Giáo án dạy Demo tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 10

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Teacher: Nguyễn Thanh Lan

Class: ……...
Planning date: ……………………………
Teaching date: ……………………………


Lesson 2: A closer look 1 (P.40) + Lesson 3: A closer look 2 (P.41-42)
Part 1: Vocabulary + Part 2: Grammar
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: Lexical items related to ways of communication.
- Language: The future continuous tense (Review).
- Pronunciation: How to pronounce new vocabulary.
2. Skills: Listening, reading and speaking about different ways of communication.
3. Attitude and competencies:
- Know more about different ways of communication and use them effectively.
- Understand and actively respond to lexical and grammatical points in the lesson.
- Understand and actively respond to the future continuous.
- Form and improve such competencies as presentation, collaboration, and assessment.


Problems’ students Solutions

Teacher correct students’ pronunciation mistakes
Students may make some pronunciation mistakes.
Teacher correct students’ grammatical mistakes
Students may make some grammatical mistakes.
Part Teacher’s activities Students' activities Contents and Board Display
*Brainstorming *Brainstorming Lesson 2: A closer look 1 (P.40)
Part 1: Vocabulary
- Let Ss work in 2 - Ss think about the
groups, go to the board topic of the lesson *Brainstorming
I. WARM-UP and write. “Communication” and
(6’) - T models first. ways of
- T corrects Ss’ answers, communication.
gives marks, praises the - Ss go to the board and
winners, ... write according to T’s
Using mobile phone

II. MAIN II.1. Vocabulary II.1. Vocabulary I.1. Vocabulary

CONTENTS 1. Teaching part 1. Teaching part 1. Teaching part
OF THE - Teacher: - Ss: 1. Body language (n): Ngôn ngữ cơ thể
LESSON + Shows slides of new + Look at the pictures 2. Communicate (v): Giao tiếp
(32’) words related to the on the slide and guess 3. Chat room (n): Phòng chat (trên mạng)
topic of communication. the words. 4. Landline phone (n): Điện thoại bàn, điện thoại cố
+ Explains difficult + Pronounce new định
words. words. 5. Message board (n): Diễn đàn trên mạng
+ Use different + Correct their 6. Multimedia (n): Đa phương tiện
techniques to teach pronounciation 7. Netiquette (n): Nét lịch sự khi giao tiếp trên mạng
vocabulary (situation, mistakes according to 8. Verbal language (n): Ngôn ngữ dùng lời nói
reality). T’s guides. 9. Non-verbal language (n): Ngôn ngữ không dùng lời
+ Asks students to look + Write down the nói
at the pictures and words in their 10. Smart phone (n): Điện thoại di động
toguess the words (in notebooks. 11. Social media (n): Mạng xã hội
Vietnamese or English). 12. Code (n): Mật mã
+ Guides students to
pronounce words and
corrects pronunciation
errors for students.
+ Asks the students to
write down the words in
their notebooks.
+ Checks the students'
notebooks to check that
the students have written
down all the new word.

2. Practical exercises 2. Practical exercises 2. Practical exercise

Activity 1: Choose Activity 1: Choose Activity 1: Choose words/ phrases from the box to
words/ phrases from the words/ phrases from describe the photos about other ways of
box to describe the the box to describe the communication (P.40).
photos about other photos about other * Answers of Ss:
ways of communication ways of 1. ........
(P.40). communication (P.40). 2. ........
- Teacher: - Ss: 3. ........
+ Give suggestions to + Read and know how 4. ........
help students understand to do this exercise. 5. ........
how to do this exercise. + Work in pairs to 6. ........
+ Ask students to work answer the questions 7. ........
in pairs to answer the within 5’. 8. ........
questions within 5’. + Then, the
+ Then, for each picture, representatives of pairs
Teacher calls the to the board to fill in * Keys:
representatives of pairs the answer 1. Using music
to the board to fill in the corresponding to each 2. Using signs
answer corresponding to sentence. 3. Leaving a note
each sentence. + After the pairs have 4. Painting a picture
+ After the pairs have filled in all the answers 5. Communicating non-verbally with animals
filled in all the answers to the 8 questions on 6. Using codes
to the 8 questions on the the board, the 7. Sending flowers
board, Teacher asks the remaining pairs check if 8. Using body language
remaining pairs to check the answers on the
if the answers on the board are correct or not,
board are correct, if not, if the answers are
how to correct them. wrong, the remaining
+ Encourages Ss to pairs need to correct
describe how ways of them (Ss are
communication happens encouraged to describe
in each picture. how ways of
+ Confirms the correct communication
answers. happens in each
+ For each sentence, picture.).
Teacher asks the whole + Ss pronounce the
class to pronounce the vocabulary phrases and
vocabulary phrases and correct the
correct the pronunciation pronunciation mistakes
mistakes if any. according to T’s guides.
 For a more able
class, ask Ss to
describe how
each way of
communication is
different from the
others in English.
2. Practical exercise 2. Practical exercise 2. Practical exercise
Activity 2: Activity 2: Activity 2: Communication technology. Match the
Communication Communication words with the definitions (P.40).
technology. Match the technology. Match the * Key:
words with the words with the 1. d 2. e 3. b
definitions (P.40). definitions (P.40). 4. c 5. a
- Teacher: - Ss: * Some useful websites (for learning and teaching
+ Reads the words and + Read and know how English):
their definitions. to do this exercise. Chat room:
+ Asks students to work + Work individually or
individually or in pairs in pairs to complete this
to complete this exercise exercise within 5’.
within 5’. + Match pairs of words Message board:
+ Calls randomly with their respective
individuals or definitions.
representatives of + Read all words and http:/
matching pairs of words their definitions. English
with their respective
+ Confirms the answers
of the sentences and
corrects errors in content
and pronunciation if any.
II.2. Grammar II.2. Grammar II.2. Grammar
1. Review: the future 1. Review: the future 1. Review: the future continuous tense
continuous tense continuous tense * The use:
- Teacher: - Ss: We use the future continuous tense to express being in
+ Ask Ss to repeat the + Repeat the use of the the process of doing something at a specific time in
use of the future future continuous tense the future.
continuous tense learnt learnt in the previous * Forms:
in the previous lessons. lessons. (+) Positive:
+ Asks a student to write + Go to the board and Subject + will be + V-ing + ...
down the formula and write down the formula (-) Negative:
examples of the future and examples of the Subject + won’t be + V-ing + ...
continuous tense on the future continuous tense. (?) Questions:
board. Will + subject + be + V-ing?
=> Short answers to Yes/ No questions:
(+) Yes, subject + will.
(-) No, subject + won’t.
Tonight at 8.30 p.m Mai will be watching TV at home.
Note: A specific time is often included when using the
future continuous tense.
2. Practical exercise 2. Practical exercise 2. Practical exercise
Activity: Review Box Activity: Review Box Activity: Review Box
- Teacher: - Ss:
+ Writes different times + Work in pairs to tell Time What will you be doing at this time
if the day on the board each other what they tomorow?
(e.g.7 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 will be doing at these 7 a.m
p.m., etc). time tomorrow. 10 a.m
+ Asks Ss to work in + Raise their hands and 12 p.m
pairs to tell each other speak in front of the .....
what they will be doing whole class what they
at these time tomorrow. will be doing at these
+ Corrects Ss’ mistakes time tomorrow.
if any.

III. - Teacher: - Ss: - Vocabulary: The topic of Communication

+ Asks Ss some + Ask some questions if - Grammar: The future continuous tense (Review).
questions about the any.
UP (5’)
lesson they’ve learnt. + Repeat the important
+ Summarizes the main knowledge/ the main
points of the lesson. content of the lesson.
IV. - Teacher: - Students do their - The homework is on the worksheets.
HOMEWORK + Assigns the homework on the
(2’) worksheets that are
homework. distributed at the end of
+ Explains the class.
homework carefully if
Ss ask.
+ Gives the deadline for
the homework.

V. Feedback:
EX 1: Choose the best answer:
1. In a message board,you can ___ messages or post questions.
A. raise B. arrive C. text D. leave
2. You shrug your shoulders means “ ____”.
A. I’m happy B. I don’t know C. I’m angry D. Sorry.I need to go now
3. Using music,codes or signs to communicate is called ______ communication.
A. verbal B. non-verbal C. public D. non-public
4. I experienced one communication ___ in Japan when I didn’t understand their body.
A. breakdown B. technique C. ability D. device
5. You should try looking for his telephone number on the company ____ as it may be there.

EX 2: Choose the best answer:

1. John managed ___ his family in England by using Zalo.
A. contact B. to contact C. contacting D. to contacting
2. They advised ____ video chatting in the next meeting.
A. use B. to use C. using D. will use
3. We ____ to have an Internet connection installed in our house next week.
A. completed B. suggested C. admitted D. arranged
4. They ______about video conferences at this time next Monday.
A. will talk B. will be talking C. are talking D. are going to talk
5. We ____ with each other by mobile phone in 2050.
A. won’t be communicating
B. aren’t communicating
C. haven’t communicated
D. aren’t going to communicate

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