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Hi, everyone.

Today, I am going to present a situation where there is a negotiation about the five most
elegant perfums from England between a dealer´s perfums and a saleswoman from
____________________ factory.
These people are going to have a face-to-face negotation at 1 o´clock in the afteroon,
Mexican time.
So let´s start.
Good afternoon, Sir.
This is ________________.
Make yourself at home.
Take a sit.
Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?
How was the traffic to get here from the airport?
We are interested on your products since you sent to us your offerts and their
characteristics. So, we want to get these ones because we consider they will have a good
sale in our three branches.
Could you let me know the further details to settle this offer, please?
What I mean it´s how much the price will be from your country to our destination, and is
there any extra cost if you label it using our logo; if not, could you send us three set of
perfums before may, 27th.
Well, It was a pleasure. Let me know when you start the dispatch and pay you.
Have a good stay in Mexico.

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