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The table gives some data about six more elements. Each element is represented by a letter

Element Melting point C Does the element conduct Appearance of element in its solid
electricity in it solid state? state
G 2440 yes shiny , silver, colour
H 3000 yes shiny, grey
I table gives44
some data about sixyesmore elements. Each element is represented
white, not shiny
byJ a letter. 1769 yes shiny, silver colour
K 217 yes shiny silver colour
L 113 yes yellow, not shiny
a. Write the letters of the elements in order of increasing melting
b. Give the letters of the elements which are most likely to be metals. Explain your
c. Give the letter of one element whose properties make it difficult to classify as either a metal or
a non-metal . Explain. _______________________________________________________________
*The table gives some data about five elements. All are in the solid state at 20C. Thermal
conductivity is a measure of how well a substance conducts heat. The higher the thermal
conductivity, the better the substance conduct heat.
A. What conclusion can you make from the data in the table ?
B. Carbon is a non-metal. One type of carbon has a thermal conductivity between 119-165W/m/K.
Does this data make you to change your conclusion? If so, how? Give a reason for your decision.
• A. What conclusion can you make from the
data in the table ?
Name of Is the element a Thermal
_____________________________________ element metal conductivity
_____________________________________ (W/m/k)
• B. Carbon is a non-metal. One type of carbon Iodine No 0.449
has a thermal conductivity between
119-165W/m/K. Does this data make you to Molybdenum Yes 138
change your conclusion? If so, how? Give a
reason for your decision Niobium Yes 53.7
• _____________________________________
Sulfur No 0.205
Technetium Yes 50.6
Metal Alloys
A metal is more useful when mixed with
another substance. The mixture is called an
For example, mixing molten zinc and copper
gives the gold-coloured alloy called brass.
When this solidifies, it is hard, strong, and
shiny. It is used for door locks, keys, knobs,
and musical instruments such as trumpets.
Turning a metal into an alloy changes its
properties, and makes it more useful.
*Imagine you work for a company that makes bicycles. Until now the company has
made bicycle frames from an aluminium alloy. If now wants to make frames from
titanium, or maybe a titanium alloy. Your job is to choose the best material for the

Choose the properties the frame material must have. Circle one choice from each
pair below.

High density/low density stiff/wobbly hard/soft

shiny/dull strong/weak

is not damaged by air and water/is damaged by air and water

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