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1.1 Examination procedure using a high voltage holiday detector for the detection of pinholes and flaws in non-
conductive coatings applied to conductive ~substrates. is for guidance only.
1.2 In the event of conflict, Module *** or Specification *** for the painting of structural steel shall take


2.1 An Elcometer 105D.C High Voltage holiday Detector or similar instrument, suitable for the required test
voltage, shall be employed.

2.2 Suitable probes shall be selected to ensure full surface coverage can be achieved on the components/surfaces
under examination.


3.1 Do not use in the rain or in an explosive atmosphere.

3.2 Do not leave the instrument before switching off and unplugging the probe.

3.3 In the case of battery-powered units, ensure the earth connection is made before switching on to prevent the
instrument charging itself up to the output voltage.

3.4 High voltages are present at the probe. But the current is limited to a safe level. Care should be exercised when
using the instrument.


4.1 Before proceeding with the examination, ensure that the instrument is in current calibration.

4.2 Connect the earth lead to the earth terminal on the unit. Attach the earth clip to the component under
examination ensuring a good contact with the metal substrate.

4.3 Turn voltage control to minimum and connect a suitable probe to the probe socket.

4.4 Switch the instrument on holding the probe in free air.

4.5 Select the test voltage by adjusting the voltage control until the meter is correct voltage.

4.6 Prior to starting the inspection, the probe shall be put into contact with the earth lead, so that the audio and visual
alarms can be tested. Inspection of the coating shall not proceed until the test equipment complied with criteria.

4.7 Place the probe to touch examination. Whilst maintaining contact move the probe over the surface, ensuring full

4.8 It may be necessary to use different probes in areas where access is difficult.

4.9. A the following will indicate a holiday, or any flaw in the coating:
a) A spark between the probe and the surface where the flaw occurs;
b) Illumination of the neon in the probe.
c) An audible alarm and flashing indicator on the front panel of the instrument.

4,10 The alarm sensitivity should be set so that detection of a flaw causes the alarm to operate.

4.11 Setting sensitivity too high may cause the alarm to operate with leakage currents which may occur in the
absence of a flaw (e.g. damp surfaces or slightly conductive coatings).

4.12 Setting sensitivity too low will prevent audible alarm or visual indication. However, the neon in the probe will
still illuminate with the presence of a spark.

4.13 All areas where flaws are found shall be clearly marked to allow for repairs to be carried out.

4.14 All repairs shall be carried out in accordance with the Coating Application Procedure and/or Manufacturers

4.15 Following repair the areas concerned shall be re-examined in the same manner as above.


5.1 The test voltage shall be appropriate to the coating under examination, as indicated in the Quality Plan, the
Coating Application Procedure or the Coating Manufacturers recommendations.

5.2 In the event of conflict the test voltage shall be 5k.voltes per 1.00mm of coating and the minimum dry film
thickness of 1.5mm shall apply.


6.1 On completion of the examination an inspection report on A4 size paper shall be prepared detailing the

a) Work order no.

b) Description of components), including part number(s), serial number(s), batch number(s), etc., as available
to provide positive identification of each component.
c) Test equipment details.
d) Examination procedure reference.
e) Results of the examination.
f) Inspectors signature and date of inspection.
g) Endorsement by the inspection authority, as applicable.
h) A sketch of the vessel showing dft’s at a minimum of 2 circumferential sections and longitudinally at the
12,3,6, and 9 o’clock positions.
i) All holidays and flaws shall be marked-up on these drawing and numbered to correspond with the actual
area on the inspected item.
j) This report procedure to be repeated once all repaired have been carried out.

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