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First seminar – 02.09.

Understanding development

- People from Europe – take control of developing countries

- When the British came, they separated based on religion
- It’s a challenge to be a woman

t-e-r Model for writing paragrapsh

topic, elaboration, relevance.

- Address your topic

- Elaboration and lastly relevance

What is development? – development is a change either for a good or bad change. The term
development was not used so often until the 1900s when UN started to engage in

- We all need Africa – resourcesable

- The north is the master of power – and south is the slave of
- Going through series of civil wars
- Hydro – invested huge amount in amazon in brazil
- Development cant make always happy

Seminar 2

Describe the main strands within the globalisation processes (political, economic and cultural)

- World bank – where can we place world bank in? with political or economic?
- Det å være med eller ikke være med er også et politisk ståsted –

The definition of globalisation is that goods and services travel much easier than it would be
compared to the past. Globalization is a term that can be used within political, economic and cultural
processes. Distance is not a problem for instance when talking about economic activities.

Economic activities and currency usually move much faster now around the countries than it did
many years ago. EU or EEA play a role in the economic globalization.

Furthermore, we also have cultural globalization which is everything related to culture such as ideas,
attitudes, values, characteristics and national products – have a more rapid movement across
national borders.

Lastly, political globalization can be seen as internalisation between nation state. An example of the
existence of globalization within politics, is the creation of United Nations that is a nongovernmental
organization that actively takes political actions with multiple of countries that are members of the
organization. We also have World Bank and WTO that are regional economic agreements.

Briefly discuss the pros and cons of globalisation for development

There are tons of pros when talking about globalisation – the food from all around the world, the
products which are presented from other nations, the knowledge that we gain from others.
The cons can be that if there is too much of globalisation, it may occur a problem that the world will
become progressively more equal over time.

- does globalisation mean that change and development will ‘trickle down

100 children are equal to one child ????

- Diverse

Carbon footprint of a developing country –

Migration means the flow of people –

Flow of deveoplemnt that is going on

- Who are the winners and losers of globalization?

The global north are the winners, while the losers are the south

- List arguments for why globalization is positive for development,

We have tools etc.

- List arguments for why globalization is negative for development:

- Is it possible to link some of these arguments to neoliberalism and dependency theory?

Neoliberalistic – buy it cheap

Tnc and mnc

If it just benefits one party – then they are losing something – everything

- 600 buckets are polluted –

- Ignorance is not self love –
- By producing goods – people are earning with a lot of sacrfices
- Development and the intentions are not always bad

Mass media – social media and news

It is all about the trend – the focus

- No system is fair
- A lot of it go through hate –

Materials and money –

Coroporations – manufacture products overseas instead of in their home countries – because its
lower – relaxed laws – reduced taxes

Ignorance is a blest –

Avocados -

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