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Langston Hughes
Langston Hughes was a poet during the Harlem Renaissance movement. Many of his
poems capture the life and experiences of African-Americans. Today you will watch
a short video about Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance. After the video,
we will look at two poems Langston Hughes wrote and analyze what the poems were

Video: Langston Hughes & the Harlem Renaissance: Crash Course Literature.
Before the movie begins, review the questions below. As the movie plays answer the
following questions:

1. What was the Harlem Renaissance?


2. What did it inspire?


3. Who was Langston Hughes?


4. Why did he first start writing poetry?


5. When did Langston Hughes think he wrote his best poems?


6. What was Hughes goal in writing poetry?


7. What were two criticism of Langston Hughes poetry?

Langston Hughes Poetry:
Read the following poems and answer the questions below.

By: Langston Hughes
Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

Why do you think Langston Hughes believed that dreams were important in life?
Think about who he was, and what the movie we watched said about him. How
did he convey his belief that dreams were important? Explain in your own words
using at least 4 sentences.

Hughes compares life without dreams to a “broken-winged bird” and a “barren
field” do you believe that these metaphors are accurate? Why or why not? Make
sure you refer to both metaphors. Explain using at least 4 sentences.

We all have “dreams” and things we desire. Sometimes our dreams and desires
come true, and other times they don’t. Describe a dream/desire you once had
that did not become a reality. With this in mind, do you agree with Langston
Hughes and the importance of dreams? Explain using at least 4 sentences.
Mother to Son
Well, son, I’ll tell you:
Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
It’s had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor—
But all the time
I’se been a-climbin’ on,
And reachin’ landin’s,
And turnin’ corners,
And sometimes goin’ in the dark
Where there ain’t been no light.
So boy, don’t you turn back.
Don’t you set down on the steps
’Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.
Don’t you fall now—
For I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

Mother to Son:
Hughes compares life to a staircase. How does Hughes describe the staircase?
What is he saying about his perception of life by using these comparisons? Use at
least 4 sentences.
Do you think that the metaphor of life as a staircase is accurate for everyone?
Explain why or why not using at least 4 sentences.

If you were to choose a metaphor for your life, what would you use? Use at least
4 sentences to explain why the metaphor you chose describes your life.
Extended Metaphor Poem:
As you read the poem “Mother to Son” you will notice that the entire poem is a
comparison of life to a staircase. This is also known as an extended metaphor. An
extended metaphor is a comparison that continues throughout a series of lines in
a poem.
You will now have to write your own extended metaphor poem. The comparison
you will use to create your extended metaphor poem will be the same one you
chose in your last question. The style of poetry you will use for this poem will be
free verse. Free verse poetry is poetry that is free from the limitations of regular
meter or rhythm and does not have a set rhyming scheme. In other words, you
don’t need to follow a format. With that being said, using poetic devices in your
poem, such as alliteration, imagery, personification, etc., will assist in making your
poem much more captivating.
Your task will be to create your own extended metaphor free verse poem. Your
poem will need to include:
- A Title
- At least 12 lines
- At least 50 words
- At least 2 different types of poetic devices (you will be required to show
how you used these)
You will be required to complete a brainstorming activity to come up with ideas
for your poem.
Once you have completed brainstorming you will have to create a rough copy.
Before you can start your final copy, you must show me your rough copy. Once I
have approved your rough copy, you can start to work on your final copy.
Your final copy will need to be completed in the space provided. Ensure that your
final copy is neat and organized! Lastly, you will need to answer a question
regarding 4 poetic devices that you used in your poem.
Extended Metaphor Rough draft:
Think of different ways your metaphor could be compared to life. Write your ideas in the box

Rough Copy:
Now write your rough draft. Do your best to show the comparison between life and your
metaphor in a way that makes sense. Ensure that your poem has: a title, at least 12 lines, at
least 50 words, and at least 4 different types of poetic devices.


Final Copy:
Complete your final copy in the space below. Make sure that it has all the
specified requirements, is organized, free of spelling errors and is legible.
Define 2 of the poetic devices you used in your poem. Show where in your poem
you used these devices. How did the use of these poetic devices assist in
describing the comparison between life and your metaphor? Write a paragraph
for each poetic device.

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