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Joao Baldanzi Silva


Period: 8



 Janie meets Tea cake and start knowing him better,

 Tea cake came to the wrong place.
 He plays checkers with her.
 He helps Janie at the store.
 Comber her hair
 He is afraid to lose her.
 Disappeared for four days, because of work.
 Janie accepts their relationship.
 Town does not approve their relationship.
 Pheoby talks with Janie and warn her about Tea Cake.
 Janie marries Tea cake.
 He disappeared and took her money.
 Came back with more money, but he was hurt.

b. Janie is the most dynamic character of the story since she always changes her opinions. Static
character is a person who does not change through the story. Words:28

2- Janie is a dynamic character in the novel. She is one dynamic character since she is always changing
through the story and most of the time is because of her relationships. She evolves during her
relationships with Logan, Joe, and Tea Cake. In her first relationship, she had a view that a relationship
represent love, but through the relationship and her granny’s advice she saw that it was not actually like
this, and most people were married because of the benefits they could get from this relationship. In her
second husband Joe, she thought it would be different, but their relationship was abusive, in the third
one she was loving someone and was very independent. Words:115

3- In the chapter 10 through 13 the theme is people should never lose faith, since in these chapters
Janie lost her faith in marriage; she thought that most of the time, she would never be loved the way
she is. In her past relationships she was being treated badly and wasn’t happy in the relationship, since
she had no independence and was always being told what to do, what to wear. She was always being
judge in most of her relationship, when she was with Joe most of the town was judging her and was
thinking that she going to kill joe, since he was old; Janie was just trying to taking care of him, since of all
of this that happened in her past marriages, she did not wanted any relationships anymore, because she
though it would always be the same and cause problems to her, since she meets a guy named Tea cake
8 months after her husband death, but she had lost faith in love, since her experience was never the
best. In chapter 11 Janie had a crush on Tea Cake, but she was afraid to get in a relationship again, after
seeing how he treated her she decided to give it a try. In chapter 12 she accepts their relationship, but
the town was not happy with her decision, since they though it was still to early to Janie move on, and in
chapter 13 Janie and Tea cakes gets married.



Chapter 10

Oh, Ah don’t live no further thanOrlandah.


Chapter 11

Jumped out like a deer and made the gesture of tying it to a post on the store porch.


Chapter 12

Stopped and talked a little with everyone she met, turned aside momentarily to pause at a porch or two
—going straight by walking crooked.


Chapter 13

Then he’d take his deck of cards and shuffle and cut, shuffle, and cut and deal out then examine each
hand carefully, and do it again.


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