Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal of The Day

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1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

2. Swimming in the ocean is better than swimming in a public pool.

3. Alcohol should be illegal.

4. Studying grammar is more important than practicing conversation skills.

5. Television is the leading cause of violence in today's society.

6. Dogs make better companions than cats.

7. Smoking should be permitted in public places.

8. Females are better students than males.

9. A parent shouldn't pierce a baby's ears.

10.Everyone should plan their own funeral.

11.Reading English is more difficult than writing English.

12.Summer is the best season of the year.

13.Children under 13 should not be allowed to babysit.

14.University students should wear uniforms.

15.21 to 60 should be the legal driving age around the world.

16.Religion should be taught in schools

17.The government should pay for education.

 Should terminally ill patients have a right to end their life? (Euthanasia)
 Should suicidal patients have a right to die?
 Should we be allowed to design our unborn babies?
 Should there be an age limit on driving?
 Should it be mandatory to take care of your aging parents?
 Should there be a restriction on how many children a family can have?
 Should hate groups be allowed to publicly protest?
 Should news reports show or mention the identities of mass shooters or
 Should there be an age limit on when children can have mobile phones?
 Should we be allowed to do, sometimes testing on monkeys and rats?
 Should transgender women and men be allowed to register as they want
in the INE?
 Should there be a limit on how many pets you can own?

 Should medical marijuana be legalized?
 Should condoms be free?
 Should birth control pills be free?
 Should “light” cosmetic alterations have an age restriction? (lip
fillers, botox, etc.)
 Should health care be a human right?
 Should alternative medicine be covered under insurance plans?
 Should we clone humans for organs?
 Should we ban cell phones in the classroom?
 Should students be allowed to cheat?
 Should schools require teachers to wear uniforms?
 Should all public universities be free?
 Should schools ban student dating?
 Should universities be allowed to expel students who are racist,
homophobic, sexist, etc.?
 Should corporal punishment be allowed in schools?
 Should primary and secondary schools ban the sale of junk
 Should schools be open as long as the regular workday?
 Should teachers be paid the same as doctors or lawyers?
 Should parents be certified before they can homeschool their
 Should homework be banned for primary school children?
 Should schools be required to provide online books for students?
 Should schools replace teachers with AI technology?
 Should schools be year-round?
 Should the U.S. ban guns?
 Should convicted felons be allowed to vote?
 Should we have open borders?
 Should governments be allowed to dictate what you can do to or
with your body?
 Should governments be allowed to censor websites?
 Should people who call the police and falsely report incidents be
required to pay a fine?
 Should police officers who kill unarmed suspects still be allowed
to work?
 Should governments provide a universal income?
 Should drug addicts be given a safe place to do drugs?
 Should prisoners be forced to do jobs for little or no money?
 Should prisons be allowed to go private?
 Should teenagers be tried as adults if they commit heinous
crimes like murder? (13-16 year olds)
 Should 13-year-olds be allowed to work legally?
 Should governments be allowed to use a ‘citizen rating’ system
to determine if you’re allowed to buy a house, travel, or even
open a bank account?
 Should gay and lesbian couples be allowed to adopt?
 When you buy a house, should you automatically own the land
that it’s on?
 Should bridal kidnapping be banned?
 Should circumcision be banned?
 Should you be allowed to marry your cousin?
 Should polygamy be legalized in the West?
 Should women have to cover up?
 Should public stonings/executions be banned?
 Should men take the woman’s last name when married?
 Should men get as much paternity leave as women?
 Should tourists be allowed to document traditional ceremonies?
 Should religious groups be allowed to ‘treat’ serious medical
traditions with ‘prayer?’
 Should mothers, instead of fathers, give permission for their
daughters to get married?
 Should social media platforms be responsible for fake news that
is posted on their site?
 Should cell phone apps be allowed to track your movements?
 Should internet service providers be forced to enable access to
all content and applications regardless of the source?
 Should mobile devices sold globally by a company (e.g. Apple)
be priced exactly the same worldwide?
 Should driverless vehicles be allowed on the same road as
manual drivers?
 Should parents be allowed to ‘micro-chip’ their children?
 Should governments be allowed to spy on your internet activities
in the name of counter-terrorism?
 Should you be forced to return money if an ATM gives you too
 Should every retailer accept a payment of bitcoin?
 Should there be an ‘Uber’ for planes?
 Should alternative dairy products like almond or soy milk be
allowed to use the word “milk” in their name?
 Should companies be forced to label products as GMO?
 Should governments promote plant-based diets over meat-based
 Should sugary products be taxed at a higher rate?
 Should the U.S. ban the sale of “big” drinks (larger than 16 oz)?
 Should all restaurants be required to say how many calories are
in their food?
 Should you be allowed to eat dogs and cats?
 Should companies be allowed to patent seeds?

 Should countries face sanctions if they continue to pollute the air
using outdated technology such as coal?
 Should oil companies be allowed to frack if it causes frequent
and unnatural earthquakes?
 Should companies pay medical bills for families affected by a
pollutant that can be linked to its facilities?
 Should school be canceled when the air pollution rises to a level
that is hazardous?
 Should the sale of palm oil be banned?
 Should more governments incentivize their citizens to use
renewable energy resources in their homes like solar, wind, etc.?

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