Dialectical Journal 1

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Name: Joao Baldanzi Silva

Date: 9/9/2022
Period: 8
Book: Boy Tales of Childhood

Dialectical Journal:
(Q) Question – ask about something in the passage that is unclear
(C) Connect – make a connection to your life, the world, or another text
(P) Predict – anticipate what will occur based on what’s in the passage
(CL) Clarify – answer earlier questions or confirm/disaffirm a prediction
(R) Reflect – think deeply about what the passage means in a broad sense – not just to the author of the article. What conclusions can you draw
about the world, about human nature, or just the way things work?
(E) Evaluate - make a judgment about what the author is trying to say
(A) Analyze – explain how the author is using rhetoric and language to make point and persuade the audience

Quotation From the Text Page #/ Response

Para #
“He was so drunk that he mistook 11/3 Reflect
the fractured elbow for a What the author is saying is that his
dislocated shoulder.” father when he was 14 fractured his
elbow and went to the hospital and in
there they mistook and dislocated his
shoulder. By this I made some
conclusions, for example that this time
when this happened the hospitals were
no prepared and had not the
technologies and studies that we have
“So, what they must do, they 13/1 Predict
agreed, was go away to one of the So, because Oscar and Harald both want
big countries, either to England or to go to the big countries. I think that
France, where opportunities to they are going to ask their dad about
make good would be boundless.” what he thinks they should do, and their
dad will let them go, because he will
think that this is the best Idea for them.
“When he forbade them to go, 13/2 Clarity
they ran away from home, and My prediction was quite right and
somehow or other the two of them wrong because I guess it that they were
managed to work their way to asking their dad to go to the big
France on a cargo ship.” countries as I said, but I got it wrong
that his dad was letting them go, since
we refused them to go there.
“Within a few years, my father was 15/2 Question
able to buy a fine house in the What were the names of those child’s
village of Llandaff, just outside that he had with Marie?
Cardiff, and there his wife Marie
bore him two children, a girl and a

“His theory was that if the eye of a 19/1 Connect

pregnant woman was constantly This text connects with my life because
observing the beauty of nature, my dad did the same thing with me
this beauty would somehow when my mom was pregnant, and I
become transmitted to the mind of hope I can do the same with my wife in
the unborn baby within her womb the future.
and that baby would grow up to be
a lover of beautiful things.”

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