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MEZHERITSKY Consultant for Dong IL Technology, Ltd., Kyonggi-Do, R. Korea 445-850 A piezoceramic homogeneous thin plate polarized and electrically excited in its thickness direction can vibrate in thickness-extensional (TE) as well as thickness-shear (TS) modes which are coupled. If selective characteristics of the basic TE-mode have been researched in details, the unwanted TS resonances in this coupled couple did not use to get an appropriate attention. The physical nature of the even and odd TS harmonics in a TE- mode resonator configuration and their influence on the first and third TE working vibration characteristics, particularly filter stopband attenuation, were investigated analytically and experimentally. A classic mechanical oscillatory model of two coup led vibrators, symmetric and asymmetric fringe-effects in a partly metallized piezo-plate were involved to describe a frequency and amplitude behavior of unwanted TS resonances in a set of PZT piezoceramic materials prepared with a wide range of energy-trap
D E E ,D parameter c33 c 44 variation from 3 up to 9, where cij is the elastic stiffness.

In a vicinity of the fundamental (first) TE resonance, relative intensity of the second TS resonance, which is excited both electrically due to a symmetric fringe-effect and mechanically due to coupling interaction with the basic TE resonance, rapidly decreases with growth of the figure-ofE E merit parameter m 0.5 c33 c44 > 1 as m ( m 1) ; relative intens ity of the third TS resonance,

which is excited electrically due to an asymmetric fringe-effect, slightly increases with growth of piezoactivity ( k15 ) their intensities are equal on magnitude at m = 1.12 0.02 that is considered as an optimal value. For the third TE harmonic, its coincidence with any TS resonances is unwanted: if it happens, the coupled even (6th or 8th ) TS resonances fully depress the major third TE mode, while the odd TS resonances (5th , 7th , 9th ) lead to a distortion of the working characteristic due to a superposition. A set of values c33 c44 = 3.3 0.3, 4.8 0.4, 6.3 0.4, 8.1 0.5 provides optimal disposition of the third TE and corresponding TS resonances.

Submitted to the Joint Meeting 2003 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and PDA Exhibition and 17th European Frequency and Time Forum 0n December 14, 2002.


A.V. Mezheritsky

A piezoceramic homogeneous thin plate polarized and electrically excited in its thickness direction can vibrate in thickness-extensional (TE) as well as thickness-shear (TS) modes of vibration which are coupled. The effect of coupling is a necessary condition for the energy-trapped phenomenon. Influence of even and odd TS harmonics on the first and third TE- mode working vibration characteristics was investigated. Energy-trapped criteria for isotropic and anisotropic due to strong piezoeffect cases were analyzed and summarized; their equality was experimentally confirmed for non-polarized state of piezoceramics. A classic mechanical system of two coupled vibrators was applied to describe frequency and amplitude behavior of a piezo resonator at variation of energy-trapped parameters. Though the effect of trapping exists due to TE and TS modes interaction, the shear mode resonant properties in a TE PR has not been described yet. On the basis of proposed criterion for energy-trapped material parameter optimization, its optimal values for the fundamental and third TE harmonics were established:
E E D E m = 1.12 0.02 (or c33 c44 = 4.8 0.2 , or c33 c44 = 6.2 0.3 for typical k t ; 0.5 ) D E and a set of values c33 c44 = 3.3 0.3, 4.8 0.4, 6.3 0.4, 8.1 0.5 , respectively.

High sensitivity of energy-trapping effect to the piezomaterial parameters requires optimization

procedure for p iezoceramic materials (PCM) of a PZT system [1], having unique electroelastic properties
with possibility of their purposeful variation in a wide range of compositions, degree of polarization, etc.

The thickness mode high- frequency piezo resonators (PR) and monolithic filters employing thickness TE and TS modes of vibration with energy-trapping effect are the most commonly used since their performances and their frequencies correspond well to the specifications of modern electronic systems /1, 2/. Among them the TE mode has the advantages higher obtainable frequency (up to 150 MHz) due to about twice higher velocity, and higher quality factor /3/. Typical thin plate made from piezoelectric ceramics (PCM) /2, 4/ is polarized and, at least partially, covered with inner metallic electrodes in order to excite it with an applied RF field by means of the piezoelectric effect (Fig. 1). The principal of functioning of such devices presumes that propagation of the TE modes is possible under an electroded area, surrounded by a non-electroded marginal region where the modes decay outwards.

Fig. 1. Conventional energy-trapped mode PR as a thin piezoceramic plate with

thickness homogeneous polarization P , conductive metallized areas (E-region) of active zone L and terminals, surrounded by non-covered D-region.

In general, energy-trapped thickness vibrations are very complicated, since coupling of different modes may occur in the vicinity of the fundamental resonance frequency and its higher harmonics, causing spurious resonances, etc. The resulting vibrational spectrum is influenced additionally by the finite boundaries of the resonator and the actual values of a number of material coefficients. Theoretical models of the energy-trapping effect describe the lateral distribution of thickness modes characteristics in a piezoelectric body, such as an infinite plate /1, 5/ or finite disk /6/ etc., where a one-side criteria is established for realizing in principal the effect of trapping.

Then, for practical purposes, there is a number of techniques for getting suitable filter or resonator characteristics in a band-pass frequency range in respect to a relative electrode size, its shape, symmetry and arrangement, electrode mass- loading, plate thickness profile /7-10/, etc., for a given state of piezomaterial (energy-trapped parameters). It is of a great interest to determine what the material energy-trapped parameter value is optimal, especially for the piezoceramic materials with a wide range of a property variation. Usually, a pieroceramic material is considered to be suitable for thickness resonator applications if its losses ( Q1 = f f ) and temperature coefficients are fairly low and its relevant coupling factor ( k 2 > f f ) exceeds a value fixed by the bandwidth ( f f ) of the device. Towards narrower relative bandwidths, high-order harmonics are more suitable. In energy-trapped TE mode bandpass filters using piezoceramic substrates, since vibrations other than vibration to be used are considered spurious, or unwanted, vibrations (high-order planar vibrations, even and odd TS harmonics, and TE inharmonic overtones), suppression of such spurious vibrations is strongly demanded to reach a high level of stopband attenuation. Energy-trapped phenomenon for TE mode of a planar plate is a result of extension-shear coupled interaction, so that even non-piezoactive shear harmonic s are excited through the interaction. The behavior of the shear resonances in such a coupled couple was not properly researched and described, nevertheless their intensity in the thickness PR spectrum is the next after TE resonance.

1.1. Frequency description of energy-trapped modes. Inharmonic overtones.

If electrodes of finite thickness are applied to a limited portion of a piezo plate, the behavior of the electroded and surrounding regions can be likened to a wave guide with two cut-off frequencies, E for the electroded region and D for the surrounding unelectroded region /11/. In common description, if energy-trapping effect takes place (see Fig. 10), below E there is no propagation in either region; above D there can be propagation in both regions , so that resonator characteristics are a function of the plate as a whole; between E and D there can be propagation in the E-region but not in the D-region, total internal reflection occurs at the boundary between the regions and vibratory energy is confined to the electroded region, so that resulting responses are a function of the parameters of that region. Thus, trapped-energy mode responses are usually acoustically isolated from other portions of the plate. As a result, whole networks of acoustically independent resonators can be realized on a single plate.

Since standing waves occur in the E-region at frequencies between E and D , trapped energy resonance is dependent on the relative values of E and D , and on the lateral dimensions of the Eregion. Obviously a whole series of such responses can occur between E and D , and these are called the inharmonic (spurious ) overtone series; the lowest of which is considered the fundamental thickness extensional response of the resonator. Inharmonics represent opposite-phase TE vibrations of adjacent regions under an electrode. The series ends at D , because at D standing wave amplitudes approach zero as the waves escape into the D-region. The odd inharmonics (with an odd number of the lateral half- wavelength on the electrode size) are excited, since the even ones, with appropriate symmetry, should not be excited electrically because of total charge compensation on the electrode. Because of boundary conditions, a portion of the vibratory energy trapped in the E-region fringes out into the D-region and tails off exponentially with distance away from the electrode. For a finite piezo plate, operating frequencies must be far enough below the cut-off frequency D , so that vibrations are effectively attenuated by the cut-off phenomenon. The effect of limitation of electrode area to reduce spurious responses was first observed by Bechmann /7/, who found the progressive disappearance of inharmonic overtone responses with reduction of electrode diameter and suggested design criteria on electrode and plate diameter in terms of plate thickness to obtain a single resonance characteristic: L h ; t r , where

r = D E 1 - frequency resonance interval (ultimately, corresponding CEMC) of the harmonic, factor t is of order 1.

The electro- mechanical behavior of a piezoelectric body /1/ in the common case is described by r an equation of motion utt = T at given boundary and initial conditions, by piezoelectric equations
E T Si = sij T j + d ki Ek ; Dn = nm Em + dnl Tl ;

where T and S , E and D are the components of mechanical stress and strain, electric field and
E E electric displacement, respectively, sij , D ( cij , D ) are elastic material coefficients at constant electric
T field or displacement, km is permittivity at constant mechanical strain, and piezoelectricity is

described by piezoelectric constant dki , is a vector operator. The electric field is determined by its r electric potential as E = grad ( ) .

2.1. Energy-trapped criteria analysis

The requirements for the effect of trapping include two major principles. Fist, as a necessary condition, near TE resonance the lateral x2 must change its sign, so that the lateral wave number x becomes pure complex (attenuation) on one side of the resonance, and real (standing wave) on the other side of the resonance. Such a situation is provided by a coupling phenomenon with some another vibration mode, and complex (attenuation) x occurs between their own resonances. Coupling effect means the influence of one type of resonance vibration on another one through their internal own characteristics, not direct external influence. Second, if energy trapping is to work for a certain mode, the appropriate dispersion curves must allow, near the resonance frequency, the condition when in some nearby frequency interval a real lateral wavenumber in the central excited (electroded) region co-exists with an imaginary wavenumber in the surrounding (non- metallized) region. If, however, an interchange of modes occurs, there is no trapping interval for the TE- mode and thus energy trapping does not work. The basic pure piezo-trapping effect is considered further, when the difference between cut-off frequencies of the E- and D-regions in an uniform thickness plate is created by piezoeffect only with
E = f r , N t , D = f a, N t , and the relative frequency difference f a, N t f r , N t 1 = r , N t is determined by

the CEMC parameter k t2 , not by special thickness profile, etc. There is a theoretical primary criterion of trapping, that follows from the dispersion relations consideration ( 2 vs. ( x h /2) 2 representation): 2 ( 2) ( x2 ) 2 = 0 > 0 /10/ , when the

dispersion curve is described as 2 = 20 + 2 x2 in a vicinity of the TE cut-off frequency 0 , where = 0.5 r, 1 s is the normalized frequency in respect to the shear fundamental resonance frequency r, 1 s . At the same time, the value of a lateral group velocity x



According to theoretical results /1, 6/, planar TE-resonators or monolithic filters exploiting the fundamental mode (N =1) should be made from ceramics for which the extensional cutoff frequency ( E , D ) lies well above the nearest shear cutoff frequency ? s (second harmonic). The following short review includes a discussion of the energy-trapped material parameters to determine which of them is paramount for the effect, or figure of merit. For isotropic (non-piezoelectric) solid media, which is described by two independent elastic parameters of compliance S and Poisson coefficient , there are only one extensional f t ( D = E )

and one shear f s sets of resonances determined by the elastic stiffnesses c33 and c44 , respectively. Their fundamental frequencies are f 1 t = c33 2 h and
s (1 2 1

f 1s =

c44 2 h .
1 . 2 s (1 + )


where, according to the theory of elasticity: c33 =

and c44 =

The fundamental TE and second TS resonances are involved in the energy trapping process, and energy-trapped condition is expressed as:
f1t > 2 f1s m f1t 2 f1s > 1 ,



where m is a convenient parameter of the frequencies disposition and is considered as a figure-ofmerit of energy trapping criteria. From (1) and (2) for the isotropic case follows:
c33 >4 c44


m =

1 2

c33 = c44

1 >1, 2(1 2 )



c33 c44 2 1 > 2 ( c33 c44 1) 3


In an anisotropic media with strong piezoeffect each electric response resonance has two resonant frequencies, resonance and antiresonance, with respective elastic constant s. When piezoactivity (CEMC) rises, an isotropic elastic stiffness is split into two elastic constants, corresponding to limited boundary electrical conditions at constant electric field strength E and constant electric
E D E D E D displacement D: c44 c44 and c44 , c33 c33 and c33 with their relationships c33 = c33 (1 kt2 ) and

E D 2 c44 = c44 (1 k15 ) , where k t and k 15 are the thickness extensional and shear CEMCs.

For the considered piezo-plate configuration with direction of the collinear vectors of polarization and exciting electric field strictly along the plate thickness, the thickness extensional mode is a stiffened mode /12/ with the fundamental (N =1) resonance and antiresonance frequencies for a fully metallized plate:
E D B1 c33 q1 c33 f r, 1 t = = 2h h


D 1 c33 f a, 1 t = 2h


where B1 = 2 q1 1 kt2 , q1 is the first root of the frequency equation tan q = q kt2 . Note, that the resonance frequency of the non-electroded D-region, or D cut-off frequency, is equal to the antiresonance frequencies D 2 = f a ,N t , while E 2 = f r, N t . The resonance frequency can be expressed by first-order approximation on CEMC k t < 1 ( q1 ; 0.5 (1 4kt2 2 + ... ) ) as :

f r, 1 t ;

D E 1 c33 4 1 c33 1 2 kt2 + ... ; 2h 2h

k2 1 + t 2

E 8 1 c33 1 2 + ... > . 2h


Meantime, in the ideal case of the considered plate configuration, the thickness shear mode is non-piezoactive - it can not be excited by the electric field parallel to the vector of polarization. It has a response at least in two cases: when there is an electric field component parallel to the major plate planes (that occurs in the case of asymmetric fringe-effect in a partially metallized plate), and r when the polarization vector P in PR volume is not strictly perpendicular to the major surfaces /16/. Anyway, for a small-order of the effects, such a shear mode itself is a one-dimensional unstiffened mode /17/, hence the resonance frequencies of all the shear overtones are integer (n) multiples of the
E fundamental resonance f r, n s = n f r, 1 s = n c44 2 h . The antiresonance frequency is greater than

the resonance one on the value, proportional to the respective CEMC of a given resonance. However, even for a homogeneous electric field suitable for a shear mode (perpendicular to the polarization direction), the even harmonics n = 2, 4 can not be excited electrically (an even number of half- wavelengths along the plate thickness), but they have a low intensity response (mostly mechanical, not electro- mechanical) due to coupling with another vibration, particularly with TE vibration. There are two approaches to the criteria of energy trapping for the fundamental (N =1) TE resonance depending on the frequency disposition. The first, the TE antiresonance frequency must be greater than the second TS resonance:
f a, 1 t > f r , 2 s = 2 f r, 1 s ,
D E c33 c44 2 1 > . D E 2 ( c33 c44 1) 3


D c33 >4 E c44



where t is the extension-shear Poisson coefficient (an artificial parameter as an analog of (4) for the isotropic case). As was shown in /6/, that is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for energy trapping because of piezoelectricity (CEMC k t ). The second, the TE resonance frequency must be greater than the second TS resonance:
f r, 1 t > f r, 2 s = 2 f r ,1 s m f r , 1 t f r , 2 s = fr, 1 t 2 f r, 1 s > 1 ,

or or

(8) (9)



B1 2

E c33 >1 E c44



D c33 >1 . E c44

Using the results of (6) as first-order approximation on CEMC k t :

m; then

1 2

E c33 E c44

k2 8 1 + t 1 2 2

1 + ... > 1 or m ; 2 and

D c33 E c44

4 2 1 2 kt + ... > 1 .

( 10 ) ( 11 )

E E c33 c44 > 4 ( 1 0.2 kt2 + ...)

D E c33 c44 > 4 ( 1+ 0.8 kt2 + ...) .

E E D E From (10, 11) follows that neither c33 c44 , nor c33 c44 can not be itself an exact parameter for

energy-trapped criteria because of CEMC influence. Note, that all the mentioned energy-trapped parameters establish the lowest limit only, but there is no upper limit considered. Isotropic and anisotropic cases /13/ match to each other for non-polarized state of piezoceramics:
D c33 E c44 E c 33 E ur c 44 P 0 ur P 0

c 33 1 0 =2 c 44 1 2 0


r m ( P 0) =

1 0 2(1 2 0 )

( 12 )

where 0 - Poisson coefficient of non-polarized piezoceramics. For the third (N = 3) TE harmonic and higher, the most convenient parameter of a relative TE and
D E TS resonances disposition is c33 c44 , because the resonance frequencies of high-order TE overtones D E are determined mostly by the c33 , not c33 constant, as well as the antiresonance frequency.

For the 3rd TE harmonic antiresonance or resonance frequencies to be higher than the 6th TS
D E resonance, it is required that c33 c44 > 4 for the f a, 3 t > f r , 6 s = 6 f r , 1 s disposition, and

D E c33 c44 > 4 ( 1 0.1 kt2 + ...) for the f r, 3 t > f r , 6 s = 6 f r, 1 s disposition, respectively. The difference in
D E the c33 c44 value is sufficiently small

Energy-trapping effect is very sensitive to critical values of the energy-trapped parameters, so that some two piezo ceramics which differ slightly in their material properties can differ largely in their dispersion.

2.2. Experimental data of energy-trapped parameters behavior

Measurements of the effective coupling factor of partially electroded resonators and dependences of the energy-trapped parameters on PCM composition and degree of polarization are presented in Fig. 2, 3 which reflect the effectiveness of the energy-trapping phenomenon and how it can be reached technologically. From the series of PZT-35 type ceramics (Appendix) thin square plates 6x6 mm and 300 m in thickness were prepared and supplied with square dot electrodes of various size L . Major material parameters were determined according to /4, 12/.

The dot resonators were excited in their fundamental TE- mode and their TE resonance f r and antiresonance frequencies f a were measured. In Fig. 2 the effective thickness coupling factor k eff ( r , %) is plotted versus the normalized electrode size L/h. There is experimental evidence for
E E m ( 0.5 c33 c44 ) to govern energy trapping at fundamental TE resonance. Its effectiveness can be

judged from the measurement of the effective CEMC k eff of partially electroded resonators, or its equivalent r = f a f r 1 (%) with the relationship 1 k 2 = a r + b , where a, b coefficients according to IEC Standard /12/. If energy trapping works the frequency separation between f a and f r is fairly large and k eff approaches k t even if the diameters of the resonator's electrodes are small. If, however, energy trapping is missing then, for the same electrode diameter, f a and f r draw near and k eff decreases. How rapidly the dependence reaches saturation at increasing the electrode size is a strong indication for lack of energy trapping. Furthermore, the vibrational spectrum of the resonators showed a great number of inharmonic overtones which were largely suppressed for smaller electrode sizes in the spectrum of ceramics compositions with a greater CEMC k t value.

Fig. 2 . Experimental dependence of the fundamental TE r, 1 t and planar r, 1 p relative resonance frequency intervals ( CEMCs kt and k p ) on the relative electrode size L/h for different values of the energy-trapped parameters
D E E E c33 c44 ( c33 c44 ) in connection

with PZT-35 type Zr/Ti composition (Appendix). PR 6x6x0.3 mm. Dashed line graph region corresponding to a single mode TE resonance.

For comparison, the behavior of the effective CEMC of planar mode (max CEMC k p ) of vibration is presented in Fig. 2 , that does not exhibit the effect of trapping.

Fig. 3 . Experimental dependence of the Poisson coefficients p and t , energy-trapped

D E parameters c33 c44 and m on the planar CEMC

coefficient kp for PZT-35 type ceramics near PZT-35 (2, 5, 6) compositions (Appendix).

In Fig. 3 the experimental dependence of the planar p and extension-shear t Poisson coefficients, energy-trapped parameters
D E c33 c44 and m upon degree of polarization

(k p as a measure of piezoactivity) are presented for three PZT-35 type compositions (Appendix). It is clear, for PZT with strong piezoeffect, planar Poisson coefficient p does not reflect the efficiency of trapping. The energy-trapped
D E E E parameters c33 c44 and m ( c33 c44 ) grows as D E kp value increases, c33 c44 more rapidly

because of the additional influence of k t piezo-factor (10). All the mentioned energytrapped parameters correspond to each other, as a trapping criterion, for non-polarized state of
E E piezoceramics. The difference between t (defined by c33, D c44 ) and p is extremely high for

morphotropic PCM compositions (with relatively high k p value about 0.5-0.7 ), while for far tetragonal compositions (with relatively small k p value less 0.3 and typical high k t value more than 0.4) they coincide. According to the data presented in Fig. 3 fo llows that, if the condition of energytrapping ( 0) > 1 3 for isotropic non-polarized PCM is satisfied, energy trapping effect takes place in polarized PCM either.

3. ELEMENTARY MECHANICAL ANALOG of COUPLED VIBRATORS The concept of the energy trapping is based on coupled vibrations phenomenon. Mechanical analogies can be very useful in gaining an intuitive understanding of complex phenomena.

Fig. 4 . The swing of a pendulum : a parametric vibration of the pendulum (swing) with one degree of freedom; b schematic diagram of the pendulum (swing) and man trajectory and displacements; c two coupled vibration modes of a string pendulum with two degrees of freedom.

A classic example of an oscillator is a planar pendulum as a one-degree-of- freedom vibratory system. Vibration of a swing, which is well known due to our life experience, is a parametric vibration /14, 15/, when the most effective gain of the horizontal vibration with its own frequency f corresponds to the twice frequent vertical vibration f b = 2 f of a man on the swing (Fig. 4 a,b). Such a simple model illustrates the behavior of a string pendulum (Fig. 4 c), that is a vibrator with two degrees of freedom: it can swing from right to left, and from up to down. The most effective modes interaction - maximum efficiency of vibration transferring from one vibration (mode) to the other of two, horizontal and vertical, modes takes place when the own frequency fb of a string is near twice pendulum frequency f b ; 2 f . As to the subject of our consideration, it can be imagined the equivalency of a TE mode of a resonator with vertical vibration of a string pendulum, and a TS mode with its horizontal vibration, when the first TE resonance is coupled with the second TS resonance in a PR.

3.1. The behavior of coupled natural modes

The dynamics of coupled natural modes /14/ is modeled by a simple mechanical equivalent circuit of two string - mass- damper oscillators coupled by means of an additional string with the elastic

constant c (Fig. 5). This is a two-degree-of- freedom system for particular case of equal masses, which is under a stimulated regime of excitation (stimulated displacement ).

Fig. 5 . Classic mechanical analog with two coupled oscillation modes.

2 The basic parameters of the system are: 1 1 m and 2 2 m - uncoupled string- mass 2
2 oscillators self- frequencies, 1 (1 + c ) m and 2 ( 2 + c ) m - partial frequencies, then 2 2 2 2 2 c m = 1 1 = 2 2 . The complex representation i = i (1 + i Qi ) , where Qi quality factor

of ith string ( i = 1, 2 ) is used for taking into account the dissipation effect, the harmonic time dependence is represented by the factor e it , where ? frequency of external excitation. We will further discuss only the main conclusions for the particular case when the only mass 1 elastic parameter 1 (1 ) varies. Relative mass displacements are:
2 2 u1 2 = 1 2 R( )


2 2 u2 2 2 = 1 2 , R ( )

( 13 )

2 4 where R( ) = ( 1 2 )( 2 2 ) 2 2

- resonant factor,

( c 2 )

(1 + c

2 2 4 2 ) = ( 2 2 ) 2 - factor of coupling 2 2

Simple considerations show several characteristic frequencies of the system: - the displacement u1 characteristic (as well as u2 ) has two resonant maximums according to the equation R( ) = 0 at the following frequencies (normal resonance frequencies of the system)
2 1 + 2 2 = 2 2 2 1 2 4 2 + 2 2 2

( 14 )

- the mass 1 displacement equals zero u1 = 0 at the frequency 0 = 2 , when mass 1 is in equilibrium, and mass 2 moves in counter-phase to external influence to compensate its action. There is a co-phase relative motion of the two masses at frequencies below < 2 , and a counterphase relative motion above > 2 .

- the mass 1 displacement equals the external one u1 = +1 at the characteristic frequency ? 1 in the frequency interval of coupling according to 12 2 (1 + ) . 2 - the displacements of the two masses are equal u1 = u2 at the characteristic frequency = = 2 . The characteristic frequencies 0 , 1 and = are schematically presented in Fig. 6. Note that they do not depend on the variation parameter 1 (1 ) . The energy stored by each masses is Wi = 0.5 m 2 ui2 , where i = 1, 2 . In the particular case of equal strings 1 = 2 ( then 1 = 2 eq and 1 = 2 eq ):
2 2 = 2 and + = 2 + 2 c m , where - frequency of a co-phase anti-symmetric mode of eq eq

the system (center-of- gravity vibration, the string c is not strengthened), + - frequency of a counter-phase symmetric mode of the system (relative vibration, the string c is double2 2 strengthened), and the frequency of the mass 1 zero-displacement 02 = eq = eq + c m lies in

the middle of them. Note, that in the particular case of a free vibration, the system of two coupled natural modes exhibits a beating oscillation, when energy is transferred between the two coupled modes with the beat frequency equal to the difference between normal frequencies + and . The dynamic frequency characteristic (u1 ) 2 of mass 1, which is directly excited by the external force, is presented in Fig. 6. There are two maximums at the frequencies and + , which exhibit typical behavior for a system with coupling (Fig. 7). There is a dead zone between them, where the vibration of mass 1 is extremely weak (at least in the interval 1 0 ). The maximum of the effective coupling is attained for natural modes that have the same frequencies 1 2 = 1 in the uncoupled state. Relative amplitude dependences are presented in Fig. 8, 9 as functions of frequency ratio 1 2 for two different conditions: as a ratio of the kinetic energies of masses 1 and 2 at the same resonance frequency ( + and , respectively), and as an amplitude ratio of the mass 1 displacements at the resonance frequencies + and . Modes with a frequency ratio of

1 : 2 = 1 : 2 or higher consequently should not affect each other, effect of string- mass 2 quality
factor Q2 on mass 1 vibration becomes negligible.

Fig. 6 . Dynamic frequency characteristics of mass 1 of the mechanical analog for

c 2 = 0.5 ( = 0.11 ),
frequency ratio

1 2 = 1 2 0.2...2.4
and for two sets of the quality factors.

Fig. 7 . Dependence of the analog normal resonance frequencies + and on the frequency separation parameter 1 2 for c 2 = 0.1 ( = 0.008 ). Dashed line region of the most effective coupling of the two string mass oscillators.

We can make the following observations for the analog as a coupled system that relates to the energy-trapped effect of a PR: - there is a dead zone between the two resonances, where vibrations are extremely low; - the resonance frequencies of a coupled system ( ) never coinside, even in the case of equal two string- mass oscillators; - mass 1 , that is excited directly by an external force, has two resonances with a certain energy share of each vibrating mass: for 1 > 2 the energy of the higher frequency resonance (+ ) is

predominantly of mass 1, and the energy of the lower frequency resonance ( ) is predominantly of mass 2, so that the energy losses in the string- mass 2 oscillator do not have effect on the string- mass 1 vibration; for 1 < 2 at frequency a share of mass 2 energy is essential, so the mass 1 resonance is more sensitive to the losses of string- mass 2 oscillator; - for 1 > 2 in the amplitude- frequency spectrum the relative amplitudes of the two resonances decreases rapidly with the frequency separation increasing, so that the vibration amplitude of nondirectly excited mass 2 is extremely high at 1 ; 2 .

Fig. 8 . A relative share of the mass 2 kinetic energy in respect to the mass 1 energy at two resonances + and of the system at c 2 = 0.5 ( = 0.11 ) and Qi = 100.

Fig. 9 . The ratio of the mass 1 displacements at the resonance frequencies + and as a function of frequency separation parameter 1 2 at c 2 = 0.5 ( = 0.11 ).


4.1. Spurious shear resonances in a TE-mode resonator

There is a difference between the analog considered, which is a system with concentrated parameters, and a real PR which is an oscillator with distributed parameters. If their frequency and amplitude properties, as a whole system, have common features of a coupled vibration system, distribution of the vibration characteristics in a PR body has some principal specific properties.

Variation of the dispersion curves under a change of the energy-trapped parameter is schematically presented in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10 . Dependence of a qualitative character of the radial ( r ) and TE-TS dispersion curves on the
D E E E energy-trapped parameter c33 c44 ( c33 c44 ) :

- electrodeless plate region ;

D E - metallized plate region at c33 c44 < 4 (a);

D E - metallized plate region at c33 c44 4 - 5.4 (b), 5.6 - 7.1 (c), 7.3 - 9 (d);

D E When the energy-trapped parameter value c33 c44 < 9 , the fundamental (first) TE harmonic is

coupled with the second TS harmonic with a different slope at x = 0 in a 2 x2 representation for
D E E E D E E E c33 c 44 ( c33 c 44 ) < 4 (negative slope) and c33 c 44 (c 33 c 44 ) > 4 (positive slope). For the third TE

harmonic, the dispersion curves are split into two branches that reflect a coupling with the 6th and 8th TS harmonics. The slope of the curves at x = 0 is always positive /21/ that provides the energytrapped effect. Note one supposition that was not discussed yet. For extremely high values of the energy-trapped
D E parameter c33 c44 > 9 there is a prevail coupling effect of the fundamental TE harmonic with the 4th

TS resonance. Most likely, a positive slope of the dispersion curves takes place in this case, however
D E for c33 c44 = 9...11 sufficiently different dispersion curves can occur for the electroded (coupling

with the 2nd TS resonance) and non- electroded (coupling with the 4th TS resonance) PR regions for relatively high value of CEMC k t , that may result in energy-trapping efficiency lowering.

The nature of the even and odd TS harmonics is discussed below, that allows estimate their amplitude characteristic s in a TE PR.

4.1.1. Indirect (mechanical) excitation of even TS harmonics.

An electric field applied in the thickness direction to a thickness polarized piezoceramic plate will produce a thickness dilation distortion as shown in Fig. 11 with principal particle displacement in the z-direction. Because of Poisson-factor effect, the extensional and shear modes of a plate body are coupled, since the TE-mode distribution is inhomogeneous in plane and thus produces a component of a shear motion.

Fig. 11 . Lateral (a) and thickness (b) wave intensity distribution of TE and TS coupled modes. Fig. 12 . Displacement distribution of natural modes in a solid body, excited mechanically in the middle -line.

According to /6/, in the case of a circular symmetry (disc PR), the exact analytical solution provides variable separation as u z ( z , r ) = F (r ) f ( z ) and ur ( z , r ) = Fr( r ) h( z ) . Then, the shear deformation is s4 ( z , r ) = (u z )r + (ur )z = u z ( z , r ) hz ( z ) u z ( z ) . 1+ = r f ( z) r ( 15 )

where ( z ), f ( z), h( z ) are some functions of the z-coordinate only, F(r) - some function of the rcoordinate. It means that in radial r-direction (x,y plane) maximum TS- mode intensity corresponds to the PR region with maximum gradient (degree of changing) of TE- mode intensity, moreover TSmode deformation equals zero where maximum TE intensity takes place. For optimal electrode size, when the Bechmann condition is satisfied, that is the only main TE harmonic (no inharmonics) is excited, maximum TE-mode r-derivative lies exactly at the border of the electrode (the point of junction the cos(x) in the E-region and exp(-x) in the D-region type functions), as shown in Fig. 11. For a larger electrode size the TS vibration maximums additionally take place predominantly in the regions between counter-phase TE vibrations of inharmonics.

Under the condition of a center-applied force T to a solid body (Fig. 12), the only symmetricdisplacement shear mode harmonics are possible. Among them, a zero center-of- mass displacement (natural modes) corresponds to the even harmonics only.

4.1.2. Direct electrical excitation of even and odd TS harmonics.

The odd TS-mode harmonics are asymmetric, so they can not be excited by a symmetric mechanical stress created by the TE modes (Fig. 12).
Fig. 13 . Distribution of electric field in a bulk piezoceramic resonator with onesided electrodes due to a fringe-effect.

Fig. 14 . A schematic field wave pattern in plate zones under electrical excitation of the TS-mode resonances for the symmetric (a) and asymmetric (b) fringe-effect.

However, the presence of an electrical field component perpendicular to the vector of polarization
E /16-20/ results in excitation of unwanted TS vibration ( c44, D , k15 , typically k 15 > k t ) (unstiffened

mode /12/). The result of the asymmetric fringe-effect due to asymmetric disposition of electrodes ( electrodes misalignment, or if an electrode on one face is larger than on the other face, because of

(or between) PR terminals, etc.), as shown in Fig. 13, is an excitation of the odd TS harmonics (Fig. 14b). A symmetric fringe-effect results in an electrical excitation of a restricted set n = 2, 6, 10 of the odd TS-mode harmonics (Fig. 14b). In Fig. 14 a pattern of the electrically excited (AC) TSmode harmonics are presented as idealized models of symmetric and asymmetric fringe-effect. Electric field distribution corresponds to some voltage polarity. The TS modes for a symmetric fringe-effect are modeled by two mechanically homogeneous piezo-plates separated electrically by a thin dielectric layer with low permittivity. So, maximum intensity of the electrically excited TS harmonics lies in the border of electrodes, as well as in a particular case of coupled even TS modes. Another reason of the odd TS- mode r harmonics excitation is when the polarization vector P in PR volume is not strictly perpendicular to the major surfaces /16, 18-20/, hence the odd TS harmonics are excited in a whole volume under the electrodes. As to material parameters, the relative intensity of a shear resonance for a small appearance of the described effects under the conditions of similar construction factors is proportional to the CEMC k15 and k t anisotropy, and in the case of asymmetric fringe-effect additionally to the dielectric
T T permittivity 33 and 11 anisotropy.

As was shown, the relative arrangement of the high-order (third and higher) TE and TS resonances,
D E E E including shear odd harmonics, is determined by the parameter c33 c44 ( not c33 c44 ).

4.2. Fundamental TE mode.

The practical importance of the application of RF filters used in wireless communication systems depends on how the spurious suppression requirement is satisfied. For example, the TV IF soundchannel filter on 4.5 MHz must provide a satisfactory suppression (spurious attenuation) of videosignals more than 30 dB out of the bandwidth up to as low as 1 MHz. The experimental dependence of the relative intensity of the second ( A2s ) and the third ( A3s )
D E E E shear harmonics on the energy-trapped parameter c33 c44 ( c33 c44 ) are presented in Fig. 15 . The

dependence for the 2nd TS resonance is similar to presented in Fig. 9 for a simple mechanical model, and can be estimated as follows: in respect to the TE resonance frequency f r the TE mechanical stress decreases as T ( f ) : 1 for ? Q 1 , where = ( f fr ) f r - relative frequency

displacement. At the frequency f = f r , 2 s of the 2nd TS resonance ( for f r > f r , 2 s , when energy trapping effect takes place): T ( f2s ) : fr m f a (1 + r ) ; = = fr f2 s m 1 f a (1 + r ) f 2s
D E c33 c44 D E c33 c44 2(1 + r )

( 16 )

D E where r = ( f a f r ) f r ; 10% , f a f r , 2 s = 0.5 c33 c44 .

Fig. 15 . Experimental dependence of the relative intensity of the second ( A2S ) and third ( A3S ) shear harmonics on the energyD E E E trapped parameter c33 c44 c33 c44

for PZT-35 (RU) system.

According to a common analytical approach , for the fundamental (first) TE resonance the values
D E E E of c33 c44 from 4.8 ( c33 c44 > 4) up to 9 are allowed only, that corresponds to the frequency

arrangement of the basic TE resonance between the 2nd and 3rd shear harmonics. Moreover, the
E E D E value of m = 1.12 0.02 (or c33 c44 = 4.8 0.2 , or c33 c44 = 6.2 0.3 for typical k t ; 0.5 ) provides

the optimal disposition of equal and low intensity the 2nd and 3rd TS harmonics in respect to the first TE resonance.

4.3. Third harmonic of TE mode.

D E For typical piezoceramics values of c33 c44 3 10 , the third TE harmonic lies in the interval

between the 5th up to 10th TS harmonics, that includes two even TS harmonics (6th and 8th ) inside

exhibit ing coupling with TE mode. As shown in Fig. 16, the third TE resonance can coincide with the 6th , 7th or 8th TS harmonics, when the first fundamental TE resonance is located between the second and third TS harmonics. The situation is illustrated in Fig. 17 , where the filter characteristics are presented for a series of piezoceramic compositions with the energy-trapped parameter
D E c33 c44 allowing to locate the third TE resonance between appropriate TS resonances, or exactly on

some TS resonance.

Fig. 16 . TE-TS frequency spectrum of a thin PR in respect to the fundamental shear resonance frequency
D E f r, 1 s as a dependence on the energy-trapped parameter c33 c44 .

Fig. 17 . Change of amplitude-frequency characteristics of narrow-band filters with the third TE basic mode
D E in respect to the energy-trapped parameter c33 c44 .

For the third TE harmonic a number of intervals of the values

D E c33 c44 = 3.3 0.3, 4.8 0.4, 6.3 0.4, 8.1 0.5

( 17 )

are optimal, when it is located accordingly between the 5th and 6th , 6th and 7th , 7th and 8th , 8th and 9th unwanted TS resonances. Additionally, if a HF filter is executed as a set of several discrete piezoelements, there is a supplementary way to improve its stopband attenuation using piezoplates made from slightly different PCMs. Having the same working TE resonance characteristics, the plates have differing
D E frequencies of similar unwanted resonances, when c33 c44 parameter varies to separate similar TS

harmonics, and the planar parameters CEMC ( k p ), velocity ( V1E ), Poisson coefficient ( p ), planar sizes ( t x , y ) vary to separate similar high frequency planar harmonics close to the TE resonance. The frequency separation of similar unwanted resonances on different plates on the relative value more than Q-1 allows to essentially increase filter attenuation out of the bandwidth /23, 24/.

CONCLUSIONS. A piezoceramic thin plate polarized and excited in its thickness direction can vibrate in TE as well as TS modes of vibration which are coupled. The effect of coupling is a necessary condition for TE-mode energy trapping phenomenon. Influence of even and odd TS harmonics on the first and third TE- mode working vibration characteristics was investigated. Energy-trapped criteria for isotropic and anisotropic due to strong piezoeffect cases were analyzed and summarized, the relationship between dispersion curves and material constants were
E E D E established. The figure-of- merit is: c33 c44 ( m ) for the fundamental (first) TE harmonic, and c33 c44

for the third and higher TE harmonics. Equality of energy-trapped parameters was shown for nonpolarized state of piezoceramics. Energy-trapped material parameters behavior with PCM composition, degree of piezoceramic polarization, their appearance in respect to relative electrode size was experimentally investigated. Energy-trapped material parameter criteria are quite different in isotropic and anisotropic cases, their difference is extremely high for morphotropic PCM compositions (with relatively high k p value about 0.5-0.7 ), while for far tetragonal compositions (with relatively small k p value less 0.3 and typical high k t value more than 0.4) they coincide. According to the data presented in Fig. 3 follows that, if the condition of energy-trapping ( 0) > 1 3 for isotropic (non-polarized) PCM is satisfied, energy trapping effect takes place in a polarized PCM either. Mechanisms of the odd and even TS harmonics excitation in the active zone of a TE- mode PR, their frequencies and space predominant location in a PR volume were considered. Considering an energy-trapped PR as a system with coupled modes (oscillators), an elementary classic mechanical system of two coupled vibrators was applied to describe frequency and amplitude behavior of a TE energy trapping mode piezoresonator at a variation of material energy-trapped parameters. In agreement with the model, experiments show strong (resonant character) dependence of the coupled second (even) TS resonance intensity on the frequency difference to the TE resonance
E E (energy-trapped parameter c33 c44 ), while the third (odd) TS resonance intensity depends on mainly

constraction features of a PR, such as asymmetric fringe effect and non-collinearity of the polarization and exciting electric field vectors. A criterion and principle for material energy-trapped parameters optimization was proposed on the basis of comparison of relative intensities of the even and odd TS resonances close to the TE resonance. The optimal values for the fundamental and third TE harmonics were established. The

second and third TS resonances near the fundamental TE harmonic reach equal and sufficiently low
E E D E intensity at m = 1.12 0.02 (or c33 c44 = 4.8 0.2 , or c33 c44 = 6.2 0.3 for typical k t ; 0.5 ). For

the third TE harmonic its coincidence with the TS resonances is unwanted: if it happens the coupled even TS resonances fully depress the major third TE mode, while the odd TS resonances lead to a
D E distortion of working characteristic due to a superposition. A set of values c33 c44 = 3.3 0.3,

4.8 0.4, 6.3 0.4, 8.1 0.5 provides optimal disposition of the third TE and corresponding TS resonances. This research is being conducted to obtain a better understanding of the behavior of piezoceramic resonators and to develop means to increase the stopband attenuation characteristics for RF and VHF filter. This paper covers some aspects of that work. This gives a mechanism for energy-trapping, which is essential to the performance of all high frequency piezoresonators. The same approach can be applied to the trapping effect of other types of vibrations.

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Table. Electro-elastic material constants of PZT-35 type piezoceramics (Russia) involved in the research with the composition 0.97(Pb0.96 Sr0.04 )(Zrx Ti1-x )O 3 + 0.03 [complex additive]
E E ( sij : [1013 m2 N ] , cij : [109 N m2 ] , : [103 kg m3 ] )

PCM [x]
E s11 E s33 E c44
D E c33 c44 E E c33 c44

PZT-35 ( 1 ) [ 0.54 ]

PZT-35 ( 2 ) [ 0.52 ]

PZT-35 ( 3 ) [ 0.51 ]

PZT-35 ( 4 ) [ 0.50 ]

PZT-35 ( 5 ) [ 0.49 ]

PZT-35 ( 6 ) [ 0.42 ]

91 129 30 6.3 4.5 0.26 0.34 405 900 7.8 880 0.48 0.66 0.52 0.70

95 134 27 7.1 5.2 0.25 0.36 516 1150 7.8 710 0.51 0.67 0.51 0.74

105 142 28 6.3 4.7 0.28 0.35 905 1275 7.8 500 0.53 0.68 0.50 0.69

108 138 30 5.9 4.4 0.30 0.34 1110 1200 7.8 510 0.52 0.67 0.49 0.64

106 132 33 5.4 4.2 0.30 0.32 1090 1110 7.8 540 0.48 0.63 0.47 0.60

93 98 42 4.0 3.4 0.30 0.29 600 630 7.8 1040 0.31 0.48 0.40 0.44

T 33 0 T 11 0

Qm ,plan.

k33 kt k15

Glossary of Terms: N, n E , D - harmonic numbers of TE and TS modes of vibration, respectively - TE mode cut-off frequencies of electroded (E-region) and non-electroded (D-region) regions of a plate, respectively - current angular frequency - normalized current and cut-off frequency mechanical displacement ( i = z, r (x,y) or i = 1, 2 ) electric field stress and displacement mechanical stress and strain quality factor thickness and planar sizes of a plate, respectively electrode size vector of polarization (z-direction)

, 0 ui
E, D T, S Q h and tx, ty L

r P E T cij , D , mn , dki - piezoceramic material constants k, kt , k 15 , k p - generalized, TE- , TS-mode and planar coefficients of electromechanical coupling (CEMC), respectively m - energy-trapped figure-of-merit , t , p , 0 - isotropic, extension-shear Poisson coefficients, planar Poisson coefficients of
polarized ( p = s12 s11 ) and non-polarized ( 0 = s12 s11 ) piezoceramics, respectively

r ( r , t , r , p ) - relative frequency interval (fundamental TE and planar modes, respectively)

f f

t , BN qN - N-root of a frequency equation x - planar wave-number f r, N t , f a, Nt - TE-mode ( t ) N-harmonic resonance and antiresonance frequencies of fully metallized plate
f r, n s , f a ,n s
- TS-mode ( s ) n-harmonic resonance and antiresonance frequencies - fundamental TE-mode resonance and antiresonance frequencies of a real PR (including partly electroded case) AN t , Ans - relative intensity of N TE-harmonic and n TS-harmonic Mechanical analog f b (Tb ) , f (T ) - resonance frequency (period) of vertical and horizontal pendulum vibration

generalized resonator or filter bandwidth relative frequency displacement quality factor dimensionless factors

fr , fa

i ( i ) 0 , 1 , =

- uncoupled (partial) string mass oscillators ( i = 1,2 ) self-frequencies - resonance frequencies - characteristic frequencies (zero, unit and equal masses displacement) - factor of coupling


A.V. Mezheritsky

e-mail: ( CC: )

2753 Ocean Ave., 2F, Brooklyn, NY 11229 Ph.D. in Physics (1985, MIPT, Moscow, Russia), IEEE Member

This work was done at the Ceramics Department of PHONON Co., Moscow, Russia.

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