E3 - Exercises

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Exercises – part 3
Antonio Capone

Mobile Radio Networks

Exercise 3.1

☐ Let us consider a cellular network based on

multicarrier-TDMA with 24 carriers, and 3 channels per
a) Using the cluster model, dimension the cluster so
as to guarantee a minimum SIR equal to 14 dB
assuming a propagation factor equal to 3
b) In the cells of the cluster the offered traffic is equal
to 5 Erlang. What is the blocking probability?
c) Assuming the offered traffic is 80% of new calls
and 20% of handover requests, calculate the
blocking probability and the handover failure

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 2

Solution 3.1
a) The cluster dimensioning formula is:
6 $ 𝑆𝐼𝑅!"# %
𝐾!"# =
Not all values are admissible:
KÎ {3,4,7,9,12,13,...}

SIRmin is equal to
14 𝑑𝑏 ≅ 25.12

Replacing the SIRmin and h numerical values in the formula

we get:
𝐾!"# = 9.44 so we select 𝐾 = 12

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 3

Solution 3.1
b) We can use the Erlang-B formula B(N,A).

𝐵 𝑁, 𝐴 = 𝑁!
𝐴 "
"#$ 𝑘!

The number N of channels is:

𝑁 =3* =6

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 4

Solution 3.1
In our case 𝐵 6,5 = 0.2

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 5

Solution 3.1

Since we don’t have guard channels, the system does not
make any difference between new calls and handover
Therefore the handover failure probability Phf and call
blocking probability Pb are the same

𝑃%& = 𝑃' = 0.2

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 6

Exercise 3.2

☐ Let us consider a cellular network based on

multicarrier-TDMA using carriers with 5 channels each
a) Assuming an offered traffic per cell equal to 5
Erlang, calculate the minimum number of carriers
necessary for guaranteeing a blocking probability
of 2%
b) Assuming a minimum required SIR of 12 dB and a
propagation factor of 2.8, calculate the total number
of carriers necessary for the system

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 7

Solution 3.2
From the Erlang-B graph we see that the number of
channels necessary is 10.

With 5
channels per
carriers, we
then need 2
carriers per

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 8

Solution 3.2

SIRmin = 12dB = 10 @ 15.85

h = 2.8
(6 × SIRmin ) h
K min = = 8.63
K =9
Since we need 2 carriers per cell and we have 9 cells per
cluster, the system needs in total 18 carriers

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 9

Exercise 3.3

☐ Let us consider a cellular network based on multicarrier-

TDMA with 18 carriers, and 4 channels per carrier
a) Using the cluster model, dimension the cluster so as to
guarantee a minimum SIR equal to 13.5 dB with a
propagation factor of 3.
b) Assuming the offered traffic has a uniform distribution in the
area with an intensity of 15 Erlang per km2, dimension the
cell radius so that the blocking probability is equal to 2%.
c) After one year the statistical counter indicates that the cell
serves 4,65 Erlang. Calculate the offered traffic and the
blocking probability.

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 10

Solution 3.3

a) Using the formula

K min =
(6 × SIR )
2 /h

with the 13.5
numerical values: SIRmin = 13.5 dB = 10 10
@ 22.39
h =3

We get K = 8,74

and then K=9

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 11

Solution 3.3
With K = 9 each cell has 2 carriers and 8 channels. With a
maximum probability of 2% we get from the Erlang-B graph that
the maximum offered traffic is approx. 3.5 Erlang
With a maximum traffic of 3.5 Erlang and a traffic density of 15
Erlang/ km2, the area of the cell must be limited to
𝑆= = 0.233 𝑘𝑚!
The area of an hexagon is:
3𝑟 ! 3
And the the radius:
r= = 299 𝑚
3 3

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 12

Solution 3.3

c) From the Erlang-B formula we get:

𝐵(5,8) = 0.07

𝐴𝑠 = 𝐴𝑜(1 − 𝐵(5,8)) = 4.65

And therefore the offered traffic is 5 Erlang and the

blocking probability 7%.

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 13

Exercise 3.4

☐ A mobile network is characterized by a minimum SIR

equal to 6 dB and a propagation factor of 3.
a) Calculate the minimum cluster size 𝐾
b) Assuming different cluster sizes are used
depending on the distance from the base station,
calculate the maximum distance (as function of the
cell radius 𝑟) at which a full spectrum reuse can be
adopted (𝐾 = 1)

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 14

Solution 3.4

6 6 𝑆𝐼𝑅 %
𝐾!"# = = 2.76 → 3

b) 𝑑&%
6𝐷 &% r
𝐷 '
! d
= 6 6 𝑆𝐼𝑅 % = 6 6 4 = 2,88 D

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 15

Solution 3.4

We have:
$ r
𝐷 d
𝑅$ D
K= = 𝑟
3 3
𝐷 = 𝑟 3𝐾

For 𝐾 = 1: 𝐷 = 3𝑟
and then:
𝐷 𝑟
= 3 = 2,88
𝑑 𝑑

𝑑= 𝑟 = 0,6 𝑟
A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 16
Exercise 3.5

☐ A mobile network is characterized by 3 MCSs with

minimum SINR equal to -1, 6, 10 dB.
a) Using the same assumption of the cluster model
(and neglecting thermal noise), and a channel
model with propagation factor 𝜂 = 3 calculate the
maximum distances from base station
corresponding to the 3 MCSs in the case of full
spectrum reuse (𝐾 = 1)
b) Assuming a system bandwidth of 15 MHz and
spectral efficiencies for the 3 MCSs equal
respectively to 𝛾' = 0,7, 𝛾$ = 2, and 𝛾( = 3 b/s/Hz,
compare the achievable bit rates for 3 schemes
with full reuse 𝐾 = 1, and partial reuse with 𝐾 = 3.

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 17

Solution 3.5

For MCS 1 with 𝑆𝐼𝑅 = −1 𝑑𝐵 = 0,79

6𝐷 &%
𝐷 '
% !
= 6 6 𝑆𝐼𝑅 = 6 6 0,79 = 1,68
For 𝐾 = 1:

𝐷 = 𝑟 3𝐾 = 3 𝑟 𝑑$"
𝑑') = 𝑟→𝑟

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 18

Solution 3.5

For MCS 2 with 𝑆𝐼𝑅 = 6 𝑑𝐵 = 4

𝐷 '
= 6 6 𝑆𝐼𝑅 = 6 6 4 = 2,88
) 3
𝑑$ = 𝑟 = 0,6 𝑟

For MCS 3 with 𝑆𝐼𝑅 = 10 𝑑𝐵 = 10

𝐷 '
= 6 6 𝑆𝐼𝑅 = 6 6 10 = 3,91 𝑑$"
𝑑 𝑑#"
) 3
𝑑( = 𝑟 = 0,44 𝑟

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 19

Solution 3.5

For 𝐾 = 3:
𝐷 = 𝑟 3𝐾 = 3 𝑟

For MCS 1: 3
𝑑'+= 𝑟→𝑟
For MCS 2: + 3
𝑑$ = 𝑟→𝑟
For MCS 3: 3
𝑑(+ = 𝑟 = 0,77 𝑟

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 20

Solution 3.5

Considering spectral efficiencies we have:

For 𝐾 = 1, B = 15 MHz
𝑅') = 𝐵𝛾' = 15 6 0,7 = 10,7 𝑀𝑏/𝑠
𝑅$) = 𝐵𝛾$ = 15 6 2 = 30 𝑀𝑏/𝑠
𝑅() = 𝐵𝛾( = 15 6 3 = 45 𝑀𝑏/𝑠
The corresponding areas of hexagons are:
3(𝑑() )$ 3
𝑆( = = 0,50 𝑟 $
3(𝑑$) )$ 3 3(𝑑() )$ 3
𝑆$ = − = 0,43 𝑟 $
2 2
3(𝑑') )$ 3 3(𝑑$) )$ 3
𝑆' = − = 1,67 𝑟 $
2 2
A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 21
Solution 3.5

And then the average rate is:

) ) )
𝑅' 𝑆' + 𝑅$ 𝑆$ + 𝑅( 𝑆(
𝑅 = = 20,48 𝑀𝑏/𝑠
𝑆' + 𝑆$ + 𝑆(

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 22

Solution 3.5
For 𝐾 = 3, B = 5 MHz
𝑅$) = 𝐵𝛾$ = 5 6 2 = 10 𝑀𝑏/𝑠
𝑅() = 𝐵𝛾( = 5 6 3 = 15 𝑀𝑏/𝑠
The corresponding areas of hexagons are:
3(𝑑() )$ 3
𝑆( = = 1,55 𝑟 $
3(𝑑') )$ 3 3(𝑑$) )$ 3
𝑆$ = − = 1,05 𝑟 $
2 2
And then the average rate is:
) )
𝑅$ 𝑆$ + 𝑅( 𝑆(
𝑅 = = 12,98 𝑀𝑏/𝑠
𝑆$ + 𝑆(

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 23

Exercise 3.6

☐ Consider a CDMA cellular system with 2 base stations and

4 active terminals. Attenuations aij (=1/gij) between each
base station i and terminal j are reported in matrix A.
☐ A power control mechanism based on a closed loop control
keeps the Eb/No at a constant value of 10 dB. The
processing gain Gp is 80 and noise power N is 0.25.
☐ Calculate emitted powers pi of terminals (uplink) assuming
terminals are connected to the base station with the
minimum attenuation.

é4 4 8 8 ù
A = {aij } = ê ú
ë8 8 2 4û
A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 24
Solution 3.6

ì p1 g11 æ Eb ö 1
= çç ÷÷
ì p1 @ 0.160
ï ï p @ 0.160
ï å pi g1i + N è N 0 ø tar G p ï 2
ï i ¹1 í
ï p2 g12 æ Eb ö 1
= çç ÷÷
ï p3 @ 0.083
ï ï
ï å pi g1i + N è N 0 ø tar G p î p1 @ 0.166
ï i¹2
ï p3 g 23 æ Eb ö 1
ï pg +N = çç ÷÷
ïåi ¹3
i 2i è N 0 ø tar G p
ï p4 g 24 æ Eb ö 1
ï pg +N = çç ÷÷
ï å
î i¹4
i 2i è N 0 ø tar G p

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 25

Exercise 3.10

☐ Design the multiplexing scheme of a TDMA mobile radio system similar to

GSM. The system has radio carriers with a net rate of 320 Kb/s and it requires
the following logical channels:
§ Traffic channels TCH (uplink and downlink) with rate 35 Kb/s
§ Associated control channels SACCH (uplink and downlink) with rate 5 Kb/s
§ Broadcast channel BCCH (only downlink) with rate 10 Kb/s
§ Frequency channel FCCH (only downlink) with rate 2 Kb/s
§ Synchronization channel SCH (only downlink) with rate 4 Kb/s
§ Paging channel PCH (only downlink) with rate 14 Kb/s
§ Access grant channel AGCH (only downlink) with rate 6 Kb/s
§ Random access channel RACH (only uplink) with rate 38 Kb/s
☐ On a carrier you have to multiplex 7 TCHs and their 7 SACCHs and one
signaling channel for each of the types indicated above. Design the
multiplexing scheme indicating the frame and multiframe structure for both
uplink and downlink (solutions similar to GSM will get a higher score). .

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 44

Solution 3.10
☐ 1 set o signaling channels
☐ Frame of 8 time slots => 320/8= 40 Kb/s per slot
☐ TCH + SACCH: multi-frame with 8 frames
☐ Signaling channels set: multi-frame with 20 frames



Slot 8 B B B B B F S S P P P P P P P A A A - -
R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R -

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 45

Exercise 3.13

☐ Describe the location update mechanism of mobile radio

☐ Motivate why there is a tradeoff for the design of the size
(number of cells) of location areas;
☐ Derive a model for the optimization of location area size;
☐ Calculate optimal size for the case:

l = 800 m (cell edge)

V = 30 km/h (user speed)
γ = C p / Cu = 0.05 (ratio between paging and location update cost)
λ = 0.6 [calls/h/user] (traffic per user)

A. Capone: Mobile Radio Networks 62

Solution 3.13
V 30 km/h
l 0,8 km
g 0,05 Cp/Cu
l 0,6 calls/h/user
u1 47,75 update/h/user

D 2 -23,78
D 3 -7,81
D 4 -3,77
D 5 -2,12
D 6 -1,26
D 7 -0,75
D 8 -0,40
D 9 -0,15 <----
D 10 0,04
D 11 0,20

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