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LEVEL: 100

DATE: 15TH MARCH, 2023



Workers competence development has become a strategic management tool that organization
today rely on in ensuring that they succeed in their endeavours. The purpose of the study is to
understand the significant of worker competence development in work organization and how
organization can prioritize workers training and development which will enhance their
performance and how organization in turn benefit from the knowledge base of the workers which
will enable them to compete favourably in their chosen career path and industry.

Keywords: Worker, Competence, Development, Management, Organization and Technological


Background to the study

The business world today has witnessed rapid changes as a rapid changes as a result of

globalization and the development of information technologies infrastructure, interest has being

shifted to employee’s competence at work to meet up with the modern trend. In a competitive

world of business, it will be out of place not to consider the subject matter of workers or

employee competence development. Workers competence development enhances organizational

performance and productivity. Employees or workers competence cannot be achieved without

training. This means that workers competence development is a function of learning and training.

The phenomenon of workers competence development is a multidimensional construct that

determines, the success or failure of the enterprise (Achmad, Muhammad, Anas & Suryono,

2021). For organization to succeed, the workforce employed must be competence to discharge

their duties and responsibilities. Worker competence is embedded in the knowledge or cognitive

ability of the employee, work skills and experienced gained so far, personality characteristics,

and outstanding performance. Workers competence development in this context is seen as a

factor that enhances the competitiveness and effectiveness of a particular organization over its

competitors. Therefore, competence development has become a strategic management tool that

organization today rely on, in ensuring that they succeed at all cost.

Since worker competence development is a strategic management tool, then the human resource

department must be charged with almost integrity to recruit capable hands into the organization.

This means that human elements in the organization are the most important factors in the firm

because successful implementation of organizational plans and programme executions depends

on the human resource (Dimas, Falih, Fahmi, Teguh & Rizka, 2018). Workers competence
development can be view from the perspective of the employees as well the organization. With

respect to employees, it refers individual or group of employees who possess the requisite

knowledge, skills and abilities of the workforce. In other to be successful, organizations must

provide training programme to instill in workers certain competencies for employees to be

competitive in the labour market and adaptable to face more challenging tasks (Dimas et.al,

2018). On the other hand, organizational competence has to do with the entire workforce ability

of the firm that leads to greater performance.

According to Sivakalyan and MVV (2022) defined workers competence as a total combination

of knowledge, skill, and attitude and moreover, it is also related to the behavior at work. Workers

competence development is a measurable outcome of knowledge, skills, abilities behaviours and

other criteria that an employee needs to perform work roles or occupational functions

successfully. Workers competence development can be linked to organizational goals and

objectives and it affects the direction of the organization. Organizational mission and vision

statement form the fundamental basis of determining a firm’s strategic road map and its core

value. Workers competencies are also used in development centres, which assist employees build

up their understanding of the competencies they require now and in the future so that they can

plan their own-self-directed learning programmes.

The importance of workers competence development cannot be overemphasized because

employee competencies influences organizational performance in terms of financial, market,

profitability and above all a source of competitive edge for firms. The importance of

competencies on the workers and organizational performance leads to the question on their

potential hierarchy, which would express distinctions in the degree to which particular, possible

competencies are necessary for a firm (Marcin, Lukasz & Monika, 2021). Employees (worker)
competence development will improve the organizations productivity by giving employees the

required training to perform better. Workers competence development will also lead to employee

retention as organizational managers invest in the employee through training and development

programmes and these workers will judge by this huge investment in them. So, they will like to

stay in their Jobs, retaining their valuables skills and knowledge within the organization rather

than leaving (Marcin et.al, 2021). Moreso, worker competence development has a positive effect

on the organization and this includes problem solving skill of the employee, communication

skill, academic background and possession of leadership skill (Enock & Thomas, 2019). Without

doubt, there are also challenges in developing worker competencies. Employees possessing the

relevant knowledge, skills, and competencies cumulatively results to creating unique

organizational competencies (John, 2022). But building these competencies in a dynamic ever-

changing business environment becomes a challenges for managers. When employee lacks

competence. It affects the organization adversely and these ranging from loss of productivity,

underutilization of resources, lack of interest in the Job, difficulty in aligning competence

development with organizational goals, lack of investing in human capital, lack of understanding

the actual competence model to rely on, lack of financial resource etc. (John, 2022). From all the

definitions and opinions considered above, one thing that is clear is that workers competence

development are internal capabilities under the control of a particular firm which are strategic to

them and serve as competitive advantage for winning the war in the world of business.

Therefore, competences is required at all organizational levels in order to succeed.


2.1 Concept of Workers Competence Development

The business world has witnessed unprecedented changes due to factors such as globalization,

technological advancement, changes in organization structure, changes in the pattern of work has

called for more attention for updating workers knowledge level in order to adapt to the new

world era. Therefore, human resource which is strategic asset must be taken seriously and trained

for effective Job performance. According to elder Jude, Chukwu & George (2022) defined

training as the process designed by a particular system to attract, retain and improve the quality

of a personnel needed to solve its problems for goal realization. Training is an activity organized

to provide development for employee which will enhance the knowledge of old and new

employees. Training increases the organization productivity and profitability as employees

acquired knowledge, skills and other core value to function on the job. Training and development

are two sides of the same coin.

Therefore, development entails acquisition of knowledge, abilities and other behaviours relevant

to the task at hand (Enock, Peter, William & Deborah, 2022). Workers competence development

allows them to produce higher performance in work situation (Made, Putu, Ketut & NI Kadek,

2020). According to Made Sulantara, Putu, Ketut and NI Kadek, (2020), workers competence

development is set of knowledge skills and behavior that employees possess, appreciate, master

and actualized in carrying out their job task professionally. Hence, workers competence

development is an integral part of training and development is an integral part of training and

development programme for employee in the firm.


Research conducted by Sesugh (2022), proposed the following features of worker competence


1. Employee training

2. Workplace monitoring programme

3. Workplace coaching

Employee Training; training changes employees’ behavior to work, attitudes and values they

place on the Job. Employee gain new knowledge and skill whenever they under training

programme. Training is significant for both the employee as well the organization.

Workplace mentoring: according to Sesugh (2022), assets that mentoring described the

relationship between two or more individual which involves a learning and supportive

interactions between the learner and the master. Mentoring are used in organization to ensure

that employees are doing the right thing as they carry out their duties.

Workplace coaching: proper coaching programme instituted in the organization can give

immense assistance to employees when performing their jobs. Coaching enhances employee

competence, increase productivity and provide more commitment for workers. Therefore, all the

above listed features are necessary in the organization. Coaching of employees can lead to

capacity building. The master of the job must have thorough knowledge to be able to coach.


John (2022), further assert that the following are ways workers can achieve competence to

discharge their respective functions.

1. Technology is use: Workers must be trained on how to use the newly acquired

technology to enhance their job delivery process.

2. Formal Education: worker must acquire higher education knowledge that will allow

them to think towards creativity and problem solving.

3. Team selection: the managers must select the best capable hands within the organization

to form a team and these team have the requisite skill, knowledge and experience to solve

organizational problems.

4. Training: Basic training skill such as On-the-job training should be given to employees

as the need arises etc.


The competency that an employee possess can distinguish one worker from the other and

organization should focus on competence development. Workers competence development,

when acquired are innate or internal characteristics or skill set possessed by an employee.

The following are the competence development areas that firm should focus on:

1. Technological competence development

2. Social and Emotional competence development

3. Cognitive competence development etc.


This type of competence relates to mathematical, data analysis, logical reasoning skills are

necessary tools for employees in modern day organization. The possession of these relevant

knowledge area will enable them to carry out the work effectively.

According to John (2022), he described this categories of competence to include emotional

intelligence, advance communication and negotiation skills, leadership skills, entrepreneurial

skills etc. when these skills are acquired, it will enhance their performance.


This type of competence has to do with critical thinking skill, decision making, creativity

skills, complex data processing and interpretation skill are basic requirement for the workers.


According to Ismail, Andi, Kessi, Etik & Mukhlis (2022) identifies the under listed theories

underpinning workers competence development:

1. Work theory (i.e theory of action and work execution)

2. Dynamic capacity theory

3. Quality orientation theory

4. Issues resolution theory

5. Team theory

6. Independent theory

7. Creation theory

8. Integrated ability theory

9. Asset theory

10. Window theory

11. Resource based theory

12. Contingency theory

13. Human capital theory

14. Knowledge based theory etc.


The following are the summary of the research findings:

1. The organizational social asset are strategic assets that must be taken seriously and

trained for effective job performance.

2. The findings also reveal that there is a direct relationship between employee (workers)

competence development and Job performance.

3. The findings also show that there is a direct and significant relationship between

workplace mentoring and coaching and commitment.

4. The study finally shows that there are various types of workers competence development

which are necessary to ensure that the organization achieve its goals.


Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that:

1. Organization should at all cost satisfy their employees and provide training programme

for them.

2. Managers should ensure that only employees have that the requisite competence,

knowledge and skill are engaged in the services of the firm.

3. Managers should provide mentoring and coaching programme for employees (workers)

on the demand of the specific job and responsibilities as well as the operations of the

4. The organizational managers and directors have to provide a framework for competence

development in the workplace.


Employees are the backbone of an organization that drives operational processes, this is

because they posses the knowledge, skill and ability to do so. Therefore, to overcome

organizational challenges, the human resources department or professional must ensure that

they recruit and staff competent workers across the organization and this workers should be

trained regularly with the requisite skill to add value to the organization.

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