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1. What are the two types of solid waste? (2 POINTS) Give
an example of each. (4 POINTS)

Municipal and non-municipal garbage are the two categories of waste. Municipal garbage includes
things like food, paper, and plastics, whereas non-municipal waste includes things like industrial solid
waste and infectious waste.

2. Why is plastic marine debris so dangerous to ocean life? Make sure your answer is detailed and
clearly states reasoning. (5 POINTS)

Marine life may confuse several sorts of marine detritus for food. Choking on a plastic bottle, for
example, can be fatal to most marine species. Others may become entrapped in a plastic bag and
succumb to asphyxia.

3. Why do Americans create so much more waste than people in less-developed countries? Explain your
answer. (5 POINTS)

Despite accounting for only 4% of the world's population, Americans account for 12% of worldwide
garbage. This is due to the fact that the country's garbage generation capacity exceeds its recycling
capacity. According to research, the United States has a high capacity for recycling, but the waste that is
generated is not even dealt with.

4. Choose one example of U.S. consumer waste from the bulleted list on page 572. (2 POINTS)
Research to learn more about the waste described and what is being done to reduce it. Summarize your
findings in a paragraph. (10 POINTS)
Document the website used. (2 POINTS)

The planet is littered with plastic bags. To limit the waste of shopping bags, a range of approaches are
employed, the most basic of which is the use of reusable bags rather than disposable bags, or the use of
a container while shopping. Repurpose a shopping bag after it has been used for a long time. Instead of
using it to shop, consider using it as a pet waste bag.

How to Recycle Plastic Bags - Earth911


1. How is composting solid waste similar to and different from burying it in a landfill? Make sure your
answer is detailed and clearly states reasoning. (5 POINTS)

Purchasing it from a landfill, on the other hand, results in decomposition process due to methane. This
occurs when solid waste deposited in landfills lacks oxygen, resulting in the production of methane.
When properly cared for, a constructed document, but in the other hand, releases significantly less

2. Identify the “Four Rs” of solid waste reduction and give an example of how individuals can apply each
strategy. (8 POINTS)

Recycle-Recycling containers should be easily available.

Rethink- Consider choosing alternative items and thinking about how you may reduce your ecological
footprint even further.

Reduce- Purchase used stuff and donate used items to help the environment.

Reuse- Stop using a plastic straw and buy a metal straw.

3. What problems do single-use plastic bags pose and what can individuals and governments do to
reduce their use? Make sure your answer is detailed and clearly states reasoning. (5 POINTS)

Normal plastic is very harmful to human health. It can cause problems such as cancer and birth defects.
An individual could avoid its use by simply using a reusable bag or container instead. On the other hand,
governments can impose taxes on its use.

4. As city manager of a large city, your job is to recommend to the city council how solid waste should be
handled. What technology or technologies would you recommend? Support your recommendations
with evidence from the text. (10 POINTS)

Solid waste collection and disposal procedures should be implemented. Items should be disposed of in
regional strong waste facilities, in which no environmental impact is caused. I believe that fleet
management technology is the greatest technological option since it increases waste collection and uses
data to optimize vehicle routes.

5. Do you think a ban on plastic bags is a feasible solution? Be sure to state your reasonings for your
position and use evidence from this text and from the internet to support your position. (10 POINTS)
Both sources must be used as evidence and be sure to document the website(s) used. (2 POINTS)

Reducing plastic bags would significantly reduce waste we generate. It would, in reality, focus on
reducing sources of pollution, reducing plastic pollution, and assisting consumers in changing their
habits. But this may not be the best option yet anyway. There are a few counterarguments, such as
money and power. Several of laws were backed by these sectors, and different campaigns against trash
and recycling have been launched.

How To: Stop the Use of Plastic Bags - Plastic EDU

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