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Individualized Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Graft Matching
In Vivo Comparison of Cross-sectional Areas
of Hamstring, Patellar, and Quadriceps
Tendon Grafts and ACL Insertion Area
Christoph Offerhaus,*yz MD, Márcio Albers,* MD, Kanto Nagai,* MD, PhD, Justin W. Arner,* MD,
Jürgen Höher,z MD, PhD, Volker Musahl,* MD, and Freddie H. Fu,*§ MD, DSc (Hon), DPs (Hon)
Investigation performed at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Background: Recent literature correlated anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction failure to smaller diameter of the har-
vested hamstring (HS) autograft. However, this approach may be a simplification, as relation of graft size to native ACL size is
not typically assessed and oversized grafts may impart their own complications.
Purpose: To evaluate in vivo data to determine if the commonly used autografts reliably restore native ACL size.
Study Design: Descriptive laboratory study.
Methods: Intraoperative data of the tibial insertion area and HS graft diameter were collected and retrospectively evaluated for 46
patients who underwent ACL reconstruction with HS autografts. Magnetic resonance imaging measurements of the cross-sectional
area (CSA) of the possible patellar tendon (PT) and quadriceps tendon (QT) autografts were also done for each patient. The percen-
tages of tibial insertion site area restored by the 3 possible grafts were then calculated and compared for each individual.
Results: The mean ACL tibial insertion area was 107.2 mm2 (60.5-155.5 mm2). The mean CSAs of PT, HS, and QT were 33.2,
55.3, and 71.4 mm2, respectively. When all grafts were evaluated, the percentage reconstruction of the insertion area varied
from 16.2% to 123.1% on the tibial site and from 25.5% to 176.7% on the femoral site, differing significantly for each graft type
(P \ .05). On average, 32.8% of the tibial insertion area would have been filled with PT, 53.6% by HS, and 69.5% by QT. Based on
previous cadaveric studies indicating that graft size goal should be 50.2% 6 15% of the tibial insertion area, 82.7% of patients in
the HS group were within this range (36.9%, QT; 30.5%, PT), while 65.2% in the PT group were below it and 60.9% in the QT
group were above it.
Conclusion: ACL insertion size and the CSAs of 3 commonly used grafts vary greatly for each patient and are not correlated with
one another. Thus, if the reconstructed ACL size is determined by the harvested autograft size alone, native ACL size may not be
adequately restored. PT grafts tended to undersize the native ACL, while QT might oversize it.
Clinical Relevance: These results may help surgeons in preoperative planning, as magnetic resonance imaging measurements
can be helpful in determining individualized graft choice to adequately restore the native ACL.
Keywords: anterior cruciate ligament; graft size; anatomy; individualized; MRI

Anatomic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is significant correlation between bony parameters (eg, width
the gold standard for athletes who have sustained a complete and length of the intercondylar notch) and the size of the
ACL tear and are unable to return to play. Superior results native ACL were found in previous studies, exhibiting that
were reported in restoring normal knee kinematics as com- the ACL midsubstance is naturally and appropriately sized
pared with nonanatomic reconstruction.26,36,44 Furthermore, to fit within the intercondylar notch.21,23,36,37 To avoid
there is an increasing awareness of and interest in the indi- impingement within the notch as well as failure attributed
vidual anatomy of each knee requiring surgery.36,47 A to a small graft, reconstructing the correct graft size is crucial
but challenging to define.25,30 One proposed principal for ana-
tomic ACL reconstruction is to restore the native femoral and
The American Journal of Sports Medicine tibial insertion sites.30,36 The extensive anatomic studies by
DOI: 10.1177/0363546518786032
Iriuchishima et al21,22 showed a large variation in size and
Ó 2018 The Author(s) thickness of potential autografts, and it is unlikely that the

2 Offerhaus et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

native ACL insertion area is restored with the commonly Surgical Procedure and Intraoperative Measurements
used autografts. Furthermore, restoration of the complete
insertion area may result in a graft that is too large at its Individualized single-bundle ACL reconstruction was per-
midsubstance to fit within the intercondylar notch, poten- formed as previously described.36 The tibial stump of the
tially causing pathologic impingement. ACL was cut, facilitating the measurement of the footprint
Currently, ACL reconstruction is most commonly per- to obtain the area of the tibial insertion site. Largest length
formed with autografts, and ACL graft size is typically and width were measured with an arthroscopic ruler
determined by the harvested graft without consideration (Trukor Depth Gauge; Smith & Nephew) and multiplied
of the size of the native ACL.21,28 Given the lack of a corre- to obtain the CSA of the insertion site. Required graft size
lation in previous cadaveric studies between the size of the was then calculated by the formula of an ellipse as described
native ACL and the potential grafts,21 more attention by Kopf et al.29 The femoral insertion site was measured
should be paid in choosing the appropriate graft. according to the ACL remnant on the lateral femoral con-
Furthermore, hamstring (HS) autograft diameter can dyle. The HS was prepared as deemed appropriate by the
be manipulated by doubling the grafts. Harvesting of the surgeon, mostly resulting in a 4-strand semitendinosus
patellar tendon (PT) or quadriceps tendon (QT) is typically (ST) and gracilis (G) autograft. Graft size was measured
done with the same standard procedure, gaining a width of with the aid of a standard graft measurement device (Sizing
10 mm regardless of its thickness. However, cadaveric and Tube; Smith & Nephew). The femoral tunnel was drilled
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies showed consid- through an anteromedial portal in the anatomic midbundle
erable differences in PT and QT thickness among individ- position with the aid of an arthroscopic ruler. The tibial tun-
uals.2,22,32,42 Furthermore, studies found that MRI can nel was centered with a line between the margin of the ante-
accurately and reliably predict graft sizes of the PT, QT, rior horn of the lateral meniscus and the medial tibial spine.
and HS.5,46 For comparison with the other potential grafts and native
Previous cadaveric studies evaluated the average size of ACL, the CSA of the implanted HS graft was calculated
ACL insertion areas and diameter of ACL midsubstances with its previously measured diameter.
and correlated these with the average size of possible
grafts.20,21,24 But to our knowledge, no study has been pub- PT and QT CSA Measurement With MRI
lished that focuses on individualized ACL graft matching
where potential autografts are compared with ACL size Postoperative MRI measurements of the CSAs of the poten-
in each patient undergoing ACL reconstruction. tial PT and QT autografts were done for each patient. Two
The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vivo data to sports medicine orthopaedic surgeons were blinded to the
determine if commonly used autografts reliably restore native intraoperative data and instructed to select the best sagittal
ACL size. It was hypothesized that the cross-sectional areas image displaying the maximal thickness of the quadriceps
(CSAs) of the PT, HS, and QT vary in each patient and do and patellar tendon. To reveal the most accurate approxi-
not correlate with native ACL insertion area. Furthermore, mation of the potential autograft’s true CSA, the full thick-
the QT will provide the largest diameter, followed by the HS ness of the PT and QT was measured on axial MRI at
and PT, with the risk of oversizing the native ACL by the a point 15 mm distal (PT) or proximal (QT) from the inferior
use of the QT and undersizing it with the PT. (PT) or superior (QT) pole of the patella. The width was
assumed to be 10 mm. Previous studies found that MRI
can accurately and reliably predict graft sizes of the PT,
QT, and HS.5,46 To eliminate error attributed to different
METHODS axial and sagittal MRI cuts, the angle between the tendon
and axial image cut orientation was measured on sagittal
A retrospective chart review was performed of 325 patients MRI to calculate the true perpendicular CSA of the graft
who underwent ACLR by the senior author (F.H.F.) from with a cosine function (Figure 1). As HS graft size can be
January 2012 to January 2016. Inclusion criteria were pri- adapted by doubling the tendons, the intraoperative mea-
mary anatomic single-bundle ACL reconstruction with HS surement of the final HS graft diameter for implantation
autograft and the availability of intraoperative data of the was used for comparison with the QT and the PT.
ACL tibial insertion area and HS graft diameter, as well as The percentages of the tibial and femoral insertion site
preoperative MRI. Exclusion criteria were revision sur- area restored by the 3 possible grafts were then compared
gery, ACL augmentation, concomitant ligament or capsu- per individual.
lar injuries, and any use of allografts. Institutional In a previous cadaveric study, Fujimaki et al10 found
review board approval was obtained before the start of the ACL midsubstance to be 50.2% 6 15% (mean 6 SD)
this study (PRO12020319). the size of the tibial insertion area. Based on these

Address correspondence to Freddie H. Fu, MD, DSc (Hon), DPs (Hon), Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, 3200 South Water
Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203, USA (email:
*Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Department for Trauma, Orthopaedics, Hand, and Reconstructive Surgery, HELIOS-Spital Überlingen, Überlingen, Germany.
Sportsclinic Cologne, University of Witten-Herdecke, Cologne, Germany.
One or more of the authors has declared the following potential conflict of interest or source of funding: V.M. has received consulting fees from Smith &
Nephew, education and hospitality payments from Arthrex, and grants from Mid-Atlantic Surgical Systems.
AJSM Vol. XX, No. X, XXXX Individualized ACL Graft Matching 3

Autograft Measurements

Mean 6 SD Minimum Maximum

Thickness,a mm
Patellar tendon 3.6 6 0.8 2.5 5.8
Quadriceps tendon 7.7 6 1.1 4.3 10.5
Diameterb: hamstrings, mm 8.4 6 0.6 7.0 10.0

Magnetic resonance imaging.
Intraoperative (final graft).

Graft Cross-sectional Areas
and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Insertion Sizes
Figure 1. Sample magnetic resonance imaging measurement Mean 6 SD Minimum Maximum
of cross-sectional area (CSA) of potential quadriceps tendon
autograft: The thickness of the quadriceps tendon is mea- Insertion size, mm2
sured on the axial view at a point 15 mm proximal from the Tibial 107.2 6 22.9 60.5 155.5
Femoral insertion size 66.2 6 12.2 45.2 100.5
superior pole of the patella. The width is assumed to be
Autograft, mm2
10 mm. The angle between the tendon and axial image cut ori-
Patellar tendon 33.2 6 7.3 19.6 51.9
entation is measured on the sagittal view to calculate the true Quadriceps tendon 71.4 6 10.5 47.6 97.4
perpendicular CSA of the graft with a cosine (cos) function. Hamstrings 55.3 6 8.0 38.5 78.5

findings, restoring 35% to 65% of the tibial insertion size

(being equivalent to 85%-115% of the assumed native
Correlation of Autograft CSA
ACL midsubstance) was considered optimal. The number
and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Insertion Sizea
of patients who would have been within this range was
then calculated and the different grafts compared. Insertion Size: CSA Pearson Correlation P Value

Statistical Analyses
Patellar tendon –0.07 .646
Quadriceps tendon 0.131 .385
Descriptive statistics, including mean 6 SD and range,
Hamstrings 0.241 .107
were collected for all recorded variables. Measurements
were done twice within 3 weeks by 1 observer to analyze Patellar tendon –0.161 .284
intraobserver reliability and once by a second observer to Quadriceps tendon 0.04 .793
evaluate interobserver reliability with the intraclass corre- Hamstrings 0.165 .274
lation coefficient. Pearson coefficient was used to evaluate
the correlation between the ACL femoral/tibial insertion No correlation between size of footprint and size of any
area and the CSA of the PT, HS, and QT. Whether grafts observed autograft. CSA, cross-sectional area.
differ in their ability to reconstruct the tibial insertion site
and the ACL size was tested by analysis of variance and 0.96-0.99, P \ .05) reliability demonstrated good test-retest
paired t test. A P value \.05 was considered statistically sig- reliability. Table 1 shows the mean thickness of the PT and
nificant. All statistical analyses were performed with SPSS QT as well as the diameter of the implanted HS graft.
(v 24; IBM Corp). A priori power analysis showed that at Forty-one patients had a doubled ST/G graft (4 strands);
least 46 patients were required to detect a moderate corre- 2 patients, a quadrupled ST graft (4 strands); 1 patient,
lation (0.40), with a power of 0.80 and an alpha error of a tripled ST and doubled G graft (5 strands); and 1 patient,
.05. A minimum of 37 patients were required to compare a doubled ST graft (2 strands). Table 2 presents the mean
the 3 groups with 1-way analysis of variance, with an effect CSA of the 3 possible grafts and femoral and tibial inser-
size of 0.30, a power of 0.80, and an alpha error of .5. tion areas. Range of size is shown for all data to illustrate
the high variation. No significant correlation was observed
between the femoral or tibial ACL insertion size and any of
RESULTS the autograft CSAs (Table 3) or time to surgery.
Percentage reconstruction of the tibial insertion area
Forty-six patients (29 female, 17 male; 21.8 6 8.1 years) varied from 16.2% to 123.1% when all grafts were evalu-
met inclusion criteria and were enrolled in the study. ated. Reconstruction of the femoral insertion site ranged
Time of injury to time of surgery was 166.3 6 147.8 days from 25.5% to 176.7%. Figure 2 demonstrates the percent-
(95% CI = 120.8-211.8). Interrater (0.87, 95% CI = 0.62- age of the tibial insertion site reconstructed with each graft
0.92, P \ .05) and intrarater (rater 1: 0.98, 95% CI = per individual (PT, 32.8% 6 11.8%; HS, 53.6% 6 11.9%;
4 Offerhaus et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

Patellar Tendon
Quadriceps Tendon
Figure 2. Percentage of the tibial insertion site recon-
structed significantly differs for the 3 examined grafts (P \ Figure 3. Percentage of the femoral insertion site recon-
.05). The vertical lines mark the optimal size of reconstruction structed significantly differs for the 3 examined grafts (P \
(50.2% 6 15%) of the tibial insertion size. While the patellar .05). The femoral insertion site is smaller than the tibial inser-
tendon and quadriceps tendon significantly differ from this tion site, shifting the graph to the right.
mark (P \ .05), with patellar tendon tending to undersize
and quadriceps tendon tending to oversize, hamstring grafts
are more commonly within this optimal region (P = .36). that the use of similar standard autograft sizes in each
patient may lead to undersized as well as oversized auto-
grafts in many cases. This finding is highlighted by the
QT, 69.5% 6 17.3%), showing significant differences example of 1 patient with a very small insertion site. The
among the 3 possible grafts (P \ .05). As mentioned previ- appropriate diameter (6.5 mm) of the graft could already
ously, if we consider the graft size goal to be 50.2% 6 15% of be achieved by doubling the ST (2 strands) in this case.
restoration of the tibial insertion size,10 30.5% of patients in As the concept of ACL reconstruction shifted from iso-
the PT group were within this range (65.2% below, 4.3% metric to anatomic procedures within the past decades,
above), 82.7% of the HS (4.3% below, 13.0% above), and numerous studies have been performed to evaluate the
36.9% in the QT group (2.2% below, 60.9% above). Figure native anatomy of the ACL. These studies focused on ana-
2 summarizes these findings, illustrating that PT and QT tomic graft positioning and tunnel placement as well as
CSAs significantly differ from this ‘‘50% mark’’ (P \ .05), biomechanical testing and graft healing.7-9,17,26,41,47
whereas HS does not diverge much (P = .36). Although ACL insertion areas have been intensively inves-
Figure 3 demonstrates the percentage of the femoral tigated,20,21,23,24,37 the literature is limited on the restora-
insertion site reconstructed with the 3 possible grafts per tion of native ACL size.
individual (PT, 52.1% 6 15.9%; HS, 85.8% 6 18.1%; QT, The extensive studies by Iriuchishima et al21-24
111.2% 6 25.3%), showing significant differences among provided useful data regarding ACL insertion sizes and
them (P \ .05). commonly used autografts. They showed, in cadaveric dis-
sections, that there is no correlation between the size of
the ACL insertion areas and the mean size of the commonly
DISCUSSION used autografts as well as anthropometric data such as
height, weight, and sex of the patient.23 These findings sup-
The main findings of the present study are that sizes of the port the present individual in vivo measurements. The area
3 possible autografts for ACL reconstruction significantly of the ACL insertion site in cadavers was 2 to 3 times larger
differ in each patient and that no correlation is observed than the area of the HS or PT graft.22 This was also seen in
between the CSA of the native ACL and any of the auto- the current study. Furthermore, this study evaluated possi-
grafts. No one graft is able to most optimally restore ACL ble QT autografts, which are even larger and were not pre-
size in individual patients; therefore, patient-specific viously considered in the cadaveric studies of Iriuchishima
measurements may be done to determine which autograft et al.21 That group concluded that if the reconstructed
may best restore the native CSA of the ACL. To our knowl- ACL size is determined by the harvested autograft size
edge, this study is the first to correlate individual in vivo alone, then the native ACL insertion size is unlikely to be
data of native ACL insertion sizes with the CSAs of possi- reproduced. However, Iriuchishima et al21,22 did not provide
ble HS, PT, and QT autografts. These in vivo data show data in matching the insertion size and possible grafts in
AJSM Vol. XX, No. X, XXXX Individualized ACL Graft Matching 5

each knee. Furthermore, it is controversial whether restor- QT being bigger and the PT smaller than the HS on aver-
ing the ACL insertion size is desirable, as several studies age. Besides varying in overall size, the tibial insertion site
showed the native ACL to be ‘‘sandglass’’ or ‘‘bowtie’’ of the ACL varies in its shape.14 To ensure clinical applica-
shaped.10,39 bility, insertion size was calculated as an ellipse. Not con-
The cylindrical autografts used cannot reconstruct this sidering different shapes of the tibial insertion site is
native ACL shape; therefore, reconstructing the native another limitation of the present study. Although the cur-
ACL midsubstance CSA may be preferable to avoid inter- rent study evaluates graft size, other characteristics of the
condylar roof or posterior cruciate ligament impingement possible autografts are important and not examined here.
by a potentially oversized graft. Fujimaki et al10 quantified As the QT tends to oversize the native ACL midsub-
the shape of the ACL and its insertions site boundaries stance with the risk of consecutive notch impingement,
through a range of flexion angles and different loading detailed preoperative MRI planning is important. Harvest-
states. Using a laser scan, they showed the CSA at the isth- ing partial-thickness QT, as well as harvesting a smaller
mus of the ACL to be around half the area of the tibial width graft, may help to avoid this problem.11 The results
insertion site. As mentioned, given these findings, we of this study might provoke concerns about PT grafts for
assumed the graft size goal to be 50.2% 6 15% of the tibial ACL reconstruction, as they tend to undersize the native
insertion area. For several reasons, final analysis of match- ACL on average. In addition, histology has shown a higher
ing was done with the autograft’s relation to the tibial density of collagen fibrils as well as a higher density of
insertion size, although the femoral insertion site was mea- fibroblasts in the HS and QT as compared with PT grafts,
sured as well. Intraoperative measurements of the tibial possibly providing another potential advantage of the HS
insertion site are more accurate because the tibial stump and QT in ultimate strength.15,16 In contrast, Noyes
is always preserved. By cutting this stump, exact evalua- et al34 showed PT grafts to have significantly higher ten-
tion of the tibial footprint is possible, while femoral rem- sile strengths than the HS. However, several outcome
nants are often difficult to define. Furthermore, the tibial meta-analyses comparing HS and PT autografts did not
insertion site can be reliably predicted on MRI imaging.13 reveal any significant clinical difference, but they did
By knowing the tibial insertion size, the native ACL size show a trend toward return to higher sports level with
can be assumed, enabling the surgeon to calculate the opti- the use of bone–patellar tendon–bone grafts.12,43,45
mal graft size. Different histological properties and direct bone-to-bone
There is evidence that impingement on the intercondy- healing might be reasons for the success of PT grafts, as
lar wall may weaken the ACL and be a major factor with well as the aforementioned possible avoidance of notch
its injury.3 In a recent study, Orsi et al35 stated that small impingement. Herbort et al18 speculated that the constant
changes in graft size lead to large increases of impinge- fiber orientation of PT and QT grafts was similar to the orig-
ment force and contact area. This may be one reason why inal ACL structure and therefore provided better rotational
PT grafts are successful, although, on average, they are stability as compared with the HS in a cadaveric knee kine-
smaller than QT and HS autografts. Certainly, correct matics test. This finding again provides insight that consid-
placement of the graft by accurate femoral and tibial tun- erations more than just graft size alone may be important
nel drilling is crucial and cannot be overstressed.19,26,35 but are not yet well defined. Thickness of the PT and QT
In recent literature, graft failure was correlated with also varies greatly among patients and results in different
smaller HS autograft size.6,31,33,38 However, this may be diameters, as these are typically harvested with a width of
an oversimplification, as correlation of graft size to native 10 mm.2,22,32,42 Literature is lacking in regard to outcome
ACL size as well as return to sports was not assessed in studies comparing different sizes of PT and QT autografts,
these studies and oversizing the ACL might impart its which was already done for HS autografts. Furthermore,
own complications. These patients may not return to possible differences of the remodeling process between 1-
high-level pivoting sports and therefore may be less likely stranded QT or PT grafts and multiple-stranded HS grafts
to rerupture their ACLs. Indeed, 2 studies showed the should be investigated in future studies.
same or slightly better Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Out- The present study shows that the CSA of potential auto-
come Scores among patients with bigger autograft diame- grafts varies greatly among patients, which should be consid-
ters, although these results were from multicenter ered in preoperative planning. Given the aforementioned
studies where surgical factors are not controlled.33,38 Fur- clinical and biomechanical studies,3,6,10,35,37,38 it is desirable
thermore, these results for the HS may not be transferable to avoid under- and oversizing of the autograft to prevent
to other autografts, as their histological and biomechanical its failure. Particularly when the PT or QT is considered as
properties vary.4,15,16 a possible transplant, its thickness should be measured and
The main limitation of this study is selection bias by possible CSA calculated preoperatively, as options to adapt
including only patients who underwent ACL reconstruc- the resulting graft size are limited as compared with HS
tion with an HS graft; in these cases, the size of the HS autografts. Another study from our institution13 showed
graft was already adapted by using grafts with different that the tibial insertion site can be reliably predicted on
numbers of strands. However, it is common practice to MRI and, by this, the native ACL size can be assumed. Based
adapt HS sizes, while the PT and QT are often harvested on the results of both studies, preoperative individualized
in a standard technique with a width of 10 mm regardless graft matching is possible. Nevertheless, native ACL size
of their thickness. Nevertheless, this study shows that pos- should not be a surgeon’s only concern in graft choice. Con-
sible graft sizes significantly differ per individual, with the comitant injuries to the capsule and other ligaments are
6 Offerhaus et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

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