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“Heat vs. Temperature” Worksheet Name Date FILL IN THE BLANKS Complete each statement using aterm or terms from the lit below. Write your answers inthe spaces provided. Some words may be used more than once. less heat grees not lower temperature related the number of molecules expand higher temperature more heat how fast molecules vibrate Joules Heat and temperature are ae but they are the ‘Temperature depends upon 3. Heat depends on __and also on that vibrate 4. Faster vibrating motecules mean a a 5. Slower vibrating motecules mean a = 6 Mote vibrating molecules usually mean 7. Fowor vibrating maleculss ually mean & Temperature is measured in nits called 8, Heat is measured in units called 10, Heat makes matter ‘TRUE OR FALSE Write "truc” ifthe sntence is tue. Write alse ifthe sentence is fe. 1. Heat comes from vibrating molecules only. 2, Molecules always vibrate atthe same speed. 5. The faster molecules vibrate, theless heat they give off. __ 4. Temperature measures the average kinetic energy per molecule 5. Temperature is measured in calories. 6.We measure temperature with a barometer. {Heat depends only on how fast molecules vibrate 8 An ce cube has eneray. 9, An ice cube has the same amount af energy’ as a black of ee 10, Heat energy is measured in Joules. Temperature vs. Heat Term Meaning Depends ot Degree of Hotness Quantity of Hotness (Use the Diagram to Answer the Questions: 30°C 1. In which container i the heat content greatest? 2. In which 2 containers i the motion of molecules the same? 3. Compare the motion of molecules from beaker A to beaker C. ‘Circe the item in each pair that gives off more heat. 1. SO mb of 6° water 100 mi of 60" water 2. Astick baring at 70° log buming at 70" 3. A9SIb. person with ‘A.200 Bb person with ‘normal body temperature normal body temperature Reviewing Energy Transfer Label the source and the direction of energy transfer in each example. Below each example, explain the energy transfer in your own words. 99 pan (a) stove burner (b) Moving Along with Convection the sentences. 1. Use the word bank below to fill in the missing word: continuous thermal rise_—solids_—_liquids a) (a) Gases and ___ can flow, but ____ cannot. (b) Convection is the transfer of —__ _— energy from one part Of a fluid to another. (c) Warmer particles _ _.. and cooler particles in the ___ movement of the convection current. 2. Imagine you are heating sauce in a pot. You want to see if it tastes ‘good, but you know it is very hot. Where would you dip your spoon to find the coolest sauce? Why? “/_ CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING 1. Why can convection not take place in solids? Convection in the Environment ‘SWOAS¥GONNI] ONY NOUDAANOD a Connecting to Convection in the Environment 1. Compare and contrast daytime and nighttime air movement on the coast. Day oth Night 2. Show how air flows during a land breeze. Use both arrows and labels in _ "your explanation. aah 800 Nt etna Ccnaper 8 Worteneet 262 1 mn + 1, Name two things that absorb the Sun’s radiant energy. 2. Name two things on Earth that give off radiant energy. How can you tell? 3. What effect would the Sun's radiation have on a snow-covered driveway? How would it be different if someone shavelled the snow off the driveway? 4, Some people who keep bees put white paint and shiny covers on the hives. Why might they do this? 5, Think back to the Key Question. In your own words, describe how radiation moves through space. ei 8208 Maan ton Chapter 8 Worksheet 871 177 Puzzling over Radiation Across Down 2. Radiant energy travels through 1. To bounce back energy ‘empty space as these kinds of 3. Invisible radiation; most often noticed as heat 4. To take in energy waves 5. The transfer of radiant energy 6. Invisible radiation; most of it is absorbed by Earth’s atmosphere: 1 Chapter 8 Worheet 27.2 an 0209 ten ton i | Complete each sentence by filling in the correct word from the word bank. water clouds chemical lightning heat kinetic radiant (a) One example of electrical energy in nature is energy becomes thermal energy when wood (b) is burned (c) Hydro-electric stations use moving ___ to produce electrical energy. {d) Solar energy is a form of energy. (e) The transfer of thermal energy can also be called (f) Solar energy helps to create rain, (g) Friction is a kind of ___ energy. 2. Name which kind of energy is being produced in each picture. Chopee 9 Worksheet 9.12. 191 = Given] Thermal Energy Transfer “= - >) a/4] Il I I i l <|s|o/z/o m[s|@|=[>|m[a lolz] >> ne:____ tae: Thermal Energy, Temperature and Heat Worksheet Thermal eneraye ‘The movement of atoms san example of what type of energy? Temperature is What ae the three most commonly used temperature seals? Heat is What are the thre types of heat transfer? Conduction is Engineered example? Example in nature? Convection Engineered example? Example in nature? Radiation Engineered example? txample in nature? ee | @oat + Demonstrate your understanding of the concepts presented in C What to Do * Read each question carefully before answering. Work ata steady pace and you should have ample time to finish, Part A: Matching Question Use a straight Ine ro match and join the name of the scientist in column 2 with the Jmportane discovery/idea he contributed to science in column L Column 1 Column 2 1 investigated the Anders connection herween Celsius energy and temperature changes 2. developed the Lord temperazure sale Kelvin used throughout the world today 3. used graphs to James predict the coldest Joules possible temperature: absolute ero 4. developed the calorie Antoine fuid theo Lavoisier Part B: True or False Read each statement carefully. Then indicate if; is true or false by placing the letter “T” tor “E" in the space provided. 1. A slow-moving snail has low kinetic energy. 2, Estimating temperatures with your ‘eyes or skin is always very reliable 3, Substances with high thermal energy 10 cpm have fast-moving particles. 4. nergy has no mass and does not rake up space. __5. The temperature of absolute zero is oP 6. Using very precise instruments, scientists can measure thermal energy directly from the motion of the particles Part C: Short-Answer Questions Answer the following questions in the space provided. 3, Explain how a cup of very hot tea can have lose thermal energy than a kettle of Tokewarm water € SST Thermal energy = Transfer Quiz Goal * Complete this quiz to demonstrate your understanding of concepts related to ther- mal energy transfer | What to Do + Carefully read the instructions below before answering each set of questions. I-in-the-Blanks Questions ‘Complete each statement with the correct term. 1. An object or a material that can transfer its energy to other objects i ealled an 2. The transfer of energy through matter by direct collisions of vibrating particles is ealled The transfer of energy through a liquid or a gas by the motion of currents is called 4. Any material that can be poured or can flow from place to place i called a 5. Any material that allows chermal energy to pass through it easily isa 6 Radiation isthe transfer of energy in the form of 7. Poor conductors, such as wood and air, are called 8. Insulating materials are rated by their . which describes the material’ resistance to conduction. 9, Radiant energy can be absorbed or - __ by objeets 10, The only method of energy transfer that does not require matter is 876 convo Omron ines Pom mb ope mc pede f Thermal Energy Transfer Quiz (comin) Short-Answer Questions Answer the following questions in the space provided. 11, Use the particle theory to explain why conduction occurs in solids but notin liquids or gases. 12, Use the particle theory to explain why convection occurs in ids (liquids and gases) but notin solids.

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