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Body 1: Size

At 9 million sqr km in area, the Sahara is much larger than other deserts in size

The Taklimakan and the Great Basin desert are slightly similar each other in size

Body 2: average annual rainfall

Triple deserts have sparse rainfall each year. The Taklimakan is desert whose less rainfall

Body 3: temperature

Have swing temp between summer and winter. Taklimakan has lowest temp in winter. Sahara and Great
basin are slight similar in highest temp in summer

The tables show information about the climate of three deserts in three different continents. It will
focus on size, rainfall, and temperature features of these extreme deserts.

At 9 million square kilometer in area, the Sahara in Africa is much larger than two other deserts shown.
The Taklimakan desert, at 270,000 square kilometer and the Great Basin desert, at 305,775 square
kilometer, are slight similar in size.

Generally, triple deserts have sparse rainfall during each year. The Taklimakan has less rainfall than
other deserts. Especially, the average rainfall in the East of Taklimakan is only 1 cm per year. At the
highest average rainfall of 51cm per year, the Great basin desert has much higher rainfall than other

The three deserts have similar summer temperature: 25 0C in the Taklimakan, 300C in the Sahara and the
Great Basin. However, winters in the Sahara, with an average temperature of 13 0C, are much warmer
than in other two deserts, where the average winters temperature are -8 0C and -90C.

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