Calcium Signaling Series: Review

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Calcium Signaling Series

Donald M. Bers, Guest Editor

Calcium Signaling and Transcriptional

Regulation in Cardiomyocytes
Matthias Dewenter,* Albert von der Lieth,* Hugo A. Katus, Johannes Backs

Abstract: Calcium (Ca2+) is a universal regulator of various cellular functions. In cardiomyocytes, Ca2+ is the central
element of excitation–contraction coupling, but also impacts diverse signaling cascades and influences the regulation
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of gene expression, referred to as excitation–transcription coupling. Disturbances in cellular Ca2+-handling and

alterations in Ca2+-dependent gene expression patterns are pivotal characteristics of failing cardiomyocytes, with
several excitation–transcription coupling pathways shown to be critically involved in structural and functional
remodeling processes. Thus, targeting Ca2+-dependent transcriptional pathways might offer broad therapeutic
potential. In this article, we (1) review cytosolic and nuclear Ca2+ dynamics in cardiomyocytes with respect to
their impact on Ca2+-dependent signaling, (2) give an overview on Ca2+-dependent transcriptional pathways in
cardiomyocytes, and (3) discuss implications of excitation–transcription coupling in the diseased heart.   (Circ Res.
2017;121:1000-1020. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.117.310355.)
Key Words: calcium ■ calcium-calmodulin dependent protein kinase II ■ calcineurin ■ calmodulin
■ excitation transcription coupling

C alcium (Ca2+) is a ubiquitous key signaling element in all

eukaryotic cell types. It regulates diverse essential physi-
ological processes such as cell differentiation, proliferation
are just beginning to understand how the multiple ET coupling
pathways are differentially activated, how they interrelate, and
how the multiple targets in this complex network relatively
and motility, apoptosis, secretion, excitation, contraction, and contribute to failure of cardiomyocytes.
neuronal plasticity.1 In the heart, the most obvious crucial role This review gives an overview on Ca2+-dependent tran-
of Ca2+ is its involvement in electric activity and cardiac con- scriptional mechanisms in cardiomyocytes and their role in
tractility, acting as the central player of excitation–contraction cardiac disease. First, we discuss cytosolic and nuclear Ca2+
(EC) coupling.2 Besides being directly involved in EC cou- dynamics as the basis for the regulation of Ca2+-dependent
pling, Ca2+ is an important element in various signaling cas- signaling. Then we consider the key players and pathways in-
cades, regulating the activity of diverse downstream effectors. volved in ET coupling in cardiomyocytes. Finally, we review
Thereby, Ca2+ can exert acute effects but also influence the implications of ET coupling in the diseased heart and give an
regulation of gene expression, called excitation–transcription outlook on possible therapeutic perspectives.
(ET) coupling. These ET coupling pathways play a critical
role not only in cardiac homeostasis but also in cardiac disease
Ca2+ Dynamics in Cardiomyocytes
development, since diseased cardiomyocytes show vast altera-
tions in Ca2+-handling and Ca2+-dependent transcriptional pat- Cytosolic Ca2+
terns.3,4 Among these pathways, especially signaling cascades Given the central role of Ca2+ in controlling EC coupling, a
involving CaMKII (Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II) and strict regulation of Ca2+-handling is crucial for cardiac func-
the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent serine/threonine phosphatase tion. Ca2+ transport mechanisms in cardiomyocytes include
calcineurin have been extensively characterized on their role both Ca2+ cycling between the cytosol and the extracellular
in cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling processes.5,6 Yet, we space and Ca2+ cycling between the cytosol and intracellular

From the Department of Molecular Cardiology and Epigenetics (M.D., A.v.d.L., J.B.) and Department of Cardiology (H.A.K.), Heidelberg University,
Germany; and DZHK (German Centre for Cardiovascular Research), Partner Site Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany (M.D., A.v.d.L., H.A.K., J.B.).
*These authors contributed equally to this article.
Correspondence to Johannes Backs, MD, Department Molecular Cardiology and Epigenetics, University Hospital Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld
669, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany. E-mail
© 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation Research is available at DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.117.310355

Dewenter et al   Calcium Signaling and Transcription   1001

the cytosol. The 2 main mechanisms are Ca2+ transport back

Nonstandard Abbreviations and Acronyms
into the SR by SERCA (SR Ca2+ ATPase) and Ca2+ extrusion
ANGII angiotensin 2 from the cell via NCX (Na+/Ca2+ exchanger) in the plasma
AP-1 activator protein 1 membrane. A small amount of Ca2+ is also removed by Ca2+
AR adrenergic receptor ATPases in the plasma membrane and by mitochondrial Ca2+
ATF1 activating transcription factor 1 uniporters.10
CaMKII Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II These Ca2+ cycling processes are finely tuned in response
CAMTA calmodulin-binding transcription activator to extra- or intracellular stimuli by various regulators that
CnA calcineurin subunit A affect the activity state of Ca2+-handling proteins. Central
CnB Ca2+-binding regulatory subunit B
modulators of cardiomyocyte Ca2+-handling proteins are PKA
(protein kinase A) and CaMKII. PKA is activated in response
CREB cAMP response element binding protein
to sympathetic stimulation of β-AR (β-adrenergic receptors)
EC excitation–contraction
and phosphorylates LTCC, RyR, and the SERCA inhibitor
ET excitation–transcription
PLN (phospholamban), thereby increasing Ca2+ influx, SR
ET-1 endothelin-1
Ca2+ release, and SR Ca2+ reuptake. CaMKII shares common
HDAC histone deacetylase
targets with PKA and is also activated in response to sym-
HP1 heterochromatin protein 1
pathetic activation; however, CaMKII-dependent mechanisms
IGF-1 insulin-like growth factor 1 have been suggested to exert more long-term effects on Ca2+
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IP3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate cycling.4 These kinase-mediated effects on EC coupling pro-

IRF8 interferon regulatory factor 8 teins are counterbalanced by protein phosphatases, especially
LTCC L-type Ca2+ channel protein phosphatase 1 and 2A.11 In addition, the activity state
MCIP1 myocyte-enriched calcineurin-interacting protein 1 of Ca2+-handling proteins and also of their upstream regula-
MEF2 myocyte enhancer factor 2 tory kinases can be modulated by multiple other posttrans-
NCX Na+/Ca2+ exchanger lational modifications, such as oxidation, nitrosylation, and
NFAT nuclear factor of activated T cells glycosylation.12–15
NFκB nuclear factor κB Besides the above-mentioned elements of Ca2+-handling,
NPC nuclear pore complex other Ca2+ cycling proteins have been characterized in car-
PKA protein kinase A diomyocytes that are suggested to play a less pivotal role in
PKC protein kinase C the classical concept of EC coupling but are implicated in
PLC phospholipase C Ca2+-dependent signaling mechanisms; in particular, IP3 (ino-
PLN phospholamban sitol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) receptors, TRP (transient receptor
RyR ryanodine receptor potential) channels, and SOCE (store-operated Ca2+ entry)
SERCA SR Ca2+ ATPase controlled by STIM1 (stromal interaction molecule 1). IP3
SOCE store-operated Ca2+ entry
receptors are Ca2+ channels activated by IP3, which is gener-
SR sarcoplasmic reticulum
ated through PLC (phospholipase C)–dependent hydrolysis of
phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate after Gq protein–cou-
SRF serum response factor
pled receptor stimulation.16 Typical activators of IP3 signaling
STIM1 stromal interaction molecule 1
in cardiomyocytes are ET-1 (endothelin-1), catecholamines,
TRP transient receptor potential
and ANGII (angiotensin 2), which presumably modulate spe-
TXNIP thioredoxin-interacting protein
cialized pools of Ca2+ via this mechanism.17 Localized prefer-
ably in the perinuclear region and the nuclear envelope, IP3
Ca2+ stores, in particular the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). A receptors are suggested to play a major role in local nuclear
critical cellular microdomain for cytosolic Ca2+ cycling is the Ca2+ cycling. Further details in this regard will be discussed
dyadic junction, where invaginations of the plasma membrane below. TRP channels are ubiquitously expressed nonselective
(T-tubules) and the SR are in close proximity.7 On depolariza- cation channels with variable Ca2+ permeability. In cardiomy-
tion of the cell membrane, LTCC (L-type Ca2+ channels; also ocytes, TRP channels, especially TRPCs, have been suggested
known as dihydropyridine receptors) in the plasma membrane to act as fine-tuners of Ca2+ cycling and were demonstrated
are activated, allowing Ca2+ to enter the cytosol. This Ca2+ en- to control Ca2+-dependent signaling in response to neurohu-
try raises local Ca2+ concentration from 0.1 to >10 μmol/L moral stimulation.18–20 Besides the activation via Gq protein–
in the junctional cleft, which triggers the activation of Ca2+ coupled receptor stimulation (receptor-operated Ca2+ entry),
release channels (RyR [ryanodine receptors]) in the SR mem- TRPCs also participate in SOCE.21 SOCE involving STIM1
brane, a process often referred to as Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. and Ca2+ channel Orai1 has been characterized as a key ele-
The SR Ca2+ release raises local cleft Ca2+ to >100 µmol/L and ment of Ca2+-dependent signaling in nonexcitable cells.22 In
global cytosolic Ca2+ concentration from 0.1 µmol/L during cardiomyocytes, STIM1-dependent Ca2+ entry was observed
diastole to 1 µmol/L during systole.8 This increase in cytosolic to coexist with the global Ca2+ transients. Increasing evidence
Ca2+ causes contraction via Ca2+-binding–induced conforma- indicates that STIM1 is important for Ca2+ response signal-
tional changes in the troponin–tropomyosin complex, which ing within microdomains, inducing changes in cardiac tran-
allows the myofilaments actin and myosin to slide past one scriptional profiles.23 Apart from association with Orai1 and
another.9 For relaxation to occur, Ca2+ must be removed from TRPC channels, recent data suggest that STIM1 interacts with
1002  Circulation Research  September 29, 2017

several other Ca2+ cycling proteins, including LTCC, SERCA, showed that even Ca2+ puffs in the perinuclear area within 3
plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPases, and RyR.24–27 µm of the nuclear envelope can lead to an increase in nuclear
This highly complex system of cardiomyocyte Ca2+ cy- Ca2+ while leaving the rest of the cytosol unaffected.42 This
cling on the one hand allows global continuous intracellular clearly states the importance of the perinuclear SR when
Ca2+ oscillations and on the other hand controls local pools considering nuclear Ca2+ regulation and already implies that
of Ca2+ within spatial microdomains, and the regulation of nuclear Ca2+ is influenced by many aspects beyond whole-cell
nuclear Ca2+ adds an additional layer of complexity. Ca2+ oscillation.
However, passive diffusion is only 1 aspect of nuclear
Nuclear Ca2+ Ca2+ cycling. Ion diffusion can also be subject to regulation
The nucleus is a subcellular compartment surrounded by 2 at the level of NPCs. Ambient Ca2+ and ATP are essential for
phospholipid bilayers, referred to as the nuclear envelope. the maintenance of NPC diffusion capacity; thus, decreasing
This nuclear envelope separates cytoplasm from nucleoplasm Ca2+ or ATP in the area surrounding the NPC slows down its
and is structurally and functionally subdivided. The outer nu- conductance, but not to the extent of a full diffusion block-
clear membrane faces the cytosol and merges with the mem- ade.43 Furthermore, the distribution and position of NPCs on
brane of the SR. Therefore, both the outer nuclear membrane the nuclear envelope, as well as their distance to nuclear Ca2+
and the SR membrane share the same characteristics on their channels on the outer and inner nuclear membrane, seem to
composition, and the perinuclear space, which is in between have an important effect on local Ca2+ diffusion.44 The amount
the outer nuclear membrane and the inner nuclear membrane, or density of NPCs in the nuclear envelope can vary between
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resembles the SR in ion and protein content.28,29 In contrast 10 and 20 pores/µm2 in vertebrates, and, thus, total Ca2+ diffu-
to the outer nuclear membrane, the inner nuclear membrane, sion capacity varies accordingly.44,45
which is directed to the nucleoplasm, shows a distinct com- Functional and structural evidence further indicates that
position unique to the nucleus. The nuclear envelope forms nuclear Ca2+ can be actively controlled. IP3 receptor type 2,
nuclear invaginations that reach deep into the nucleus, creat- the predominant subtype in cardiomyocytes, is concentrated
ing complex structures that in their entirety are termed the nu- in the perinuclear area and can be found on the junctional
clear reticulum.28,30 In close proximity to the nuclear envelope, SR, the outer and the inner nuclear membrane.46 These nu-
T-tubules reaching deep into the cytosol and mitochondria can clear IP3 receptors seem to account for the widely described
be found, constituting microdomains for Ca2+ cycling and sig- observation of a diastolic nucleoplasmic-to-cytoplasmic
nal responsiveness.31 [Ca2+] gradient.37 Experiments on isolated nuclei, permea-
The nuclear membranes are poorly permeable to ions and bilized, and intact cardiac myocytes consistently show that
water-soluble molecules. Transport and diffusion is facilitat- the activation of IP3 receptors preferably increases nuclear
ed by nuclear pore complexes (NPCs), which are distributed Ca2+.46,47 IP3, generated after stimulation of Gq protein–
throughout the nuclear envelope.32,33 Proteins and RNAs ≤39 coupled receptors in the plasma membrane, acts not only
nm in diameter are actively shuttled in and out of the nucleus on plasmalemmal IP3 receptors but can also diffuse to the
by a transport system associated with the NPC.34,35 Ions and nucleus and activate IP3 receptors in the outer and inner nu-
molecules smaller than 9 nm and 40 kDa can diffuse through clear membrane.48,49 In addition, there is increasing evidence
the NPC.34 Thus, the NPCs function as both barriers and selec- that IP3 can also be directly generated at the inner nuclear
tive filters for the substances trafficking between nucleoplasm membrane and, therefore, selectively act on nuclear IP3 re-
and cytoplasm. ceptors to increase nuclear Ca2+, especially in response to
In cardiomyocytes, every cytosolic Ca2+ transient is ac- ET-1, ANGII, and α-adrenergic stimuli.47,50–52 Notably, ET-1
companied by a nuclear Ca2+ transient.36 However, nuclear receptors, ANGII receptors, and α-AR have been identified
Ca2+ transients, compared with cytosolic transients, seem not only on the plasma membrane but also on the nuclear
to have a slower and delayed upstroke, a lower peak, and a envelope.50–53
prolonged return back to baseline.37,38 These findings led Several more receptors were proposed to play a role
to the hypothesis that cytosolic Ca2+ passively diffuses into in nuclear Ca2+ regulation. For example, it has been dem-
the nucleus during systole, thereby causing the nuclear Ca2+ onstrated that activation of the IGF-1 (insulin-like growth
transients. Interestingly, to date none or only inconsiderable factor 1) receptor, a receptor tyrosine kinase localized deep
numbers of primary active pumps for Ca2+ reuptake have been within the T-tubules in proximity to the nucleus, leads
found on the inner nuclear membrane.33,39 Therefore, the idea to PLC-dependent production of perinuclear IP3.54 This
is that Ca2+ mostly diffuses out of the nucleus via NPCs and is consequently causes a selective increase in nuclear Ca2+.
then taken up by SERCA on the outer nuclear membrane and Moreover, the existence of β1- and β3-AR on the nuclear
the junctional SR, by nearby mitochondria or is extruded by membrane was demonstrated,55 suggesting that β-adrenergic
NCX on T-tubules in proximity to the nuclear envelope.31,40,41 signaling might have an influence on nuclear [Ca2+] within
This would also explain the observation that the nuclear base- microdomains via localized perinuclear PKA activation
line [Ca2+] increases with higher beating frequencies. Because and subsequent phosphorylation of PKA target structures.56
the decay of nucleoplasmic Ca2+ transients is slower compared Although there is substantial evidence for the influence of
with cytoplasmic Ca2+ transients, Ca2+ noticeably builds up nuclear β-ARs on transcriptional processes, the exact mech-
within the nucleus when diastole is shortened.37 anisms involved remain unknown.57 Another suggested reg-
Nuclear Ca2+ not only follows whole-cell Ca2+ oscilla- ulator of nuclear Ca2+-handling is the RyR. It is primarily
tion but also small perinuclear Ca2+ release events. Lipp et al located on the SR and only to a lesser extent on the outer
Dewenter et al   Calcium Signaling and Transcription   1003

nuclear membrane.58 Intranuclear RyR localization remains Ca2+-Dependent Regulation of Gene

controversial, yet it was described for neonatal cardiac myo- Expression in Cardiomyocytes
cytes.58 Perinuclear RyRs, however, were reported to play a Several Ca2+-dependent pathways are described that modu-
pivotal role in generation of Ca2+ waves originating from the late gene expression by signal transduction to transcriptional
perinuclear region.59 regulators. In cardiomyocytes, well-characterized signaling
In conclusion, nuclear Ca2+ is basically subject to cyto- patterns in this regard involve calmodulin, CaMKII, and cal-
solic Ca2+ oscillations. The mere passive character of cytosolic cineurin. Figure 1 illustrates the major findings summarized
to nuclear Ca2+ diffusion is, however, enriched by different in this section.
modifying mechanisms incorporating influences and specific
pathways of various origins. Moreover, nuclear, perinuclear, Calmodulin
and cytosolic structures, such as nuclear invaginations, NPCs, Calmodulin is a highly conserved Ca2+ sensor protein in eu-
perinuclear reticulum, T-tubules, and the distribution of, for karyotic cells with no innate enzymatic function. It is a small
example, receptors, channels, and pumps, create Ca2+ micro- 16 kDa protein that consists of a C-terminal and an N-terminal
domains that offer a vast array of possibilities for spatially and lobe with 2 Ca2+-binding EF-hands each. Different Ca2+ af-
temporally restricted Ca2+ control. finities of the N-terminal and C-terminal EF-hands and intra-
Thus, cytosolic and nuclear Ca2+ cycling are part of a molecular structures cooperatively facilitate a differentiated
highly sophisticated system which controls Ca2+-dependent response to a broad range in Ca2+ concentrations. When Ca2+
signaling by modifications of global Ca2+ oscillations as well binds to the lobes, conformational changes occur and thereby
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as Ca2+ regulation within microdomains. In the following, we protein interaction sites are released.60 To date, >300 pro-
focus on pathways that link cardiomyocyte Ca2+ cycling with teins have been shown to bind to calmodulin. Various bind-
transcriptional regulation. ing motifs and mechanisms of interaction have been identified

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the Ca2+-dependent pathways mediating transcriptional regulation in cardiomyocytes. For details,
see main text. CaM indicates calmodulin; CAMKII, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II; CAMTA, calmodulin-binding transcriptional
activator; CaN, calcineurin; cPKC, conventional protein kinase C; cPKCct, conventional protein kinase C c terminal; CREB, cAMP
response element binding protein; DAG, diacylglycerol; H3S10, histone 3 serine 10; HDAC4, histone deacetylase 4; HDAC5, histone
deacetylase 5; HSF1, heat shock factor 1; IκB, inhibitor of κB; IKK, inhibitor of κB kinase; INM, inner nuclear membrane; IP3, inositol
1,4,5-trisphosphate; IP3R, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor; LTCC, L-type Ca2+ channel; MEF2, myocyte enhancer factor 2; NFAT,
nuclear factor of activated T cells; NFκB, nuclear factor κB; NPC, nuclear pore complex; ONM, outer nuclear membrane; RyR, ryanodine
receptor; SRF, serum response factor; STIM1, stromal interaction molecule 1; and TRPC, classical transient receptor potential cannel.
1004  Circulation Research  September 29, 2017

resulting in local regulation of target activity at very different to mediate CREB activation in response to neurohumoral
Ca2+ concentrations.61,62 stimulation by ET-1 and phenylephrine.77 In addition, ATF1
Besides its regulatory function in activating Ca2+-sensitive (activating transcription factor 1), that shares huge homology
enzymes such as CaMKII and calcineurin, calmodulin exerts with CREB and that is also modulated by cAMP/PKA, can be
effects on gene expression via CAMTA (calmodulin-binding phosphorylated by CaMKII, remarkably only at its activation
transcriptional activator).63 In humans, 2 different CAMTA site Ser-63 (corresponding to Ser-133 of CREB).78 However,
genes, CAMTA1 and CAMTA2, have been characterized. up to now the specific functional consequences of CaMKII-
Their expression seems to be most prominent in heart and dependent modulation of these cAMP-regulated transcription
brain tissue.64 In the heart, CAMTA2 raised interest because of factors in cardiac myocytes remain elusive.79
its noteworthy ability to induce the expression of atrial natri- The functional role of other CaMKII-dependent tran-
uretic peptide—a surrogate parameter for cardiac hypertrophy scription factor activation events has been more specifically
and marker of heart failure–related diseases. Mechanistically, characterized, for example, on apoptosis and inflammation.
it was shown that CAMTA2 binds to the homeobox pro- Interestingly, whereas the CaMKIIδ splice variant CaMKIIδC
tein NKX2-5, which is also implicated in hypertrophic re- has been suggested to mediate stress-induced proapoptotic
sponse, and coactivates NKX2-5–dependent transcription. effects via classical mitochondrial pathways,80,81 the splice
Furthermore, the Olson laboratory demonstrated that HDAC5 variant CaMKIIδB seems to play an antiapoptotic role.
(histone deacetylase 5) represses CAMTA2 through a direct Mechanistically, CaMKIIδB has been suggested to activate
interaction. With PKD (protein kinase D)–dependent HDAC5 the transcription factor heat shock factor 1 by phosphorylation
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phosphorylation and consequent nuclear export, CAMTA2 is at Ser-230, inducing increased transcription of cell-protective
released and executes its coactivating function.63,65 Therefore, factor inducible heat shock protein 70.82 This putatively pro-
CAMTA is not only directly regulated by Ca2+ via binding of tective role of the CaMKIIδB splice variant is supported by
Ca2+/calmodulin but also indirectly via its interaction with the observation that it is required for binding of transcription
HDAC5. The relevance of CAMTA2 in human was only re- factor GATA4 to the promotor region of antiapoptotic protein
cently confirmed by showing that certain genetic polymor- Bcl-2 and consequently is crucial for reducing doxorubicin-
phisms in the coding region of CAMTA2 alter the risk of mediated cardiotoxicity.83
developing cardiac hypertrophy.66 Emerging evidence points to an important role of CaMKII
CaMKII in inflammation. For instance, CaMKIIδ has been described
CaMKII is a serine/threonine kinase with the isoforms CaMKIIδ to mediate activation of the transcription factor NFκB (nu-
and CaMKIIγ being expressed in the heart. The splice vari- clear factor κ B).84,85 The underlying mechanism most likely
ant CaMKIIδC primarily localizes within the cytosol, whereas involves a more indirect pathway via inhibitor of κB kinase
CaMKIIδB has a nuclear localization sequence. CaMKII be- activation and subsequent phosphorylation and degradation
comes activated upon Ca2+/calmodulin binding with a Kd ≈50 of Inhibitor of κB, leading to nuclear translocation of NFκB.
nmol/L.67 An important regulatory mechanism of CaMKII activ- This pathway has been investigated, for example, in the set-
ity dynamics is its autophosphorylation, which is sensitive to the ting of ischemia/reperfusion injury, suggesting a detrimental
frequency and duration of Ca2+ spikes.68 Autophosphorylation at proinflammatory role of CaMKIIδ.86 In the same setting of
Thr 286/287 enhances the affinity of CaMKII toward calmodu- ischemia/reperfusion injury, we found that CaMKII induces
lin and prevents autoinhibition of CaMKII, thereby maintaining transcription and secretion of the chemokines CCL2 and
enzyme activity independent of Ca2+/calmodulin binding.69,70 CCL3 from cardiomyocytes, thereby triggering an intrinsic
Analogous to autophosphorylation, several other posttransla- chemoattractant cardiomyocyte signaling cascade that is as-
tional modifications, such as oxidation, glycosylation, and ni- sociated with scar formation and cardiac fibrosis.87
trosylation, were described to further increase CaMKII activity In addition, CaMKII was demonstrated to interact with
after initial opening by Ca2+/calmodulin binding.15,71,72 CaMKII SRF (serum response factor), a transcription factor implicated
exerts its molecular effects by binding and phosphorylation of in cardiac integrity as genetic models have revealed.88,89 It has
target proteins. Regarding the regulation of transcriptional pro- been shown that CaMKII phosphorylates SRF at Ser103 and
cesses, CaMKII has been shown to phosphorylate transcription Thr160 in skeletal muscle90; however, the functional role of
factors, epigenetic regulators, and histones. these events in cardiomyocytes is not clear yet. Furthermore,
To date, several transcription factors that are activated in myocardin, a transcriptional coactivator of SRF that has been
a CaMKII-dependent manner have been identified. CREB causatively associated with cardiac hypertrophy,91 is activated
(cAMP response element binding protein) is a ubiquitously via Ca2+-dependent signaling involving CaMKII.92
expressed nuclear transcription factor involved in cardiac in- CaMKII modulates ion currents not only by direct interac-
tegrity, inflammation processes, and metabolic signaling.73–75 tion and phosphorylation of ion channels but also by transcrip-
CREB activity is regulated via various signaling pathways, and tional regulation. Studies reported that CaMKII is critical for
especially PKA-mediated phosphorylation of Ser-133 has been β-AR–stimulated upregulation of NCX1 by transcription fac-
shown to be critical for its activation. CaMKII either increases tor AP-1 (activator protein 1) activation.93 Moreover, CaMKII
activation of CREB by phosphorylation of Ser-133 or decreas- has been demonstrated to repress the expression of LTCC by
es CREB activity by phosphorylation of Ser-142, suggesting activating downstream regulatory element binding transcrip-
a modulatory role beside cAMP/PKA-dependent CREB regu- tion factor DREAM, thus constituting a negative feedback
lation.76 Notably, CaMKII has recently been demonstrated mechanism on Ca2+ influx.94
Dewenter et al   Calcium Signaling and Transcription   1005

CaMKII may also affect transcriptional patterns on a more HDAC4-dependent repression of MEF2 is diminished, re-
global scale by regulating transcription factor MeCP2 (meth- sulting in enhanced MEF2-dependent transcriptional activ-
yl CpG binding protein 2). MeCP2, which was implicated ity.103 Aside from MEF2, HDAC4 also acts as a repressor
in regulating the genome-wide chromatin state, was shown of the above-mentioned SRF, indicating a more complex
to be phosphorylated by CaMKII in neurons.95,96 Notably, functional consequence of CaMKII-mediated HDAC4 shut-
MeCP2 is also expressed in the heart, where its relevance in tling.106,107 Via HDAC4 binding, CaMKII is also capable of
human and experimental heart failure was recently demon- regulating HDAC5. Although HDAC5 alone is not respon-
strated.97 Looking at these studies, it is worth considering that sive to CaMKII, hetero-oligomerization of HDAC5 with
CaMKII signaling to MeCP2 may depict another important HDAC4 enables CaMKII to phosphorylate HDAC5, result-
Ca2+-dependent aspect of transcriptional regulation in cardiac ing in nuclear export and subsequent activation of MEF2.108
myocytes. CaMKII-regulated nuclear export of HDAC4 seems to affect
Besides the phosphorylation of transcription factors, transcriptional patterns even further. For example, it has been
CaMKII is also involved in chromatin modification. On the demonstrated that methylation of H3K9 at the promoter site
one hand, CaMKIIδB can directly phosphorylate histones, of atrial natriuretic peptide depends on HDAC4 shuttling.
in particular histone 3 at Ser10 (H3S10). This phosphoryla- Mechanistically, HP1 (heterochromatin protein 1) and histone
tion event has been associated with induction of hypertrophic methyltransferase SUV39H1 associate with class IIa HDACs
growth, based on increased chromatin accessibility for prohy- to build a corepressor complex.109 HDAC4, when shuttled out
pertrophic gene regulation.98,99 It will be interesting to see in of the nucleus, releases the corepressor complex and, there-
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the future whether CaMKII-mediated histone phosphorylation fore, prevents further methylation. Subsequently, the H3K9
at H3S10 or at other potential histone phosphorylation sites site becomes demethylated, which relieves chromatin conden-
directly results in the regulation of specific gene programs. sation and facilitates gene expression.110
Chromatin immunoprecipitation of CaMKII-phosphorylated Calcineurin
histones followed by massive genomic sequencing might Calcineurin (protein phosphatase 2B) is a serine/threonine
enable one to study this fascinating possibility. On the other phosphatase that is structurally composed of 2 subunits: CnA
hand, CaMKII has been identified to interact with chroma- (calmodulin-binding catalytic subunit A) and CnB (Ca2+-
tin modifying enzymes, in particular HDAC4. HDAC4 is a binding regulatory subunit B).111 Like CaMKII, calcineurin is
class IIa HDAC that itself has only a weak deacetylase activ- activated by binding of Ca2+/calmodulin, notably with a much
ity and exerts transcriptional regulation by binding of tran- higher affinity (Kd<<1 nmol/L).67 The classical calcineurin-
scription factors or recruitment of other chromatin modifying dependent transcriptional regulation pathway involves NFAT
enzymes.100 One of the critical transcription factors regulated (nuclear factor of activated T cells). On cytosolic dephosphor-
by HDAC4 is MEF2 (myocyte enhancer factor 2). MEF2 ac- ylation by calcineurin, NFAT is imported into the nucleus,
tivation has been implicated in cardiac remodeling, fetal gene where it acts in conjunction with transcription factor GATA4.
reprogramming, and inflammation,101,102 and HDAC4 acts This calcineurin-dependent pathway has been elegantly dem-
as a repressor in this scenario. CaMKII has been identified onstrated to play a crucial role in cardiac development and in
as a specific kinase for HDAC4, since HDAC4 has a unique the adult cardiac hypertrophic response.112,113 Calcineurin has
docking site for CaMKII that is absent in other HDACs. also been observed to regulate NFAT directly in the nucleus.
Nuclear CaMKIIδB-dependent phosphorylation of HDAC4 Mechanistically, nuclear calcineurin was shown to suppress
(at Ser-467 and Ser-632) promotes chaperone 14-3-3 bind- exportin protein Crm1 binding to NFAT, with nuclear NFAT
ing and subsequent nuclear export of HDAC4, whereas cy- consequently accumulating.114,115
tosolic CaMKIIδC-dependent phosphorylation of HDAC4 Downstream effectors of calcineurin signaling may also
blocks nuclear import (Figure 2).103–105 As a consequence, include MEF2, as this is implied by findings from skeletal

Figure 2. Proposed interplay between

Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II
and calcineurin and their downstream
signaling pathways in cardiomyocytes.
CaMKII indicates Ca2+/calmodulin
dependent kinase II; CaN, calcineurin;
HDAC4, histone deacetylase 4; MEF2,
myocyte enhancer factor 2; Mrj,
mammalian relative of DnaJ; and NFAT,
nuclear factor of activated T cells.
1006  Circulation Research  September 29, 2017

muscle cells, neurons, and lymphocytes.116–118 As an under- 1 µmol/L.134 Otherwise, it is regulated by its endogenous in-
lying mechanism, it was proposed that calcineurin is able to hibitor calpastatin. Although some physiological functions
dephosphorylate MEF2, thereby blocking its sumoylation and have been demonstrated, calpain is mainly described to cleave
consequently promoting MEF2-dependent transcription.119 In proteins in pathological settings. In regard to cardiomyocytes,
addition, it was shown that calcineurin possesses the ability especially ischemia reperfusion settings and heart failure con-
to enhance MEF2 transcriptional activity via a calcineurin/ ditions depict situations of Ca2+ overload where calpain was
mAKAP/MEF2 complex formation.120 Another possible path- shown to be more active.135
way involves prominent calcineurin downstream target NFAT, Calpain was described to cleave PKCα, the most abundant
since Blaeser et al described activated calcineurin to induce PKC isoform in the heart, in its V3 hinge region, thereby sepa-
the formation of a MEF2/NFATc2 transcriptional complex.118 rating the C-terminal catalytic from the N-terminal regulatory
Irrespective of the exact mechanism, the functional improve- domain.136–138 Accordingly, without this regulatory domain
ment of MEF2 antagonization in a calcineurin-induced heart permanently inhibiting the catalytic function, the C-terminal
failure model argues for a relevant calcineurin-dependent domain is constitutively active. Furthermore, the C-terminal
MEF2 effect also in cardiomyocytes.121 Yet, one has to con- fragment of PKCα gains the ability to phosphorylate addition-
sider that MEF2 activation in this model of calcineurin over- al targets and to translocate to the nucleus. Here, the catalytic
expression may also be a secondary phenomenon during the fragment leads to HDAC5 phosphorylation, which results in
development of heart failure, which is not based on a direct nuclear export of HDAC5, and consequent activation of MEF2-
signaling of calcineurin to MEF2. Another aspect of inter- dependent genes.139 Aside from PKC, 2 other prominent cleav-
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relation between the HDAC/MEF2 axis and NFAT was em- age targets of calpain have been described in regard to their
phasized by Dai et al,122 showing that NFATc3 is negatively influence on transcriptional regulation. For the phosphatase
regulated by class II HDACs through the DnaJ-Related Factor calcineurin, calpain was reported to cleave the autoinhibitory
Mrj. Notably, calcineurin activity can be negatively regulated domain, which results in translocation of calcineurin to the
by direct CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation, causing dimin- nucleus, causing increased and prolonged NFAT-dependent
ished NFAT translocation.123 This phenomenon has been dem- gene transcription.140 In addition, the calpain-mediated calci-
onstrated by us to account for hypertrophic cardiac growth neurin cleavage product was described to be independent of
in CaMKIIδ/CaMKIIγ double knockout (KO) mice.124 It has Ca2+/calmodulin binding and, therefore, constitutively active
moreover been suggested that calcineurin-dependent dephos- in its function.141 Moreover, calpain cleavage of LTCC was
phorylation of CaMKII at its autophosphorylation site vice proposed. Its distal C-terminal fragment was shown to local-
versa constitutes another negative crosstalk pathway between ize to the nucleus and alter transcriptional activity.142 Via this
these 2 enzymes.125 This pathway may also involve a more mechanism, the LTCC, for example, autoregulates its own ex-
indirect mechanism via calcineurin-dependent dephosphory- pression in cardiomyocytes.143
lation of protein phosphatase 1 inhibitor-1.126 Thereby, protein
phosphatase 1 activity is increased, which would consequently Direct Effects of Ca2+
reduce autophosphorylation of CaMKII.127 Figure 2 illustrates An interesting finding in terms of direct interaction between
the potential interplay between CaMKII and calcineurin and Ca2+ and chromatin is the observation that certain GC se-
their downstream signaling pathways. quences in the DNA have the ability to bind Ca2+, which leads
In addition to CaMKII, calcineurin via NFAT was also to local changes in the DNA structure.144 The physiological
reported to have an impact on the transcriptional coactivator relevance of this finding is still unclear, yet one has to consider
myocardin.128 Li et al129 could further show that NFAT binds that Ca2+, locally enhanced in nuclear microdomains, might
to the promotor region of myocardin, induces its expression, bind to a very specific region of the DNA and recruit Ca2+-
and synergistically with myocardin enhances expression of dependent enzymes to spatially modify chromatin structure
the LTCC α subunit. and potentially change transcription.
Beyond the regulation of NFAT, calcineurin was revealed
to interact with the transcription factor nuclear factor Y and ET Coupling in the Diseased Heart
affect gene expression of TXNIP (thioredoxin-interacting pro-
Ca2+ Cycling in Heart Failure
tein). Nuclear factor Y binds to the CCAAT element in promo-
Defects in cellular Ca2+-handling and alterations in Ca2+-
tor regions, and depending on the particular DNA sequence
dependent signaling pathways are molecular hallmarks of
either is an activator or repressor of gene expression.130 It
heart failure. The underlying mechanisms of cardiac dysfunc-
has been proposed that calcineurin dephosphorylates nuclear
tion may vary depending on the different causes and stages of
factor Y, therefore, decreases its affinity to the DNA and at-
the disease, yet several consistent findings on the dysregula-
tenuates its transcriptional repression of one of its targets—
tion of Ca2+ cycling have been characterized. On the one hand,
TXNIP.131 TXNIP, an endogenous inhibitor of antioxidant
structural changes in Ca2+-handling microdomains regularly
thioredoxin, is considered to be a relevant player in control-
ling energy metabolism and reactive oxygen species in cardiac occur such as decreases in T-tubule and nuclear invagination
pathologies.132,133 density and rearrangements of the nuclear transport machin-
ery.33,145–148 On the other hand, several Ca2+-handling proteins
Calpain show altered expression patterns and activity states. In par-
The nonlysosomal cysteine protease calpain gets only acti- ticular, defective SR Ca2+-handling is considered an important
vated at relatively high ambient Ca2+ concentrations of about aspect of heart failure pathophysiology. On a molecular level,
Dewenter et al   Calcium Signaling and Transcription   1007

impaired SERCA function, based on reduced protein expres- cycling protein modification versus effects on transcriptional
sion and increased SERCA inhibition by PLN, and increased regulation components is challenging. However, deciphering
open probability of RyR, based on hyperphosphorylation by the role of nuclear versus cytosolic CaMKII might deliver in-
PKA and CaMKII, seem to be causative.149 Therefore, SR sights into distinct mechanisms. By comparative approach, it
Ca2+ load is decreased because of diminished SR filling and was shown that overexpression of both splice variants induces
increased diastolic RyR Ca2+ leak. As a consequence of defec- activation of MEF2, mechanistically via phosphorylation of
tive SR Ca2+ cycling and SR Ca2+ depletion, Ca2+ transients HDAC4, whereas SR Ca2+ cycling is only affected by cyto-
in failing cardiomyocytes show distinct alterations: the am- solic CaMKIIδC.105 Accordingly, CaMKIIδ KO mice are pro-
plitude decreases, the time to peak prolongs, the rate of Ca2+ tected from cardiac remodeling upon pressure overload.162,163
removal is reduced, and the resting [Ca2+] is elevated.150 NCX In our studies on CaMKIIδ KO mice, we found a marked
is increased in expression and activity in various heart failure reduction in CaMKII-dependent HDAC4 phosphorylation
conditions151 and may influence these alterations in different and attenuated induction of the fetal gene program, while we
ways. Shifting the balance of cytosolic Ca2+ removal toward could not see any genotype-related disturbances in intracellu-
enhanced Ca2+ extrusion via NCX might further impair SR lar Ca2+ transients under either unstressed conditions or in the
Ca2+ load. In contrast, NCX can switch into reversed mode at presence of transverse aortic constriction.163 These results in-
high intracellular [Na+] as observed in heart failure, causing dicate that effects on Ca2+-handling are not absolutely required
Ca2+ influx which may contribute to diastolic Ca2+ overload.150 for the protective CaMKIIδ KO–dependent phenotype. In
Besides these global Ca2+ disturbances, distinct local changes contrast, Ling et al demonstrated in a different CaMKIIδ KO
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in Ca2+ have been observed in heart failure. Ljubojevic et al mouse model that the increased SR Ca2+ leak after transverse
demonstrated that nuclear Ca2+ transients display pathological aortic constriction is completely abolished via prevention of
patterns earlier in disease development than the cytosolic Ca2+ RyR2-S2814 hyperphosphorylation, suggesting that restored
transients,33 suggesting an important role for Ca2+-dependent SR Ca2+ might underlie the beneficial effects of CaMKIIδ
maladaptive gene program activation. Consistent with this ob- deletion.162 However, attempts to rescue the cardiomyopathic
servation, changes in nucleocytoplasmic trafficking processes phenotype in CaMKIIδC TG mice by restoring SR function
were observed to precede cardiac functional deterioration in to our knowledge failed to date. SR-targeted CaMKII inhibi-
experimental heart failure.148 Moreover, increasing evidence tion indeed significantly reduced the SR Ca2+ leak but accel-
indicates that also other Ca2+ channels, less implicated in EC erated the development of cardiac remodeling in the TG.158
coupling, significantly contribute to disturbances in Ca2+- In addition, restoring SR load in CaMKIIδC TG by genetic
dependent pathways, as IP3 receptors and several TRPC KO of PLN showed no rescue effect but resulted in exacerba-
channels have been demonstrated to be upregulated in experi- tion of cardiac dysfunction and mortality in the TG.157 These
mental and human heart failure.152–155 findings strongly indicate that even cytosolic CaMKIIδC ex-
Changes in Ca2+-Dependent Transcriptional erts maladaptive effects in heart failure via SR-independent
Regulation in Heart Failure mechanisms.
Ca2+-dependent transcriptional pathways involving key regu- The critical involvement of the class IIa HDAC/MEF2 axis
lators such as CaMKII and calcineurin are overactive in the in the induction of cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling has
diseased heart and suggested to drive structural changes and also been demonstrated in genetic mouse models. HDAC9 KO
functional deterioration by inducing remodeling processes. mice are sensitized to hypertrophic signals including calcineu-
Table 1 gives an overview on in vivo studies on proteins in- rin overexpression, show an increased activation of the fetal
volved in these pathways with respect to their impact on cardi- gene program, and display a hypersensitive MEF2 activity.171
ac hypertrophy, cardiac function, cardiac fibrosis, and cardiac Similar findings have been reported for HDAC5 KO mice.170
inflammation. Regarding MEF2, characterization of MEF2A and MEF2C
CaMKII activity is consistently increased in human and in TG revealed a dosage-dependent cardiomyopathic phenotype
experimental heart failure,156,202 and activation of CaMKII has and reduction in ventricular performance,172 as well as an in-
been observed in response to multiple neurohumoral signals creased susceptibility to calcineurin overexpression-induced
that are enhanced in heart failure, including ANGII, ET-1, α- hypertrophy.121 In addition, MEF2D overexpression induces
AR, and β-AR agonists.71,80,203–209 This neurohumoral activation pathological cardiac remodeling and drives the fetal gene
of CaMKII has been linked to the induction of hypertrophic program, whereas MEF2D KO are protected against remod-
and fetal gene programs.204,210–212 In addition, CaMKII was eling and exhibit attenuated fetal gene activation in response
shown to act as a critical downstream mediator of noncanoni- to pressure overload and chronic β-adrenergic stimulation.101
cal Wnt signaling via dishevelled, which represents a widely Calcineurin is overactive not only in human heart failure
unrecognized but central pathway in myocardial remodeling but also in compensated cardiac hypertrophy.213,214 Notably,
processes.166 A causative role of CaMKII in heart failure devel- IRF8 (interferon regulatory factor 8), which acts as an in-
opment has been derived from cardiomyocyte-specific genetic hibitor of calcineurin downstream target NFATc1, has been
mouse models.87,124,162,163,165 Cardiac-specific overexpression of described to be downregulated in dilated and hypertrophic
cytosolic CaMKIIδC and nuclear CaMKIIδB induces dilated cardiomyopathy.215 In vitro data consistently indicate that
cardiomyopathy and cardiac hypertrophy, respectively.156,161 pharmacological and genetic calcineurin inhibition at-
Given the multiple targets of CaMKII in cardiomyocytes, tenuates cardiomyocyte hypertrophy induced by neurohu-
specifically estimating the relevance of effects based on Ca2+ moral stimulation.113,204,216 This antihypertrophic effect was
1008  Circulation Research  September 29, 2017

Table 1.  Overview on In Vivo Studies Investigating Ca2+-Dependent Signaling Proteins Involved in Transcriptional Pathways
With Respect to Their Impact on Cardiac Hypertrophy, Cardiac Function, Cardiac Fibrosis, and Cardiac Inflammation
Protein/Mutant Genetic Pharmacological/ Cardiac
Intervention Cardiac Growth Cardiac Function Cardiac Fibrosis
Name Model Peptide-Based Inhibition Inflammation
CaMKIIδC ↑(156,157)
none ↓↓(156–160) ↑(156)
TG ↑↑(159,160)
MI ↓↓(86) ↑(86)
CaMKIIδB TG none ↑( )161
↓( )161

CaMKIIδ TAC ↓( 162,163

) ↑(162) ↓(162,163)
KO MI ↑(85) ↓(85)
ISO →( ) 164
↑( )164
↓( )

CaMKIIδ/ TAC →( 124,165

) ↑( 124,165
) ↓(124,165)
MI →(87) ↑(87) ↓↓(87) ↓(87)
ISO →(124) ↓↓(124)
DVL TG ↓( )166
↑( )166
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CaMKII MI ↑(167) ↓(168)

AC3-I TG CnA TG →(169) ↑(169)
ISO ↓(167) ↑(167)
KN93 MI ↑(167)
HDAC5 none ↑(170)
KO TAC ↑(170)
ISO →(170)
CnA (constitutively KO/TG none ↑↑↑(170)*
active CnA)
HDAC9 none ↑(171)
KO TAC ↑(171)
ISO →(170)
CnA (constitutively KO/TG none ↑↑↑(171)*
active CnA)
DKO none ↑(170)
MEF2A ↑↑(172)
none ↓↓(172)
TG ↑(121)
TAC ↑(172) ↓↓(172)
MEF2C TG none ↑(172) ↓↓(172)
MEF2D TG none ↓(101) ↑↑(101)
MEF2D TAC ↓(101) ↑(101) ↓↓(101)
ISO ↓( )101
↑( )101

CnA (constitutively →(121,175)

active form) ↑↑(113,121,152,173–177)
TG none ↓(173,178,179) ↑(113,178)
↑(178–180) ↓↓(174,177)
CnAß TAC ↓( )181

KO ISO ↓(181)
ANG ↓(181)
dnCnA TG TAC ↓(182) ↓(182)

(Continued )
Dewenter et al   Calcium Signaling and Transcription   1009

Table 1. Continued
Protein/Mutant Genetic Pharmacological/ Cardiac
Intervention Cardiac Growth Cardiac Function Cardiac Fibrosis
Name Model Peptide-Based Inhibition Inflammation
CaN →(183–186) ↑(188)
TAC →(187)
↓(187–190) →(189)
→(191) →(192,193)
MI →(191,192)
CsA ↓(192–194) ↓(191,194)
CnA TG ↑↑(177)
ANGII ↓(196)
TAC ↓↓(197)
FK506 ↓(197)
CnA TG ↓↓(195)
TAC ↓(198)
ΔCain TG
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ISO ↓(198)
TAC ↓(198)
ISO ↓(198)
TAC ↓(199) →(199) →(199)
MI ↓( )
↑( )
CnA TG ↓(174) ↑↑(174)
ISO ↓(174)
Zaki-4β TG TAC ↓(201) →(201)
NFATc3 Δ317 TG none ↑( )
NFATc3 TAC ↓(173)
KO CnA TG ↓(173) →(173)
ANGII ↓( )

NFATc4 TG none ↑(177)

NFATc4 KO CnA TG →(173)
CAMTA2 TG none ↑↑(65)
CAMTA2 TAC ↓(65)
KO ISO ↓(65)
ANGII ↓(65) ↓(65)
Calpain1 KO MI ↑( )

ANGII indicates chronic angiotensin II infusion; AKAP, A-kinase anchoring protein; CaMKII, Ca /calmodulin-dependent kinase II; CAMTA, calmodulin-binding

transcriptional activator; CaN, calcineurin; CnA, calcineurin subunit A; CsA, cyclosporin A; DKO, double knockout; dnCnA, dominant negative calcineurin subunit
A; DVL, dishevelled; HDAC, histone deacetylase; ISO, chronic isoprenaline infusion; KO, knockout; MCIP, myocyte-enriched calcineurin-interacting protein; MEF2,
myocyte enhancer factor 2; MI, myocardial infarction; NFAT, nuclear factor of activated T cells; PE+ANGII, chronic application of phenylephrine and angiotensin
II; TAC, transverse aortic constriction; TG, transgenic overexpression; ↑, <2-fold increase compared with respective control; ↑↑, >2-fold increase; ↑↑↑, >3-fold
increase (*Compared with the wild-type control group); →, no significant alterations; ↓, <50% decrease; and ↓↓, >50% decrease.

confirmed in various in vivo models.181,187,195,198 Further evi- revealing that NFATc3 deletion protects against calcineurin
dence for a causative role of calcineurin and its downstream overexpression-induced, pressure overload–induced, and
effector NFAT in heart failure was obtained from cardiac- ANGII-induced cardiac hypertrophy.173
specific genetic mouse models. Calcineurin and NFAT3 TG There are, however, some inconsistent findings about the
develop cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure, with NFAT role of the calcineurin/NFAT pathway in physiological ver-
and GATA4 synergistically activating the fetal gene pro- sus pathological hypertrophy because several studies also
gram.113 Of note, calcineurin TG mice were shown to ex- suggest calcineurin-dependent pathways to be involved in
hibit cardiac remodeling despite increased SR function.217 nonmaladaptive growth. Interestingly, calcineurin upregula-
The critical involvement of NFAT in cardiac hypertrophy tion is more pronounced in compensated cardiac hypertrophy
was additionally investigated by studying NFATc3 KO mice, compared with heart failure.214 Eto et al reported calcineurin
1010  Circulation Research  September 29, 2017

upregulation in adaptive cardiac hypertrophy upon exercise striking, but not so the evidence for its role in pathological re-
training in rats.218 In line with this finding, calcineurin inhi- modeling and contractile dysfunction. Also the time course of
bition by MCIP1 (myocyte-enriched calcineurin-interacting calcineurin activation during the compensated versus the de-
protein 1) overexpression in mice has been shown to attenuate compensated phase of heart failure supports this perspective.
exercise-induced cardiac hypertrophy.174 Moreover, calcineu- For instance, our laboratory showed that calcineurin activation
rin activity was suggested to be a requirement for adaptive hy- precedes CaMKII activation upon the induction of pathologi-
pertrophy during pregnancy.219 Another observation that might cal pressure overload and is, in contrast to CaMKII, down-
challenge the view of calcineurin as an overall detrimental ET regulated during the transition to heart failure.124 These data
coupling player is related to its role in dilated cardiomyopa- may indicate that increased calcineurin/NFAT activity plays
thy. KO mice lacking the stress responsive isoform of calci- an important role in compensated and early cardiac hypertro-
neurin exhibit enhanced cardiomyocyte apoptosis and cardiac phy rather than in long-term cardiac remodeling processes.
dysfunction in a genetic mouse model of muscle LIM protein The observation that calcineurin is upregulated in exercise-
deficiency. Conversely, expression of activated calcineurin induced hypertrophy and required for adaptive cardiac growth
improves function and adverse remodeling in this model, sug- supports from our point of view this conclusion.
gesting a rather protective role in this scenario.175 Taken together, it will be important in the future to detect
Also findings in the context of the interrelation between dynamic changes of different Ca2+-dependent signaling mol-
CaMKII and calcineurin signaling indicate calcineurin ac- ecules in the course of heart failure development but also to
tivation in nonpathological cardiac growth. In line with the increase our understanding of the distinct Ca2+ sources that
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above-mentioned detrimental role of overactivated CaMKII, account for the differential regulation in adaptive versus mal-
CaMKIIδ/CaMKIIγ double KO mice are protected against adaptive signaling cascades.
cardiac dysfunction and interstitial fibrosis upon pressure Increasing evidence indicates that IP3 receptors, TRPC
overload. However, these mice do develop cardiac hypertro- channels, and SOCE dysregulation significantly contribute to
phy, but remarkably without signs of pathological remodel- detrimental enhancement of the above-mentioned transcrip-
ing, establishing a dissociation of cardiac hypertrophy on the tional pathways in heart failure. Table 2 gives an overview
one hand and pathological remodeling on the other hand. In on in vivo studies investigating these Ca2+-handling proteins
the same study, these mice also show an increased activity with respect to their impact on cardiac hypertrophy, cardiac
of endogenous calcineurin and exaggerated cardiac hyper- function, cardiac fibrosis, and the suggested involvement in
trophy upon exercise, again without signs of heart failure. transcriptional regulation.
Mechanistically, calcineurin activation was shown to account IP3R2 TG mice develop cardiac hypertrophy in re-
for cardiac growth in this model because of completely dimin- sponse to chronic isoproterenol infusion, Gαq overexpres-
ished CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation at the inhibitory sion, and exercise stimulation, which is blocked via genetic
calcineurin phosphosite Ser-411 in the CaMKIIδ/CaMKIIγ calcineurinAβ deletion.17 Moreover, local nuclear envelope
double KO mice. Notably, this striking effect was only ob- Ca2+ release via IP3 receptors in response to ET-1 has been
served in the CaMKIIδ/CaMKIIγ double KO model, which shown to affect the HDAC5/MEF2 axis independent of the
lacks any measurable CaMKII activity in the heart, but not global Ca2+ transients.231
in the CaMKII single KO models, because CaMKIIδ and Also Ca2+ entry via TRPC channels has been linked to
CaMKIIγ are able to compensate for each other.124 calcineurin activation. TRPC3 TG develop hypertrophy and
In contrast to the indicated crucial involvement of the cal- contractile dysfunction in response to pressure overload,
cineurin/NFAT pathway activation in adaptive cardiac growth, which is abrogated in a calcineurinAβ KO background.225 In
Hainsey et al reported no effect of calcineurin inhibitor cyclo- addition, overexpression of TRPC6 was demonstrated to in-
sporin A on exercise-induced cardiac hypertrophy in wild-type duce cardiomyopathy and accelerate cardiac remodeling, ac-
mice.220 Other data even suggest that cardiac antiremodeling companied by an increase in NFAT-dependent expression of
effects of exercise training involve deactivation of the calci- the β-myosin heavy chain.152 Of note, Seo et al demonstrated
neurin/NFAT pathway.221 Consistent with the latter, Wilkins et that only combined deletion of TRPC3 and TRPC6 reduces
al also observed a decrease in NFAT activity upon exercise.222 the hypertrophic response to pressure overload, whereas indi-
An aspect that should be taken into consideration when vidual gene deletion is not protective.226 Moreover, studies on
trying to explain the discrepancies on the role of calcineurin dominant-negative TRPC3, TRPC6, and TRPC4 revealed that
in nonmaladaptive growth versus decompensated heart failure inhibition of TRPCs reduces the activity of the calcineurin/
is the applied genetic model. The studies investigating calci- NFAT pathway and attenuates hypertrophic response in vitro
neurin TG mice used a constitutively active form of calcineu- and in vivo.228 Interestingly, protection against neurohumor-
rin for the transgenic overexpression. These mice show severe al-induced cardiac hypertrophy in TRPC1/C4 KO mice was
cardiac remodeling accompanied by contractile dysfunction shown to involve a reduction not only in calcineurin activity
and increased collagen deposition. However, the fact that the but also in MEF2-dependent gene activation.227
overexpressed calcineurin is constitutively active might ac- Recent experimental data also suggest SOCE to play an
count for some divergences in the results compared with stud- important role in activating transcriptional pathways involved
ies investigating the modulation of endogenous calcineurin. in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. STIM1-dependent Ca2+ signal-
Taking all of the studies on genetic and pharmacological cal- ing was revealed to activate the calcineurin/NFAT pathway
cineurin and NFAT inhibition into account (Table 1), the rele- and CaMKII signaling in vitro.232,233 Hulot et al emphasized
vance of the calcineurin/NFAT axis for cardiac hypertrophy is the in vivo relevance of STIM1 in cardiac hypertrophy,
Dewenter et al   Calcium Signaling and Transcription   1011

Table 2.  Overview on In Vivo Studies Investigating Ca2+-Handling Proteins With Respect to Their Impact on
Cardiac Hypertrophy, Cardiac Function, Cardiac Fibrosis, and the Suggested Involvement in Transcriptional
Name Genetic Model Intervention Cardiac Growth Cardiac Function Cardiac Fibrosis Suggested Pathway
IP3R2 none ↑(17) →(17)
TG TAC ↑(17) Calcineurin-NFAT17
ISO ↑(17)
IP3R2 KO TAC →(223) →(223)
TRPC1 Calcineurin-
KO TAC ↓(224) ↑(224) ↓(224)
TRPC3 none ↑(225) ↓(225)
TG TAC ↑(225) ↓(225) Calcineurin-NFAT225

TRPC3 KO TAC →(226) →(226)

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TRPC6 none ↑(152)

TG Calcineurin-NFAT152
TAC ↑(152) ↓(152)
TRPC6 KO TAC →(226) →(226)
TRPC3/ →(227)
TRPC6 TAC ↑(226)
DKO Calcineurin-NFAT226
ISO →(227)
ANG →(227)
TRPC1/ TAC ↓(227) ↑(227) ↓(227) Calcineurin-NFAT227
DKO ISO ↓(227)
ANG ↓(227)
dnTRPC3 TAC ↓(228) ↑(228) ↓(228)
TG Calcineurin-NFAT228
PE+ANGII ↓(228)
dnTRPC4 TG TAC ↓(228) Calcineurin-NFAT228
dnTRPC6 TAC ↓(228) ↑(228) ↓(228)
TG Calcineurin-NFAT228
PE+ANGII ↓(228)
STIM1 none ↑↑(229) ↓(229) Calcineurin-NFAT229
TAC ↑( )
↓( )

ISO ↑( )
PE+ANGII ↑(229) ↑↑(229)
STIM1 none →(23,230) ↓(23,230) ↑(230) FAK-Akt23
TAC ↓( )
→( ) 23
ANGII indicates chronic angiotensin II infusion; CaMKII, Ca2+/calmodulin dependent kinase II; DKO, double knockout; dnTRPC, dominant
negative transient receptor potential C; IP3R, inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor; ISO, chronic isoprenaline infusion; KO, knockout; MEF2,
myocyte enhancer factor 2; NFAT, nuclear factor of activated T cells; PE+ANGII, chronic application of phenylephrine and angiotensin II; STIM1,
Stromal interaction molecule-1; TAC, transverse aortic constriction; TG, transgenic overexpression; TRPC, transient receptor potential C; ↑, <2-
fold increase compared with respective control; ↑↑, >2-fold increase; →, no significant alterations; ↓, <50% decrease; and ↓↓, >50% decrease.

demonstrating that shRNA-mediated STIM1 gene silencing contractility and rearrangements of cytoskeletal structures
protects against cardiac growth in response to pressure over- under unstressed conditions.23 The important role of STIM1 in
load, associated with a reduction in nuclear NFATc3 trans- cardiac integrity was further illustrated by Collins et al, dem-
location.234 Conversely, it was shown that overexpression of onstrating that cardiac-restricted deletion of STIM1 leads to
STIM1 results in cardiac hypertrophy and contractile dysfunc- increased ER stress, mitochondrial disorganization, and pro-
tion.229 The cardiac-specific STIM1 KO mice from Parks et al gressive cardiac remodeling in mice.230 This shapes an overall
exhibited similar results with regard to attenuation of hyper- complex picture of STIM1-dependent cellular effects with
trophic response, but additionally presented impaired baseline broad implications that are up to now still poorly understood.
1012  Circulation Research  September 29, 2017

In conclusion, Ca2+-dependent transcriptional regula- Mice with this mutation exhibit pathological SR Ca2+ release
tors are evidently involved in heart failure pathophysiology. events and reduced SR Ca2+ load. Interestingly, this seems to
The majority is overactive in the state of heart disease and in primarily result in an increase in arrhythmia susceptibility
experimental in vivo models, and numerous studies empha- but causes only a slight decrease in contractile function with
sized that Ca2+-dependent ET effectors and pathways are able aging. Thus, it seems evident that CaMKII-dependent RyR
to dramatically change the cardiac phenotype. Nevertheless, phosphorylation at the 2814 site causes pathological altera-
whereas some few downstream targets are well characterized, tions in SR Ca2+-handling and arrhythmias. However, a clear
most of them remain elusive just as the interaction of different picture with respect to the pathogenesis of all aspects of heart
Ca2+-dependent pathways and the question whether 1 path- failure including contractile dysfunction cannot yet be drawn.
way is solely maladaptive or does also possess some adaptive Given the complexity of RyR regulation in a macromolecular
functions. complex with multiple posttranslational modifications, target-
ing proteins and interaction partners, future research will need
Therapeutic Implications
to shape an integrated view on RyR regulation, causes of RyR
Current pharmacological treatment options in heart failure (be-
dysfunction, and their relevance in the pathogenesis of heart
ta-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angio-
tensin receptor blockers, and aldosterone inhibitors) are in line
Because decreased Ca2+ uptake into the SR is a character-
with the paradigm of neurohumoral overactivation. Indeed,
istic observation in heart failure, another promising approach
angiotensin, endothelin, and catecholamines are reportedly
may be enhancement of SR Ca2+ reuptake to rescue patho-
Downloaded from by guest on October 8, 2017

upregulated in heart failure,235–238 and exposure to excessive

logically altered Ca2+ cycling. In this regard, gene therapy ap-
amounts has detrimental effects on the cellular level.239–241
proaches may offer yet unexplored possibilities. Especially
Conversely, neurohumoral blockade effectively enhances heart
SERCA, SUMO-1, and S100A1 vectors proved to have bene-
function, improves clinical outcome, and reduces hospitaliza-
tion.242,243 Despite this, the overall mortality of heart failure is ficial effects on heart failure in animal models.255–257 However,
still high. In addition, tolerability of the optimal doses of stan- the outcome of the latest clinical trial for adeno-associated
dard medications is often limited because of contraindications, virus 1–delivered SERCA gene therapy (CUPID 2) could not
interactions, and adverse effects. This underlines the necessity yet successfully establish this approach in the clinical set-
to find novel and relevant therapeutic targets. ting.258 Although these results do not argue against SERCA as
Different neurohumoral stimuli were indeed shown to af- a promising target, ongoing difficulties with the gene therapy
fect cellular Ca2+, and neurohumoral inhibition consequently approach regarding vector design, delivery methods, and is-
improves Ca2+-handling, possibly thereby contributing to sues with humoral immunity need to be solved to use gene
clinical amelioration of contractility.244,245 The fact that Ca2+ is therapy for the re-expression of downregulated Ca2+-handling
regulated by a multitude of pathways, and the finding that Ca2+ proteins such as SERCA or S100A1.259
itself affects various cellular functions such as excitation, con- Moreover, the major Ca2+-dependent signaling enzymes,
traction, metabolism, and transcription, turns it into a nexus CaMKII and calcineurin, are focus of attempts to pharmaco-
of signaling cascades in cardiomyocytes. On the background logically treat heart failure. In case of CaMKII, it has been
of altered Ca2+-handling in heart failure, it was thus proposed demonstrated that induced genetic KO slows down the pro-
that restoring Ca2+ cycling back to the physiological state is a gression of heart failure development in response to pressure
promising therapeutic goal. However, defining a potent target overload, herewith providing further evidence for its thera-
turned out to be rather challenging. peutic potential.165 In addition, recent findings suggest that
As mentioned above, increased SR Ca2+ leak is 1 char- CaMKII blockade would complement the effect of the current
acteristic finding in failing hearts; thus, restabilization of the standard therapy.159 However, given the fundamental role of
RyR is thought to be a rationale concept.246,247 Still, the func- CaMKII in various physiological cellular functions involving,
tional role and the relative impact of the PKA- and CaMKII- for example, synaptic plasticity,260 fertility,261 and immuno-
dependent phosphorylation of RyR remain controversial. logic memory,262 pharmacologically inhibiting global CaMKII
Studies on PKA-phospho-resistant RyR mutant mice could might presumably be accompanied by serious adverse ef-
not consistently demonstrate the relevance of this phospho- fects. Thus, for a successful application, the issues of selec-
site for SR Ca2+ leak or cardiac function in experimental heart tive organ targeting and CaMKII isoform specificity have to
failure models.248–250 In contrast, the association of CaMKII- be addressed as well as the issue of target-specific inhibition,
dependent RyR phosphorylation with Ca2+ sparks is well es- which requires a deeper understanding of the critical CaMKII
tablished.251,252 Findings on RyR mutants that prevent or mimic downstream mechanisms in heart failure. Inhibitor develop-
CaMKII-dependent phosphorylation offered insights into the ment programs with focus on myocardial CaMKII have been
functional relevance of this phosphorylation site at S2814. launched by several companies,263 but the way into clinical
The phospho-resistant S2814A mutation was shown to inhibit application is not clear to date.
Ca2+ leakage from the SR, improve SR Ca2+ load, and to be Cardiac calcineurin is predominantly described to be in-
protective in the setting of transverse aortic constriction.253 In volved in pathological settings. However, this picture is con-
contrast, however, this RyR mutation had no protective im- troversial and has been challenged repeatedly, as discussed
pact on cardiac dysfunction upon myocardial infarction.253 above. Referring to Table 1, the evidence for calcineurin be-
Conversely, the S2814D mutation depicts a constitutively ac- ing involved in cardiac hypertrophy is indeed overwhelming,
tivated form of the CaMKII-dependent RyR phosphosite.254 but especially with regard to contractile function, the evidence
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Calcium Signaling and Transcriptional Regulation in Cardiomyocytes
Matthias Dewenter, Albert von der Lieth, Hugo A. Katus and Johannes Backs
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Circ Res. 2017;121:1000-1020

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