Emergency Freedom Alert 3 27 23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts--3-27-23

Dr. Johnson's Main Website at: http://contendingfortruth.com/

Email: drjohnson@ix.netcom.com
Or: contendingfortruth@fastmail.fm
Free Gift: Salvation & the TRUE Gospel/Good News!
New: ContendingForTruth.com Prayer Requests
Invive Mild Silver Protein Website: www.dr-johnson.com

Table of Contents:
• +1+ You Won't Believe What Is Going on in the
• Weaponized Illegal Alien Invasion Agenda Throughout
the World
• Order Out of Chaos & Divide and Conquer--InfoWars and Many in the
Alternative Media Are Going for The Total Destruction of the Illuminati
Puppet Ron Desantis--While They Totally Ignore All the Evil that Trump has
Done & Continue To Glorify That Devil
• Listener Comment On Finally Seeing the Light Regarding Trump
• Still not a believer? Ron DeSantis Wins the Coveted George Soros
Endorsement – Describing DeSantis as “Shrewd, Ruthless and
• Beyond Blasphemous! VICE News Reports: Who Had It Worse, Trump or
Jesus Christ? In MAGA-world and Christian Nationalism circles, many
Trump supporters see his imminent arrest as eerily similar to the
crucifixion of Jesus Christ--There’s even a new book entitled: “President
Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man—The Christ”!! Oh and Lets Not Forget
Trumps’s Recent Post: Donald Trump Shares Post Proclaiming Him
Second Only to Jesus <<<Well he finally mentioned the name of Jesus, but
not in a confession of faith, but in a confession of PRIDE and
• Reposting--Trump hosts gala for homosexual Republicans at Mar-a-Lago
after Biden signs same-sex ‘marriage’ law!!
• Mark Steele Weapons Expert Goes Through LED Street Light to Prove it's a
• Listener Comment: Incandescent and Halogen Light Bulbs Being
Discontinued By Government mandate as of July, 31st 2023--I saw this at
ace hardware yesterday
• Incandescent light bulbs to get switched off in 2023 under new Satanic
Biden rule—They Are Trying to Force you to use the horrible LED lights!
• LED blue light wavelengths linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease and
impaired vision
• +2+ 5G Exposure To ENSLAVE The Vaxxed: Vaccinated Connected To
Global 5G Death Grid -- LED Street, Home and Vehicle Lights are Weapons
Platforms! lED light Are Tied Into the 5G Grid
• EXCLUSIVE Special Report: Medical profession implements WHO digital
diagnosis code for the unvaxxed--Doctors will be ‘incentivized’ by the
government to start asking more questions about your vax status
• Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI
• CLOT SHOT COERCION: In Brazil, all Universal Basic Income (UBI)
recipients must show proof of vaccination
GIVING THEM AIDS! They put 3 HIV proteins in these shots and gave the
world vaccine induced AIDS--The DOD database reports a 500% increase in
HIV in 2021
• Pfizer and Moderna were studied under mass spectrometry which revealed
luciferase was a key component of both products making it impossible for
soldiers to fake their vaccine status
• THOUSANDS Of Canadian Children Are DYING SUDDENLY! Fully Vaxxed &
BOOSTED Kids Unexpectedly DROP DEAD
• Calls to suspend covid 19 vaccines in South Africa because of safety
concerns hits mainstream news
• Over 60 scientists call for an end to covid-19 “vaccines” after documenting
foreign toxins that damage the blood and impede circulation
• Nano Tech Findings Reveals Terrifying Findings In Global Extermination
• CONFIRMED: Graphene Oxide Found In SHOTS Pfizer SUED For $3
TRILLION Over “Safe & Effective” LIES!
• The Vaccinated Are No Longer Fully Human?? How do you apply
‘intellectual property rights’ to a human? You create mRNA technology, to
alter their DNA, that’s how
• +3+ The Covid Vaxxed Are Shedding Spike Proteins & Turning White
• How To "Unfold" The Spike Protein of COVID-19 (and the VAX) Making it Go
• Bromelain -- N-Acetylcysteine NAC -- Nattokinase -- Destroy the Covid
Bioweapon Spike Protein With Many Other Benefits
• DEATH JAB Recipients Are WALKING DEAD: Vax ATTACKS Heart/Immune
System Leaving Body COMPROMISED! The Unvaccinated Are Being
Infected By the Covid Vaxxed & Their Blood (When Looked at Under a
Microscope) Proves This & They Are Aging Rapidly– EDTA Chelation Is
Essential To Combat This --EDTA is an Antidote For Hydrogel - Heavy
Metals – Graphene Oxide
• IV, Topical Cream & Oral EDTA Chelation Guidelines--To Remove Artery
Plaquing & Toxic Metals - Hydrogel - Heavy Metals - Graphene Oxide
• How Vitamin D Affects Every Organ and Tissue Vitamin D-3 upregulates the
immune system--Only 5.9% of those who had optimal vitamin D levels (of
55 ng/mL or higher) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2
• Vitamin K2 Importance -- Vitamin D3 Needs K2 to Work Properly—K2
Importance Goes Beyond Bone Health
• Recommend Protocols For Covid-19 & the Shedding From The Covid


Father God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb that was slain before
the foundation of the earth, seated at the right hand of the Father; we come in the
authority given to us in Christ Jesus. We place a hedge of warring angels with
flaming swords of fire around us and our families continuously. We put on the
whole armor of God. We resist and renounce Satan, the god of this earth. We rise
to war by the power of the Holy Spirit against witchcraft, occult maneuvers and
devices sent against Your Will and the Body of Christ. We ask you to dispatch
legions of warring angels in full battle array to enforce our petitions and
intercessory prayers. Rout your enemies on all fronts. Turn their hatred, anger,
accusations, conflict, arrogance and wicked schemes upon themselves so that
they become caught in their own snares and fall into the pits that they intended
for others. We nullify, cancel and oppose every satanic operation, scheme, maneuver
and strategy. Cause secret plans, agendas and motivation of the enemy to be revealed
for everyone to see. We decree and declare that what these evil people & entities
meant for evil, you will turn it around and use it for the good of your people. We close
every evil portal that has been opened by them. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and His shed blood, we break and cancel every curse, spell, hex, vex, charm,
enchantment, decree spoken or unspoken, sent against the Body of Christ, the innocent
and your intercessors by every witch, warlock, satanist, sorcerer, voodoo priest,
shaman, soothsayer, medium, coven and every minion of the devil working iniquity. May
they fall into the very pits they have dug for others. Lord Jesus, reveal your love to
them. Save those that can be saved. Show them the truth about who they are serving,
and their eternal destination if they continue in their present path. Open their minds,
eyes and ears to receive supernatural insight and knowledge to understand the truth of
the Gospel. Bring them to salvation. We seal this prayer by the Blood of the Lamb and
in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. Amen.

++ In 1981 William Casey (CIA Director) Told the Newly Elected President Ronald
Ephesians 5:11, 13-16: "And have no
fellowship with the unfruitful works of
darkness, but rather reprove them. But all
things that are reproved are made
manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth
make manifest is light. Wherefore he
saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise
from the dead, and Christ shall give thee
light. See then that ye walk
circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time, because the days
are evil."
The 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary
defines: “Reprove”: To blame, to
convince of a fault, or to make it manifest,
to excite a sense of
guilt.“Circumspectly”: Cautiously; with watchfulness every way; with attention to
guard against surprise or danger.
Matthew 24:24: "...if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
II Corinthians 2:11: "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not
ignorant of his devices."
II Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble
themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then
will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted
worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the
Son of man.
Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Psalm 101:3: I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them
that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.
Psalm 11:5: The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth
violence his soul hateth.
1 Cor 15:33: Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
Lexicon Strong's G3657--Outline of Biblical Usage of the Word:
“Communications”: companionship, communion
“It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen
on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” Samuel Adams
“The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years.
These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to
spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from
liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to
complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from
dependency back to bondage.” Alexander Fraser Tytler

+1+ You Won't Believe What Is Going on in the Netherlands...

Play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaHxRStxL2w

Weaponized Illegal Alien Invasion Agenda Throughout the World

Play to 4:58: https://youtu.be/8wyFuAJIsGk

Order Out of Chaos & Divide and Conquer--InfoWars and Many in the Alternative
Media Are Going for The Total Destruction of the Illuminati Puppet Ron Desantis--
While They Totally Ignore All the Evil that Trump has Done & Continue To Glorify
That Devil
Play to 1:48: https://banned.video/watch?id=6419f736605edf539cc84629


Play from 1:00 to 2:25:
Desantis is De-SCUMBAG! Continues To Betray Floridians On "Trump
Endorsement-Theft Tour"

Listener Comment On Finally Seeing the Light Regarding Trump

On Fri, Mar 24, 2023, at 1:34 AM, Dr J…PhD wrote:
I am now getting into arguments on Truth Social with Trump supporters who are
just as stupid as the Leftists and atheists I argued with on Twitter before my
suspension, and it's getting old hearing the excuses so-called "conservatives"
make for Trump. I defended him for 5 years, voted for him twice, and then saw
things that I simply could not ignore. I've even argued with Scott [if you read this
'on air'] over issues I thought he was wrong about, did the research myself, and
ended up eating my emails. Anyone who investigates the evidence objectively
will come to the same conclusions. Anyone who doesn't, doesn't because they
don't want to. Period. Country is more important than God to those who
continually defend Trump in spite of all the evidence that he's clearly controlled
But here's probably the biggest argument from Trump supporters to justify his
mass murder of thousands of conservatives who took his "safe and effective"
"But Trump gave us a good economy, good jobs, lowest unemployment" blah,
blah. You know who else had a great economy, low unemployment, and a cozy
Socialist utopia? Jim Jones, right before his followers trusted him enough to
consume a product that their beloved leader told them was safe to take. Sound
familiar? The Kool Aid Jim Jones offered was just as safe as the shot Trump
endorses. If Jeffrey Dahmer built a wall, lowered taxes, broke stock market
records, created millions of jobs, I still wouldn't vote for him because he's a serial
killer. Trump is a serial killer. He's controlled opposition used by globalism to get
"conservatives" to things that they would not do if the advise or information
came from the Left or RINOS.
…"But we shouldn't vote for DeSantis, Soros endorsed him". I don't know if
DeSantis will be any better than Trump in the long run, but criticism of him
should at least be honest. Soros did not endorse DeSantis, he simply gave his
opinion on who thought would win in the 2024 election when asked. We do,
however, know that George Soros gave Trump $160 million to invest in the
Chicago Trump Tower in 2004-2005. So much for being anti-globalist and anti-
Soros (and this article was written before the mainstream media theatrical
assaults on Trump, so it's not a hit piece on
Trump) https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2004-10-28-0410280265-
I could write a book on this, but thanks for letting me vent. It seems half of the
Trump community needs as much evangelization as the Left! Contrary to the
newest "conservative" book on Amazon, "Donald Trump: Son of Man-The Christ",
Trump is not my Saviour.
In Christ, J…, PhD

Still not a believer? Ron DeSantis Wins the Coveted George Soros Endorsement
– Describing DeSantis as “Shrewd, Ruthless and Ambitious”…
February 16, 2023
WASHINGTON DC – In a wide-ranging speech, Soros ripped Trump’s presidency
and complemented elements of DeSantis’s style. “DeSantis is shrewd, ruthless,
and ambitious,” said Soros, adding, “He is likely to be the Republican candidate.”
Trump, on the other hand, “has turned into a pitiful figure continually bemoaning
his loss in 2020. Big Republican donors are abandoning him in droves,” he said.
(read more)
Source: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/george-
Archive Copy: https://archive.ph/MU7oA

Beyond Blasphemous! VICE News Reports: Who Had It Worse, Trump or Jesus
Christ? In MAGA-world and Christian Nationalism circles, many Trump
supporters see his imminent arrest as eerily similar to the crucifixion of Jesus
Christ--There’s even a new book entitled: “President Donald J. Trump, The Son of
Man—The Christ”!! Oh and Lets Not Forget Trumps’s Recent Post: Donald Trump
Shares Post Proclaiming Him Second Only to Jesus <<<Well he finally mentioned
the name of Jesus, but not in a confession of faith, but in a confession of PRIDE
Some of Donald Trump’s supporters can’t help but see similarities between the
plight of their beloved former president, who’s in hot water, legally-speaking, for
alleged schemes surrounding hush money to an adult film star, and the suffering
of Jesus Christ.
The Manhattan District Attorney’s office is reportedly preparing to indict Trump in
relation to a $130,000 payment from his lawyer and fixer to Stormy Daniels in
exchange for her silence prior to the 2016 election.
Trump has tried to cast himself as a victim of political persecution by “evil and
sinister people,” who are “killing our nation as we sit back & watch” in a series of
blustering social media posts in recent days.
The former president has long played a key role in the imaginations of Christian
nationalists, who believe America is an inherently Christian nation, should have
Christian laws, and that Trump is their savior. Christian nationalist language has
seeped into MAGA-world rhetoric, but Trump’s imminent arrest has taken it to
new heights.
Lawyer Joseph McBride, who is representing a handful of Jan. 6 defendants,
thinks that the timing of Trump’s likely arrest is notable.
“President Trump will be arrested during lent—a time of suffering and purification
for the followers of Jesus Christ,” McBride wrote on Twitter. “As Christ was
crucified, and then rose again on the 3rd day, so too will @realdonaldtrump.”
When he faced some pushback on comparing Trump’s plight to Jesus Christ’s
hours-long torture, McBride doubled down. “JESUS LOVES DONALD TRUMP.
McBride tweeted. “DEAL WITH IT.”
Other Trump supporters see eerie similarities between the Manhattan DA and the
Romans who crucified Jesus.
“Rome tried to silence a peaceful leader via political persecution, and ended up
creating the most pervasive & permanent religious figure in all of world history,”
MAGA-world influencer Reanna Dilley wrote on Twitter. “Good f…ing luck, New
Others are writing Trump into the Bible.
“To the wicked who are plotting against President Trump, who has committed no
crime. Who has been chosen and appointed by Jesus Christ for such a time as
this,” one person wrote on Truth Social. “May you fall into your own nets, While
President Trump escapes safely. - from Psalm 141:10.”
Trump’s base worshiped him as a heaven-sent, Christ-like figure, despite his
crass language, repeated documented philandering, and scant evidence that he
regularly attended church before running for president.
His presidency helped usher in a new era of Christian nationalism, a right-wing
philosophy whose adherents believe Trump is on a mission to restore God's
kingdom in America by transforming its laws and cultural institutions to reflect
evangelical Christian values. A widely-cited study identified Christian nationalism
as the dominant ideology among the Jan. 6 Capitol rioters. And there’s even a
book, “President Donald J. Trump, The Son of Man—The Christ,” written by a
Trump supporter.

Reposting--Trump hosts gala for homosexual Republicans at Mar-a-Lago after

Biden signs same-sex ‘marriage’ law!!
Dec 19, 2022--This is the eleventh commentary in an ongoing series on the
problematic rise of LGBT influence in conservative and Republican circles. The
first ten commentaries can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here,
here, and here.
(LifeSiteNews) – Just two days after Joe Biden signed the so-called “Respect for
Marriage Act” [RMA] into law, LGBT Republicans celebrated its enactment at a
gala event at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort home, hosted by the former
president himself.
Trump was joined by Arizona’s 2022 GOP gubernatorial candidate, Kari Lake, and
an array of high profile “GayCons” (homosexual “conservatives”) including
former Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell, a Trump appointee, and
frequent Tucker Carlson guest commentator Chadwick Moore.
Fox News’ Tammy Bruce, a lesbian, received the “Spirit of Lincoln Award” from
the Log Cabin Republicans, the GOP LGBT organization which sponsored the
event. Last year’s recipient was
former First Lady Melania
<<2022 Arizona gubernatorial
candidate Kari Lake, former
Director of National Intelligence,
Ric Grenell, frequent Tucker
Carlson guest commentator
Chadwick Moore, Log Cabin
Republicans President Charles
T. Moran, and others pose for a
picture at the December 15 Mar-
a-Lago LGBT event.
Twitter/David Leatherwood
Here’s the thing: Instead of
celebrating the passage and
enactment of the new law, President Trump and Kari Lake should’ve seized the
opportunity to denounce it.
And instead of congratulating the 500 or so “GayCons” gathered in Mar-a-Lago’s
ballroom, Trump and Lake should’ve asked these men and women to show that
they truly are conservatives by affirming the immutable definition of marriage –
as conjugal and complementary – and repudiating RMA.
Although Trump reportedly did not mention the new law in his speech, he did
proclaim, “We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and
fighting hard.”
“With the help of many of the people here tonight in recent years, our movement
has taken incredible strides, the strides you’ve made here is incredible,” added
the former Republican president and declared 2024 candidate.

Mark Steele Weapons Expert Goes Through LED Street Light to Prove it's a
Play to 8:30 first video:

From: M G
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2023 9:19
To: Scott Johnson
Subject: Listener Comment:
Incandescent and Halogen Light Bulbs
Being Discontinued By Government
mandate as of July, 31st 2023--I saw
this at ace hardware yesterday

Incandescent light bulbs to get

switched off in 2023 under new Satanic
Biden rule—They Are Trying to Force
you to use the horrible LED lights!
April 27, 2022 / The Biden
administration is pulling the plug on
incandescent light bulbs in favor of
energy-efficient light-emitting diodes,
or LEDs.

LED blue light wavelengths linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease and impaired
The light from LED devices can damage the eyes, increase the risk of chronic
illnesses, and disrupt sleep patterns.
LED devices give off large amounts of blue light. Blue wavelengths trigger
oxidative stress that damages cells and tissues, which can lead to various
Conversely, they do not emit any near-infrared light similar to natural sunlight.
The healing and regenerative effects of the red range of light counter the harmful
effects of blue light.
The combination of high levels of blue wavelengths and the absence of near-
infrared frequencies make LED lights harmful to human health. They increase the
chances of chronic disease and hamper natural healing. (Related: Light and life:
Can “engineered light” influence human health and productivity?)
Near-infrared wavelengths in natural sunlight help get the retina ready to repair
and regenerate itself. They induce retinal cells to produce melatonin that helps
restore the health of the eyes.
But LED lights do not trigger those natural healing processes. Instead, they
bombard retinal cells with digital blue wavelengths that cause destructive
oxidative reactions.
Instead of regenerating thanks to red light, the eyes degenerate in the blue light
cast by LEDs. The condition can eventually develop into age-related macular
degeneration, the leading reason older people go blind.
Furthermore, the reduced levels of melatonin make it more likely for a person to
develop insulin resistance. Patients with insulin resistance become more
vulnerable to myopia.
Blue light from LEDs disrupts the proper activity of mitochondria. They open the
door to cancers, metabolic disorders, and other health issues associated with
mitochondrial dysfunction.
Mitochondria are structures in the cell that produce cellular energy. They contain
light-absorbing molecules that are optimized to absorb the near-infrared part of
the light spectrum. Higher levels of red light increase the amount of energy
produced by the cell.
LEDs do not emit any near-infrared light. The lack of the right frequency of light
hampers the energy production of mitochondria. They generate less adenosine
triphosphate (ATP), the chemical that serves as fuel for cellular functions.
The efficiency of ATP-starved cells goes down. Liver cells cannot remove as
many toxins from the blood, while skin cells will produce fewer collagen fibers to
replace damaged portions of the skin. The general health of a person will go
down, rendering him or her more vulnerable to chronic diseases.
As mentioned earlier, light from LEDs stops the body from producing melatonin.
In addition to regenerating the eyes, melatonin also affects sleep.
Light-sensitive cells in the eyes keep track of blue light. These cells trigger a part
of the hypothalamus to signal the pineal gland to halt the production of
melatonin, leading to increased wakefulness.
As the sun goes down, the amount of red light decreases. The light-sensitive
cells tell the pineal gland to release melatonin, thus inducing sleep.
Exposure to the blue light of LED devices at night disrupts this natural process.
The bright light emitted by the screens of electronic devices like smartphones
and tablets can suppress the production of melatonin for one or two
hours, disrupting the normal sleep cycle of a person.
Fortunately, it is possible to reduce or prevent the harmful effects of blue light.
Replace LEDs with incandescent light bulbs, get as much exposure to natural
sunlight during the day as possible, and don’t use any sources of blue light at
Sources include:

+2+ 5G Exposure To ENSLAVE The Vaxxed: Vaccinated Connected To Global 5G

Death Grid -- LED Street, Home and Vehicle Lights are Weapons Platforms! lED
light Are Tied Into the 5G Grid
Play to 14:51: https://rumble.com/v2d5gey-5g-exposure-to-enslave-the-vaxxed-

EXCLUSIVE Special Report: Medical profession implements WHO digital

diagnosis code for the unvaxxed--Doctors will be ‘incentivized’ by the
government to start asking more questions about your vax status
January 17, 2023--A set of international codes are used by the medical industry
for billing purposes under Medicare-Medicaid and the private insurance
companies, but it’s not just about billing.
These codes are part of the International Classification of Disease (ICD) system
set forth by the United Nations World Health Organization and they’re about to
get far more invasive.
This system was originally created after World War II for the purpose of tracking
the diagnosis of major diseases within a population. But over the years, there
have been 11 major revisions, and with each revision the data being collected on
each individual has become more precise and all-inclusive.
More than 1.6 million clinical situations can now be coded, according to the WHO
And it’s also become more coercive, to the point where it’s become impossible
for doctors to get reimbursed by insurance companies if they don’t upload all the
requested data points.
The ICD system really grew into an electronic data-mining beast with the passage
by Congress of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) in 2012. Since then, there
has literally been a numeric code created for almost any diagnosis you can think
of, and some you would never think of (Search “crazy ICD-10 codes” and you will
see what I’m talking about).
Fast forward to April 2022. This is when the federal Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid (CMS) announced a new code that anyone who is awake and aware of
the growing medical tyranny should be concerned about. After some delays, the
new code was rolled out in October 2022 and became available to nearly every
medical clinic and hospital in January 2023.
What is this new code? It’s Code Number Z28.310. This is the code for a very
peculiar “diagnosis” since it’s not a diagnosis at all, but an invasion of privacy
and likely to be used against many people in the future. This is the code your
doctor will log into the computer system that is accessed by government and
private health insurers informing them of your Covid vaccine status.
I recently interviewed a fully licensed M.D., a physician who practices in a
Midwestern state and has full hospital privileges. This doctor’s name will remain
anonymous because if it were to get out, he could end up losing his job. On
January 12, he informed me that Code Z28.310 went live in his state.
“Yesterday (January 11) it showed up for the first time in any kind of hospital
paperwork I’d seen,” the doctor told me.
If diagnostics aren’t entered properly, a doctor may not get reimbursed. Now that
this new code is officially required by government and private insurance
providers, doctors will likely now be “incentivized” to ask about your vax status,
he said. That means they get financial payouts whenever the government decides
there’s a “meaningful use” for this data.
I had no idea that doctors were being bought off in this way.
This system appears to be the way the military-industrial-biomedical complex will
identify and separate out those who have submitted to their digital identification
system, which starts with being “up to date” on your shots — endless shots. As
the late Dr. Zev Zelenko and others have said, these continuous boosters will
become a “gateway to transhumanism.”
The powers that be at the United Nations and World Economic Forum have a
“need to know” when it comes to those who reject this demonic transitioning of
the human race, which the transhumanists refer to as an “upgrade” to “humanity

Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI

February 10, 2023--On February 8, 2023, while arguing on behalf of fired NYC
workers who declined covid vaccination, attorney John Bursch stated in open
court that unvaccinated teachers in New York City were flagged with problem
codes in their personnel files, and when that occurred “their fingerprints are sent
with that flag to the FBI and the New York Criminal Justice Services.”
You can listen to Bursch make this statement at the 5:30 mark of the audio
recording of the court proceeding.
The source of this information is Betsy Combier, who wrote an affidavit (see .pdf
at the link posted above) in the Kane v. de Blasio case where she stated
unvaccinated teachers were given a “problem code” label that was “then sent to
the national databases at both the Federal Bureau of Investigation” (FBI) and the
Department of Justice (DOJ).
In federal court on February 8th attorney Susan Paulson, who was defending
NYC, stated that educators fired for declining covid vaccination were not
removed for misconduct, but rather for not meeting a requirement for
If there was no misconduct, why are unvaccinated educators’ fingerprints sent to
the FBI?
I believe that unvaccinated NYC educators were being set up to be viewed as
“right-wing extremists” or even “terrorists.” We know for many years Dr. Peter
Hotez has been promoting a narrative that those who are “vaccine hesitant” are
an extremely dangerous group, and that we need to look to Homeland Security
and even NATO for suggestions of how to deal with such a “threat.” (Watch Part 1
& 2 of Dan Cohen’s investigation into Dr. Peter Hotez.)
Educators who declined covid vaccination – including myself – had every right to
do so. No one is a “terrorist” or “extremist” for holding the line on what does and
does not go inside of their bodies – especially injected directly into their muscle

CLOT SHOT COERCION: In Brazil, all Universal Basic Income (UBI) recipients
must show proof of vaccination
In order to continue receiving Universal Basic Income (UBI) payments from the
government, Brazilians on welfare must now show proof of vaccination.
The newly selected Lula da Silva, Brazil’s new socialist-globalist leader, has
decreed that the so-called Bolsa Familia program is being updated to only include
those who receive every “vaccine” pushed by the government.
“We can’t play,” da Silva said. “It’s a question of science. If I have 10 covid
vaccines to take, I will take all that is necessary.”
It was The Rio Times that first announced these changes to the Bolsa program,
which is described as “a social welfare program for the poorest families in Brazil”
and “a kind of Universal Basic Income.” In practice, the scheme has become a
social credit system much like the one that exists in communist China.
From now on, all participants in Bolsa Familia will need to show proof of injection
in order to continue receiving cash payments.
(Related: Pope Francis loves the idea of a global UBI system; cites “benefits of
The announcement comes as central banks in Brazil and all around the world
gear up to unleash their new Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) initiatives,
which will do away with cash and coins.
The money systems of the future – systems that are about to become the present
– will require full obedience from the populace to every government order,
including mandatory vaccination. This is how everyone in the world will be forced
into absolute government servitude.
Nearly every CBDC program currently in the works comes with expiration and
use-by dates, meaning participants will need to spend their allotted cash within a
certain time period or else it all goes away.
There are also “anti-hoarding” features in most of them that further make it
difficult for people to save their money rather than spend it on the government’s
desired timeline.
Thirdly are the “total information awareness” mechanisms built into CBDC. Mark
E. Jeftovic from Bomb Thrower describes these in the following way:
“Once it’s digitized in a centralized database (central banks)…everything
becomes known to central authorities instantly. Taxation can be applied per-
transaction, but more interestingly – prices can also be modified on the fly.”
“If you’re behind on your property or income taxes – or have an unpaid fine
(maybe because you’re fighting it), for example, they could simply enable a
rolling garnishing of your wallet until it’s paid off.”

THEM AIDS! They put 3 HIV proteins in these shots and gave the world vaccine
induced AIDS--The DOD database reports a 500% increase in HIV in 2021
Pfizer and Moderna were studied under mass spectrometry which revealed
luciferase was a key component of both products making it impossible for
soldiers to fake their vaccine status
Play: https://rumble.com/v1ovw75-u.s.-military-now-being-tested-for-hiv.html

THOUSANDS Of Canadian Children Are DYING SUDDENLY! Fully Vaxxed &

BOOSTED Kids Unexpectedly DROP DEAD
Play to 7:57: https://rumble.com/v2b6qr8-fully-vaxxed-and-boosted-kids-

Calls to suspend covid 19 vaccines in South Africa because of safety concerns

hits mainstream news
Play video here to 3:13: https://beforeitsnews.com/international/2023/01/calls-to-

Over 60 scientists call for an end to covid-19 “vaccines” after documenting

foreign toxins that damage the blood and impede circulation
The German Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis – which includes over 60
scientists, doctors, lawyers, and journalists – published their “Summary of
Preliminary Findings” on the toxic substances they are finding in covid-19
vaccine samples and the changes they are seeing in the blood samples taken
from vaccinated individuals.
The scientists “frequently observed an unusually rapid disintegration of the
different types of cells in the vaccinated blood” and found concerning rouleaux
formations of red blood cells specifically in the vaccinated samples.
Because of these issues, the Working Group is calling for all covid-19 vaccine
programs to end. “In order to avert a direct and imminent danger to human life
and public safety, we ask that the Covid-19 vaccination programmes be
discontinued immediately,” the Group’s report stated. The report has been sent
to all members of the Lower House of Parliament in Germany and is being
investigated by scientists and doctors of various disciplines.

Nano Tech Findings Reveals Terrifying Findings In Global Extermination Agenda

Play to 12:15: https://rumble.com/v29fi0a-nano-tech-findings-part-two-reveals-

CONFIRMED: Graphene Oxide Found In SHOTS Pfizer SUED For $3 TRILLION

Over “Safe & Effective” LIES!
Play to 12:06: https://rumble.com/v2c505u-confirmed-graphene-oxide-found-in-

The Vaccinated Are No Longer Fully Human?? How do you apply ‘intellectual
property rights’ to a human? You create mRNA technology, to alter their DNA,
that’s how
Play Video Here To 14:42: https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/03/todd-

+3+ The Covid Vaxxed Are Shedding Spike Proteins & Turning White Sheets
Play to 3:27 to 5:04:

How To "Unfold" The Spike Protein of COVID-19 (and the VAX) Making it Go
A peer-reviewed medical study shows two, common, over-the-counter
supplements, combine to destroy the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. This article
reprints the peer-reviewed study and tells you what supplements THEY used that
wiped-out the spike protein. Maybe, people who took the "vaccines" can use this
to wipe out the spike proteins inside themselves, that are making many of them
sick, and killing many others?
This peer-reviewed paper was published in March of 2021, but no one in the
media bothered to tell the public. The only thing the media did was push the
"vax." Now, a lot of people are dead, dying, or very sick from the vax.
Below, is the study which showed two over-the-counter food supplements,
Bromelain and N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), when used together - not separately -
cause the spike protein bindings to fall apart and dissolve into nothing. Images
of the results are below!
Full Reports on this subject: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-

Bromelain -- N-Acetylcysteine NAC -- Nattokinase -- Destroy the Covid Bioweapon

Spike Protein With Many Other Benefits
Play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiWjleODn4M
Supplements Dr. Johnson Carries:
++ The links posted below are purely for informational purposes. If you have any
questions or would like to order please feel free to email Dr. Johnson at:
Pure Encapsulations Bromelain 2400 500 Mg. 60 capsules 34.00
++NAC (Helps to get the metals and graphene oxide in the jabs out of the body)
Pure Encapsulations NAC 900 Mg. 120 capsules $45.00
++Nattokinase (Nattokinase has been proven in studies to break down blood clots
and naturally thin the blood--Blood clots, red blood cell aggregation & strokes are
a huge issues with the Covid jabs)
Davinci Labs NATTOKINASE PLUS 60 capsules $41.00<<Always take on an empty

DEATH JAB Recipients Are WALKING DEAD: Vax ATTACKS Heart/Immune

System Leaving Body COMPROMISED! The Unvaccinated Are Being Infected By
the Covid Vaxxed & Their Blood (When Looked at Under a Microscope) Proves
This & They Are Aging Rapidly– EDTA Chelation Is Essential To Combat This --
EDTA is an Antidote For Hydrogel - Heavy Metals – Graphene Oxide
Play to 14:20: https://rumble.com/v2bigpi-death-jab-recipients-are-walking-dead-

Oral EDTA Chelation To Remove Artery Plaquing & Toxic Metals

Dr. Johnson’s Comment: A Doppler ultrasound of the carotids is the best, most
cost-effective way to confirm if you have plauqing of the arteries. Lifeline
Screenings are a nationwide service that can provide these at a very low cost, go
to: www.lifelinescreening.com
This is a good version of EDTA if you cannot do the IV chelation, but these are
Medicardium: Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA Chelation
How Does EDTA Chelation Work?
IV EDTA Chelation
EDTA Chelation Suppositories Reviews
The Doctor in the interview above recommended a EDTA chelation skin cream:
KelaCream EDTA Heavy Metal Detox Cream
^^About this item
• Kelacream is a topical cream which delivers Calcium Disodium EDTA into
the body transdermally.
• Kelacream will help remove the bad heavy metals like lead but will also
help to remove good minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium
and so on.
• Be sure to replenish your minerals with a good multi-mineral supplement
when using Kelacream.
Question: How are we to know if we are actually becoming rid of toxic heavy
metals? Does your urine show color or scent?
The best ways to determine effectiveness are 1) improvement in symptoms (if
you're experiencing any), and 2) a before, during and after heavy metal test such
as a urine or hair analysis. Also, if one is using Kelacream to help improve artery
health, before and after testing can be done such as ultrasound or other non-
invasive tests to determine effectiveness.
C. Silver
5.0 out of 5 stars This products works, Heart Patients!
Reviewed in the United States on August 3, 2019
Verified Purchase
More than 20 years ago, my Cardiologist gave me 6 months to live if I didn't have
another (3rd!) extremely expensive, extremely painful quadruple bypass surgery!
That was only 2 years after he did the last one! I fired him on the spot and sought
alternatives, finding (by the Grace of God) the therapy known as Chelation
Therapy. It works. I have had more than 360 IVs over the past 20+ years and have
continued to work, exercise, play and even resumed my SCCA Racing hobby
(winning a Regional Championship) without surgery! Now, after so many IVs, my
veins have become very sensitive and I have needed to seek a new alternative. I
tried oral chelation for almost a year with reasonable results, then switched to
KelaCream after reading the reviews (and upon a recommendation by my Nurse
Practitioner). This stuff works. You can actually smell metal being removed with
your urine after the first couple of applications. Don't skimp, follow the
instructions. It's a little costly at $80/month but a lot less costly than (and
certainly not painful like) bypass surgery! I say bypass the bypass (and the
stents) and take control of your own life and your health. I believe KelaCream will
help you do that!
Also here is a whole book on this subject: Detox with Oral Chelation: Protecting
yourself from Lead, Mercury, & Other Environmental Toxins
++ Regarding the oral EDTA, once a day, if you let ¼ tsp to ½ tsp of oral EDTA sit
under the tongue for 5-20 minutes (with 5-7 drops of 99% pharmaceutical grade
DMSO—see below) before swallowing, it will have a much higher absorption rate.
A little organic peppermint oil can kill the taste. This process (depending on your
plaque level) takes a lot of time to work with the oral EDTA route, but it can be a
literal lifesaver and it much cheaper than IV Chelation which is the Gold Standard
and also highly recommended if you can afford it.
To Purchase Pharmaceutical Grade DMSO (which is the only kind anyone should
be using) go to:
++For the money this is an excellent value on EDTA:
++This kind of chelation will not remove calcium from your system but it will
remove other heavy metals and trace minerals (so again being on a good trace
mineral product while on any kind of chelation program is essential) but if you
have calcium buildup due to artery plauqing this will not remove that calcium
++ If you wanting to know if you have calcium buildup in the arteries or are
getting chest pains and want to see if it may be calcium build up in the arteries
and heart valves; phosphorus directly competes with calcium in the body and can
will chelate excess calcium out of the body. This can also help with tartar buildup
on the teeth and arthritic
calcium spur formation in the body.
++ Note: The links to these products below are there for purely informational
purposes only, to order contact Dr. Johnson at: drjohnson@ix.netcom.com
In this case take: Super Phosphozyme Liquid™ (2 oz) 2 full dropper twice a day in
juice taken on an empty stomach or Super Phosphozyme™ (90 T) 3 tablets twice
a day taken on an empty stomach ++Prolonged use will deplete your calcium
stores so remember this is a balancing act. You can do this for a few weeks and
then take a few weeks break if you like.
++ Dr. Johnson Comment: Lastly any form of chelation will remove trace minerals
from your body, so it is important to take some extra trace minerals once you
have been on the EDTA for any length of time. This is an excellent one I carry:
Multi-Mins™ (Potent Mineral Combination)(120ct) & (360ct)
++Dr Johnson does not carry any form of EDTA chelation, but he does carry the
other products mentioned.
For more information or to order contact: drjohnson@ix.netcom.com

From: chrislcox@
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 10:13 PM
To: 'Scott Johnson'
Subject: RE: Hi Dr J!
I started back on the EDTA a couple of weeks ago and man I must have had some
metals in my blood or something because my feet kept feeling heavy and tingly
and I was almost concerned there was some onset diabetes or something. But I
read somewhere else that someone having those same issues found out they had
metals in their body and used the EDTA to clear it up. It sure is. My real heavy
legs and feet with tingling and numbness has been clearing up extremely fast. It’s
only barely there in the tips of my toes now but it’s a good tingle now like when
your leg falls asleep, you can’t feel it at all, then severe pain when you touch it,
then the nice finishing tingle. That’s where I’m at now so I’m thinking that I may
have had that same issue and sure am glad I already ordered this stuff a while
back. Now that I can see real clear how well it works, I’m going to be more diligent
about using it more regularly. I needed it for my arteries anyways, so in a way I’m
glad I had a real fast need to start using it again. I had pretty much forgot about it
after I used it on and off a month or so a year ago. Thanks again!

Play: How Vitamin D Affects Every Organ and Tissue Vitamin D-3 upregulates the
immune system--Only 5.9% of those who had optimal vitamin D levels (of 55
ng/mL or higher) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2
Play: Vitamin K2 Importance -- Vitamin D3 Needs K2 to Work Properly—K2
Importance Goes Beyond Bone Health
Why Does Vitamin D3 Lower Blood Pressure
Hypertension, Vitamin K2, and Vitamin D3 Testimonial
Dr. Naomi Wolf interviewed by Steve Bannon, War Room on emerging strong
evidence that Hundreds Of Thousands Of Americans Are Suffering From
Hypertension Due To The COVID Jab; devastating implications!
Dr. Rhonda Patrick Goes In Depth on the Benefits of Vitamin D
Lose Belly Fat | How Vitamin D3 Burns Fat | Weight Loss & Your Thyroid
Vitamin D Deficiency & Body Fat: new links w/ Fat Cell Health and Metabolism
10 most common symptoms of vitamin d deficiency in adults
How to Increase Your Vitamin D Absorption?
Vitamin D & Brain Health: How D3 Affects Mood
Symptoms and Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency Explained
Vitamin D3 & Reversing Crohn’s Ebook – by Dr. Joel Gould<<FYI: The doctor
writing this is a Darwin loving evolutionist, but the core info is good--He had
Crohn’s and was totally healed.
My Vitamin D Deficiency : A 3-Month Update
The "Vitamin D Sweet Spot" and Its Relationship To Aging
Vitamin K2 Goes Beyond Bone Health
Exposing the links between Calcium, Vitamin K2, and Plaque Buildup in Blood
++Dr. Johnson’s Comment: These are the D3/K2 products Scott Johnson carries:
Davinci Labs A.D.K 60 capsules & Bio-DK Caps™ & Best Value: Bio-DK-Mulsion
& Innate Response Vitamin D-3 5000IU 60 count caps
++Vitamin D-3 upregulates the immune system--Only 5.9% of those who had
optimal vitamin D levels (of 55 ng/mL or higher) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.
*Statistics cited in "The Truth About COVID-19" by Joseph Mercola and Ronnie
Cummins, p. 96
++ Note: The links to these products are there for purely informational purposes
only, for more information or to order contact Dr. Johnson at:
I have talked about Vitamin D-3 in my teachings I posted below:
Transhumanism, DNA, Vaccinations, the Flu Epidemic and Proactive Health
Measures:1-13-13–Part 3
2012 End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 1-8-12–Part 4
End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates-9-26-10–Part 1

Recommend Protocols For Covid-19 & the

Shedding From The Covid Vaxxed
Disclaimer: It is your constitutional right to educate yourself in the arena of health and
medical knowledge, to seek helpful information and make use of it for the benefit of you
and your family. You are the one responsible for your own health. In order to make
decisions in all health matters, you must educate yourself. The views and nutritional
advice expressed by Dr. Scott Johnson are not intended to be a substitute for
conventional medicine. If you have a severe medical condition, see a competent
physician. I do not claim to "cure" disease, my goal is to help you to make physical and
nutritional changes in your own body so that your body can heal itself.

Dr. Scott Johnson’s Comment: With the recent advent Covid (and all that
surrounds that issue like the vaxxed shedding their spike protein payloads to the
unvaxxed) we should all be placing an ever increasing importance on immune
system function. In other words the best way to combat all contagious infections
is: #1) To not put yourself in harm’s way (that is if you can help it) and #2)
building up your own immune system as much as possible. Below I am
endeavoring to show you how to do the later, as the best defense is a good
offence. Ideally, we want to have a strong immune system before we have any
potential exposure to any contagious infection. In order to do this certain criteria
have to be met in the human body. I am going to highlight some of the most
important factors in this document. See below. God bless!

From: Contact Us Form Submission [mailto:notifications@cognitoforms.com]

Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2021 1:35 PM
To: drjohnson@ix.netcom.com
NAME Dalia
YOUR MESSAGE Listener Comment: Brother Scott, Me and my husband were
sick, cough, chest pain, the whole nine yards--Took your Covid protocol--Three
days later we are just fine--All praises to our Heavenly Father and Christ and to
you Brother
May The Most High bless you and your family for what you are doing..
SHINE THE light of our Heavenly FATHER and Christ in this perilous time.

Recommended Products Dr. Johnson Carries to build up the Immune System:

++Corona Virus or SARS: Invive Mild Silver Protein 5000ppm--Take (One
TEAspoon), every 4 hours till asymptomatic (1/2 dosage for children). Hold Each
dose under the tongue for 3-4 minutes before swallowing .
++ For More Information or to purchase the Invive Silver go to: http://www.dr-
++ Because Invive Silver is so stable it has a 25 year minimum shelf life. There is no
colloidal silver in any form that can even come close to their shelf life or potency; nor
has there been one case of Argyria (turning gray) reported from taking Invive Silver.
++ Note: Selenium, Vitamin C, Zinc, Calcium, Vitamin D-3 and Iodine can easily
become depleted from aggressive viruses
Recommended Products Dr. Johnson Carries:
++ Please note you cannot order off the links below,
they are there for purely informational purposes. For more information or how to
order see further below.
To purchase--Email: drjohnson@ix.netcom.com
++My choices of selenium: Selenium is highly anti-viral and is an essential trace
element possessing antioxidant properties, and is key to the production of
glutathione peroxidases which makes this very compatible with NAC (see below)
to raise glutathione levels.
Selenium by Innate- 90 tablets 28.00
Trace Minerals Liquid Ionic Selenium 2 oz. 15.00
Overall Best Value: Se-Zyme Forte (100 T) 18.00
++My choices of Vitamin C:
++ I recommend that every adult take at least 6 to 12 grams of vitamin C per day if
you are being exposed to the Covid vaxxed (but you can go double that is you
feel you are infected) for optimum dosing. Space out your dosages every 2-4
hours ideally.
Innate Response Vitamin C-400 180ct 74.00
Innate Response C-Complete Powder 81gm 31.00
Bio-C Plus 1000™ (100 T) 30.00
Douglas Labs Chelated-C Complex 100 Capsules (Formerly Ester C Plus) 28.00
++My choices of Zinc (Zinc is essential for immune system function and Vitamin
C and Quercetin helps to get zinc into the cells):
Pure Encapsulations UltraZin Zinc 90 capsules 18.00
Zn-Zyme Forte(100 T) 17.00
Davinci Labs ZINC LOZENGE 60 count Lemon Flavored 12.00
++My choices of Calcium/Magnesium products: White blood cells are the main
tool our immune systems use to destroy foreign infectious invaders--White blood
cells (WBC) use calcium as the main fuel to propel themselves and destroy these
invaders through a process called Phagocytosis.
Douglas Labs Cal/Mag Citrate 250 capsules 29.00
C/Cal/Mag Powder™ (220 g) 27.00
Ca/Mg-Zyme™ (Ca & Mg) (360 T) 35.00
++These are the Vitamin D-3 products Dr. Johnson carries see below--Vitamin D-3
upregulates the immune system--Only 5.9% of those who had an optimal vitamin
D levels of 55 ng/mL or higher tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. *Statistics cited in
"The Truth About COVID-19" by Joseph Mercola and Ronnie Cummins, p. 96
Davinci Labs A.D.K 60 capsules 31.00
Bio-DK Caps™ 35.00
Best Value: Bio-DK-Mulsion 30.00
++Iodine Products Dr. Johnson carries:
Iodoral High potency iodine/potassium iodide supplement containing 12.5mg
iodine/iodide 180 tab $57.00
Iodoral High potency iodine/potassium iodide supplement containing 12.5mg
iodine/iodide 90 tablets $32.00
Iodizyme-HP™ (120 T) $35.00
++ Optional, but Dr. Johnson does not carry this: povidone iodine nasal spray
++NAC (Helps to get the metals and graphene oxide in the jabs out of the body)
Pure Encapsulations NAC 900 Mg. 120 capsules $45.00
++Fulvic Acid (Helps to get the magnetic metals in the jabs out of the body)
Trace Minerals Liquid Ionic Fulvic Acid with ConcenTrace 2 oz. 20.00
++Quercetin (Supports the immune system drives zinc into the cells)
Pure Encapsulations Quercetin 250 mg 60 capsules 22.00
++Nattokinase (Nattokinase has been proven in studies to break down blood clots
and naturally thin the blood--Blood clots, red blood cell aggregation & strokes are
a huge issues with the Covid jabs)
Davinci Labs NATTOKINASE PLUS 60 capsules $41.00<<Always take on an empty
++Lung Infection Support
Pneuma-Zyme™ (Lung Conc.) (100 T) 33.00 &
MBi Nutraceuticals Pneumo Complex Glandular Tissue Concentrate 60 Capsules
++Dr. Johnson’s Comment: I also suggest if your O2 levels are running low
(which seems to be very prevalent due to the Covid-19 Bioweapon) to get on
Cataplex E2 by Standard Process (9-12 a day split up dosages), but I don’t carry
that one. You can find it online.
++Parasite Eradication
(If you are concerned about the parasites that have been actually viewed under
the microscopes of researchers who have examined the Covid vaxx vials, you
can take the protocol below) See: Four Deadly Parasites Found in Vaccines
Bromelain Plus CLA (100 T) $23.00
Dysbiocide 120ct $34.00
Optional but highly recommended: A.D.P. 120ct $50.00 <<This is also highly
effective at eradicating candida/yeast out of one’s system and boosting the
immune system
I recommend the products be taken together for two 20-day cycles with one week
off in between. You would take 3 a day of Dysbiocide and 5 a day of the
Bromelain Plus CLA (only empty stomach) and 3 a day of the A.D.P. for two 20-
day cleanses. So you would need two bottles of Bromelain Plus CLA (100 T) and
one bottle of Dysbiocide 120ct & A.D.P. 120ct to properly complete this parasite
++ Recommended after this cleanse to make sure your intestinal flora is at a high
level: BioDoph-7 Plus $39.00 One a day on an empty stomach only
++ The links above and throughout this report are purely for informational
purposes. If you have any questions or would like to order please feel free to
email Dr. Johnson at: drjohnson@ix.netcom.com

How To "Unfold" The Spike Protein of COVID-19 (and the VAX) Making it Go
A peer-reviewed medical study shows two, common, over-the-counter
supplements, combine to destroy the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. This article
reprints the peer-reviewed study and tells you what supplements THEY used that
wiped-out the spike protein. Maybe, people who took the "vaccines" can use this
to wipe out the spike proteins inside themselves, that are making many of them
sick, and killing many others?
This peer-reviewed paper was published in March of 2021, but no one in the
media bothered to tell the public. The only thing the media did was push the
"vax." Now, a lot of people are dead, dying, or very sick from the vax.
Below, is the study which showed two over-the-counter food supplements,
Bromelain and N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), when used together - not separately -
cause the spike protein bindings to fall apart and dissolve into nothing. Images
of the results are below!
Full Reports on this subject: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-

Bromelain -- N-Acetylcysteine NAC -- Nattokinase -- Destroy the Covid Bioweapon

Spike Protein With Many Other Benefits
Play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiWjleODn4M
Supplements Dr. Johnson Carries:
++ The links posted below are purely for informational purposes. If you have any
questions or would like to order please feel free to email Dr. Johnson at:
Pure Encapsulations Bromelain 2400 500 Mg. 60 capsules 34.00
++NAC (Helps to get the metals and graphene oxide in the jabs out of the body)
Pure Encapsulations NAC 900 Mg. 120 capsules $45.00
++Nattokinase (Nattokinase has been proven in studies to break down blood clots
and naturally thin the blood--Blood clots, red blood cell aggregation & strokes are
a huge issues with the Covid jabs)
Davinci Labs NATTOKINASE PLUS 60 capsules $41.00<<Always take on an empty

++ Stroke Recovery Protocol

VasculoSirt 5 with meals or 15 a day
Cytozyme-B (Brain) (60ct) 1 with meals or 3 a day
Davinci Labs NATTOKINASE PLUS 60 capsules 1 taken on an empty stomach 3
times a day. ++Note you cannot take this product with any blood thinner
medications as it will thin the blood too much.
Intenzyme Forte™ (100 T) 5 tablets taken on an empty stomach 3 times a day—
Take with the Nattokinase
++ If the stroke was due to a weakened blood vessel that was compromised add
in: Bio-FCTS (90 C) 1 with meals or 3 a day
++ If the stroke was due to plauqing of the arteries EDTA chelation needs to be
taken until the arteries are clear (See the report below):
Dr. Johnson’s Comment: A Doppler ultrasound of the carotids is the best, most
cost effective way to confirm if you have plauqing of the arteries. Lifeline
Screenings are a nationwide service that can provide these at a very low cost, go to:

DEATH JAB Recipients Are WALKING DEAD: Vax ATTACKS Heart/Immune

System Leaving Body COMPROMISED! The Unvaccinated Are Being Infected By
the Covid Vaxxed & Their Blood (When Looked at Under a Microscope) Proves
This & They Are Aging Rapidly– EDTA Chelation Is Essential To Combat This --
EDTA is an Antidote For Hydrogel - Heavy Metals – Graphene Oxide
Play to 14:20: https://rumble.com/v2bigpi-death-jab-recipients-are-walking-dead-
Oral EDTA Chelation To Remove Artery Plaquing & Toxic Metals
Dr. Johnson’s Comment: A Doppler ultrasound of the carotids is the best, most
cost-effective way to confirm if you have plauqing of the arteries. Lifeline
Screenings are a nationwide service that can provide these at a very low cost, go
to: www.lifelinescreening.com
This is a good version of EDTA if you cannot do the IV chelation, but these are
Medicardium: Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA Chelation
How Does EDTA Chelation Work?
IV EDTA Chelation
EDTA Chelation Suppositories Reviews
The Doctor in the interview above recommended a EDTA chelation skin cream:
KelaCream EDTA Heavy Metal Detox Cream
^^About this item



• Kelacream is a topical cream which delivers Calcium Disodium EDTA into

the body transdermally.

• Kelacream will help remove the bad heavy metals like lead but will also
help to remove good minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium
and so on.

• Be sure to replenish your minerals with a good multi-mineral supplement

when using Kelacream.

Question: How are we to know if we are actually becoming rid of toxic heavy
metals? Does your urine show color or scent?
The best ways to determine effectiveness are 1) improvement in symptoms (if
you're experiencing any), and 2) a before, during and after heavy metal test such
as a urine or hair analysis. Also, if one is using Kelacream to help improve artery
health, before and after testing can be done such as ultrasound or other non-
invasive tests to determine effectiveness.
C. Silver
5.0 out of 5 stars This products works, Heart Patients!
Reviewed in the United States on August 3, 2019
Verified Purchase
More than 20 years ago, my Cardiologist gave me 6 months to live if I didn't have
another (3rd!) extremely expensive, extremely painful quadruple bypass surgery!
That was only 2 years after he did the last one! I fired him on the spot and sought
alternatives, finding (by the Grace of God) the therapy known as Chelation
Therapy. It works. I have had more than 360 IVs over the past 20+ years and have
continued to work, exercise, play and even resumed my SCCA Racing hobby
(winning a Regional Championship) without surgery! Now, after so many IVs, my
veins have become very sensitive and I have needed to seek a new alternative. I
tried oral chelation for almost a year with reasonable results, then switched to
KelaCream after reading the reviews (and upon a recommendation by my Nurse
Practitioner). This stuff works. You can actually smell metal being removed with
your urine after the first couple of applications. Don't skimp, follow the
instructions. It's a little costly at $80/month but a lot less costly than (and
certainly not painful like) bypass surgery! I say bypass the bypass (and the
stents) and take control of your own life and your health. I believe KelaCream will
help you do that!
Also here is a whole book on this subject: Detox with Oral Chelation: Protecting
yourself from Lead, Mercury, & Other Environmental Toxins
++ Regarding the oral EDTA, once a day, if you let ¼ tsp to ½ tsp of oral EDTA sit
under the tongue for 5-20 minutes (with 5-7 drops of 99% pharmaceutical grade
DMSO—see below) before swallowing, it will have a much higher absorption rate.
A little organic peppermint oil can kill the taste. This process (depending on your
plaque level) takes a lot of time to work with the oral EDTA route, but it can be a
literal lifesaver and it much cheaper than IV Chelation which is the Gold Standard
and also highly recommended if you can afford it.
To Purchase Pharmaceutical Grade DMSO (which is the only kind anyone should
be using) go to:
++For the money this is an excellent value on EDTA:
++This kind of chelation will not remove calcium from your system but it will
remove other heavy metals and trace minerals (so again being on a good trace
mineral product while on any kind of chelation program is essential) but if you
have calcium buildup due to artery plauqing this will not remove that calcium
++ If you wanting to know if you have calcium buildup in the arteries or are
getting chest pains and want to see if it may be calcium build up in the arteries
and heart valves; phosphorus directly competes with calcium in the body and can
will chelate excess calcium out of the body. This can also help with tartar buildup
on the teeth and arthritic
calcium spur formation in the body.
++ Note: The links to these products below are there for purely informational
purposes only, to order contact Dr. Johnson at: drjohnson@ix.netcom.com
In this case take: Super Phosphozyme Liquid™ (2 oz) 2 full dropper twice a day in
juice taken on an empty stomach or Super Phosphozyme™ (90 T) 3 tablets twice
a day taken on an empty stomach ++Prolonged use will deplete your calcium
stores so remember this is a balancing act. You can do this for a few weeks and
then take a few weeks break if you like.
++ Dr. Johnson Comment: Lastly any form of chelation will remove trace minerals
from your body, so it is important to take some extra trace minerals once you
have been on the EDTA for any length of time. This is an excellent one I carry:
Multi-Mins™ (Potent Mineral Combination)(120ct) & (360ct)
++Dr Johnson does not carry any form of EDTA chelation, but he does carry the
other products mentioned.
For more information or to order contact: drjohnson@ix.netcom.com

From: chrislcox@
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2020 10:13 PM
To: 'Scott Johnson'
Subject: RE: Hi Dr J!
I started back on the EDTA a couple of weeks ago and man I must have had some
metals in my blood or something because my feet kept feeling heavy and tingly
and I was almost concerned there was some onset diabetes or something. But I
read somewhere else that someone having those same issues found out they had
metals in their body and used the EDTA to clear it up. It sure is. My real heavy
legs and feet with tingling and numbness has been clearing up extremely fast. It’s
only barely there in the tips of my toes now but it’s a good tingle now like when
your leg falls asleep, you can’t feel it at all, then severe pain when you touch it,
then the nice finishing tingle. That’s where I’m at now so I’m thinking that I may
have had that same issue and sure am glad I already ordered this stuff a while
back. Now that I can see real clear how well it works, I’m going to be more diligent
about using it more regularly. I needed it for my arteries anyways, so in a way I’m
glad I had a real fast need to start using it again. I had pretty much forgot about it
after I used it on and off a month or so a year ago. Thanks again!
Corona Virus or SARS:
Invive Mild Silver Protein 5000ppm--Take (One TEAspoon), every 4 hours till
asymptomatic (1/2 dosage for children). Hold Each dose under the tongue for 3-4
minutes before swallowing .
++ For More Information or to purchase the Invive Silver go to: http://www.dr-
++ Because Invive Silver is so stable it has a 25 year minimum shelf life. There is no
colloidal silver in any form that can even come close to their shelf life or potency; nor
has there been one case of Argyria (turning gray) reported from taking Invive Silver.
From: Jerry P
Sent: Tuesday, February 8, 2022 7:15 PM
To: Dr. Scott Johnson <drjohnson@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Listener Comments: Invive Colloidal Silver Covid Remedy & Information
on the Nasal Application of Colloidal silver and Iodine
Hello Scott, I have been listening to you for many years. And I am a repeat buyer
of Invive Colloidal Silver. I also gave the 5,000 ppm to my cat when he had a
Rodent's Ulcer. He was given prednisone and it almost killed him. So, after seeing
the antibiotics were not working after a few months, the Invive cleared his
condition up in less than three weeks, my vet (who was a shyster) was blown
away. He didn't know what to say. Anyway, I bought the 10,700 Colloidal Silver
back when this plandemic first hit, just in case I got it. I was taking all Standard
Process supplements along with your suggestions of Selenium, Innate Response
Vitamin C, and many other Amino acids...I felt invincible, but took my immunity
system for granted. And I did not reorder my supplements on time.
At first, I felt a little run down, a tad weaker in the gym, but the Wednesday before
New Year's Eve I was on the treadmill and I felt winded, I couldn't get past 2.5
mph? I did a mile and called it a day. Then my appetite decreased, but I still had a
desire to eat only fruit. When Covid kicked in, it mimicked the chicken pox for me.
I felt it in my scalp, and in my jaw. When I tried to expand my lungs, it would
cause a coughing spell that triggered massive headaches. Then I hit the Invive.
I started with a tablespoon every four hours, then did a capful every four hours. I
could feel my body get hot... I woke up and the sheets of my bed were soaking
wet. The Invive Colloidal Silver killed the Covid in two days.
I did feel drained and tired for three weeks. I got back on my supplements and
back to the gym two weeks ago and feel great again.
My chiropractor told me if you swab the nasal passages with iodine, hydrogen
peroxide, or colloidal silver it will kill the Covid before it enters the sinus.
Thank you, Scott, for all you have taught me. I look forward to all of your
podcasts. God Bless,
Jerry P
++ My family and I had COVID over a year ago now and with your advice I’ve been
on a pretty good regimen of immune boosting nutrients. So no one has gotten
COVID again and when I have felt something brewing, I use povidone iodine nasal
spray which really seems to work. I then up some of my supplements. I take
silver if I need it. Occasionally I’ll take Black Seed Cumin oil if I really feel like I’m
coming down with something. I also have a “plague tonic” ( a recipe was given to
me by another homeschool mom) prepared which seems to work: fresh organic
ginger, horseradish, whit onion, garlic, habeneros as hot as you can get and raw
ACV with the mother. Blend it up and store in a mason jar and take a tablespoon
as needed. It’s pretty fierce but I think it helped me beat the only really illness I
have had this year – felt like a three day cold in September which I threw
everything at. I did not get tested. And I bounced back quickly. Usually they drag
on for me.
++ Optional, but Dr. Johnson does not carry this: povidone iodine nasal spray

How to go after a internal infection from multiple angles

++ Now with a sinus infection the best way to directly go after this is to get any nasal
spray atomizer bottle (Like this one:
http://sparknaturals.com/index.php/accessories/1oz-blue-glass-nasal-sprayer.html ) and
add 500ppm silver to the bottle. Now to make the 500ppm just add 10 parts distilled
water to one part 5000ppm. This will be the strength you use in a nasal spray bottle.
One drop of eucalyptus oil to this 500ppm solution is also very good for nasal use.
When you use the 500ppm in the nasal spray bottle make sure you tip your head back
and spray 3-5 times per nasal passage. You can do this several times per day. You
would also want to take 1/4 tsp. of the 5000ppm held under the tongue 3 times a day
until you are doing better.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE FOR the nasal silver (Or iodine) spray:
We suggest placing head down by knees after nasal application - this will allow
the solution to reach under eyes and not drain back out of the nose - look left for
15 seconds - then look right for 15 seconds - then stand up and tilt head back
allowing the rest to reach behind nasal passages by adenoids area.
++ For lung infections nebulize 100ppm Invive Mild Silver Protien directly into the lung
fields for 3-4 minute intervals several times per day. If you want to make a 100ppm
solution (and you have a 5000ppm bottle) just divide 5000 by 100 to get: 50. So you
would add 50 parts distilled water to 1 part 5000ppm to make a 100ppm solution. You
would also want to take ¼-1/2 tsp of the 5000ppm held under the tongue 3 times a day
until you are doing better.
For Otitis Media (ear infections) (if your ear drops are not ruptured) you need to dilute
the Invive Silver to 500ppm for the ear drops. To make this strength from 5000ppm just
add 10 drops of distilled water to every one drop of 5000ppm. Use 3-4 drops in each ear
2-3 times per day till better. In reality I really like just plain old 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
for ear infections 2-3 drops in each ear. Tilt the head and hold this dose is each ear for
1-2 minutes before tilting your head back. It will bubble and be quite loud and may burn
a little so sometimes children are afraid of the Hydrogen Peroxide whereas the silver
should not bubble or hurt at all.
For an 8 year old I would administer the 5000ppm silver under the tongue 15-20 drops 3
times a day (hold for 2-3 minutes then swallow) to treat the ear infection internally as
For an eye infection like Pink Eye only use the 50ppm Invive Mild Silver Protein
Strength. One drop in each eye 3-4 times a day typcially works wonders.

From: Ryan M [mailto:ryan…@gmail.com]

Sent: Friday, October 29, 2021 6:39 PM
To: Dr. Scott Johnson
Subject: Both parents got Rona
But I'm so happy that I discovered you Scott 12 years ago, I learned enough from
you to heal them. Invive is God's gift. ❤❤❤ Ryan
Listener Comment: My husband and I have been taking the INVIVE silver for years
now and we just don't get ill. I've been off doctor meds for seven years now and
taking good supplements mostly from you. I was in their big pharma system and
on so many prescriptions for over thirty years! I'm in my sixties now taking
natural supplements only and feeling pretty awesome!
I just wanted to thank you again and let you know how much you are appreciated.
God bless you.
From: Daniel S [mailto:spee…2000@]
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 2:45 PM
To: Scott Johnson
Subject: Listener Comment Regarding the Invive Silver at: http://www.dr-
johnson.com/ -- Wow! My son and I are a lot better! Some nasal congestion is
hanging on but we both have our old strength back, he’s back to school and I’m
doing good too!
Thanks again! Danny S
Oh PS the stuff from Invive came yesterday too, it has a bottle of 10700 silver in it. If the
5000 worked like that, the 10700 should give me wings!

From: Stephen M <Stephen...@outlook.com>

Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2021 6:51 AM
To: Scott Johnson <drjohnson@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Listener Comment: Another Invive Covid Testimony
So, my daughter's boyfriend got sick and tested for covid, my daughter and wife
both sick, went in to get tested yesterday, in spite of my fervent protest showing
proof the test are faulty. They came home positive. I had a head ache behind my
eye on Friday, ran out of the 2000 silver, so I was taking a table spoon 500 every
two hours, feeling worse, body aches and pain, fever sweats and chills to the
bone, felt like I had been hit by a truck, Saturday morning, missed work. Broke
out the 5000 silver took a tea spoon and then again 8 hours later another. And
this morning I'am perfectly fine. My wife has taken some too, I have to talk to my
daughter, she says it stains her teeth.. Pray for us. Gods bless you and yours.
Thank you for sharing the silver connect. Stay healthy.
Scott Johnson’s Comment: Great to hear, but yes you should always brush your
teeth right after taking the silver or it can stain your teeth, especially the 5000ppm
and above.

From: F&R
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2021 3:23 PM
To: drjohnson@ix.netcom.com
Subject: Listener Comment About Being Affected by the Covid Vaxxed and Her
Experience with the Supplement and Invive
Hi Scott, I'm a long time listener to your program. Forgive me if I'm having a bit of a time
communicating. I'll try to nutshell this. I'm 58 yrs old. My 33 yr old daughter works at a
daycare. She has not takin the jab nor been tested. However her boss and co
workers have, and now my daughter, her daughter and my other daughter have
come down with whatever they got from them and now me. The three of them are
getting better though not 100%. I am now sick on the 2nd relapse. I never got the jab or
was tested but have had a fever and can hardly breathe to the point it’s all I can do
to try and write you read through the info etc. I am really scared right now. We all
live together and I can’t really care for myself much. I want to order the 5000
silver, 2 bottles but now sure how to get it fastest. forgive me I'm not sure what to
do and I'm having such a hard time breathing and I'm really scared though I know
I shouldn't be. I am truly beside myself. Thank you Scott and God Bless.
Update: This just took me by total surprise. Its been very hard not to panic. The
pain and not being able to sleep from the pain and the fear of not being able to
catch my breath has been something indescribable. Praising Jesus while I'm
laying there. Scott I am forever grateful for your help and all you do.
Sincerely, In Christ,
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Tuesday, August 31st, 2021 at 2:59 PM, Scott Johnson
<drjohnson@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
Ok While I am getting low on the 5000ppm I do have what you need, but you need to
get on the other things for your immune system ASAP: Covid-19
Recommendations & Supplement Protocol PDF <<you can try to reproduce many
of these things just by going to a local health food store that way you do not have
to wait.
Mild Silver Protein Website: www.dr-johnson.com
I just covered this whole subject in part one of the teaching I put up: Emergency
Freedom Alerts: 8-30-21-Part 1

Scott Johnson’s Video Presentation From 2006 Where He Predicted the Current
Covid Mandated Vaxx Scenario
The Prophecy Club | Dr. Scott Johnson--Avian Flu: Killer of Millions?

Updated Online PowerPoint Audio’s of the above teaching by Scott Johnson:

Avian Flu/Pandemics: What to Expect & How to Prepare (1-16)
Colloidal Silver-Mild Silver Protein it's uses and history
Avian Flu, Population Control, H5N1, Biological Warfare: 1-5
Dr. Johnson’s Preparedness, Survival, Pandemic Teachings
View all of Dr. Johnson's Online Video Presentations in 'Playlist' Succession
Dr. Johnson YouTube Website: http://www.youtube.com/av161177777
Further Proactive Measures
Invest in a "personal nebulizer" as the M.S.P. can be put into this devise and atomized
into the lungs and nasal passages. Use 100ppm Invive Mild Silver Protein strength for
nebulizer use.
Gas Mask Recommendations: Invest in gas masks for each member of your
household. But remember the gas mask is only as good as the seal to your skin, so
don’t put all you eggs in this basket. SGE 150 Protective Mask at: 1-877-AGM-1010

From: S W
Sent: Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:31 AM
To: drjohnson
Subject: Listener Comment: My experience with your Covid protocol
…I'll try and make this short but want to share my experience with your Covid
protocol. It was really put to the test! Surgery on my cervical spine became
necessary due to severe pinching of my spinal cord. This was due to a
congenital deformity and severe arthritis. Thankfully I am in Oklahoma so no
Covid kill shot was necessary. For 10 days prior to surgery, I hit your Covid
protocol hard knowing that I would be in a spine surgical center where staff were
likely jabbed. I definitely wanted my immune system strong in case I had to tap
into those reserves. Thankfully I was admitted into a surgical center and not a
general hospital with Covid patients. Due to a family emergency I had a close
friend take me to the out of town surgical center for surgery and then pick me up
after an overnight stay. When the friend took me to the surgical center, she was
very under the weather so I kept my distance as much as I could in a vehicle as
we traveled together for 2 hours. She then dropped me off and I didn't see her
again until after my surgery when she would pick me up to take me home.
Surgery went fine, but during my overnight stay my oxygen level kept
plummeting causing the oxygen meter alarm to go off regularly.
Dr. Johnson’s Comment: Could be totally due to the 5G kill zone saturation at
most hospitals as 5G specifically interferes with oxygen uptake in the body.
We couldn't figure out why. It was strange but no one was too concerned about it.
The next afternoon that same friend picked me up to take me home. When she
picked me up, I knew she was really sick but had no choice but to go with her on
the 2 hour trip back. I was on strong painkillers and not really thinking clearly.
Once I was home, I started not feeling well post-surgery. However, I knew it
wasn't surgery related from the symptoms they listed on my discharge papers. I
was running a 101 degree fever and completely lost my appetite while feeling like
a Mack truck hit me. It was then that my friend texted me to tell me she had been
admitted into the hospital with Covid since her oxygen levels kept plummeting. I
then realized I had been exposed to Covid in a much weakened post-surgical
state and my symptoms were progressing as hers did. She begged me to go get
tested. I declined but started hitting your Covid protocol hard once again
knowing that I had caught the bio-weapon. If you remember, I have a few
autoimmune diseases, a rare spinal cord disease…and was now sick with Covid
all while just having surgery. Not a good scenario! I had quite a few people
praying for me as I quarantined myself. One friend brought me Ivermectin but it
went unused and I never had to take Invive MSP. After 2 days on your protocol, I
started feeling better. I continued to get better daily until I am now back on a daily
maintenance dosage. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!!! Friends were shocked at my
recovery. Frankly, I was too considering all of my other health issues and directly
after a major surgery.
I have thanked Jesus for His mercy and for using you mightily to prevent illness
and heal the sick. You know I've had great benefit from your supplementation
protocol through the years but this was on a whole different level. I still get teary-
eyed thinking about it. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! S…

From: firenreign
Sent: Saturday, September 4, 2021 4:27 PM
To: Scott Johnson
Subject: RE: need invive asap
Sorry Scott. I missed this. Yes I got it! And I'm on my way to coming back! I added
in the NAC which was what I was missing because you have a hard time finding it
here but that and the silver made all the difference! I'm doing sooooo much
better. I actually made it out shopping today! God bless you Scott! I am so
grateful to the Lord for you! You are a tremendous blessing and have been to me and
my daughter for probably 15 years now! You have no idea! Thank you again and you
and Taylor are always in my prayers!

Have you taken your vitamin C today? While Vitamin C is unequivocally

recognized as a quintessential player in maintaining function of the immune
system, a recent review paper points to 70-80% of patients with severe covid-19
suffering HYPOvitaminosis C (i.e. low vitamin C status) in hospitals – Please Note
Vitamin C is not ascorbic acid
A new review of 12 high quality Covid-19 studies published on Monday in the
peer reviewed journal Life provides a stark reminder that popping your C might
be one of the cheapest and easiest solutions that can reduce the risk of being
exposed to the vaxxed covid-19 super spreaders. The review, which includes 5
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and 7 retrospective cohort studies, can be read
here in full.
Nature produces an incredible array of molecules, vitamin C being just one of
less than 30 micronutrients known to be essential to humans which cannot
produce their own vitamin C internally.
While Vitamin C is unequivocally recognised as a quintessential player in
maintaining function of the immune system, the review paper points to 70-80% of
patients with severe covid-19 disease suffering hypovitaminosis C (i.e. low
vitamin C status) in hospitals (<23 micromoles per/L). Significant numbers have
plasma levels less than 11 micromoles per /L which puts them in the scurvy
category, also not uncommon among those in care homes.
Vitamin C deficiency can contribute to an array of problems including poor
immune and neurological system function, as well as scurvy, poor wound
healing, bleeding gums, improper gene expression, and premature aging (e.g.
through disruption of collagen formation).
By contrast, the benefits of optimising circulating levels of vitamin C include:
• Supports modulation of both innate and adaptive immune system

• Required for appropriate gene expression

• Helps form collagen and maintain integrity of barriers, bones and cartilage

• Required for normal wound repair

• Anti-viral activity

• Antioxidant

• Anti-inflammatory

• Facilitate mitochondrial (energy-yielding) function to helps overcome

tiredness and fatigue
• Required for the enzymatic production of particular neurotransmitters

• Increases absorption of iron

From: Deborah
Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2022 6:45 PM
Subject: Listener Comment Dr Johnson's Covid Protocols - Save This
3pm update, Wed:
I woke up this morning, feeling vastly better than the day before. But, After I did
my last email news update today......I was sinking fast. I knew I had to stop
looking for relevant news, and eat something and pop the pills, etc.
About a half hour after eating and popping pills (Vit C, Vit D3 + Super K, zinc
sulfate, quercetin, selenium, iodine, ivermectin).....I got a lift. I felt much better.
BUT, about another hour later......while still eating and popping all my daily pills, I
felt myself sink. Now what?
Then, boom, it hit me: Why haven't I been taking Invive Colloidal Silver????
Because I forgot!
That's the problem when you are ill......you don't think clearly......you forget
So I took the Invive colloidal silver......strong dose....held it under my tongue for 4
minutes, then swallowed.
Do you know that a couple minutes after I did this, I not only started feeling
better, but suddenly I was HOT.....so HOT that I needed to remove my sweatshirt!
All morning I have felt cold, in spite of wearing sweat pants and sweat shirt, and
......even pulling the hood up, and tying it. I felt cold even after eating and
popping all the pills. I was still so cold, that I was even thinking about pulling the
blanket off my bed to wrap in.
But a few minutes after taking Invive, I am now HOT!
Not sure how Invive colloidal silver is supposed to work, but that was pretty FAST
ACTION in my book! I wish I had thought to take it sooner.
This was the high dosage 5000ppm colloidal sliver.....that you are supposed to
take when fighting off a cold/flu....
Directions are to repeat the Invive in another 4 hours, and keep doing so, until
symptoms of illness are over.
I just thought I had to share this with folks, so that others might learn from my
I'm Loving the INVIVE!!!
Scott Johnson’s Response: Deborah: Yes your body spiked a fever to kill
whatever infection your body was battling. See below for my write up on this
subject and a host of other ways to use the Invive Silver. Thank you and God
Mild Silver Protein Website: www.dr-johnson.com

Listener Question: Are Fevers Bad? Is There a God Given Reason They Occur? Is
Calcium Is Vital For Your Immune System?
From: P
Subject: Dr. Scott, Do you recommend taking Tylenol to break a fever (if the fever
gets too high) along with colloidal silver? Some of the other doctors are
recommending this.
Thank you,
Scott Johnson’s Reply: Well, I typically don’t advise this unless the fever is above
104 for an extended period of time. Fevers are a God given attribute of our
immune systems designed to kill pathogens. Things like bacteria and viruses
increasingly do not do well when we have an elevated body temperature. That is
why we get fevers in order to “kill the bad guys” in our bodies. Also for the Covid-
19 I did a report on the people that were dying in Italy and the UK, and they had
almost all been taking ibuprofen prior to the virus overtaking them and them
ending up in the hospital.

Calcium & Vitamin D-3 Is Vital For Your Immune System

Most people are not aware of the role that calcium plays in our immune system. It is
actually one of the chief fuels upon which our immune system runs on. White blood
cells are the main tool our immune systems use to destroy foreign infectious
invaders. White blood cells use calcium as the main fuel to propel themselves and
destroy these invaders through a process called Phagocytosis. If we don't have enough
usable calcium in our body, our immune system cannot ramp up, get to and kill these
foreign infectious invaders. It's like having a guided missile, with no way of getting it off
the ground. Consequently, if you have a low amount of usable calcium in your system,
forget about having a strong immune system. It won't happen because it can't happen.
And calcium is not something that can be manufactured in the body unless we leach it
from our own bones, which over time would lead to osteoporosis. One of the main
signs we are deficient in Calcium during the throws of an infection, is a high body
temperature or fever for an extended period of time. One of the things that got me
into the alternative health field was a poorly functioning immune system. I have found
one of the main components in building a strong immune system is keeping calcium
reserves high in the body. As sufficient stomach acid is essential for the breakdown of
not only calcium but protein, iron and several other trace minerals. If low stomach
acid is a factor, Hydro-Zyme (90 T) or Hydro-Zyme (250 T) should be taken with the
Calcium and with food. Or as an alternative taking 1-2 tsp. with the calcium should do
the trick.
++My choices of Calcium/Magnesium products: White blood cells are the main
tool our immune systems use to destroy foreign infectious invaders--White blood
cells (WBC) use calcium as the main fuel to propel themselves and destroy these
invaders through a process called Phagocytosis.
Douglas Labs Cal/Mag Citrate 250 capsules 29.00
C/Cal/Mag Powder™ (220 g) 27.00
Ca/Mg-Zyme™ (Ca & Mg) (360 T) 35.00
One other thing that is important when talking about calcium is the Omega-3 fatty acids
which are high in flaxseed oil. You see the omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed oil are
necessary for healthy cell membranes and to transport calcium into the white blood
cells, where the calcium is used to support cell motility (movement) and phagocytosis
(killing the foreign infectious invaders). Of the Omega 3 good fats, flax seed oil is very
important. For this I recommend Genestra Organic Flax Oil Capsules 90 Softgels, as
flax is a very volatile oil and spoils very easily. It is a risky proposition buying flax oil off
the shelf as usually there is no way to verify quality. This is also an excellent protocol
for skin protection as Calcium and Omega 3 fatty acids are essential in preserving and
protecting the skin. Now if I feel I may be getting run down, I will increase my dosage of
these two products until my system is back in balance

Invive Silver Dosing Chart for children/babies

Maximum dosage in case of a severe infection: 5 cc's of the 5000ppm Invive Mild Silver
Protein per 30 lbs Bodyweight. 5cc = 1tsp.That means a 30 lb. child receives 5 cc in
total per day, in divided doses of 1.2 cc q.i.d. (or 4 times a day)
A 10 lb. baby receives 2 cc in total per day, in divided doses of 1.6 cc total per day.
In this case (2cc's) that means 7 (drops) Q.I.D.(or 4 times a day)
Q.I.D.= 28 drops total per day divided by 4 = 7 minims (drops) sublingually every 6
Mild Silver Protein Website: www.dr-johnson.com
Dr. Johnson's Presentation Colloidal Silver-Mild Silver Protein it's uses and
Colloidal Silver-Mild Silver Protein it's uses and history. The Truth About Electrically
Produced Liquid Silver & Silver Generators--Learn the Difference Between Ionic Silver
and True, Colloidal Silver Invive Mild Silver Protein: The Ultimate Immune System
Product For Colds, Flu's and Infections: www.dr-johnson.com
Dr. Johnson's Presentations:
Avian Bird Flu: What to Expect and How to Prepare (Full Version)
End Time Preparedness/Prepper Mega Study–Part 1
End Time Preparedness/Prepper Mega Study–Part 2
End Time Preparedness/Prepper Mega Study–Part 3
PDF: End Time Preparedness-Prepper Mega Study

From: John
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 7:27 PM
To: Scott Johnson
Subject: Hey bro, I'd like another bottle of 5000ppm silver at same strength…I did
the nebulizer last night and when I woke up so much flem came out of my lungs,
it helped so much to get it up and out to avoid pneumonia. It litterly cleared my
lungs in one 5 min use last night. I mixed it at 500ppm and did 2 5 min sessions
before bed spread it out. Another thing I notice is after this morning my shivers
are gone... I love this silver and want to tell everyone I can about it. People have
to have this product its better than any antibiotic I've taken, even intravenously.
This silver if mixed and taken right can save ur life, no joke. U can treat the
problem area directly!!! Praise the lord I am healed!!!
John 12: 24-25
Symptoms of coronavirus infections almost perfectly mirror symptoms of zinc
Writing for LewRockwell.com, Bill Sardi writes that all the most prominent signs of
COVID-19 almost perfectly mirror symptoms of zinc deficiency. From his article:
…[M]odern medicine is so steeped in its pharmacy of prescription drugs, with its
blinders toward nutritional medicine, that it can’t see the obvious evidences of a trace
mineral deficiency that results in the same signs and symptoms produced by COVID-19
He publishes this list of COVID-19 symptoms vs. symptoms of zinc deficiency:

He further writes:
Dr. James Robb, a pathologist who performed early experiments with coronaviruses
back in the 1970s, claims that zinc lozenges are the “silver bullet against coronavirus.”
Zinc is required to maintain thymus gland function to produce life-long antibodies from
T-memory cells.
Zinc supplementation in the elderly, the high-risk group of coronavirus Infections, lowers
illness markedly. Modern medicine needs to emphasize zinc therapy, especially during
In summary, it looks like zinc might be the single most important preventive measure,
possibly in combination with chloroquine, to halt the spread of the coronavirus
pandemic and get the economies of the world back to work.
And that’s why the tech giants (Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) as well as
the corporate-run media will continue to censor all truth about zinc and chloroquine,
because they actively hope to spread this pandemic and collapse the global economy.
Avoid zinc oxide, as it’s almost impossible to absorb.
How to Neutralize Potential Damage from mRNA Vaccines
Below are the TOP Three recommended substances to mitigate damage from mRNA
vaccines (in no particular order).
An essential mineral, iodine is used by the thyroid gland to make thyroid
hormones that control many functions in the body including growth and
development, repairing damaged cells and supporting a healthy metabolism.
Because your body does not produce iodine, it needs to be supplied in the diet.
Iodine can also be used to detoxify toxic compounds and strongly increases the
mRNA decay rate.2,3 Dietary iodine also controls its own absorption through
regulation of the sodium/iodide (NIS) symporter,4,5 which protects the functions of
the thyroid gland.6
2 | ZINC
Zinc enables the body to make proteins and DNA, contributes to wound healing,
and plays a role in childhood growth and development. It also has antioxidant
properties and plays an important role in cell-mediated immune function and
modulates mRNA levels of cytokines.7
Zinc has been shown to regulate gene transcription in cancer cells, plus zinc
globally down-regulates microRNA expression and key enzymes and proteins
necessary for microRNA maturation and stability.8 Lastly, zinc-finger protein
serrate is among the plant compounds that may silence mRNA.9
Quercetin, a flavonoid with multiple proven health benefits to both man and
animals, displays a plethora of biological activities.
Quercetin-treated neutrophils exhibited a remarkable suppression in mRNA
expression of various proinflammatory genes.10
One of the lesser-known and recently discovered roles of quercetin, is
modulation of microRNA (miRNA) expression, which plays a vital role in health
and disease.11
Also, water only fasting (for 1 week) has been shown to repair DNA damage and
silence foreign mRNA. https://truth11.com/2021/04/07/how-to-neutralize-potential-

On the Connection Between Graphene Oxide Found in "Covid Vaccines",

Electromagnetic Fields, Blood Clots & Severe "Covid" Symptoms | How to
Remove Graphene Oxide From the Body - Truth Comes to Light
Many are already aware of the work that the team of Spanish researchers that
make up La Quinta Columna have been doing.
Pay attention to this finding: Graphene oxide inside the body causes
thrombogenicity. Thrombogenicity refers to the tendency of a material in contact
with the blood to produce a thrombus, or clot. It not only refers to fixed thrombi
but also to emboli, which are thrombi which have become detached and travel
through the bloodstream. Graphene oxide inside the body causes blood clotting.
Graphene oxide inside the body causes post inflammatory syndrome or systemic
or multi-organ inflammations. Graphene oxide inside the body when it is above
the levels of glutathione —which is one of the body’s natural reserves of
antioxidants—, causes alteration of the immune system, collapse of the immune
system and cytokine storm. Inhaled graphene oxide spreads evenly throughout
the alveolar tract and causes bilateral pneumonias. Inhaled graphene oxide
causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and thus loss of taste and smell,
possible loss of taste and smell: anosmia.
In short, graphene oxide behaves exactly like the supposed SARS-CoV-2 of the
official version, generating the same symptomatology of severe COVID-19. When
installed at the neuronal level, it causes neurodegeneration or, in other words,
neurological COVID-19.
So, from here we started to see what possible compounds, drugs and treatments
could degrade graphene oxide. And look what we found: N-acetylcysteine or
glutathione administered degrade it. Because what glutathione does is counteract
free radicals and oxidants, all the toxins that can enter the body.
And we discovered that there were about 300 clinical studies where certain
hospitals and certain universities were using N-acetylcysteine with incredible
These are the two sizes Dr. Johnson carries:
Pure Encapsulations NAC 900 Mg. 120 capsules $42.00
For example,100 patients with saturation levels below 50% practically dead —
bluntly speaking—, with bilateral pneumonias, within an hour of intravenous
glutathione or N-acetylcysteine administration they recovered. They were taken
off ventilators and everything.
Given that to date there is no scientific evidence of an actual sequencing and
isolation of SARS-CoV-2, we suspect with many credible indications that COVID-
19 disease is actually the side effect of the introduction of graphene oxide into
the body by different ways.
And I say ‘different ways’ because, although they were withdrawn at the time,
masks containing graphene oxide nanoparticles have been introduced and are
still being marketed. These masks have been introduced and are still being
marketed by companies such as Nanografi, so we have masks with graphene
oxide, but also graphene oxide nanoparticles introduced in PCR tests; graphene
oxide is also present in antigen tests; hydrogels also contain graphene oxide
nanoparticles; intranasal vaccines also, since graphene oxide in aerosols is more
potent, as is the supposed SARS-CoV-2. Intranasal vaccines are also prepared,
for example, by Turkey. They are made by Nanografi for COVID-19 and influenza.
We know that, naturally, graphene oxide is eliminated by the levels of glutathione
in the body, and that is why we suspect that they propose a second, third and
even fourth dose every so often: so that you have your considerable dose of
graphene oxide. In short, we are talking about the simultaneous and gradual
mass poisoning of the entire world population.
We are talking about a crime against humanity with the complicity of
governments or at least their participation.
When we study glutathione, we realize that it begins to fall from the age of 30
onwards, but above all it falls considerably from the age of 65 onwards. In fact,
COVID-19 takes a heavier toll on older people, apart from those who are
immunocompromised and have other pathologies. When we study glutathione,
we realize that children have high glutathione reserves because of their youth,
and the COVID-19 disease itself hardly has an impact on children. Similarly,
glutathione is especially low in the obese population and we realize that it is
precisely the obese who are most affected by COVID-19. We realize that
glutathione is related to vitamin D. Low levels of glutathione contribute to low
levels of vitamin D, and it is precisely patients with COVID-19 who have low levels
of vitamin D.
Everything that we have subsequently studied only further increases and
corroborates the hypothesis that the supposed SARS-CoV-2 of the official
version is precisely the graphene oxide. And that all the elements of the
supposed protection, that we have been given: masks, PCR tests, swabs, antigen
tests and vaccine — are precisely all those elements that will potentially cause
the disease to develop in the future.
And why do I say ‘in the future’? When we studied the electromagnetic
phenomenon we realized that graphene oxide has what is called an ‘electronic
absorption band’. The electronic excitation, its magnetic resonance is precisely in
the third bandwidth of the 5G technology, the one that is being implemented right
now and that has been with us throughout the scamdemic.
Incredibly, we are narrating a science fiction movie, but believe me, today
nanoscience, neuroscience and biotechnology have advanced tremendously. Can
a person be controlled or neurocontrolled remotely wirelessly? Yes, it can be
done and it is probably being done in a disguised way, and that may explain
some of the anomalous behavioral behavior of the population, especially those
who have been inoculated or who have received doses of graphene oxide by
different ways.

Can Fulvic Acid Help With Demagnetizing the Unvaccinated & Its Importance
From: Leslie
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2021 4:53 PM
To: drjohnson@ix.netcom.com
Subject: A friend of mine on facebook also had these magnets sticking to her chest -
she is a nurse and did some research. She found Fulvic Acid (I never heard of this)
and she sent me a sample because within days the magnets stopped sticking to
her chest. Just thought you'd like to know this. I'll let you know if it works for
me. She, like me, had no covid tests and no kill shots. Once again, thank you for
ALL your hard work and information and research. God bless you !!!!!—Leslie
Update: From: Leslie
Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2021 12:03 PM
To: drjohnson@ix.netcom.com
Subject: Began drinking fulvic acid June 14th. Magnets still stick to my chest and
coins also but not silverware and not that huge serving spoon.
Also I have tons of energy and I had chapped lips that would not heal for
YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nothing worked. Three days after drinking this stuff - smooth lips; no
Scott Johnson’s Response: Ok well that is a very important
product I was planning on bring into my line so I am going to have
this one in stock from now on: Trace Minerals Liquid Ionic Fulvic
Acid with ConcenTrace 2 oz. 20.00
Product Description: Ionic Fulvic Acid is a rich, concentrated liquid
dietary supplement that provides 250mg of fulvic acid solution per
serving, plus concentrated, 72 full-spectrum ionic trace minerals. Fulvic acid may
help support and maintain healthy functions in the body, including
the following: digestion, pH balance, energy production, hydration,
cellular integrity, enzyme activity, muscle endurance and stamina.
Non GMO, Certified Vegan, Gluten Free.
Rated America's #1 Trace Mineral Brand.
3rd party tested to give you the highest quality products.
We use the best manufacturing practices to keep you safe.
See below for testimonies about this product from verified buyers:
Bill Nolde 5.0 out of 5 stars If you take vitamins or eat food you need fulvic acid for best
absorption of the active ingredients
Reviewed in the United States on October 9, 2017
Verified Purchase
With a degree in Biological Science I can testify to the
extraordinary benefits of fulvic acid in plant and mammalian
metabolic functions. This product is for my personal use. If you
take vitamins or eat food you need fulvic acid for best absorption
of the active ingredients. Fulvic acid is an organic chelating agent, which is a
material that helps molecular nutrients (or drugs) move through cell walls better.
Grover 5.0 out of 5 stars Seeing is Believing
Reviewed in the United States on May 9, 2017
Verified Purchase
After three days I can honestly say this 72 yr old is feeling much better.I'm
headed back to the gym as my energy levels are up…This is a product I can feel
the difference in.
Cynthia Carlson 5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful immune system modulator
Reviewed in the United States on December 17, 2019
Verified Purchase
Very helpful for my immune health due to my autoimmune disease. With flu season I’ve
been able to stay healthy! Very happy with this product
Anthony E. 5.0 out of 5 stars In my personal arsenal for combating any human disease
Reviewed in the United States on October 15, 2016
Verified Purchase
This stuff is amazing. Many people don't know the power of this. Combined with
the best natural chelators, raw vitamins and perfect diet/exercise you can combat
and win any human disease.
Tyler rogers 5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent!
Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2021
Verified Purchase
I notice about 15-20 minutes after taking one dose with a glass of water that I have
more grounded energy. Takes time for you to feel that though, it has to build up in the

From: Leslie O [mailto:ridingmy…@aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 11:00 AM
To: drjohnson@ix.netcom.com
Subject: Listener Comment: I am no longer magnetized!!!!! Fulvic Acid WORKS!
Listening to your audios but just now checked!!Began taking it June 9th and it
took until today to end this.
God bless you & Taylor!

Is pine needle tea the answer to covid vaccine shedding / transmission? Learn
about suramin, shikimic acid and how to make your own extracts
Word is spreading that pine needle tea may offer a solution against covid vaccine
“shedding” or transmission, which appears to be a phenomenon where
vaccinated people are spreading harmful particles or substances to others
around them. See this article from a WordPress blog site called “Ambassador
That article states:
There is a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion which is called
Suramin. It’s found in many forests around the world, in Pine needles. Suramin
has inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade and
against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA.
Excessive coagulation causes blood clots, mini-clots, strokes, and unusually
heavy menstrual cycles.
Pine needle tea is one of the most potent anti-oxidants there is and it’s known to
treat cancer, inflammation, stress and depression, pain and respiratory
infections. Pine tea also kills parasites.
Below, find a full podcast and video that reveals two extraction methods, both of
which are simple, low-tech, low-cost methods that can be used almost anywhere.
Fresh pine needles from appropriate trees have been used for centuries as
sources of vitamin C and other phytochemicals that Native Americans used to
treat respiratory infections and other ailments. Vitamin C is a known cure for
scurvy, as scurvy is a disease of vitamin C deficiency. Pine needles contain many
other substances that appear to reduce platelet aggregation in the blood,
potentially preventing blood clots that lead to strokes, heart attacks and
pulmonary embolism diagnoses. (See published science sources below.)
Pine Needle Tea
You can make pine needle tea two ways. One is to pull three or four needles off a
tree and stick them in a cup of hot water. Wait a few minutes then enjoy with or
without sweetener.
Or collected a handful of pine needles. Needles nearest the trunk are higher in
Vitamin C. Chop the needles and put them into a tea ball. Bring water to a boil.
Take off the boil. Steep the pine needles for 3-5 minutes. The tea is delicate.
To buy the pine needles you can find them here:
Also see: https://thecovidblog.com/buy-white-pine-needles/
For the full report go to:

Black Seed Oil ‘Strongly Binds’ to Vaxxed Spike Protein--Prevents Vascular

Black seed oil (from black cumin seed-NOT black currant seed) was used by
Queens Nefertiti and Cleopatra in their beauty regimes; the seed was discovered
in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. The earliest written reference to cumin
seed is made in the Book of Isaiah (Isaiah 28:25,27).
In ancient Greece, renowned physicians like Galen and Hippocrates used this
seed as a natural remedy for strengthening the body of patients suffering with
general malaise and weakness.
Black cumin has even been described as a “miracle herb,” and its name in old Latin,
“Panacea,” means “cure all.” (Source)
According to June, 2021, research published in the journal Vascular Pharmacology:
Nigella sativa, also known as black seed or black cumin seed, “strongly binds” to
ACE2 receptors in the lungs, and effectively stops coronavirus (Covid-19) from
causing inflammation and vascular damage.
Nigellidine, an alkaloid of the black cumin seed, uses molecular docking for
binding to different angiotensin-binding proteins, as well as the covid spike
They found that it “strongly binds” to the spike protein at what is known as the
‘hinge region’ (or active site opening), which, in turn, hampers its binding to
ACE2 receptor surfaces.
All of this is technical – but bottom line it STOPS the spike protein!
Hijama aka “cupping”: desperate workers, students forced into vaxx mandates
are turning to ancient treatment to remove the injections after administration
Most people were introduced to the concept of hijama, aka “cupping” in 2016.
Michael Phelps is a 23-time Olympic gold medal swimmer. His body was covered
with circular bruises when he showed up for the 4×100 freestyle relay event in Rio
De Janeiro that summer. The bruises were the result of the “cupping.” The
ancient practice was first utilized in Northeast Africa, China and parts of the
Middle East. Cupping is mentioned in the oldest medical textbook in the world –
Ebers Papyrus – first published in 1,550 B.C.E. Cupping treats sore muscles,
migraines, skin diseases, arthritis, menstrual pain, face wrinkles, and much more.
Cupping practitioners place round cups made of glass, silicone or bamboo
directly on your skin. The suction is created via a pump or through heating the
cups to create a natural vacuum. It forces increased blood circulation to the
cupped area and stimulates healing and other physiological processes.

While I Would Never Advocate Getting the Covid Shot--How to remove a big
portion of the Poisonous Covid Vaccine Injection from your body with cupping
NOTE: This works only up to 30 minutes after the injection.
This cupping method, which a Russian colleague shows here, works only up to
30 minutes after vaccination, in any other case cupping is no longer sufficient ...
but it is surprising how fast the blood CLUMPS due to the Covid vaccination ...
but it is also clear if you understand the biochemical mechanisms of the
functioning of graphene oxides and spike proteins behind it.
Again - it is not a vaccine, it is a gene therapy bioweapon whose nucleotides are
transported via the spike protein using the gene scissors (CRISPR). For better
transport, nanolipids/hydrogel are used which overcome the blood-brain barrier.
Watch the Covid Poison Cupping Removal Process at:

Come Out
Tubes Are
Here Are
Two Blood
Donations...The UnVaxed Is On The Left And The
Vaxed is On The Right
See Anything Different ?!
From: Patricia H [mailto:patriciah@...]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 5:27 PM
To: Scott Johnson
Subject: I used to work in a donor center. I worked with thousands of units of
PRBC and I am confirming the blood bag unit on the right is not right. That color
should cause that blood bag unit to be quarantined and destroyed. There IS a
significant color variation from unit to unit. Some units are darker in color but
that is just unacceptable.

From: roberto vi
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 7:10 AM
To: Scott Johnson
Subject: Another article about the licorice
Well, licorice (glycyrrhizin) seems to me the best plant against the coronavirus.
Here's the title of the article:
Effectiveness of Natural Antioxidants against SARS-CoV-2? Insights from the In-Silico
Here's a quote from the abstract:
"Glycyrrhizin and its metabolite 18-β-glycyrrhetinic acid have shown a strong binding
affinity for MPro, helicase, RdRp, spike, and E-channel proteins, while a flavonoid
Baicalin also strongly binds against PLpro and RdRp. "
Also from pubmed, August 20, 2021.
Hi Scott, check this other article about the licorice against coronavirus.
Glycyrrhizic acid exerts inhibitory activity against the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2
Sorry, l don't know how to attach the link through my phone, but you can copy and paste
the text above in any search engine and you will find the article in pubmed, May 2021.

Spike Protein Defender, Double Extracted Tincture Organic/Wildcrafted by WNLb

$23 + $6.00 shipping

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