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George Washington had a few accomplishments and a few screw ups in his life.

accomplishments he had is that he commanded the Continental Army during the American
Revolution. He also presided over the convention that drafted the U.S. Constitution. Another
accomplishment he had is that he led America to victory in the Battle of Trenton and the
decisive Siege of Yorktown. Some examples of his screw ups are when he boxed himself into
Brooklyn Heights with no way to escape and he failed to supervise subordinates in preparing
the Brooklyn defenses. He also screwed up by trusting General Charles Lee because he ended
up miscarrying an assault he led on the British. Overall, I would give George Washington a B-.
John Adams, like George Washington, had accomplishments but he also had some screw
ups in the process. For example, he successfully defended British soldiers involved in the Boston
Massacre. He was also a leading member of the Continental Congress, and he played a principal
role in administering the American Revolutionary War. He also had a few screw ups in his life.
For example, when he sent a group of men to France to work for peace, which infuriated the
Federalists and ended up losing the Federalists votes for the election. There is also the
enactment of the Aliens and Seditions Act. Another screw up was that he kept allowing others
within his administration to pursue acts which went against his avowed political principles and
instincts. Overall, I would give John Adams a B+.
Thomas Jefferson too had accomplishments and mistakes. He not only wrote the
Declaration of Independence, but he also drafted the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.
Another thing he did was establish United States Military Academy. Some mistakes he had
made include when he started war with Tripoli when he sent American ships to bombard them
with their canons, when he wrote an embargo act and made it far more painful for the
Americans, his own people, to live, and he was also part of the extension of slavery that made
the Civil War inevitable, and that led to almost 800,000 deaths. Overall, I would give Thomas
Jefferson a B-.
I believe that John Adams is getting the monument because I believe, out of the three,
he deserved it more than the others. Not only did he lead America to victory during the Boston
Massacre, but he also helped win the Revolutionary War which were both two huge steps in
the progression of America. I think that without him, America could have a lot less freedom
than we do now. He was trying to do what was right for America and not let his feelings get in
the way.

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