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Name: R Rohan

Sub: Media Law

SEM/Sec: X/B


Debate Proposition: Speaking for Right to Commercial Speech
The Indian Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech and expression for all its
citizens under Article 19(1)(a). However, the Supreme Court has held that the right to
commercial speech is also protected by Article 19(1)(a). This proposition argues that the right
to commercial speech should be afforded the same protection as the right to freedom of
speech and expression, as it is an essential part of the latter.

Commercial speech is defined as “speech that proposes a commercial transaction” and

includes advertising and promotional activities. Commercial speech is a part of our day-to-
day lives, with advertisements and promotional activities being a regular feature of our
television channels, magazines, and newspapers. In addition, the internet has enabled
companies to reach a far wider audience through social media campaigns and other digital
marketing initiatives.
The right to commercial speech provides a platform for businesses to reach their target
audiences and make their products and services known. It also allows businesses to present
their views on public issues in a manner that would not be possible if the right to commercial
speech were not recognized. Companies can make use of this platform to bring about positive
changes in society, such as raising awareness about important issues or promoting eco-
friendly initiatives.

Furthermore, the right to commercial speech promotes transparency in business activities and
ensures that companies are held accountable for their actions. Finally, the right to commercial
speech creates a level playing field for businesses, allowing them to compete without fear of
unfair competition or monopoly.
Therefore, this proposition argues in favor of the right to commercial speech being given the
same protection as the right to freedom of speech and expression under Article 19(1)(a) of the
Indian Constitution.

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