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[School Name Here]

Teacher Name: [Teacher’s Name]

Class: [Class Name]

I have watched and understand the “Digital Distractions” lesson and I will abide by the following

Respect: I agree to respect the teacher and my peers. Respectful behavior is as follows:
 Only work on assigned lessons/tasks during class
 Inform the teacher when you are done your assignments
 Ask the instructor for permission to do non-assigned work
 Avoid disruptive behavior
 [More…]

Right Use: I agree to use resources and equipment properly. Right use of equipment is as
 Only use websites and resources identified by the teacher
 [More…]

Responsibility: I will demonstrate personal responsibility for my learning. Responsible behavior

is as follows:
 Be prepared and ready to learn at the beginning of class
 Put forth effort when working on lessons/tasks
 Avoid digital distractions when working on lessons/tasks.
 [More…]

Failure to abide by this agreement will results in the following penalties:

 [Enter penalties here]
 [More…]

Student Name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________

Student Signature: ______________________________________

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