Moon and Stars

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She was thunder and he was the rain

If their life was sky, she was the moon and he was the brightest star
She was surrounded by his love and light

Just like that this is also a typical love story of two young souls.
And it all began on a December night. Little snow and mist added to
the beauty of the night, which was colder than usual and had faded
stars. It was the Christmas holiday weekend, so there were lots of
people and lights everywhere.
She was dressed in a blue coat with a white ribbon in her hair when I
first noticed her from the hotel's window across the street. There
were also carols, cake, Santa, and some red wine. My gaze simply
halted at her stunning face and those eyes. I immediately considered
going to her, but as I got up from my table and went outside, she had
departed. I prayed and hoped to see her again.
Days went by, and every night I was preoccupied with only one
thought: her. I wondered what her name might be, where she must
be living, and whether she might be dating someone, but I never
noticed the band on her finger. However, those were only my
thoughts because I didn't see her again until a friend's home party
after days and months had gone.
I was unaware that she was also present because we were having fun
while dancing, drinking, and playing games. After midnight, I went
upstairs to use the restroom and noticed a window was open. I went
inside to close it but instead saw someone lying on the rooftop.
Thinking that she might be drunk, I decided to go up with the sole
purpose of helping. When I arrived, a strong wind was blowing, and
her hair was all over her face. I assisted in tucking her hair behind her
ears, and then I realised that it was the girl I had been dying to see
again. I was so surprised that I forgot about almost everything and all
I could think of was staring into her eyes and hearing the entire
orchestra playing love songs. But of course, she slapped me. You
read that right; she smacked me, bringing me back to consciousness.
But I knew in my heart that I loved her.
She was going back and I ran behind her like a stupid teenager I held
her hand, and tried to explain what actually happened after
explaining everything she apologized and offered me her friendship I
literally was on the seventh cloud but had to hide my happiness or
she would think of me as a jerk.
I asked her name, she said Annie
And she asked mine, I said Nik
And so, our friendship—or should I say our love story—began. We
got to know one another and began spending more time together.
We started going to movies, dinners, parties, and, finally, stargazing.
I didn't know much about her because she has always been the most
mysterious girl in town, as if she were trying to run away from
something or someone. But I did know she loved stargazing, and I
enjoyed watching her as she gazed up at the shining night sky.
I was in love with her and desperate to propose to her and express
my true feelings, but I was also concerned that she would reject me
because I always got the impression that she tries to hold herself
back. I made the decision to learn more about her, so I travelled to
her hometown near New Orleans. There, I learned what she had
been keeping hidden all along: she had a traumatised past and an
unlovable family.
She lived in foster homes and by the time she developed the belief
that everyone she would ever love and care about would pass away
or leave her alone, her mother died in a car accident and her father
died of a heart attack a few years later when she was only ten years
old. I was furious that she kept this from me even though we were so
close and that I was the only person in her life and tried to make her
happy. I went back and openly confessed about everything, and
when she burst into tears and screamed at me, she became
incredibly anxious. I put my anger to the side and held her in my
arms while she sobbed.
Next day I took her to her favourite spot where we used to watch
stars together and proposed to her that night stars were brighter
than ever and it started to rain, we ran into chambers thunder
stricked lights went off and she hugged me out of fear after I told her
the truth about my feelings and how much I loved her. When she
kissed me that night, I could tell she loved me just as much as I loved
her. The warmth and love I felt were unlike anything I had ever
experienced. As our love took the next step, I could feel her breath
on my skin and her touch on my soul under the open sky, in the slow
wind and a little rain, I realised she was the most gorgeous girl I had
ever seen. We were now truly one.
She was my moon and I was the star surrounding her with my love.
She was imperfect but beautiful.
Soon after we got married and later, I discovered she was suffering
with an unknown infection which had no known treatment I tried so
hard to protect her but failed but she will always be with me as sky
cannot be completed without it’s moon sooner or later we will meet
soon till then I have beautiful memories to cherish for life.
Nik told his story to a young man searching for his love on the grave
of Annie on here favourite stargazing spot.

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