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Wind and Solar potential in Pakistan

Pakistan has huge solar resource potential: According to a recent World Bank
study, utilizing just 0.071 percent of the country’s area for solar PV would meet
Pakistan’s current electricity demand! Of course Pakistanis already know this due
to the long, hot summers, which until recently were accompanied by regular
power cuts due to insufficient supply. Pakistan also has some excellent wind
resource potential in the south and west of the country, as highlighted by the
Global Wind Atlas.
Considering this, and at the request of the Government, the World Bank team in
Pakistan commissioned a study in mid-2018 to help understand how much solar
and wind could—and should—be added to the Pakistan grid considering its cost
and variability. With the help of a team of consultants from Tractebel (previously
Lahmeyer), the study (available via this feature story) determined that increasing
solar and wind capacity to at least 30% of total installed capacity by 2030 would
represent a "least-cost" expansion scenario, resulting in fuel savings equal to $5
billion over 20 years, increased energy security, and reduced greenhouse gas
emissions. This will require Pakistan to install around 24,000 Megawatts of solar
and wind by 2030, up from just over 1,500 Megawatts today. This represents
around 150-200 MW per month!
The study has already informed the Government's targets for solar and wind, set
at 20% of total capacity by 2025 and 30% by 2030, and has helped dispel concerns
over integrating much higher percentages of variable generation.
Our most recent study, “Variable Renewable Energy Locational Study,” goes on to
show where all this solar and wind would be optimally sited, considering the
resource potential, transmission system capacity, and constraints such as
agriculture, terrain, and population centers. Three conclusions emerge:

 Reaching the 20% target for solar and wind can be largely achieved by
carefully siting solar and wind projects to make use of surplus substation
capacity in the existing system—this is best thought of as "low hanging
 Getting to 30% will require more significant investment, including
development of hybrid solar and wind parks which help to make better use
of dedicated transmission lines;
 While every province should see significant solar and wind development,
Balochistan stands out as the country's "golden goose." Due to the
excellent solar, but especially wind resources in the west of the province, it
makes economic sense to develop large solar-wind farms and construct a
high- voltage DC line over 1,000 kilometers to bring power to the rest of the

 Now the hard work needs to begin: introducing competitive bidding to

bring down costs, investing in new transmission infrastructure, and
implementing operational changes such as centralized forecasting to
enable a smooth scale-up of solar and wind. Even though the country
currently has a supply surplus due to slower economic growth
(compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic), this should not hold up an
immediate shift to solar and wind—especially considering it will take at
least 2-3 years for any new capacity to come online.
Renewable energy has been on the rise globally over the past few years, and this
trend is set to continue in Pakistan. For a country like Pakistan, which is stricken
by chronic energy shortages, renewable energy has the potential to play an
essential role in the future. However, renewable energy projects have
encountered several challenges in Pakistan, notably the need for more
infrastructure and regulatory uncertainty. To overcome these challenges,
policymakers must develop a clear understanding of the opportunities and
constraints associated with renewables.

Challenges of Renewable Energy in Pakistan

 Lack of Infrastructure and Limited Access to Investment
Pakistan has a significant renewable energy potential but needs more
infrastructure to capitalize on this potential. The country has abundant solar and
wind resources but needs more transmission capacity to move these resources to
market. Additionally, the Pakistani government is often reluctant to invest in
renewable energy due to concerns about grid reliability. However, if Pakistan can
overcome these challenges, its renewable energy sector could be a significant
player in the global market.
 Political Instability
Pakistan faces several political instability issues that could prevent it from fully
embracing renewable energy. Instability in the northwest, where most of
Pakistan’s renewable energy potential is located, has hindered investment in the
sector. Additionally, Islamabad’s refusal to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and reliance
on imported oil and gas has put Pakistan at odds with international donors.

Political instability also affects the country’s ability to collect revenue from its
solar and wind power industries. Despite these challenges, there are several
reasons why Pakistan should focus on renewable energy as an essential part of its
overall policy agenda. Renewable energy can provide much-needed employment
and income opportunities for the country’s poorest residents, help reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and provide security against dependency on foreign oil
 Technical Barriers
Renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular worldwide, as it is a reliable,
sustainable source of electricity. However, renewable energy has some technical
challenges that need to be overcome before it can be widely adopted in Pakistan.
One of the main challenges is that renewable energy technologies are only
sometimes efficient. For example, solar panels need sunlight to work, but the sun
does not always shine in Pakistan. Solar power plants need to be built with a lot of
backup power; if the sun isn’t shining, they can switch to using other energy
sources like coal or gas.

Another challenge is the transmission. Renewable energy needs to be transmitted

across large distances to be used by consumers. This is particularly difficult in
Pakistan because the country is very sparsely populated and has no major
highways or railways. This means that renewable energy projects have to be built
near major cities; however, this also means that these projects are often at risk of
being disrupted by political or environmental changes.

Solutions for Renewable Energy in Pakistan

1. Government Support
The Pakistani government has supported renewable energy development in
recent years, intending to increase its energy independence. There are several
opportunities for renewable energy development in Pakistan, including solar,
wind, and biomass.
2. Growing Solar Market
Pakistan is one of the most solar-rich countries in the world. It has ample sunlight
and good weather conditions to generate solar energy. Solar power has been
recognized as a renewable energy source with a high potential for economic
development, environmental protection, and social equity.
According to a study by global consulting firm Ernst & Young (EY), Pakistan has the
potential to become one of the world’s leading renewable energy markets with an
annual installed capacity of 275 gigawatts (GW). These figures represent an
estimated increase of 134% from 2017 levels.

Solar developers are already rushing to take advantage of this opportunity. The
majority of Pakistan’s installed capacity will be concentrated in four provinces:
Punjab (50%), Sindh (25%), Baluchistan (10%), and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (5%).

3. Technological Advances
Renewable energy technologies are becoming more and more affordable and
efficient, making them an attractive option for powering the world. Pakistan has
several potential renewable energy resources that could be harnessed to provide
clean energy. The country’s sunny climate and ample sunlight make it an ideal
location for solar power installations. Solar power is also relatively affordable,
providing an excellent opportunity for Pakistan to become a leading solar
energy producer.
The country also has significant wind power potential. The winds that blow
through Pakistan are high in velocity and have a long reach, making them an ideal
renewable energy source.

Additionally, Pakistan already has many wind turbines, making it easy to expand
the industry. Pakistan has also identified biomass as another potential renewable
energy source. Biomass projects can be small-scale or large-scale, depending on
the project’s requirements. There are many opportunities for renewable energy in

By harnessing these resources, Pakistan can continue to provide reliable and

affordable electricity to its citizens while helping to reduce greenhouse gas
Reon Energy Limited - They specialize in the design, installation, and
maintenance of solar energy systems for commercial and industrial customers.
They manufacture solar panels and provide solar energy solutions such as rooftop
solar, solar water pumps, and solar-powered lighting.
Reon Energy Limited is a leading solar energy company in Pakistan that provides
customized and integrated solar energy solutions to businesses and commercial
customers. The company offers a wide range of solar energy products and
services, including solar power systems, solar water pumps, solar lighting, solar
street lights, and solar generators.
Reon Energy Limited has a vertically integrated manufacturing process that
includes the following steps:
 Solar cell production: The company sources high-quality solar cells from
leading manufacturers around the world.
 Solar module production: The solar cells are assembled into modules at the
company's state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Karachi, Pakistan.
 Solar system integration: The solar modules are then integrated into
complete solar power systems at the company's headquarters in Karachi.
 Reon Energy Limited has a strong presence in the Pakistani market and has
completed numerous projects for various industries, including
telecommunications, banking, healthcare, and hospitality. As of 2021, the
market value of Reon Energy Limited is not publicly available.
Nizam Energy - They offer a range of solar energy solutions for homes and
businesses, including solar panels, solar water pumps, and solar-powered
streetlights. They also provide installation and maintenance services. Nizam
Energy is a Pakistani renewable energy company that specializes in providing solar
power solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial customers. The
company offers
a range of solar energy products and services, including solar panels, inverters,
batteries, solar water pumps, and solar street lights.
The manufacturing process of Nizam Energy for its solar products involves the
following steps:
 Solar cell production: The company sources high-quality solar cells from
reputable manufacturers around the world.
 Solar module production: The solar cells are assembled into modules at the
company's manufacturing facility in Karachi, Pakistan.
 Solar system integration: The solar modules are then integrated into
complete solar power systems at the company's headquarters in Karachi.
 Nizam Energy has completed numerous solar energy projects in Pakistan,
including installations for schools, hospitals, banks, and industries. The
company has a strong reputation for delivering high-quality solar solutions
and exceptional customer service. As of 2021, the market value of Nizam
Energy is not publicly available.
Premier Energy - They provide solar energy solutions for residential,
commercial, and industrial customers. Their products include solar panels,
inverters, and batteries. They also offer installation and maintenance services.
Premier Energy is a Pakistani renewable energy company that specializes in
providing solar and wind power solutions for residential, commercial, and
industrialcustomers. The company offers a range of products and services,
including solar panels, inverters, batteries, wind turbines, and hybrid energy
The manufacturing process of Premier Energy for its solar products involves
the following steps:
 Solar cell production: The company sources high-quality solar cells from
reputable manufacturers around the world.
 Solar module production: The solar cells are assembled into modules at the
company's manufacturing facility in Lahore, Pakistan.
 Solar system integration: The solar modules are then integrated into
complete solar power systems at the company's headquarters in Lahore.
 The manufacturing process of Premier Energy for its wind products involves
the following steps:
 Turbine production: The company sources high-quality wind turbines from
reputable manufacturers around the world.
 Foundation and tower installation: The company designs and installs the
foundation and tower for the wind turbine.
 Turbine installation: The wind turbine is then installed on the tower and
connected to the electrical grid.
Premier Energy has completed numerous renewable energy projects in
Pakistan, including installations for residential, commercial, and industrial
customers. The company has a strong reputation for delivering high-quality and
reliable renewable energy solutions. As of 2021, the market value of Premier
Energy is not publicly available.

Dawood Wind Energy is a Pakistani company that specializes in the

development and operation of wind power projects. The company is a subsidiary
of the Dawood Hercules Corporation, one of the largest industrial conglomerates
in Pakistan.
Dawood Wind Energy's wind power project is located in Jhimpir, Sindh and
has a capacity of 50 MW. The project comprises 25 wind turbines, each with a
capacity of 2 MW. The turbines were supplied by the Danish company Vestas,
which is one of the world's leading wind turbine manufacturers.
The Jhimpir wind power project was commissioned in 2016 and has been
providing clean and sustainable energy to the national grid ever since. The project
has contributed to the development of the renewable energy sector in Pakistan
and has helped to reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels.
As of 2021, the market value of Dawood Wind Energy is not publicly availa
Fauji Akram Solar is a Pakistani company that specializes in the development
and operation of renewable energy projects, including wind power and solar
power projects. The company is a subsidiary of the Fauji Foundation, a charitable
trust in Pakistan.
Fauji Akram Solar's wind power project is located in Jhimpir, Sindh and has a
capacity of 50 MW. The project comprises 25 wind turbines, each with a capacity
of 2 MW. The turbines were supplied by the Danish company Vestas, which is one
of the world's leading wind turbine manufacturers.
The Jhimpir wind power project was commissioned in 2017 and has been
providing clean and sustainable energy to the national grid ever since. The project
has contributed to the development of the renewable energy sector in Pakistan
and has helped to reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels.
Fauji Akram Solar has also developed several solar power projects in Pakistan,
including a 50 MW solar power plant in Bahawalpur, Punjab. The company is
committed to promoting the use of renewable energy sources in Pakistan and is
actively working to expand its portfolio of renewable energy projects.
As of 2021, the market value of Fauji Akram Solar is not publicly available.

 Renewable Energy in Pakistan: Opportunities and Challenges - Maxpower

 Huge potential for solar and wind in Pakistan (

 http://pk.china-

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