past simple or past continuous:
e.g. The children (to do) were doing their homework when I (to arrive) arrived home.

1. Kurt (to wait) ____________________ for the bus when Iaonnis (to pass by)

____________________ in his new Ferrari.

2. Last week, David (to drive) ____________________ to work when an elephant (to cross)

____________________ the street in front of him.

3. All the boys in the class (to shout) ____________________ when Ms Borg (to appear)

____________________ at the door.

4. When Ryan (to wake up) ____________________ this morning, it (to rain) ____________________.

5. Kian (to sleep) ____________________ when you (to call) ____________________ him.

6. What (to do) ___________ Kurt _____________ at eight o’clock last night? He (to sing)


7. The librarian (to try) ____________________ to give Nathan some advice, but he (not, to listen)


8. Matteo (to break) ____________________ his leg when he (to ski) ____________________.

9. Zach (to watch) ____________________ television when the power (to go off)


10, When the guests (to arrive) ____________________, Tim (to cook) ____________________

Fill in the blanks with the present simple or present continuous:
e.g. The children (to do) are doing their homework right now.

1. Gabriel (to wash) ____________________ his hair every day.

2. Jye (to have) ____________________ one aunt who (to live) ____________________ in Paris.

3. Melvin usually (to get up) ____________________ very early.

4. Kai (to meet) ____________________ Gozwe’ this evening.

5. Kyle (to know) ____________________ that water (to boil) ____________________ at 100 degrees


6. “Your French (to improve) ____________________,” said Ms Zammit.

7. Aaron (to live) ____________________ with his cousins until he (to find) ____________________

a new apartment.

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