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In today’s world most people tend to believe that television has occupied a

significant role in our lives as a tool that connects people all over the globe. However, I
personally believe that the introduction of this device has made us more distant from
each other due to the entertainment that it provides. Moreover, people are now
communicating less with each other than in the past because of the former.
For starters, in the past kids used to play and go outside more than they do today.
Furthermore, with the advanced technology children are no longer interested in doing
ordinary activities, since they have been introduced to television at a young age. In
addition, the stories told by kids’ tv shows have captivated their attention to a level that
non-technology related games, are no longer fun. I have witnessed a scenario in my
family that is compelling to this. When my cousin Eric was 10 years old, he became
addicted to television and every day he would watch children’s movies for hours. As a
result, Eric ended up not making friends and distanced himself from our family. All
things considered, nowadays with the popularity growth of television, children have
been having trouble with communication and maintaining friendships.
Secondly, it is seen that this generation as a whole has been going out less than
other generations. The thought of staying home watching movies and tv shows alone at
the weekends has now become a desire for most teenagers. In the past, seeing people
socialize with family and friends in the outside was quite common due to the lack of
television. In contrast, the easiness, practicability and non-sociable fun brought by this
device in recent years has affected relationships, making conversation and
communication a secondary worry. I have seen in the last few years many of my friends
canceling plans to stay inside in order to watch the premiere of a tv show’s new episode.
Therefore, it is a non-discussable fact that television has made people more distant and
In conclusion, it can be stated that communication has had taken a downfall in
comparison with earlier years because of television. In the past, relationships were a
much bigger priority than they are now, since it was the only interaction one could
afford. The addiction regarding the device nowadays is an issue that, as a society, we
must fix in order to maintain our social skills.

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